Adjective -Doing something different than the conventional or established form Synonyms- odd, weird, different Antonyms- normal, conventional, same.

Post on 17-Jan-2016






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Adjective- Doing something different than

the conventional or established form

Synonyms- odd, weird, differentAntonyms- normal, conventional,



The girl with the green hair is eccentric.

“Rather the bite of a friend than the miss of an enemy.”--Lord Chesterfield

“Most people enjoy the inferiority of their friends.”

--Lord Chesterfield

Adjective- Can’t stand or tolerate; incapable

of being enduredSynonyms- intolerable, unbearable,

painfulAntonyms- sufferable, tolerable,



Having homework every night is insufferable.

“All cruelty springs from weakness.”



- Laughable or hilarious because of obvious absurdity

Synonyms- absurd, ridiculous

Antonyms- logical, reasonable, sensible


Mooning the Governor of Kentucky is ludicrous.

“It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt.”


Insatiable- Adjective

- Impossible to satisfy; greedy

Synonyms- wanting, unsatisfied

Antonyms- fulfilled, pleased, satisfied


His insatiable thirst drove him straight to the water fountain when the bell rang.

“A good scare is worth more to a man than good advice.”

--Ed Howe

Meticulous- Adjective- Extremely careful about details;

pickySynonyms- precise, attentive,

painstakingAntonyms- careless, messy,



In order to be a goodwriter one must bemeticulous about his or her work.

“Minds are like parachutes, they only function when they are open.”

--Sir James Dewar

Emulate- verb-to strive to equal or excel beyond

another, especially through imitation.

Synonyms- imitate, copy, simulateAntonyms- original, new, fresh


A lot of young people try to emulate their peers.

“There are a thousand reasons for failure, but not a single excuse.”


Havoc- noun

-widespread destruction; chaos

Synonyms- mayhem, violence, disturbance

Antonyms- order, peace


The tornado wreaked havoc in the small town of Morehead.

“The only learning that really sticks is that which is self-

discovered.”--Carl Rogers

Charisma - noun

-a special and rare quality of personal magnetism and charm

Synonyms- grace, charm, allure

Antonyms- dull, plain, drab


The beauty pageant winner was chosen because she had charisma.

“Remember, no one can

make you feel inferior

without your consent.”--Eleanor Roosevelt

Facetious- adjective

joking; witty; humorous

Synonyms- silly, foolish

Antonyms- formal, serious


When the teacher said,

“You don’t have to do any

more work this year!” she

was being facetious.

“Always keep your head up, but be careful to keep your nose at a friendly level.”

--Max Foreman

adjectivebeing persistent to one’s occupation

or studiesSynonyms- energetic, hard-working,

active, lively Antonyms- inactive, lazy, negligent,



If you are diligent, you willfind yourself very successful in school andin life.

“Experience is what you get when you don’t get what you want.”

--Dan Stanford

Incredulous- adjective-disbelieving; skeptical; expressing

disbeliefSynonyms- doubtful, amazement,

suspiciouslyAntonyms- believable, gullible, naïve,



I find it incredulous that

she saw a flying saucer.

“If it blows up, it’s chemistry; if it dies, it’s biology; if it doesn’t work, it’s physics; if it isn’t finished, it’s writing.”


Obscure- adjective

-hidden; not noticed; dark

Synonyms- dim, faint, unknown

Antonyms- clear, revealing


A black cat in a coal mine is certainly obscure.

“The essence of true friendship is to make allowances for another’s little lapses.”


empathy--noun empathize-verb empathetic-adjective

Being able to identify with or experience feelings or thoughts of anotherSynonyms- understanding, sympathy, Antonyms- animosity, unfriendly


Counselors must be able to empathize with their clients in order to help them.

“We cannot control or change the things that happen around us; we can only change how we react to them.”



fallen into partial ruin or decay,as

from neglect

Synonyms- broken, decayed

Antonyms- rebuilt, new


The old, dilapidated house

reminded me of a place I knew

that had been abandoned for


“The greatest of all faults, I should say, is to be conscious of none.”


adjectivepossessing or showing sound judgment and keen perceptionSynonyms- wise, smart, sensibleAntonyms- foolish, ignorant


A judge must be sagaciousto do a good job.

“It’s not what you are that keeps you from succeeding

in life; it’s what you think you’re not.”



Bad beyond reform; can’t be fixed

Synonyms- hopeless; incurable

Antonyms- manageable; reformable; curable


The incorrigible little boy bit

the teacher on the arm

when she tried to pull him

off the table.

“The secret of contentment is realizing that life is a gift, not a right.”



holding to firmly; cohesive

Synonyms- inflexible, determined; strong; stubborn; persistent

Antonyms- flexible, surrendering, weak


That man is tenacious of his opinions and turns away from new ideas.

“You cannot build a reputation on what you’re

going to do.”--anonymous


secure or satisfied with one’s self

Synonyms- smug, confident

Antonyms- insecure, unsure


Michael Jordan, former basketball star, was very complacent in his decisionto retire.

“There are always two choices; one is easy, and its only reward is that it is easy.”



extremely bold or daring; adventurous

Synonyms- brave, reckless

Antonyms- cautious, timid


She had the audacity to ask my boyfriend to the prom.

He audaciously chased the lionout of the jungle.

“To be loved; be lovable.”



clearly expressed in few words

Synonyms- concise, compact, brief

Antonyms- wordy, lengthy


Her succinct style made

her a great speaker and


“You are only young once, but you can stay

immature forever.”-anonymous


To give up or give in to

Synonyms- yield, surrender, collapse

Antonyms- conquer, overcome,



The tree succumbed to the tremendous weight of the snow causing its branches to break.

“The nice thing about egotists is that they don’t talk about other people.”

-Lucille S. Harper


To examine closely; to inspect critically

Synonyms- analyze, investigate, probe

Antonyms- glance

“The test of courage comes when we are in the minority.”



I hate it when my parents

constantly scrutinize my

every move.


exceptionally bad, monstrous, evil

Synonyms- awful, beastly, revolting

Antonyms- inoffensive, beautiful, pleasing

“The sun never sets. It is we who rise and think to shine.”

--Earle Birney

The atrocious deed left the

man without a head—the

axe murderer had won.

Adjective-Having two or more possible meanings

Synonyms- puzzling, unclear, vague

Antonyms- clear, definite, explicit

The sentence “Mike decided to take his new convertible to the drive-in movie, which turned out to be a real horror story” is an ambiguous statement.

“It’s what you learn after you know it all that counts.”

-John Wooden


Of the highest order, quality, or degree; superior to all others

Synonyms- best, accomplished, supreme

Antonyms- lowest, second-class


Brightest is the

superlative of bright.

“Lots of folks confuse bad management with destiny.”

-Kim Hubbard

Adjective- dependent upon

conditions or events not yet


Synonyms- possible, likely

Antonyms- certain, definite,


The baseball game iscontingent on the weather.

“If a window of opportunity appears, don’t pull down the shade.”


AdjectiveShowing forceful expression or

intense emotion; strongSynonyms- powerful, emotional,

intenseAntonyms- apathetic, weak,



Her vehement denial of the crime made me believe she was innocent.

“Often the best way to win is to forget to keep score.” --Marianne Espinosa Murphy


Having an oddly dreamlike or unreal quality

Synonyms- bizarre, unreal

Antonyms- realistic, tangible


The gray, floating clouds made things appear surreal.

“Remember that everyone you meet is afraid of something and has lost something.”



Eager to fight; hostile or aggressive

Synonyms- argumentative, combative, warlike, quarrelsome

Antonyms- cooperative, helpful, kind, nice


Because the student was being belligerent, the teacher sent him to the office.

“Success is not the result of spontaneous combustion. You must first set yourself

on fire.” -anonymous


Conclusion, finale, end, outcome

Synonyms- solution, resolution

Antonyms- beginning, origin


I cried during the denouement of the play.

“If you think you can, you can. If you think you can’t, you’re right.”


“Kindness is a language we all understand. Even the blind can see it and the deaf can hear it.”

-Mother Teresa

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