AACR, RDA এবং MARC21: ক্যাটালগিং-য়ের ব্যবহারিক প্রয়োগে একটি তুলনামূলক আলোচনা

Post on 22-Feb-2023






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AACR, RDA ��� MARC21: �������- �� ������� ������ ��� �� ����� ������

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Present paper discusses about the contribution of Ranganthan, Cutter and Lubetzky in

cataloguing; highlights about The Paris Principles, ISBD, AACR and RDA; FRBRization of

catalogue; FRBR, its foundation and bibliographical elements; preferences of format (format

first) ; RDA online free trial, its implementation, identification of bibliographical elements

due to changes from AACR2 to RDA; comparison between AACR2 and RDA in its practical

application; the timeline of changes from AACR2 to RDA; the changes from AACR2 to RDA;

structure of MARC21 and detail discussion about fields, sub-fields and punctuation mark;

relation between RDA and MARC; item identication from AACR2 to RDA; as per AACR2, the

RDA form of identified item; the future of MARC; the feelings about RDA; and last but not

the least, the practical application of AACR2, RDA and MARC with examples.



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(�V �W5H- ����� �(� ��M� �H� ���( �F5�$� XYZ ��$$T। • �8 ���F�$ 2�� • �$(�� �8$ 2�� ��I�

• �$(�� ��I$� 2�� �8

• ��I$� 5� ��V%�$�� %�8

• ���� +�' [������� ��(\�� (Ranganathan, 1957)24

+8 5H-X��$� ���)����*-+ 5$. 5F$28 5;�� K1] � � K� K� ��/$� ^( +�* ��K�� ���$� (‘��I$� 5� ��V%�$�� %�8’) G1V$2 �� � $( 5�F�K� �$ (‘�8 ���F�$ 2��’ +�* ‘�$(�� ��I$� 2�� �8’) +�* ���� 5a�$ 5*F @b� 0 ���c���� ��2 �$ (‘�$(�� �8$ 2�� ��I�’ +�* ‘���� +�' [������� ��(\��’)।

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• ��Q$� 5� ��V�%$ ��2 � $( F$�। (Ranganathan, 1989)23

KG� #� � ���)����*-+ 5��� = ���( �/� ���� (G� ���G .��/$� ����� K$/E ��5�.� +�* +�' 51i 5H%��। ���)��� � � 5� +8 ���(X�� K/�K/��$� �$� �G� � �� । ��M�,( �%�$G +�' 51i ��$� f( � ���)��� � �:� 51i ���$( ��$ । +8 � �$:� 5�(���$ �H���� F$� (G�8 KG� ��I� ��j�� 5j� (/� �G�V2� 2�� +8 � �:� ���F� � $��। �����

k���*M M(�l� �/$� ���)����$ �1G� �,� 0 @$mM� 5����� �� ��(� ( F$$T KG� ���� ��n��� %���5 +�o ��)� ���� ���)����*-� @$mM� (3$pqN 5) +�* @�� (��r 5) 5;$�� +�' P�$ G� ���� � $��। @$mM�5�HF (3$pqN 5) �. +�2� ���]$� +�' �8 ��e���G(��$� G1V2$( 5�F�K� �$ g � ��G� 3�1K�� G �M$ ���� 3�1K�� � ��R (K�� 2��� /�$�)3�1K�� C. ����$ 5a� $� ��e���G(��$� ��$��M �$ g s ��> ��G� t� � u ���� ��R$ @� % ��> ��/ � $= @� . +�' �8 �T$i �����$ ��e���G(��$� 5�F�K� � $( T 5*v = 3�1K�� (��?��()


2 ��/ %� - 3�1K�� [5��F(��( (��)� �� ) �� ��R�( ()������)] @��5�HF (��r 5) �. �$�2�� (/� @S55F ��G����>� ���G��/+�y (� +�* s-+ 2��) C. �M$ �������>� ���G��/+�y �� (/� @S55F �M$ ���� (G-+ 2��) . ��R���>� ���G��/+�y, [5 � <�$ 6 +�* ��Q�O ( ��R 5� =� (� +�* u-+ 2��) ". P����>� (<��) ���G��/+�y (%-+ 2��) z. {�� (T +�* 2-+ 2��) �T$i �� =5�HFg 3����� ��R 5�����$� ������� 3�c� +�y �Ti� = � �K5� ���]��� ���� ���F� � $T� 5a�( (�$� �/� �M�� F$�; C 3����� ���G��/+�yX�� 5$. K� 5.�(�H=� F$� K�$( +�' +�' ���( #0(�

5�|X�� #5$( ��$ ; 5�| c��$� +����$� 5�2�$( F$� K�$( �$ ��M +�* �� 3�1K�� 5F$28 G1V$2

��0� K�।(Cu6er, 1891)3

5�}�(���$�, ��)�$ 3$pqN 5, FRBR (Functional Requirements for Bibliographic

Records) -+ ��I� 5;��� ( ��2 ()�v)����� $= �,$- ��(<��( F$$T K� +�' #~2� ��(� @$���� RDA-�� ��Y=��$� �����( �$ $T (IFLA, 1998)

5। FRBR-+ +�'

���)��$� �$�� �K5� f��ME� +�* 5;$�� @� ���> �$ ��I� 5;��� ( ��2X�� P�$ G� f( � F (� +�' � �$:� ��e��G( ���� �,�X�� �H = �$ g • ��I$� �G�V2� � $= @� ���> �$ +��' �� ��� �G�V2�; • +�' +��' �� ��� �����E � �; • +�' +��' �� ��� �����%� � � K� ��I$� %��F�� 5$. 5.�(�H=� F; • #$���%( +��' �� ��� ���F� � $( �� ��$( 5�F�K� �$ ।

C!!� 5�$� FRBR–+ @� ���> �$ IFLA ‘International Statement of

Cataloguing Principles’ –+ +�' #�$:) ���M�� �$ । +8 �/� ���)��� ���( K� ���)��� ���F� �� ��$= �$, @�$K��� �F5�$� �5�� ���� � $T। (�8 +� M(�l� 0 ���M 5� �$ ���)����*-� @$mM� +�8 �� �/$� ��$T। ���$ �

��*M M(�l� �������� 5�$ ���)����*-� �MR �F�� ���]Z �5$�� �1$�� �� ‘���� )1 ���5� 5’ ���( �=� �$ �।। (�V +8 ���( #2$�0 ��R=��$� ��5�.�। KG� #� � 2'� +�* [�-�� �(� �M�� �� $�$M �1$G��1�G F8, �K�� ��/ �,$- �(1 � �(1 � <����) (f��1��(� �8, f��1��(� 2�����, ��8$[��<�, ��8$[��<5 8(����) ���)����*-+ 2�� ���)��� ���� 5 +�* �����$:� ��RX�� 3~�H� ] F0� �$�2� K� �K ���� � $= ��/ ���)��� � � �,$- 5�F�K� �$ ।

�1$�� �� ‘Studies of Descriptive Cataloguing’ (1946)15

, Cataloguing Rules and

Principles (1953)16

, +�* Code of Cataloguing Rules (1969)17

5;$�� ���85 ���8 %��� �~�� �$ $T� �K �1$�� �� (� @$mM� +�* ���( @� ���> �$ (�V �=�( ���)����* �����$:� +�' K1�]�F� �(��( ��0� �%E� �$ $T� K� � �(Q��$� 3����� ���: f( � �,$- ���> �F5�$� ��2 �$ । ���)��� ���:$� ‘� % 8� Y7 5 (Y$� �%�%���)’ �/$� ‘K1�]K1] ���( (� % 8� ���6���)’-+ ���>$( P��~� ( �$ �T$�� (Chan, 2007)



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���� 5�$� <�*M���� � $��� $�� < ����0��<� � �:� 5 (+<.# .��.# )-+ �/� ���M��$� (IFLA, 1998)

5 @8���� �:�� �$��) �F5�$� �]$�� �$��

“+<.# .��.# F� ���)��� �� +�* ����$� ��2 �$ - +8 ��R$ ��z �T$ ����� +�' �� 5���� – +�' �� 5���� ��- ¢L¿¹¥ 5;H=� �� 5���� �” (Denton,

2007)4। ���F� �� � ���)��� ���F�$ 51���� �/� ��/� � $G ��)� �K �� � f( � �$ �T$�� �58 �� �$� �2� � $G ‘��2’-+ �1����� �� =� – �8$ �� =� (3/�� ���:0 �� ���� ���) – +�* ���� ����$ �,( (� ��� 5$. 5;�� K1]।

���)����*-+ 5� 8�(F�5 21$� ‘��2’ Ml' �� ��M� �����E��$� ����( F$$T। �����2, ��'M ��@�2�$� ���� , +�8 �8$ ����b ��5��$� �$�� 5;$�� ��R' 5;$�� 3��F( �T$�� +�* (�V 51�%�~( �(��( F� �K ��I�/���F� �� � �K ‘��2’' %�8$T� (� �(�� 2��$(0 ��$ � ¢L¿¹¥ �(�� ‘��2’' ����b 5*v = 5;$�� 2��$�� +()� #M� � � @�%( F$� �� +�* +8 ��R$ ���)��� �/$� �$�2�� (/� ��$�� �5 3���� �(�� � $(8 ��$ � (Lubetzky and Svenonius, 2001)18।

���F� �� ��$= 51���� �/� ��/� � $G +<.# .��.# F� ���)����*-+ �,$- �/� ���( K� ���� ���F� �� � %��F�� K�$( 5$���>���$� �H = � � K� �5 ��R$ ��$�%�� �$ । �� �� � '$�) �$�$T� ���� (� 5;$� ��?��( �=��� +����$� � $� +�* 5;�X��$� +����$� 5��2$ �G$� K�$( �$ +�8 � $= 5;�X�� �$�� +�' 5��� = f��ME� ������� /�$�। ����$ ��2� 5*$F �,$- @�$ �] ��n��5o( ���($( ��?��( �=��� ��0� ��M����M ��2� 5*$F ��8$ 5;�X�� 0 ��?��( �=��� �� �$�� ��0� � �� (Tillett, 2007)26 । �������� .&�� ��/0� "���� �1�2

+<.# .��.# -+ �(��( F� ���� ���)��� ���� +�' #8$)� (�8/��-��/3����� 5;� 3$/�)-+ c�� ��=�$ �/$� 0 ���M (/� ���� � $( 5,�।+<.# .��.# .�O ( ���)��� f( � �,$- #� � ��1 ����$ 5;� 5;$�� �=��� ��0� F �� (� 5$. 5� � ��$� ��?�$( 3����� �K5� #8$)� #$T (� 0 5;�� ��M�� � � F। ��1��- �K�� 5O�E �$ $T� (�[$) ) +�* �H���(Q 5*v = 5;$�� � +�2� ���F� �� � (+� 8@2� ) K� K� (/� ���$( ��$ �58 5�| (/�0 @�c���( 0 5;��� ( � � � �� । #� � K� � ���)����*$ �1$ �$�� �$:$� ��M�,( (� � ���� #8$)� 5;$�� �=��� �� +�* 5���( 5*G�� �<J ���F� �$ �58 #8$)� ���F�$ 51$K�� �$ ��8। #� � ���M ���8 ����$ 5*F ���( 3�1K�� ��2 �� । #� � K1�] ��G�$( ��� ���� ���� ��$� ����$ 5*�OF�( 5;� +$� 3�$ 5$. 5;�� K1]। (�F$� ���/� ��/ ���)����* ���( �MR F$�? (�F$� +<.# .��.# ���)����* ���( 5$. ����$� G�� G�8$ ��$�? +<.# .��.# ��)�$ 3�$2q5 0 �1$�2��- ‘���� )1 ���5� 5’ ($� @� ��V��$ K� +�2� +� 8@2� (���F� �� �)-+ 5�| � $= %��F�� �H = � $( 5,�। 3��4 2�, �5����6 �, �����,�7�6 � ��� �*��8 �

+<.# .��.# -+ ���> 0�� �5, +�$�M�r 5, �����$<$�Mr 5 +�* #8$)� 5। 0��� , +�$�M� t� � ����� K�; +�$�M�, �����$<$�M�-+ �$�� 3~����F( /�$�; +�* #8$)�-+ ����$� �����$<$�M$� �P� ����� K� (IFLA Study Group on the Functional

Requirements for Bibliographic Records, 2009)8। ���� +�* +<.# .��.# -+ ����b ��M�� �/$� #� � K� �,� �� (� +�'

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�O¦(� 5$. ��� K�, ���M��5�HF +����$� +$� 3�$ 5$. 5;��� ( �। ¢L¿¹¥ �$�� 5$. ��� K�, ���M�� 5$. ��G�, 5;���, �%-�M¥�, ��$��M�, @S���� +�* ��K� 5;��� 8(���� �$(�$� 5$. 0($��(��$� 2��(। +85� ���1R2� #�� +$� 3�$ 5$. K1]। @��F = �F5�$� ��� K�, ���5��� 3$�� �T$�� �2� 3$��-+ ����; 3��:�� �� A��65 3$�� �T$�� (�$� ��8 +�* (�$� �$�� �K �%j %���%��� F( (� 3$�� �� ��$ �$, �=��� � � 5a� F$( ��$ । 5�}�(���$� ���� ���@��' ��($ 0 ��8$ 5� 0 �� §� ��$ ���1$R 5$. +�' 5;$�� �$:� �$� �(��� �%E� � � F$�। ��8$¨5 +�* �<5�1$� �( �¤ ��)0���� * 5�8$) ������$~ ��;@)� ��n��� +�* 5��2��n����=$� ���1R ����$� 3�$ 5$. 5;�� c��� �$ – #� � 3���8$� ����$� #��$� @�c���( �� +�* #��$� �:�2)�� ��� ����$� f( � �� �5 ��R$ ��(� �(1 � (/� 5 � �F � $T। ����©* +�* �� ��>� �,$- #8�:��' �/ª ) ��R=��$� ��$� K�0� j� ���� ���1R' 3���8$� +8 3��$�� 5$. K1] (� G1V$2 �� � � G1�8 XYZ�H=� F$ �$�$T (�8 #8$:��' �/ª ) ��R$ ��(��( �$�R=� %���$ K�0� 2�� �%1 �� ��$= 3/� +85� �,$- ����$�� � $( F$�। ���]�( �� % +G� +�' �� ���5� F$ ��V��$$T। ���)��� (���� 0 ���F�� � �$���� �$� +8 ��|O( ��� �/$� @�$ �] @��F $= �( 3$�� ��T1 �MG$( ��$ । �K1�]�( �� �(� $� <5� �F5�$� #8.�:. (#8$:���<$�M�) �M¥ �K1�]�( ����b @«��� ���� ���c���� ���($( ��$ ��$ ��2� 2��� �$ ��$�।


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Number) f( � F0� � ����$ �$�� 5*K1]� = +�* ���� ���)��� �¯( � � �����$ 3��( F। 8�� $�)-+ 2� F0� � �/$� �8 (���$)� � � :��)� <�8�), ���:0, �:��� +�* T�� ���M�� � � 5F2( F$ ��$T +�* ���M��X�� 5�| 2�5��� $= ��$T 5F2��� F$� +�* ���� ���F� �� ��= ���F�$ 51$K�� ��$��- +8 ����� ��$ ����M( F। ��T1 ����$ �O�E�.� F� �K (� � (�$� 5*$F +�*/3/�� ���)��$� ��1��- �1$ �$��/°�(F���F� ���M�� 3~�H� ] � $��। ��T1 ���� �5��~ ��$$T �K ° � $= ���M��X�� ����$ ����$� ��� F$� ¢L¿¹¥ 5 �5� ���)��$� ����$� �। +8 5�5�� +�' 5��� = 5����� F� ��)� 5�%� 8�?� (���� ���� 5� �:v��� 8�?�0 ��� F)-+ �$�� K� ����$ (/� ��M��� t� � ������%( ���)��� � �:� +�* 3����� 0$����>� 5;� G1V2$�। ���M ��� ����$ �KG�$� ��)� 5�%� �<�5��' [, �$�� +�* ���c���� 3��� $$T �585� ����$ ��.�:.+< � �:� +�* 3����� 0$����>� 5;$� (/� �1��( �$ �G� F +�*/3/�� +85� (/� 8�� $�)-+ �F�� �$ ��0� F 3/�� @�$ �] 5;$� ���)��� � �:� � � F। + <$� ���� ���)��$� ��� � �:� ��/�H �] X$=�> �O�� 5a� F$$T K��0 8�� $�$) �K��$� �, �, ��G$� ��� � �:� 5O�E � � K� (� �G�8 ����1$� ���($( 5a� �। (�F$� ��� � �$:� 5�5�� 5����$� 2�� ���� �� � $( ��$ ? 3����� ��M��� $� �( #� � �� #�� �8� ���@��' �$� (1 ��? #�� �8���$� ��� �F�:* f( � � � 5� 3�M�8 ��G$( F$� �K +�2� ��|��� 3$/� �8 %�� �$ $T� ����। #�� �8���� �����:� Encoded Archival Description (EAD), XML (Extensible Markup

Language) t� � ����:*/���M � � F। + 5$. ��$� 2�� 3$��X�� )��� /�$�, �K��, <name>, <persname>, <corpname> (��(\�$� 2��) +�* <famname> (Library


of Congress Network Development and MARC Standards Office and Society of American

Archivists, 2011)14।

3/�� #� � �� International Standard Name Identifier (ISNI) K� 8�� ���M���� �����:� 3�����8$2M�� t� � f( � ±�ª ) �F5�$� $$T – ±�ª ) C��C� –+ ���M�� 0 �$�� �K�~ 3$�,� � $��? +8 @$���$� �� �� F� ‘the identification of Public Identities

of parties that is, the identities used publicly by parties involved throughout the media

content industries in the creation, production, management, and content distribution

chains’ (www.isni.org)9।

+G� �² F� ‘����� #8$:��'’ ��? ISNI–+ �5�2�5��)� @> g ‘+�' ��'� �K ��$� 2�5��� $= ��$T �� �%( (�8 F� ����� #8$:��'’। @��F =5F ��� �K$( ��$ ��@85 ��� � +�2� ������� ���1$R ����� #8$:��' K�V #5� ��� F� %���5 ��)@8� :25�। ��'� +�2� ������� ���]/���1R F$( ��$ �, F$( ��$ +�' #8��( ��� (�K�� +�' ���;���) 3/�� ���� ��¥��� %� - �K�� ��)� ���� (www.isni.org)9

ISNI @$���$� �,$- +�' XYZ�H=� ��R F� ISBN (�8$ 2��) �� ISSN (2�����/��-��N 2��) �¢$ �( ��(' ����� #8$:��' 2�� +�' �$ ��¢� ���$: ���c� � �। ISNI 0$�5�8) �K5� @��F = ��M �$ $T (� �/�' 3$�� 2� �­$/ �$�� +�' +�* (� 2�� ����( ���: F� ISNI 000 1000 0000 1774 +�* ���$: ��$³R= � � F$$T +8��$�g �/� ���g 2�; �MR ���g �­/; d�5/���g ��)� �� (5��F(�); +�* � ��/�H ����g ��G�; 3����� ��� +�* �H ���� @��F = �F5�$� ��0� F$$T ��@�2���� 0��� । �$;�2� ; ��)� �� ।����M� ; 3�:0 ��21����।3��q ; +�* ��21���� #)� ।$<�$)��<� ।

��� �$y�� +�* �:´ $£ �,$- #�1��� 3��( �F�:* f( � 3$�,� ����b � $= ���X�� +��-( � � K� t� � +�' ��� (+<.# .��.# )���) 3/�� 2�5��� $= ���$� 3�M�8 2��� K�। #�1��� ���� ���c���� ���( ���$� 5*G�� P$� (��@$�� � <��) F= � � +�* ���)����* +$2�6 �� ���F� �� �$� ��R��( +�* ���$ �)� �5) �F5�$� ��M�� � � �����$ (���� ��� �/$� 3$�� �O¦। 3$µ��� 2�(� ���� , A�$6 2�(� ���� (����0$/� ���M�$�� �: A�6), :$v ���M���� ����0$/�, ��8$� � 3< �*$5 +�* ��� 3/� ' ���-3��� '� ����� (NACO)19, ��8$� � +� #�� �8¶ 5 ����:� +�* 3����� �¤ 2�(� ���� , ���· � 5�%� 5F �¤ ��$MR ���� +�* ��'��� ��8$� � 5F�(� 3���8� ��;@)� ��8$� � �5�� �(O� � ��%1� �� 8�� ���M���� 3/� ' <�8� (VIAF) �$2q (h6p://viaf.org) ��$� 3�� +�' #~2� ��(� @$���� �OF�( F। VIAF-+ @$mM� F� �¤� ����( 3/� ' <�8� ����%* +�* ���©*-+ ����$� G % ���$�� +�* ��8$� � 3/� ' <�8$� ��K���� (� �O�� � � +�* ‘0$�’-+ (h6p://viaf.org) (/� 5F2��� � �। ISNI-+ �( VIAF �$2q ��1��- �Ti58 ��� �M$ ���$� 5$. K1] �, ��$� ����b � $= P�$� +�2��� 5��2$ �$G। �5����� 0$�-+ �$�� 5*K1] :��)� (@��>)- 51���� ��0� T��� VIAF ��e���G( ��RX�� �,$- �1]g �। 3/ �8� : <$�� 2�(� 0 #W��� f��%-� ,� �����$ 3�1��( ��; C। �Ti58 ��R�, ���� +�* ����� f��%-�-+ �$�2��(�$� 5F�(� �$ (OCLC

Research, March 2011)20। ��M �$� �T �$ ��� ��M�� (�:¨$�) +�* 2�5��� =, 5*�I� +�* ���M�� 5$. K1] ��RX�� ��$ FRBR ��2 � $T। C!!� 5�$� �5$¾¢ ��$5 ��� �� � '$®)-+ ��(O Z���� ISADN (International Standard Authority Data Number) 5;���$K���(�


5;��� ( 5��,� (feasibility review) <��<� 8ª �� ���)����* ����� 3�1$���� �$ (Tillett, 2008)27। +8 5��,� �H� 51��� M F� 8ª �� @�%( ISO 277299 ISNI ��K�� � ���\� �$%E� (/� VIAF �$2q +�* +85� �$%E� �/$� ���� 5a����� 5*G��5�HF f(� F0� 8(���� 3��( 5;$�� �2 ��� �G�। 8ª �� 5�5� ��(\�$� @�%( 3����� ���@��' 5$. 5��� = @$mM�X�� �����E� $= ����$� ISNI�� �(�,��$� �����( � � ��R' 3�15&�� � �। ���� 5�$� 8ª �� �(O� � FRBR ���M�� � �/$� +8 5��,�' 3/� ' :��)� ��M�� 5��¿( +�' <��<�। C!!z 5�$� 8ª �� FuncGonal Requirements

for Authority Records: a conceptual model (FRAR) –+ G5�� ���M �$ । +8 5a����� ��2' 5;�� 5�HF$� 5*n��( �$ K� � �(Q �$:�X�� ���> f( � �$ +�* RDA

(Resource Description and Access) f(� � $( 5,� F। FRBR–+ Work, Expression, ManifestaGon, Item 5;��� ( ��RX�� FRAR �=��� �$ $T �K @�$ �] %� ' ��R ���], �� �� +�*/3/�� �$���$ ) ��: 5$. K1]। +8 ���X�� ��� +�* ��$�� �M( �� �%�( ����$� 2��� K�$�। �K$F(1 FRBR ��$��M �$ 3���$55 �$� 3�M�8 ��� t� � �� %���( F0� @�%( K� ���� +$2�6 t� � �K1] F$� �� = +�2� ���)���� $� �K ���� ��/ 3���$55 �$� ����� $= 3$��)� 5� �� � $( F। �� =��(��$� 3���$55 �$� F� ���) ��$2 3$��� +�* ���� 3$��� 3�M�8 �=���। 8ª �� ��� �M$ ���� +�* ���1R 0 ��$2 �$�� 5;�� -+ @� 5��$MR ���M�� C!!� 5�$� ����M( F। FRAR-+ @> 5H � F� FRAD (FuncGonal Requirements for

Authority Data: a conceptual model (Pa6on, 2009)22। C!!� 5�$� FRAD–+ G5�� f( �

F +�* + G5�� 0 %H��~ ��5��� RDA–+ ����( �� =� (conception of entities) �,$- �$�� � � F। 5�$� 3���( 2�� 2���$�� � �� �K FRAR +�* FRAD 3-���]�( ���$� (�� =�, s)��, @$mM� +�* c��)�����E �$ K� RDA–+ �,$- �$�� � � F$$T। + �K�~ K� � � F$$T (� ���], �� �� +�* �$���$ ) ��: ���$� ���M �$ । FRBR-+ �$(� FRAD ���F� �� � %� ' ��2 �����E �$ g �G�V2� (to find), �����E � � (idenGfy), �=��� ��5�.�� = (contextualization) +�* ���K�(� ��(���� � � (justify)। �/� �1' ��2 G1�8 �������। �MR �1' ��2 �M�5��� – 3/� ' � �$:� �¯(�� � 3�M�8 (�$� ������%( ��� 0 �M$ ���$� P� �Ti � � (3����$� ��/ ��� �K$( ��$ ) �� = ���G�� � $( 5,� F$��। @�$ �] %� ' ��$2 �$�� 5���$�,� XYZ�H=� F� ����� ��5�.�� =। #�1��� 3/� ' <�8� �K�� ���], �$���$ ) ��: +�* �� �� �O ( ���M�� �=��� ��5�.�� $= �/� ��/� �$G, �(��� �K��$� (� � �� �%( F� �5��$� �� �� , �$���$ ) ��: �� �� �� +�* ���-+ 5$. 5;�� ��$³R= �$ । ISNI-+ �$(� FRAD ���� ���], ��(\�� 3/�� �� �� $� �K ��$� 2��� K� (� 5$. 5��?5� ����� �$ । �(� ��$� +X�� ���$�� 3�1$����( �M$ ���$� 3��$� 5��?5� ����� � � F। '$®)-+ C!!� 5�$� 51��� M F� 8ª �� @�%( ISNI–+ 3��( �����$ �2 ��� � �। ���)���� �F5�$� ��M��( 2��$� ���� ���)��$� ISNI-�� #Àc � � /G�� G�8$ ��0� ��R' #� � F( ��G$( ��$��। #$ � �2� ����� F� 2� �� �%�( ISNI <�8� ���� 3/� ' :��)� (@��>) ���> �F5�$� ����F ��$G �K$( ��� । =>'?@�� A'�&�� +.+.�5.# -C �� # .�:.+ �� 3�� ���)����* Y7 5/5H%�� $= ������� ���F� �$ +� +�' �O/� ��?��( @����$� 5�¿$ ��?��( �=��� f(� � � F K� ���)��� ���F� �� �$� ��2' (FRBR-�$:$� ����( ‘0��� ’) �M$ ���� +�* %�(�


5;$�� 3��F( �$ । ��T1 ��T1 @����� #8$)�-+ (FRBR-�$:$� ����( #8$)�) ���F�� �I��( P�$� �����E �$ +�* �=��� �$ । + 3/� F� #8$)$� ���M�� <$��), ���)��� � �$:� ����b 3*$M �$��$�(3��~ c ��G�)�����( �$ । ���)����* �����:� /���$� �� �(� $� �,$- +�' ��/��� %�����M�] F� �(1 � �<�2���� ���$ 2 ���:� �� 8-<$��)(�(1 � ��/ K�$( 3��~ c ��G� /�$�) �KX�� ��?��( �=��� +.+.�5.# -C-+ @> 51 � ���$( ���� �$ $T +�* �(1 � ��������� 5o1G�� �$ $T। ,��2��� %=�0��� 3$��X�� ��R ��$�%�� �$ ��� K� +.+.�5.# -C ��$MR( ��;@)� �H���(Q ���( @� ���> �$ $$T K� ����( ��:� ���)���-+ 5$. G�� G�8$ f(� । 5��$��%��= +.+.�5.# -C ���M�� <$��)-+ �����$ 3$��G��� XYZ #$ �� �$ $Á�। ��e���G( 5��� = ����� (�2��$ � �5�M��) K� 5��� = ���(X�� P�$ G� f(� �$ +�* �K ���� �� 5�� <$��)-+ �,$- �$K�2� (Part I-1), ���� 3*M ��$MR <$��)-+ ������� 5¢��(। � �=��� 5��� = ������� 1-1 C �8, �1�|�� +�* �1��( �5¡ 5 2-1

����%- 5;��� ( ��/ (��$)� ���<� ���$)� ��)3-1

" ���1 ���� (���1 ���� 5*F5F)4--1

z ��� 5--1 � Â��������� =(5�@� � ��:� *)6--1 � %��Ã- +�* ���:0 ������� = (���M�� ���%�5� +� ���:0 � ��:� *5)7--1 � �%-$�G 5*[�~ ��/ (��<� ���$)� �7 5)8--1 � f��1��(� 5;�5�HF (8$��B��� � $5�$5�5)9--1 �! �-���-� F|�����( �M¥��� (#'� ���qN 5)+�* � $��� 10--1 �� ��8$[�<� �5 (��8$[��<�, ��8$[��<5 8(����)11--1 �C �� ~ 5;�5�HF (�����@�* � $5�$5�5)12--1 � ��$³R= 13--1

(Joint Steering Commi6ee for the Revision of AACR, 2005)10

+8 ��I�$��' 3/� F� ���� #8$)� ���)����* � � �H$�� #��$� 3�M�8 �5��~ ��0� � �� �K ��/' ���� <$��)-+ #$T। (� � +.+.�5.# -C–+ ��5�.� ����� 3�1NK�� ��� �$�� � $( F$�। @��F = �F5�$� ��� K�, 5�}�(� :��� ��@� �Ä�� -+ ���� ���� 5*v =-+ ���)��� I-1 (3/��S ��)� 0�$� �/� ����$� 3~��( 5��� = �������) +�* I-2((3/��S ��)� 0�$� �t(� ����$� 3~��( �8, �1�|�� +�* �1��( �5¡ 5 �������) 3�1NK�� F$�। #�� (�V �/� ������ ���:0, �� �� ���6 ���:-+ I-1 (3/��S ��)� 0�$� �/� ����$� 3~��( 5��� = �������) +�* I-7((3/��S ��)� 0�$� 5�� ����$� 3~��( %��Ã- +�* ���:0 ������� = �������) 3�1NK�� F$�। ���)���� �= ^( +8 ��I�$�� 3�15 = � � 3��| F$ �$��। I-1 (5��� = �������)-+ 5� ��� ��$% ��0� F� +�* KG� #���$� 3�� ��T1 � � ��$��M�� ��0� F$� (G�8 ��1��- <$��) �¨�5�<� �5�M�� (��$MR �����) ��G� �K$( ��$ । ��M �$�' <$��)-+ �,$- +8 ��� ��$� ���)����*-+ ��2 � � K�। @��F = �F5�$� ��� K�, �1Å��� �8$ ���)���� �= +.+.�5.# -C–�� �/�( �1Å��� �8$ �=���À� ���)����* +�* G1�8 5�}�(� ‘�1Å��� 5;$� /@����$� �=���À� ���)����* (�8)’-+ ����$� # 0 �5�� ( �$ $T�, #�� ����%- ���)���� �= +.+.�5.# -C–+ 2�� ‘��$)� ���<� ���$)� �7 5g + ����1��� 3< 8�� ��$)M��’ f( �


�$ $T�। +8 3��( ���� ���� 5� +.+.�5.# -C-�� 3��/( 5��$��%�� �1$G��1�G �$ $T ���� �����E <$��$) �,$- K$/E �����E � ��¿¹¥ +.+.�5.# -C-�� �$�' <$��$) 5F�(�5F 5�5� 5��� = ���: �F5�$� ��(F( � � F$$T +�* ��T1 ��$MRn ���)���� �= 3�1�� �$ $T� �K ��$MR ��RX�� (specialist aspects) ���F�� � �$�� 5��� = ���$: #0(��H] �। +.+.�5.# -C ��I�$�� 3����� 5��$��%��X�� ��e���G(g �1= ��O�>g K�� +�' ��� I-1–+ 3~�H� ] F0� �$(� K$/E��$� 5��� = �� F ��¿¹¥ +$� 3��� <$��)-+ �K1] F �5$,$- ��( ����$� ��$� �1= ��O�> � �8 +���- @��। G�� =(Fragmentation): ���� +�2� ���)����$ �$, +�' �� �1' <$��$) ��$MRn F0� 5a� ��¿¹¥ 3����� <$��)X�� 5;$�� 3n �/$� K��। @��F =5F ��� �K$( ��$ �K5� ���)���� �$= �5� �� ���M�� ���)����* 5;$�� �H�� �� �(� ��� 3��n(� ��8 (�$� ��$T ‘I-12 �� ~ 5;�5�HF’ ���� 2'� <$��)' ���)����* 5;$�� F5�/�i $ ��$T। �8 ���� <$��)'$� 51�������g ��/��� 5H%�� = (���)����*) �M,� ���M ��� ��I[$� �,$- T�-T�-�$� �8-+ ���)����* �MG�$�� F �� = 5��� = ���)���� �=$� 5��� =( +8 <$��)' @� ��2 � $( F +�* �M,�$� �$, �§=��$, �1�= ���>� @��F = 5 � �F 5F2( । T�-T�-�$� 2�� 5F2( �F��0��� 5 � �$F ��M����M ����b �8$ �M$ ���� �O\� +�* (� ��T$� �O\� 3�1$����( ��� (�<�$)����) T�-T�-�$� �$, �$� �G� (aide memoire) 51���� �$ �� +�* �§=��$, ��|� �8$ @��F = ���� 5a� F।

+.+.�5.# -C–+ �I��( 5�$/$� �� 5��$��%�� F� ��O �(�(��$� �K ���� � $= ���M�� <$��)8 �����E। K1�]5F��$ ��� �K$( ��$ +���*M M(�l� ���)����* ���$: 5��� = ��� 3�����E��$� �5� =M�� F0� @�%( K� ��1��- �(� ��� <$��)-+ �K1] F$� (� � ���R�$( @«H( �(1 � <$��)-+ 0 �K1] F$�।

<$��) �¨�5�<� �5�M�r 5-+ # .�:.+ 5*�j( � ��¿¹¥ ����b �� �c�($( ����([� +�* �Ti ���( @� ���> �$ 5��� = ��� f(� F$$T, (� �$�� +�' �KG�$� ��5�.� �5G�$� �����$�M�� <$��)-+ ���F� ।

� ��M� ��$� 2�� ��(� ( ��/ @� ���> �$ ���)���� $� ��T �/$� ��e���G( ��§ ��(�[� ��0� ��$Tg • �� �(� �$� 5o�( 2���$�� F$$T K� 5.�(�1=� ��I�$�� �/� �$�, ����b <$��)-

+ @� 3$�� ���M @��F $= ���c� �$ +�* �K <$��)-+ 3��n (@��g �8) �5G�� �/$� �K <$��)-+ 3��n � (@��g f��1��(� 5;�5�HF) (�$( 35 F$( #c� 2���।

• �� �(� �$� 3�Ti � � F$$T +�* ��I�$���( �����$ �5��~ F� RDA �5�2�51�2 +�* ����b �§=�$( ���] �$ $T +�* �� =� 0 @��F = ���$� �,$- +�)� ��MOÆ�� �%�$G �$�$T। +T��� #���#��� ���)��� � � F$$T �� =� 0 @��F = �K1] F ��। +8 �� $��,(' �2�$ 5$. ��� F$$T +�* ���)���� $� �5*F��� (+�* ���¬(���$� ��M��( �M,� ��8 +�� ���)���� �=)��1��- �8 ��$ ��2 �$ � +)� G1�8 #¬$K� ।

• AACR2-+ �1 �$�� ��I�$�� K� (� � ��s���� �$ ���F� � $T� (� 5�$�$, RDA

���� �(1 � ���: +�* (� �I� ��$ 3�Ti (� ���¬(��$� ��$( ��$ � ��। ��T1 ���)���� #$T� K� � AACR2 "!(%�®M)�T$ ��T����T ���F� � $T�।

RDA-� %��*� B C���


RDA )1 ���) (3���8� @S���/���:�q)K� ����$� RDA ���F� � � K�)-+ �A B���-+ 5� ���)���� �= ���¬(��$� ��$( ��$ � �� �K (� � AACR2–+ (1 ��� �(1 � ���: ���M �Ti �$ � �� 3�Ti �$ � �� = ���F� 0 @�c���� �,$- 3���8� �� $5�� ��O �(। RDA-� ����� C!�� 5�$� 21� ��$5 ��8$� � 3< �*$5 �s�R=� �$ �T� �K �����:� /����-+ ��T1 5*$M���� � C!� 5�$� RDA �$�� � � F$� (Library of Congress, National

Agricultural Library and National Library of Medicine, 2011)11। °�($F� �� � �2� � $G ���M�� <$��)-+ X Z ���� +�* 3����� :��)�$�$5 5$. 5*$K�� 0 ���F� (interoperable) �2� �G�, �K$F(1 MARC–+ <$��) 851� �(�' �<J �$�� )�8�, ��� � )�8�, +�* ���:� )�8� K1] #$T (�8 RDA �( #¬K� F0� �$(� ��T1 ��8। C!�� 5�$� �� ��$5 ��8$� � 3< �*$5 MARC–+ �H ���� +�* 3�� <$��$) c���~� ( F0� 5a���� @� +�' (�~ %��� +�* ��� F K�� RDA ���F� � � F (�F$� ��©N :/5*K1] :��)� 2�� ����( 51��$� ��0� �K$( ��$ (Library of Congress

Network Development and MARC Standard Office Bibliographic Framework Transition

Initiative, 2011)13। (�8 � �(Q ��V% �T F$� #��$� ���)��� � � ���(�( �� �(� ���� (transition period)। =>'?@�� A'�&�� �&2 D��-

���)����* ����'5/5H%�� $= ���F�� � �$�$� �,$- AACR2 �/$� RDA-�( �� �(� $� 2�� ���)���� $� RDA ���)��� ���( �$�� �$ ���)��� � � �,$- @�$�M F� ���� ���� +�' �����E ���)��� ���$: ��8$ 3�� ��T1 ��G$( F$� K�$( �$ ��?��( ���� @�����X�� �����E � � K�।

ISBD (International Standard Bibliographic Description) 5����� ��?��( ��Ç$= +�' 5��2�����( �����j (Lynch pin)। ��|����$, � �:� �M� � � �,$- #~2� ��(� | �2� � $G %�� ,�(� $$T। 5;H=� ISBD @��F =5F ��/��� 5* ,= (IFLA, 2009)6 ��� +( �$�2�� (� 5�$� ���%$ #$�। �� � ���� ���$ �)� ���F� �$ +�� ��R�5F ��' ����b ��R� � �:� X�� ��G�$�� F$$T �K�� # ��, ���� ��, 2����� 8(����। +���� #� � ��R� �� ���� K�� ��$( ��0 ��� (�10 #� � ���)��� � �$:� ����b �,-X�� �����E � $( 5,� F8 �� = � �:� X�� +�8 3:� � /MOÆ�� +�* +�8 K�( �%L (punctuation) 5F /�$�। International Standard Bibliographic Description (General) ��?��( �=��� #)' @����� �����E �$ K� +�' �����E ��2$� �����E �$ +�* +�' ��2 �/$� 3��'$� �O/� �$ ।

� )�8¡ � +� ��)$�� 3< � ¨��5����' +� � C +�:M�� +� � ���'� �� (3 )�8� 3< �����$�M��) �¨�5�<� +� � " �����$�M��, �:�µ��@M�� +� � z �<�2���� �:�µ��@M�� +� � � �5� 2 +� � � ���) +� � � �����:� ��¢� (3 3�� $�'�) +� )�� �5 3< +$�$�����' +� �

(IFLA Committee on Cataloguing ISBD Review Committee

Working Group, 1992)7


AACR2 +�* MARC 21, ISBD- 5$. �����58 �$ f( � � � F$$T +�* @�$ �] @�����X�� ���(�( 5�$��(� ���>$( 5a�( �����( F$$T। K� 5$. �����E �5) Y7 5 +�* MARC <$��) #$T। #~2� ��(���$� RDA 5;$�� +�' 3��(� 5��$��%�� F� 8F� 5�5� ISBD �����E Y7 5 ��$� %$� ��। ISBD- @� +� �M� �$ #~2� ��(� 5F$K���(� /��� 5$�0 ��8$� � 3< �*$5 +�* �OF> ���)����* ���@��' ISBD- 5$. ����� 5��?5� � $G %�� 2�� 2$� ���� * ���'$� %�� ����। ����(Q 5�$, RDA )1 ���$) ������F ISBD �,- 3�1NK�� RDA Y7 5$� ����| � � 3�1��( ��$�T�। RDA �� ���> �$ �� �a� ���)���� �= ISBD- 5$. RDA– 5��� = ���( 5�$��(� ��R' @� �2� �$�� 51��� M �$ � K�$( �$ AACR2, MARC 21, +�* RDA– 5�$��(� ��R' +�' ���J* �� �F5�$� ��2 � $( ��$ । ��)� -+ 3�$2qN 5 +�* ��r 5-+ ��gG1( ����%- ISBD �,-X��$( � � �$�$T। +T��� �5� 2 +�* 5����:� ��¢� (ISBN +�* ISSN) �( K1] F$$T। ������� ������ AACR2 ��� RDA–� �� �� 7���E %, �F(�� (�������2 �1�&����@� ��H��&��) � AACR2 1.1F2 3�1K�� KG� ($/� ���� @S$5 @$®G ��  � ��$� �� +$���$ 8 ��0� �� /�$� (G� �$�2�� (/���� ���) �5�M�$� ��$( F$� [���� ���� ���)���� �v�� ���$�$) ��)$�� 3< � 5��6����' �1 ��M( ��$ /�$��]। �� Y� 3< �Ä AACR 3�1K�� ���)����*-+ ��/��� ��R RDA-�( �� ��(� ( F$$T K� �1 ���� �=��� � � F$$T ��¿¹¥ +�' 3�M�� �G� F$$T। AACR2 1.1F5 3�1K�� K�� �5.� ��)$�� 3< � ¨�6����'$( �($� 3��� ���] �� �$���$ ) ��: /�$� (G� ���]��� �� �$���$ ) ��: ��(' ���\� �/�' T��� ����X��$� ��� ��$( F$� +�* ���� 3< 3��M� �F5�$� (…) +�* et.al. �v�� ���$�)-+ (3/�� ��-� ���� ��$¾ (� 5��/��)��$( F$�। Title page: European Union Law

Text and materials

Damian Chalmers

Christos Hadjiemmanuil

Giorgio Monti

Adam Tomkins

AACR2 �( ��$% ���( 3�1K�� ���)��� � � F$�। European Union Law: text and materials/Damian Chalmers…[et al.]

RDA�( ��$% ���( 3�1K�� ���)��� � � F$�। European Union Law: text and materials/Damian Chalmers, Christos Hadjiemmanuil, Giorgio

Monti, Adam Tomkins

��J�- � Ex.1:Title page: Thesaurus construction and use

a practical manual

Fourth edition

Jean Aitchison

Alan Gilchrist

David Bawden

Title page verso: © Aslib 1972, 1987, 1997, 2000

AACR2 �( ��$% ���( 3�1K�� ���)��� � � F$�। Title page-+ +�y �K��$� F$�g Thesaurus construction and use: a practical manual/ Jean

Aitchison, Alan Gilchrist, David Bawden


Edition-+ +�y �K��$� F$�g 4th

ed. Note-+ +�y �K��$� F$�g Previous ed. 1997.

RDA 5*�,�� = (abbreviaGon) �Ti �$ ��। RDA B.4 3�1K�� ��� (transcribed) @����$� �,$- ‘�5�$5�5 3< 8�<$��M�’-+ @����$� 2�� K�� ���� 5*�,�� = ��0� K� ($� (�8 ���F� � $( F$�। K�� ��� @����$� 5�| �� #*�M� 5 � �F � � F (�F$� 5��� =��$� 5*�,�� = Ml ���F� � � �$�2� ��8। RDA�( ��$% ���( 3�1K�� ���)��� � � F$�। Title-+ +�y �K��$� F$�g Thesaurus construction and use: a practical manual/ Jean

Aitchison, Alan Gilchrist, David Bawden Edition-+ +�y �K��$� F$�g Fourth edition

Note-+ +�y �K��$� F$�g Previous ediGon, 1997.

Title page-+ �K��$� ��G� /��$� �5��$�8 +�y F$� �K�� Revised edition.

Edition 5*[�~ # 0 �$�' @��F = ��$% ��0� F�g Ex. 2: Title page: Prejudices and Antipathies

A Tract on the LC Subject Heads Concerning People





Title page verso: Copyright ©1971, 1993

AACR2 3�1K�� Title-+ +�y �K��$� F$�g Prejudices and antipathies: a tract on the LC

subject heads concerning people/by Sanford Berman

Edition-+ +�y �K��$� F$�g 1993 ed./with a foreword by Eric Moon

Note-+ +�y �K��$� F$�g Previous ed.: 1971.

RDA 3�1K�� Title-+ +�y �K��$� F$�g Prejudices and antipathies: a tract on the LC

subject heads concerning people/by Sanford Berman

Edition-+ +�y �K��$� F$�g 1993 edition/with a foreword by Eric Moon

Note-+ +�y �K��$� F$�g Previous edition: 1971.





Title page verso: First published in England 1936 by Victor Gollancz Limited

Published in this uniform edition 1954 by MARTIN SECKER & WARBURG

AACR2 3�1K�� Title-+ +�y �K��$� F$�g Keep the aspidistra flying/by George Orwell

Edition-+ +�y �K��$� F$�g Uniform ed.

Note-+ +�y �K��$� F$�g Originally published: Gollancz, 1936.

RDA 3�1K�� Title-+ +�y �K��$� F$�g Keep the aspidistra flying/by George Orwell

Edition-+ +�y �K��$� F$�g Uniform edition

Note-+ +�y �K��$� F$�g Originally published: Victor Gollancz Limited, 1936.

Ex.4: Title page: Notes on a Scandal


Penguin Books

Title page verso: First published by Viking 2003

Published in Penguin Books 2004

AACR2 3�1K�� Title-+ +�y �K��$� F$�g Notes on a scandal/Zoe Heller


Edition-+ +�y �K��$� F$�g [New ed.]

Note-+ +�y �K��$� F$�g Originally published: Viking, 2003.

RDA 3�1K�� Title-+ +�y �K��$� F$�g Notes on a scandal/Zoe Heller

Edition-+ +�y �K��$� F$�g [New edition]

Note-+ +�y �K��$� F$�g Originally published: Viking, 2003.

��� �8) +�* �<�$���� 5*v $= �,$- AACR2 3�1K�� c +�* p-+ �$ �S5 ��0� F ¢L¿¹¥ RDA 3�1K��© +�* ℗ ��G� � �S5 @$®G � $( F। @��F = �F5�$� ��� �K$( ��$ AACR2 3�1K�� c2003 +�* RDA 3�1K�� ©2003 ������ � ���M�� �,-$� �(�' @����$� ��� � � K�g c��, ���M� 3/�� ��( $� ��� 8(���� +�* (�� G। c��

AACR2 1.4C5 �( ��� F$$T ���M� 3/�� ��( $� ��� 8(���� �,$- K�� �18 �� (� ���M c�$� �/� ��� /�$� (�F$� �/� c��' ���)����*-+ 5� @$®G � $( F$�। � �(Q ���� c�$� ��� K�� �5�$5�5 3< 8�< $�M�-+ �����$5 3/�� ��$MR��$� �1��( /�$� (�K�� ���)� 3,$ ) (�F$� �58 c�$� ���'0 ���)����*-+ 5� @$®G � � K�$�। K�� �/� c��' +�* ��$MR��$� @�®�G( c��' ���)����* +$26� ��2 ��$M 3~�H� ] �� F (�F$� � �(Q �K$��� c�� K� ��$2 ��$M 3~�H� ] (� ���)����*-+ 5� @$®G � $( F$�। 3����� c��X�� ��� ��$( F$�।

RDA ��� F$$T �5�$5�5 3< 8�< $�M�-+ (3/��S )�8¡ � ��2 �� )�8¡ � ��$2 @�$)� ��$I) @�®�G( 5�| c�� ���)����* � � 5� ��0� K�$�। +8 ���' G1�8 5 �, �(1 � ���)���� $� ����� �$, 5F2 K� ($/� ��O �( ��������(� �/� ��/� � $G +�* XYZ�H=���$� :��)� �M� � � 2�� � � F$$Tg �K�� c��� �1�=$� ��(<��( � � 2�� 5�@/ #�A�� ���� ���)���� $� ��'M :��)� 5*$M��� � � �$�2� F$� ��।

Title page: Penguin Books

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���M�, ��( � 8(���� AACR2 1.4D2 �( ��� F$$T ���M�, ��( �, 8(���� ��� 5�$/$� ,1�P$� ��$( F$� K�$( �$ #~2� ��(���$� ����� K� +�* �����E � � K�। Title page Mcfarland & Company, Inc., Publishers

entered as Mcfarland


entered as Penguin

RDA �( ��� F$$T ���M� +�* ��( $� ��� #8$)� (3/��S ��/)-+ �K��$� @$®G #$T j� �5��$�8 3/��S 5;H=���$� @$®G � $( F$� �K�� Mcfarland &

Company, Inc. AACR2 1.4D2 �( ��� F$$T K�� ���M$� ��� ��/$( @$®G �� /�$� (�F$� s.n.

(sine nominee): [s.n.] @$®G � $( F$�। RDA �( ��� F$$T [s.n.] �� �$(� ‘Publisher not idenGfied’ @$®G � $( F$�। ���$M (�� G (3/��S �S5 ) AACR2 1.4F1-+ ��� F$$T ���$M (�� G (3/��S �S5 )@$®G � $( F$�…5*v = �� �� ��2� � 8(���� K� 5*v = �,$- @$®G � � /�$�। 0$���� ��8� 3�� ���� ��@$� �7 5-+ (�� G @$®G � $( F$�। AACR2 1.4F2-+ # 0 ��� F$$T, ‘#8$)�-+ (�� G �K��$� @$®G /��$�/��0� K�$� j� �5��$�8 @$®G � $( F$� +���� K�� �1 � (�� G ��0� /�$� (�F$�0, �5$,$- 5j� (�� G K1] � $( F$�’। @��F =g 1697 (i.e. 1967)

(�� G ���F�$ �����$ #��$� 3$�� ���M KÉ��� F$( F$�। 5��� =( )�8¡ � ��$2 @�$)� ��$I (�� $G ��s� (����� ��0� /�$�। +8 �,$- #� � �1=�1��$= (�� $G �����$ #F ���M � � ��। #��$� �����E 5*v = ���� �S5 F�$( +$5$T (� ����� = � $( F$�। K�� +�8 ���M� ��� #)� T��� +�8 P$� ���� ���M�� C!�� 5�$� �1=�1��= �$ /�$�� K� #5$� z! �T #$� ����M( F$�T� �5$,$- #��$� ���$M (�� G ���� (C!��-z!) @$®G � $( F$�। �(1 � ���)���� $� ���$M (�� G 5j� ���G�� � � 3���5 +�* 3��n(� 32� � � $( ��T1)� 5� ��$� (�8 ��$% ��T1 @��F = ��0� F�g Ex. 1: Title: Dated & datable English manuscript borders c. 1395-1499/Kathleen L.Scott.

Bibliographical Society; British Library

Title page verso: © The Bibliographical Society 2002

First published in 2002 by the Bibliographical Society and the British


���G��g +)� F� �8' �/� ���M, +�* ��  � ���M�� ���O�( ��0� #$T +�* ��� �8) �S5 0 ��0� #$T। (�8 ���$M (�� G F$� C!!C।

Ex.2: Title: Collected poems/Walter de la Mare. Faber and Faber Title page verso: First published in 1979 by Faber and Faber Limited…Reprinted 1986…

© 1979 by the Literary Trustees of Walter de la Mare


���G��g �8' �/� ���M ���� +�* �1=�1��= ����, K� 5$. ��  � ��� �8) ���O�( K1] F$$T +�* ���� 5�$� � �/$� ���� �(1 � 5*$K�2� ��0� K� �� (�8 ���$M (�� G F$� ����।

Ex.3: Title: Dewey death/Charity Blackstock. Ballantine.

Title page verso: Copyright © 1958 by Charity Blackstock…

First Ballantine Books Edition: December 1963

Second printing: October 1985

���G��g +G�$� �8' �1=�1��= ���z 5�� ��0� #$T +�* �8' ��� 5�$� ����M( F$$T। �K ���� �� $=8 �F�� ��� �8) �S5 �8 ���$M #$� @�®�G( #$T। #� � �8' #5� ���M�� (�� G 2��� 2�� 3���8� 3�15&�� � $( ��� । 8F� ��$2 c��� ���( ��R। ���$M (�� G F$� ��� ।

�8$ ���M�� (�� G ��0� �� /��$� �� ���¬( F$( �� �� $� #� � 3�1��� �$ ��8। @��F = �F5�$� ��� �K$( ��$ AACR2 1.4F7 3�1K�� [194-?] –+ 3/� ��"!-+ �M$� ����M( �� [21--] 3/��S C� M($� ����M( 3/��S ����-+ �$ ���� 5�� F$�। RDA 3�1K�� (�� G-+ +�' � ? ��0� �/� ��� F$$T 3/��S [between 1970 and 1979?]

����� �-2�� (,K��� �L'���) � AACR2 3�1K�� +8 �,-' ��e���G( %� ' @����� �� = �$ g • extent of item

• dimensions

• series area

• note area

RDA 3�1K�� ‘extent’-+ 3/� 8@��) (5;$� ���F�� 3/�� K1�]�F� @������H�� 3*M)�� 5��-8@��) K� 5;� f( � �$ (� 5*G�� +�* � =।

AACR2 3�1K��, extent of item –+ Specific Material Designation (SMD) K1] F$$T Extent of item-+ ��T1 @��F = ��0� F�g AACR2: xxiv, 367 p.

RDA: xxiv, 367 pages

AACR2: 1 videodisc (ca. 127 min.)

RDA: 1 videodisc

Dimension-+ @��F = ��$% ��0� F�g AACR2: xxiv, 367 p.; 23 cm.

RDA: xxiv, 367 pages, 23 cm. [RDA–+ �,$- p. �� �$(� pages +�* ; �� �$(� ,] :�8$��M��-+ �,$- RDA-�( ���� �� �(� � F �� 3/��S AACR2-�( �K��

5�8$2 �,$- ���� � $= A��� M�� �� �Ê�*M �F� � (@��g ��.C �5.��.- �� �$(� �� �5�� � �:� � $( F$�) �� �! �5.��.- �� �¢� F �5$,$- ������)�$ 5�82 ��G$( F$� �� K�� �¢� �/$� %0�� ���M F �� %0��, �¢� 3$���-+ �/$� �� F (�F$� �¢�x%0�� �18-8 ��G$( F$� RDA-+ �,$- j� (�8। ��K �

�5� 2 �,--+ #� � 3$��X�� @����� � �:� �� , (� ��e��G(g )�8¡ � ��� 3< �5� 2g +8 �,$- 2�� +���- @����� K� #���$� K1] � $( F$�।


�5� 2 5��-)�8$)�g )�8¡ � ��� -+ 5$. K1] � $( F [���� ���� ���� c���/��2� ���( 3�1K�� 5��-)�8¡ � K1] �$ ��] ��)$�� 3< � 5��6����' � $�'* )1 + �5� 2g ��T1 �,$-, �5� $2 ���]�(

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ISSN 3< �5� 2g K��0 5�5� s$) �� (�10 ��T1 ��T1 �,$- �5� 2–+ 0 ISSN /�$� +�* �5$,$- (� ���) � � @�%(।

5���5� 2: 8F� �5� $2 �$�� �5� 2। ��� �

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+�*/3/�� �)������� �[�:¡ 5 RDA 7.24 3���$ ��0� K�$� K� ��2� ���G�� 5��¿(। AACR2 1.7 –+ ����b � $= ���)-+ +�' P�$ G� �� ��$��M ��0� F$$Tg

• ��O �(, �� �� 3/�� ���5*[�~ P�(#'� ��� <��) • #8$)�-+ ��R� +�*/3/�� 3�1��� �� @�$K��� ��R • )�8¡ � ��� -+ @S5 • )�8¡ �-+ f��%-� • ��� ���� )�8¡ � (���¥ �M$ ����)+�* 3����� )�8¡ � 5;��� ( (/� • ��)$�� 3< � ¨�6����' • 5*v = +�* 8�(F�5 • ���$)� �� (3/�� ���M�� � =) �¨�5�<� �:$)7 5 [��$MR @�� =-+

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American Cataloguing Rules –+ (O (� 5*v = ���M�� F�( �$ C!!" 5�� �/$� RDA –+ �����$ �%~������ �Y F। AACR3-+ �/� 3*M �%�$ (5�Ì� $�M�) � C!!z 5�$� �c F �K ���)����*-+ �,$- �(1 � 3��$��% 2Y � F$ �$�$T +�* ‘RDA:

resource descripGon and access’ �M$ ���$� ��2 �Y F। C!!z �/$� C!!� 5�$� �$�� �(1 � ���$: 3$��X�� G5�� �%( F +�* (� �I��( �1=���%� � �N 2�� �%� (5�Ì� $�M�) � � F, 5� � ��$� ���)����* ���@��' 5$. K1] 5�5��= (�$� �(��( ���� �$ �। AACR2 �/$� RDA P��~ F$� �(1 � ���$: �:�2)�� ���:�q �F5�$� #À���$M �� =�। C!�! 5�$� 21� ��$5 RDA )1 ���) 5� � ��$� 5��$� @�c���� � � F +�* �(� ��$5 3¥ ���M 5� �$ �A B��$� ���c� � � F। C!�! 5�$� �MR��$� ���@��' %��F���1K�� +�* ��$MR �$ �T�) ��(\�� K�$� 3���8� ���:�q ���� 5��/�� ��8 (�$� 2�� RDA–+ ���� ��5��� ����M( F। K�8$F��, JSC �/� �/$� �$� +$5$T RDA ���� ���:�q � +�* 5;H=� �������� (+�* #�$:)) 3���8� ��5��$�8 ��0� K�$�।


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2011)11। AACR2 "�� RDA- � '���2 ����� 2$� ���� * ���' ��R' KÇ=���� (�8 AACR2 �/$� RDA–�( �� �(� � 5����e �G� F$$T +�* ���M ��� �� �(� � �(� ��� ���)��� � �$:� ���% ��:�<$�M$� ����$� � � F$� +�* 3(�( � �$:� @� �� �(� �X�� �K1] F$�। ���M� � $:� � ����0��<� 8�< $�M� (MARBI) ���' �$�' @$®G$K��� �� �(� � 8�(�$��8 �$ $T +�* (� MARC21 –+ �K1] F$$T। MARC �����:� 0$�5�8) www.loc.gov/marc/RDAinMARC29.html-+ ‘RDA in MARC’ ��$� +�' ����� #$T +�* (� ����(��$� #�$:) � � F। (�8 #� � ��G$( ��8 AACR2-+ �2��$ � ���$)� �� �:�2�$�5�� �/$� 5$ ��$ RDA–+ �$�� )�8� (MARC 336), ���:� )�8� (MARC 337)+�* ��� � )�8� (MARC 338) ���F� � �। +8 �� �(� � RDA–+ �$�� +�* ��� � 5*[�~ (/� #���� � � �O¦(�$� ��(<��( �$ । AACR2-�( Old Testament +�* New Testament –�� 5*$,$� ‘O.T.’ ‘N.T.’ ��G� F( ¢L¿¹¥ RDA-�( Old Testament +�* New Testament 3/��S �1$ � ��� ��G� F$�। AACR2–+ 5$. RDA–+ ���� (<�S F� RDA-�( ���� � $= 5*$,�� = �F� � K� AACR2-�( 3�15O( F(। �K�� AACR2-+ 2nd ed., [s.l.], [s.n.], comp., ed., ill., tr. — RDA-�( Second edition, [Place of publication not identified], [Publisher not identified],

compiler, editor, illustrator, translator �F5�$� @$®G � � F। AACR2-�( ���M$� ��$� 5$. K1] Press, Books, Co. MlX�� ��� ��0� F ¢L¿¹¥ RDA-�( Press, Books, Co. �� �K����$� ���M$� ��$��$®G /�$� j� �58��$�8 @$®G � $( F।

RDA 6.10 3�1K�� ��� +��$�� �$�� )�8� (MARC 336)-+ (����� ��$% ��0� F�g �।��$)� ���<� :��)�$5) (��;@)� t� � �$55) C।��$)� ���<� 8$�2 (���Ð 5, ��@2, 3��)��$55) ।��$)� ���<� �1��* 8$�2 (5��$)��8) 8$�2) "। ��$)� ���<� )��q�8� 8$�2 (�t-���-� �c �%- K� T1V $ @���Ñ � � K�)z।��$)� ���<� )��q�8� �Ä-:�8$�6���� <�� (�--���-� �c �%- K� T1V $ @���Ñ � � K�)�।��$)� ���<� �Ä-:�8$�6���� <�� (�Ò�� 5, � ��< �$:�)�।��;@)� :��)�$5) (��@$�� � :��)�)�। ��;@)� �����


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• MARC 21 for bibliographic data

• MARC 21 for authority data

• MARC 21 for classification data

• MARC 21 for holdings data

• MARC 21 for community information

MARC � �:� -+ ��I�$��g MARC 21 � �:� ��e���G( �(�' 3*$M ���]g • � �:� ��:� g :��)� +��$��N 5 K� � �:� �$55 � � 2�� ��/�����$� (/�

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:�8$ q � �$�� +�yX�� �5� 2 /�$� K� +�' � �$:� �$�� �$(�� %�$� (��� $� �) )���, ��*/, ��'� * ���$�M�� �� = �$ ।

• �<JN 5g ��?��( (/� – 3���$55 �$� +�* �=���À� ���)����* ������ � � F।

��(' MARC �<JN 5 �(� 5*G�� )��� ��$ �j(। 5������ ����( MARC �<JN 5 F�g 100 Main entry – personal name

245 Title Statement

260 Publication, distribution, etc. (imprint)

300 Physical description

�$(�� )��� 8��$�)� 5 �� 5���<JN 5 ���F� �$ । 8��$�) �18 5*G�����ME K� )���$� 5*?��( �$ । @��F =�P� ��� �K$( ��$ , 100 )���-+ �/� 8��$�) ���, �<� $��/����(Q ��� (8��$�) 0); ���� (8��$�) 1 K� G1�8 ���) 3/�� ��� ��� � ��� (8��$�) 3)-+ 3��� ����( F$$T +�* �t(� 8��$�) <�V�� $$T। 245 )��� 3�� � $= ��2 �$ ($� )��� 5;$�� 0 (/� 5 � �F �$ ; �/� 8��$�) )�8¡ � ��8� +�y (8��$�) 0)3/�� )�8¡ � 3��$:: +�y 5;$�� n�( �$


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MARC � �$:� 3���$55 �$� 5 � �F � � 2�� ��8� +�y +�* 3��$:: +�y �����$ AACR2–+ ��� 3�15 = �$ । �=���À� (/� 5 � �F � � 2�� 0 MARC–+ �<J-+ ���c� #$T �K�� 300 �<J K� ���F�� �=��� 2�� ����( F। 3$�� ���� ���c���� ���($( �K ���� �<$J @� �A �)�N ) 5��%� *-+ 3�1��( ��। RDA ��b ���($( 3���$55 �$� ��$ �:� � � �/� ���$T। MARC ��8� +�y �<J 1 ��$ �Y �$ +�* 3��$:: +�y �<J 7 �� 8 ��$ �Y �$ । @��F = ��$% ��0� F�g 100 Main entry – personal name

700 Added entry – personal name

110 Main entry – corporate name

710 Added entry – corporate name

111 Main entry – meeting name [conference heading]

711 Added entry –meeting name [conference heading]

130 Main entry – uniform title

830 Series added entry – uniform title

110, 710 – Entries for corporate body (�$���$ ) ��: 2�� +�y) Indicators (��$��M�) �t(� ��$��M�' 35*n��(। �/� ��$��M�' �(�' 3�M�� #$T। Inverted name – 0

Jurisdiction name – 1

Name in direct order – 2

8���$)� : ��� G1�8 #���� (5��� =��$� ����( F ��)। ���F�$ 2�� 3$��X�� 5���<JN 5 5F2���, ¢L¿¹¥ 5�$%$ ��� (5��� =��$� ����( F)5���<JN 5 F�g $a Corporate name or jurisdiction name as entry element

$b Subordinate unit

��$��M�X�� ����$� ����( F (� �$�' @��F = ��$% ��0� F�g 110 1_$aGreat Britain. $bHome Office

110 1_$aUnited States. $bArmy

110 2_$aUnited Nations

110 2_$aUniversity of London. $bInstitute of English Studies

111, 711 – Entries for conferences and other meetings (5$o�� +�* 3����� 5�� 2�� +�y) �K$F(1 AACR2 �/$� #� � �2$��T 5$o�� �� 5�� F� ��$MR � $= �$���$ ) ��:। (�8 110 +�* 710–+ ��$��M�X�� �K��$� ��2 �$ 111 +�* 711 �<$J +�8��$� ��2 �$ ।

�t(� ��$��M�' 35*n��(। �/� ��$��M�' �(�' 3�M�� #$T। Inverted name – 0


Jurisdiction name – 1

Name in direct order – 2

8���$)� : ��� G1�8 #���� (5��� =��$� ����( F ��)। ���F�$ 2�� 3$��X�� 5���<JN 5 5F2���, ¢L¿¹¥ 5�$%$ ��� (5��� =��$� ����( F)5���<JN 5 F�g $a – Meeting/conference or jurisdiction name

$n – Number of meeting (formed as per AACR2 as an ordinal number)

$d – Date of meeting (year only, as per AACR2)

$c – Location of meeting/conference

AACR2 K�(�%L 3�15 = � � F$$T। K�� #� � ��@$��-+ ��8�3��Ð �-+ @��F =' ��8, International Pineapple Symposium (3rd: 1998 : Pattaya : Thailand), MARC �<$J ����$� +�y F$� (� ��$% ��G�$�� F�g 111 2_$aInternational Pineapple Symposium$n(3rd :$d1998 :$cPattaya, Thailand)

+85� �,$- $n–+ � <��� ���$�) �Y F$�। 130 Uniform title (main entry)

KG� ��8� +�y � �$:� 8@��<�� )�8¡ � #$5 (G� +8 �<J ���F� � � F।

MARC ����1��� 3�1K�� KG� ���� ��2 �(�,��$� )�8¡ �/�M$ ���$� 3��$� 3~�H� ] F 3/�� ��� * )�8¡ � 3��$� @«H( F +�* +)� G1�8 2Y � �K �����E �M$ ����' ��2'$� @�c��� � $T (G� 8@��<�� )�8¡ � #$5। (�8 K�� ���� ��2-+ 2�� �%� � ¨�6����' �F5�$� ���� ���] K1] �� /�$�� 3/�� �$���$ ) ��: @«� F �� +�* ��� * )�8¡ �-+ 3��$� @«H( F (�F$� #�$� 8@��<�� )�8¡ �-+ 2�� 240 �<$J �� �$(� 130 �<J �Ti � � @�%(। ��$��M�5�HF (8��$�)� 5) �t(� ��$��M� ����( F �� +�* �/� ��$��M� 0 �/$� 9 �K�~ ��-<�8��* ���$ q� ��$��M �$ । 3$�� � $= 5���<J #$T K� �$�� ��� 5���<J F�g $a – uniform title

$l – language

$s – version

�K$F(1 #� � ���R�S��=� � $( ��� �K, 8@��<�� )�8¡ �-+ 3��$� ��8� +�y F� ��� 5;�Q �K��, ��8$�� +�* ��� �= (�8 $s-+ �$�2��(� F�g 130 0_$aBible.$lEnglish.$aAuthorized.

130 0_$aKoran.$lEnglish.

K�8$F��, ��)� �� ����� (5��F(�5;�Q)5;�Q 3����� XYZ�H=� ��2 8@��<�� )�8¡ �-+ 3��$� #5$�। 130 0_$aBeowulf.$lEnglish.

130 0_$aLancelot du Lac.$lEnglish.

240 - 8@��<�� )�8¡ � (�KG�$� 100, 110, 111 3��$� ��8� +�y) ���M ��� 8@��<�� )�8¡ �-+ �%� � 5��6����' ���$Z ��G� �� 3�� ���] �� �$���$ ) ��: �� ��<�$ 6 /�$�। 100, 110, +�* 111 ���F� �$ +�y � � K�। 240

�<J ���F� �$ 8@��<�� )�8¡ � 3~�H� ] � � K�। ��$��M�5�HF (8��$�)� 5) �/� ��$��M� 8@��<�� )�8¡ � ��M�� � � �$�2��(� #$T ���� �5 �����$ �5��~F$= 2�� ����( F। If we don’t want to print or display it – 0

If we do want to print or display it – 1

�t(� ��$��M� ��-<�8��* ���$ q� 0-9 ��$��M � � 2�� ����( F।


130 �<$J �(8 +�8� $= 5��-�<J ��0� K�। 130 8@��<�� )�8¡ �-+ 5$. (1 ��� ¨E(� #�� 2��, ��$% @��F =X��$( ��8� +�y +�* 240 +�y ��0� F�g 100 10$aRowling, J.K.

240 10$aHarry Po6er and the prisoner of Azkaban.$lFrench.

100 10$aDumas, Alexandre, $d1802-1870

240 10$aTulipe noire.$lEnglish �E��g �t(� @��F ='$( #� � ‘La tulipe noire’ ��$� �F�:*' f( � �� ��। MARC �t(� ��$��M� ���F� �$ ��-<�8��* ���$ q� -+ 2�� 3�1��( ��। AACR2 25.2C1 K(,= �� 8@��<�� )�8¡ � ° #'� � �-+ 3��$� <�8� � � F$� ((,= �K�~ 8���5�� #'� � � ��� ��0� 2�� ��  � ��$��M �� (@��F =�P� ��� �K$( ��$ ���� �M$ ���� ���] �� c�$� ��� ��$ �Y F)। 245 – Title and statement of responsibility

3���8� MARC21 3�1K�� 245 �<J$� ��e���G(P$� 5*n��( � � F$$T। �K ���� ��$2 (5��F(����)��?����>� �=��� ���� 3*M F� )�8¡ � +� ��)$�� 3< � ¨�6����' �,-। )�8¡ � ��)$�� �<$J �$�� )�8¡ � ��� (5)� )�8¡ � +�* 3�� $�'� )�8¡ �, +�' 3*M/����$� ��@$�� ���� �:�2�$�M� +�* 3*M/����$� ���)+�* �2��$ � ���$)� �� �:�2�$�M�� (���:��), �M$ ���$� 3*M��$MR, 3����� �M$ ���� (/� 0 �� = � $( ��$ । ��$��M�5�HF(8��$�)� 5) �/� ��$��M� )�8¡ � 3��$:: +�y #$T ���� (� ��$��M � � 2�� ����( F। KG� 245–+ +�y �(8 )�8¡ � 3��$:: +�y F$� (G� 1 ��$��M� ����( F$�। � �:� T��� 1XX +�y F$� 0 ��$��M� ����( F$�। �t(� ��$��M�' �<$J �/$� ��-<�8��* ���$ q� ��¢� (0-9) ��$��M � � 2�� ����( F। �����E +�* 3�����E #'� � �-+ 2�� +X�� ����( F। 8*$ 2�$( 5�$/$� ��� 8��$�) F� ‘The’–+ 2�� ����( 4 ‘A’–+ 2�� 2 +T��� ‘An’ –+ 2�� ����( 3 । 245 10$aMiffy’s dream/$cDick Bruna

+�y �Y$( K�(�%L +��$�� 2�� +8 ��$��M� ����( F$( ��$ । MARC21 ����1$� �/$� +�' @��F = ��0� F�g 245 15$aThe ‘winter mind’ : $bWilliam Bronk and American le6ers/$cBurt Kimmelman

[$a – )�8¡ �, $b – )�8¡ �-+ 3*M��$MR (3/��S ‘3����� �M$ ���� (/�’ +�* AACR 3�1K�� 5��-)�8¡ �), $c – ��)$�� 3< � ¨�6����', 8(����। ��$% +�' @��F =-+ 5�F�$K� AACR2 +�* MARC–+ ����$� 3~�H� ] F$� (� ��G�$�� F�g AACR2 K�(�%L: The war of the unstamped: the movement to repeal the BriGsh newspaper tax, 1830-

1836/by Joel H.Wiener MARC –+ �K��$� 3~�H� ] F$�g 245 14$aThe war of the unstamped: $bthe movement to repeal the BriGsh newspaper tax,

1830-1836/$cby Joel H.Wiener


�5�2� �/� F� MARC, AACR2 ������ ( K�(�%$L �� � +�* G1� M�Ø8 (� RDA ������ ( K�(�%$L �� � F$�।$a–5���<$J �$ )�8¡ �/�M$ ���� 5*[�~ (/�, $b-5���<$J


�$ 5��)�8¡ � �� 3�� $�'� )�8¡ �-+ 3*M /�$� +�* (� �Y #$� ����� �%L /�$� +�* $c-5���<$J �$ ��)$�� 3< � ¨�6����' /�$� +�* (� �Y #$� Ó��M/�µ�� �%L /�$�। +)� �$� �G� � �� +8 �<JX�� ����'8 � ��$)� � �। (�8 #��� ��1��- +�' 5��-)�8¡ � 3/�� +�' ��)$�� 3< � ¨�6����' +�y � $( �� $�� (� � �/�' �,$- 5���<J ���: +�* K�(�%L ���F � �$ �$


0 – Portion of title

1 – Parallel title

2 – Distinctive title

3 – Other title

4 – Cover title

5 – Added title page title 6 – Caption title

7 – Running title

8 – Spine title

(�8 The Walker book of animal tales-�� ����b � $= )�8¡ �-+ ��G�$�� �K$( ��$ K� )�8¡ � ��� -+ 3*M।

245 04$aThe Walker book of animal tales

246 30$aBook of animal tales

�K$F(1 5�| 3�15&�� �$� �G$� �� �K l8r, g8r �)�N ) ���.1$2-+ ��G� F$$T (�8 #��$� +�' �����:� 8*��M <��-+ ���c� � $( F$�।

245 10$al8r, g8r/$cLauren Myracle

246 3_$a Later, gator

@�$ @� �,$- ���� ���] ��$T ��R' G1�8 ������� �K �KG�� �/$� ����b � $= )�8¡ � #$5 �58 ���)��� � �:� X�� ��� (�8 ���� ���) f( � � � �$�2� F ��। I my zimmer ���)���� -+ ����b � $= 5�5�� @$�� �$ । ���� ���c���� ���( �(��'$� �$55 � $( ��$ +�* 3�15&��$K�����$� @�c���� � $( ��$ , +���� �MR ���F� �� � 5�%� ��-+ ����$� +�y � $( ��$ (� 2��� /��$� 0। �(��'$� �1’��$� ��� �K$( ��$ ‘F�)� �� ���’। ���M�-+ 0$�5�8)-+ �M$ ����'$� ‘I (Heart) My Zimmer +8��$� @�c���� �$ (Little Brown, 2008)। 245 0 246 +�y ��$% ��G�$�� F�g 245 10$al heart my zimmer/ $cBill Fallover

246 3_$al love my zimmer

246 0_$iTitle typeset as: $al my zimmer

+8��$� #� � ��� � �:* (F�)� )–+ +�y f( � � $( ��� +�* 3�� $�'� � �:* (‘���’)��$ 3��$:: +�y F$( ��$ । + 2�� ���� ���)-+ �$�2� F$� �� �� = K� � � �:� ' ��$�� (�$� ��$T @�$ �(��' 3/� 2��� #$T। �$ ��0� F$� ���� ���c���� ���( �(��' � ��:@5 � $( ��$ ¢L¿¹¥ �(��'$� 3�15&��$K��� � $( ��$ �� #� � +�' �t(� 246 f( � �� K� ���) f( � �$ ¢L¿¹¥ ���� 3��$:: +�y f( � �$ ��। ���$) �)�N ) ��M��� 2�� $i 5���<J ����( F +�* 8F� $a-+ #$� #$5। +�5$. ����( F$ (� � ���) f( � �$ ‘Title typeset as: I my zimmer’। 246 �<$J 2�� 5���<$J �H=� (����� ��0� K�$�g www.loc.gov/marc/bibliographic/bd246.html.

250 – Edition (5*v =) +8 �<J ��$��M� ���F� �$ �� +�* �1' 3(�~ �µ)< 0�:� 5��-�<J #$T। $a – Edition statement

$b – Remainder of edition statement

AACR2 3�1K�� K�(�%L ��e���G(g 250 _$a4th ed.

250 _$aRev.ed.

250 _$aNew ed.


250 _$a12th ed./$bby David Hayton and Charles Mitchell

260 – Publication, etc. (���M��, 8(����)


+8 �<$J +�' <�V�� �t(� ��$��M� #$T। �/� ��$��M�' ���M�� ���O�( �5$��$6 ��$��M � � 2�� ����( F।

K�� +' 5�$/$� ��%�� ���M� (# ��$� �����M� )F, 3/�� ���� (/� ��0� �� /�$�, �/� <�V�� ��$��M� (���© 8��$�) )�/� �, +���� 5�}�(� ���M� � ‘8�� $���* �����M� ’ – C +�* ��$ � �����M� – F$�। 3$�� ���� �/� ��$��M� <�V��/���© �G$( %�। °5� ����$ #�1��� �8$ 2�� 5���$�,� ���F� $K��� ��$��M� ����( F। 5���$�,� ���F� $K��� 5���<JN 5 F�g $a – Place of publication

$b – Name of publisher

$c – Date of publication

�����:� ISBD K�(�%L ���F� � � F (�8 $b–+ #$� : (�����)+�*$c–+ #$� , (���)���F� � � F। �KG�$� $a � ��$): �5G�$� (� #$� ; (�5��$����) �$5 (��$% �¢ @��F =' ��G1�)+�* �KG�$� $b � ��$): �5G�$� (� #$� ;

(�5��$����)�5$� 3/��S +$,$- ��G� K�$� ��(' � ��$)� � �<JX$�� �,$- ;


260 3_$aLondon: $bSweet & Maxwell, $c2005

260_$aMedford, N.J. :$bInformation Today, $c2007

260 3_$aLondon ;$aBoston ;$bButterworths, $c1990

300 – Physical Description (���F�� ��� =) +8 �<J ��$��M� ���F� �$ ��। �K 5� 5���<J 5��� =��$� ����( F। $a - Extent

$b – Other physical details, such as illustraGons

$c – Dimensions, usually expressed in cenGmeters or millimeters

AACR2 3�1K�� K�(�%L ��$% @��F $= ��G�$�� F�g 300_$a64p. : $bill., maps ; $c22 cm.

300_$a[93] p.: $bill.; $c90 mm.

AACR2 2.5D1 3�1K�� ��/ �� ��� �! �5����)� -+ �� F0� j� @�$ @��F ='$( ������)� -+ +�y F$$T। 3���$;��* ���$)� �� $e–�( � �:� F$�। 300_$a 95, [9] p. : $bill. ; $c18 cm. + $e1 game (one sheet, fold.)

300_$a[25] p. : $bchiefly col. ill. ; $c16 cm. _$e1 sound casse6e

490 – Series statement (�5� 2 5*[�~ ���O�() 5��� C!!� �K�~ �1' �O/� �<$J 3�|$Z 2�� �5� 2 +�y 2'� �T�। +�' �<J �5� 2 /��$� +�* 3�� �<J' �5� 2 �� /��$�। �(� ��$� +�' �<$J (490) ����$� �5� 2 +�y � � K�। +8 �<$J �/� ��$��M�' (8��$�) )�5� $2 �B�5* �$�2� ���� (� ��$��M �$ । Series statement, no tracing – 0

Series statement with tracing – 1

�t(� ��$��M� ����( F ��। + 3$��X�� 5���<J #$T K� �$�� ��e���G( 5���<JX�� 5��� =( ����( F। $a – series statement


$v – volume designator

+G�$� ��� � �� �K �5� 2 ��)$��-+ 2�� AACR2–�( ���$�) ����( F MARC–+ �,$- (� ����( F ��। 5 - Notes

MARC ���)���� $� ��|�� ( ���) ��0� ���c� �$ $T। www.loc.gov/marc/bibliographic/bd5xx.html 0$�5�8$) 3���8� ����1$�-+ ���¡ $5 5;H=� (����� ��0� K�। �K5� ���¡ 5 �<JN 5 5��� =( ����( F (� ��$% ��0� F�g 500 – General note

501 – With note

504 – Bibliography note

505 – Formatted contents note

520 – Summary, etc.

521 – Target audience note

534 – Original version note

561 – Ownership and custodial history

563 – Binding information

59X – Local notes

500 – General note ��$��M�X�� 35*n�( (/��� $6-5F ��V%' 5��-�<JN 5 #$T K� �K��5H- �� ��$©2-+ 2�� ����( F$( ��$ , ���M ��� ���)����* +$26� ��1��- $a ���F� �$ । 500_$a �� ����1$� 5*n��( �$ $T: ‘���) K� 5��� = (/� 5 � �F �$ K� 2�� ��$MR ���) �<J 5*n��( F ��’। ���� ���� ���� ���) ���F� �$ ��, 500 �<J 5���T1 2�� ���F� � $( �Ti �$ । MARC ����1$� �/$� ��T1 @��F = ��0� F�g 500_$aIncludes index

500_$aTranslated from German

500_$aImprint stamped on verso of t.p. 500_$aBased on a play which originally appeared in France as ‘Un peu plustard, un peu plus


500_$aTable of cases: p. xiii-xiv.

501 – With note

��$��M� 35*n��( +�* $6-5F %� ' 5��-�<J #$T K� �K��5H- �� ��$©2-+ 2�� ��$2 ��$�, ���M ��� ���)����* +$26� ��1��- $a ���F� �$ । ���� @8/ ���$) �K 5*n� ��0� F$$T (� F� ‘���) K� ������M*, � ��2, 851�, �� +����@5��-+ 5� �<�2���� #8$)�-+ KG� +�-+ 3��� ��?����>� ��2 ��$��M �$ , ��25�HF K� #8$)�-+ /�$� 5��� =( �:��*'� )�8¡ �-+ F +�* ��$��'� )�8¡ � /�$� ��।’ K�� #8$)�X�� � �(Q ���� (�� $G +�5$. ��V��8 � � /�$� (�F$� (� ��8��* ($/� �$�� #5$� (MARC 563) 3/�� ������ ���) �F5�$� #5$� �� = +8 (/� ��� �¨�5�<�। 501_$aWith: The reformed school/John Dury. London : Printed for R.Wasnothe, [1850].

504 – Bibliography note

5�| �¨�5�<� ���¡ 5 �<$J 5������ ����(। �K$F(1 ���M ��� ���¡ 5 �<J-+ ��$��M� 35*n��( +�* 3����� 5�� �<J �(� ��� /�$� (�8 ���M ��� ���)����* +$26� $a ���F� �$ । K��0 ���)���� �= ���¡ 5 ��2� �����(� 3�1K�� ���F� �$ � K� (�$� ����� 3�1K�� ���� ��/$� 5�$%$ ��$����$� ����� � � K�। +8 �<$J +�y � � 2�� �����:� <�1��� (5H-) ��$% ��0� F�g


504_$aBibliography: p. 238-239.

504_$aIncludes Bibliographic references.

504_$aIncludes bibliographies and index.

504_$aIncludes bibliographic references and index.

505 – Formatted contents note

5������ ����( ���¡ 5 �<J K� #��$� 8����21�$� %��¾� �F�:* 8��1) � $( 3�1��( �� +�* ����b ���] t� � �T�) �¥-+ 5*$F �,$- G1�8 @�$K���। �/� ��$��M�' ��$��M �$ �K � �:� ' 5;H=� �$�� �� #*�M� �$�� ��M�� � $T। All contents – 0

Incomplete contents (awaiting the arrival of more item parts) – 1

Partial contents (cataloguer has selected contents to include in the note) – 2

+)� ��� � �� �K �t(� ��$��M� �$�� ���) ���5� ($a-�( �* �µ* 3< 8�<� $�M� �5) � � /�$�)3/�� 5}5�� ( (5���<$J <1 � � ? ��0� K�)

Only $a used – blank

Full range of subfields used – 1

3$�� ���)����* +$26� ��1��- $a ���F� �$ ¢L¿¹¥ ��$% 3����� 5���<JX�� #���� (3���F�K�)�।

$a – formatted contents note

$g – miscellaneous information

$r – statement of responsibility

$t – title

$u – uniform reference identifier

$6 – linkage

$8 – field link and sequence number

���)����* +$26� $a–+ �/$� 5��� =��$� � ��$)� � $r +�* $t ���M ���F� �$ । ��$% @��F $= ��G�$�� F� ��1��- $a 3/�� $t +�* $r ���F� �$ ����$� �$�� +�y � $( F। 505 0_$aFire/Vikram Seth —The island/Mark Haddon —Playing with/Geoff Dyer — Aflame

in Athens/Victoria Hislop – A family evening/Sebastian Faulks – The king who never

spoke/John le Carré – Into the world/Xialu Guo – Sandcastles : a negotiation / William

Sutclifffe – Last / Ali Smith – Long time, no see / Lionel Shriver – Dog days / Jeannette

Winterson – Afterword / Oxfam

505 01$tFire/$rVikram Seth —$tThe island/$rMark Haddon —$tPlaying with/$rGeoff Dyer

— $tAflame in Athens/$rVictoria Hislop – $tA family evening/$rSebastian Faulks –

$tThe king who never spoke/$rJohn le Carré – $tInto the world/$rXialu Guo –

$tSandcastles : a negotiation / $rWilliam Sutclifffe – $tLast / $rAli Smith – $tLong

time, no see / $rLionel Shriver – $tDog days / $rJeannette Winterson – $tAfterword /


520 – Summary, etc.

3���µ�qN 5, � ��@2, +�* 5���� 2-+ 2�� 520 ����( F। 5�� ���¡ 5 �<$J �( �/� ��$��M� (<��� 8��$�) )���F� � � F )�8� 3< �$�� ��$��M � � 2��। Summary – blank

Subject – 0

Review – 1 Scope and content – 2

Abstract – 3

Content advice – 4


�t(� ��$��M�' 35*n�(। K��0 +8 �<$J #)' 5���<J #$T ¢L¿¹¥ ���M ��� ���)����* +$26� ��1��- $a ���F� �$ । ���M ��� ���)����* +$26� ��$��M� ���F� �$ ��। K� (� � ���F� �$ (� F� �� �a� ���)���� $� 5���� 2 +�* 3���µ�q-+ �$�� ��/��� 2��$( F$�। ��$% @��F = ��0� F�g 520 __$aProvides contact information about dtrug treatment and care services in England

and the Channel Islands. Services are arranged by county, town and type.

520 3_$aThe present paper describes a patient who exhibited ‘Alice in Wonderland’ (AiW)

syndrome as well as lilliputian hallucinations. The patient regularly consumed a

cough syrup that contained dihydrocodein phosphate and dimethylephedrine

hydrochloride over 3 years. At the age of 46, he developed AiW syndrome. The

patient ingested a large dose of triazolam and exhibited delirium. Even after the

disappearance of symptoms associated with AiW syndrome and delirium, the patient

continued to experience lilliputian hallucinations. We believe that these

hallucinations were caused by some of the components of the cough syrup.

@�$ @��F =' �/$� ����� K� 5���� 2 3$�,� 3���µ�q ��s� F$� +�* 3$�� ���M ��|�� ( F$� +�* +�� 3$�� Ml ���F� �$ ���)���� �= 3���µ�q ��$G� K� �A �)�) 5��%� *-+ 5�%� )��� �F5�$� ���F� �� ��= �Ti � $( ��$ �। 5���� F$� �1' �T�· ��$�� �$�� #$���%( ��R K� ���)��� ���F� �� �$� ���M�� ��O �( 5;$�� 3��F( �$ । � ��@ ���¡ 5 5 � �F � � �� �a� ���)���� $� ��$T �1$����� �$� F$( ��$ । 8F� ����( ��$MR �$�R=� 5*$F 2�� ����( F �KG�$� �8-+ 3��� �� ��-�� ��$& ��$³R=��Q ���)��� � � �$�2� F।

520 1_$aReview of ‘Ask Alice’ and the issues it raised about teenage drug use

521 – Target audience note

521 ���) �<J' �58 5�| ����$ �,$- ��$MR �$ �$�2� �KG�$� �M� 5��F(�-+ �� 5a� #$T। �/� ��$��M�' ��e���G( ����b |$ 3�:$6$� ��$��M � � 2�� ����( F। General audience note – blank

Reading grade level – 0

Interest age level – 1

Interest grade level – 2

Special audience characteristics – 3

Motivation/interest level – 3

�t(� ��$��M�' 35*n�(। K��0 ��V%' 5���<J �(� ��� (/��� ���M ��� ���)����* +$26� ��1��- _$a ���F� �$ । ������$ 5��� =( ���� ���)����*���>� ���� ���c���� ���( /�$� �� �52�� ���� -+ � �:* �: | (��$��) 3�1K�� ���F� G1� ��8 F$ /�$�। K�8$F��, 51�� �%( �%$ß� )�8¡ � 3�1K�� 0�J� ���)-+ G1V2$( ��$� #� � ��G$( ��8 ���)����* +$26�X�� t� �8 8��$ �/� �:* �: | ����( F$$T। #� � K�� ���� ���� ���c���� ���( ���F� �$ ���)��� �� K� ���� ����:*-+ @� ���> �$ $$T (�F$� (/� ���$:: <$�� +�y � $� �*�[��$� ���) f( � F$�। ���� ����1$� �/$� +�' @��F $= ����$� ��R' �����$�� �K$( ��$ g Numbered information in subfield $a pertains to the age level at which the item will most

likely be of interest. The value is used to generate the display constant Interest age level:

521 1_$a008-012.


(�-�C �T �5 3��� 8��$ � �:-+ 2��) ���F�� � �$�$� �,$- ��G� ��$T 3$�� ���� ���c���� ���(8 ���) f( � � � 2�� ���� -+ ���$:: <�� 3�1K�� ���)����* �5) �$ �� (�8 ����1���� ���) +�y � $( F$�।

521 1_$aInterest age level: 8-12

��R' G1� 3�� �%( � �K �����:� �8� : +�y �/$� 3�:$6 ���¡ 5$� �� ��(� ( � � F$$T K� ��$% @��F $= ��G�$�� F�g 521 1_$a’Ages 3-8’ – Front flap of dustjacket.

534 – Original version note

���M ��� ���)����* +$26� ���� #8$)�-+ 3� �2��� �����$�M� (#5� ���M��)������ �$ �� = 8F� ���F� �� �$� ��$T �$�2�� (/� 5a� । ���M ��� +$26�8 +8 � $= (/� ������ � � 2�� 534 ���F� �$ ��, 500 �<$J 3��$� 5��� = ���) �F5�$� +�y �$ । @� ��$��M�8 35*n�(। +8 �<$J 3��$� ���) ��' 5���<J #$T (3$�� +$26� 500 �<J �Ti � � ��T$� +)� +�)� �� = F$( ��$ )।5;H=� (����� 2�� www.loc.gov/marc/bibliographic/bd534.html ��G1�। 5���$�,� ���M ����( 5���<JX�� F�g

$p – Introductory phrase

$c – Publication of the original

$t – Title of the original

534 �<$J �1' @��F = ��0� F�g 534_$pOriginally published:$cLondon : Little, Brown, 1998.

534_$pOriginally published as: $tEchoes from the macabre, $cLondon : Victor Gollancz,

1976. 561 – Ownership and custodial history

�MR �!-�z �T K��S @S5 5*[�~ �$�R=� ��( ���V� ��$�$T +�* �¤ ���� (�$� ��$MR 5*$F +85� �$�R=��Ñ #8$)� ������ �$ �G$T। �/� ��$��M� ($/� ������(� | ��$��M � � 2�� ����( F। ��$% �/� ��$��M�X�� @$®G � � F�g No information as to privacy – blank

Private information – 0

Not private – 1

3$�� ���� ���]�( ($/� 5��5��� $= 2�� ��M��� �& � $( �K ��;@)� ����:* � � F (� @� � 5� �G� �����$ M�©( /�$� (�8 +8 �<$J ��1��- 5��5��� $= (/�8 +�y � � F। 5*$���M�� (/� �K�� ��(� ��� 0 j���� 8(���� 2�� �O/� <�8� � � F। �t(� ��$��M�' 35*n�(। + 3��$� ��V%' 5���<J #$T ¢L¿¹¥ ���M ��� ���)����* +$26� ��1��- $a ���F� �$ । 561_$aInscription: Charles Young, July 1930.

561_$aContains book label on front pastedown: De la Bibliotheque de M.Deumeril.

561_$aFrom the library of Sir John Rotton, bequeathed 1926.

561_$aInscriptions on title page verso and several other blank leaves:’Thomas Moore’.

K�� ���� �/$� @��F = ��0� F K� ($/� ������(� | ��$��M � � 2�� �/� ��$��M� ���F� �$ (�F$� (� 561 1_�F5�$� ����:* F$�। 563 – Binding information


��$MR( ��$MR 5*F ����� ��V��8 (/� ��M8 ������ �$ /�$�। ���M ��� ���¡ 5 �<$J ��� ��$��M�5�HF 35*n�(। K��0 + 3��$� T' 5��-�<J #$T ¢L¿¹¥ ���M ��� ���)����* +$26� ��1��- $a ���F� �$ । ����$ �$�2� 3�1K�� ��|�� ( �� 5��� = (/� ������ � � F। ��$% �$�' @��F = ��0� F�। 563_$aBuckram binding.

563_$aModern Buckram binding: edges red.

563_$aBlue cloth binding

563_$aNavy blue cloth binding, gift text on upper board and spine, top edge stained blue.

59x – Local notes

����b �� $= ����$ ������ ���¡ 5 �$�� � � F। 5�$/$� 5��� = ��R F� c��� ��� 5;$�� (/� ������ � �। �� = K�8 �F�� �� ���, �F��J* ($/� 5$. ������$�8 +8 ���¡ 5-+ +�y F$� ��। ��$% �$�' ��|� @��F = ��0� F�g 590_$aTitle-page and first few pages slightly damaged.

590_$aThe whole volume has suffered some water damage.

590_$aLacking the 6 advertisement leaves.


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New MARC Authority and Bibliographic fields for Work and Expression

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metadata, whether packaged as a bibliographic record, an authority record, or some other

structure’. RDA +�* (� �$�� �1�$( F$� (� ��T$� �K ���( #$T (� ����� � �� +�* K�� ��T1 �� �1�� (�F$� #��$� �� ��R�X�� �MG� �$�2�।

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2009)8 RDA-�� ������� ����� '��2��g '�@�� ��@��h ��S�i ��'������� #$�� �� �(�' 2�(� ���� ��8$� � 3< �*$5, ���M���� +����%� �� ��8$� � +�* ���M���� ��8$� � 3< ���:�5� C!�� 5�$� 5� � �T �$ RDA–+ @� ���F�� � �$�� �H���(Q � �,� �� �,� %���। @�$ �] �(�' 2�(� ���� $� 5�F�K� � � 2�� 5� � #$�� �� 21$� ����$5�� ��(\��X��$� 3*MF= � � 2�� #ã�� � � F। + �$�� C ' ��(\�� K/� OCLC ��)�:��)� +� �y�q 5���� $55, �� 8@�����5�' 3< �M��$��, ����$<�:� 8@�����5�', ����¢� 8@�����5�', �� ��@�2� ��8$� � 3��$5��5$M��/OLAC +�* ����$�2 ��8$� � 0��� 5 ������%( F। CONSER �����:� � �:� ���F� �$ +�' ��/:��2 f( � � � F +�* �)� ���-3�:� $�'* ���' Cz' ���$)� ��$� +�' �5) f( � �$ । ��(' ��(\�� �1�� �$ ���)��� �$ $T +�* ��8� � �:� ��� ���)����* ���( 3�1K�� f( � � � F। � �,� 5$. K1] ��(' ��(\��$� ���$, Cz' � �:� RDA-�� f( � � $( ��� F$�T�। +T��� ��(\��X�� ��� ���)����*-+ +�:$): � �:� 5 2�� ��0� ���c� �T�। 8�< ��� � �,��� � ��(\��X��5F ���) �C!!' ��� 3� �2��� �5), z�!�' +�B� 3� �2��� �5), ���' ��� ��� �5) +�* �!�' +�B� ��� RDA � �:� -+ 2�� �$�। RDA-+ � �,� 5;��� ( 5;H=� <��<� +�* :��)� ��$³R= ���) ��" �O\� ‘� $��)� +� � �$�$�M��’ ��/$( @�c���( � � F$$T (Library of Congress Network

Development and MARC Standard Office, 201012; US RDA Test Coordinating Committee,


201128) K�$( �<, ��8 %�)� , 3��$���$55, 5�$�� �²���� +�* K� �MG�$�� F$$T (� ��$u ��G�$�� F$$T K� ���R�$( ���)����* �����:� � �,� � � ��$2 ���$( ��$ । �)� ���-3�:� $�'* ���' 51��� M �$ $T ‘C!� 5�$� 2��1� � ��$5 #$� �� ��8$� � 3< �*$5, �� ���M���� +����%� �� ��8$� � +�* �� ���M���� ��8$� � 3< ���:�5� RDA– �$�� � � @�%( �। (�8 ��  � ��$� ��� �K$( ��$ RDA F� ���)����*-+ ���R�S ¢L¿¹¥ �����$(8 #���� �C ��$5 �$�� �����$(8 �। ���' � $��$)� # 0 51��� M � � F$$Tg ‘�(�' 2�(� ���� RDA–+ 3��( 2�� �$�2�� 5;$� ���c� � $� +�* (� 2�� �$�2� #$�� �� +�* ��8$ ��$M ���� ���@��' XYZ�H=� �$%E�।। (�8 ��$MR �$ #$�� �� ���� X�� +�� ���� ���� �� = ��8 RDA �$�� � � 5� (� � ��5. F$�। #$�� �� ��8$ ���)����* ���@��' 8�(�$��8 ��8$� � 3< �*$5 0$�5�8$) ����M( ��M,= 5*[�~ ��/ +�* RDA 5*[�~ � �,��� � ����$<�:� 8@�����5�' +�* 8@�����5�' 3< �M��$�� ��$MRn � ��M� @�c���� +�* ��$& ����$� ��0� 51N$K�� F$$T +�* @��O ( F$$T। ���)����* ���@��' +�' 51��� $M G1�8 ��|$��� �$ $T� +�* (� F� 2$� ���� * ���' @�%( ‘RDA ��$��MX�� ��  � , ¨E +�* 5F2 8*$ 2�$( �1=���G� � �’। ��$MR �$ ��e���G( 3���X�� �1=���G�-+ �����$ 3����� ��0� @�%(। • RDA 2 Recording Attributes of Manifestation and Item

• RDA 6 Identifying Works and Expressions

• RDA 9 Identifying Persons

• RDA 10 Identifying Families

• RDA 11 Identifying Corporate Bodies

• RDA 17 General Guidelines on Recording Primary Relationships

3�� +�' 2��� 51��� M F� ALA ���M�� @�%( ‘RDA )1 ���$) ��K���� (� �O�� � �’। ��K�� � �� ���F�$ ��$K��� � �,� 51��� M0 � � F$$T। ALA ���M��$� 3�1$ �� � � F$$T ‘MARC <$��) +�* 3����� +�$���:* v���$( RDA–+ 5;H=� � �:� f( � � $( +�* ��$MR ���@��' �K�� �5� �7 5 (2�����/��� 0�:����), � � �1� 5 (�1��� �8), ��@�2� (���)-+ @��F = ��0� �/� ��� F$$T।

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��$�� �K MARC <$��) �$��$� ��� �$ (�V ���2��� �Y F$�T� +�* �(�� �58 MARC <$��)-+ �� �(� (3/��SRDA)�$�$� 5$. 2��(। �)� ���-3�:� $�'* ���' %H��~ ��($��� ��8$� � 3< �*$5 Transforming our

Bibliographic Framework: a statement from the Library of Congress ��$� ��5 � ��2 �$ +�* ^( ���)����* +�* 5��� = ���� ��$5 ����$� T��$ �$�। ��5 ���O�($( ��� Fg ��8$� � 3< �*$5 +�$���:* �����:� MARC21–+ ����� �$�$� �5�$ �K��� 5;$� ����$�� �$ $T...#$�� �� RDA � �,� 5$. K1] 3*MF=�� � �OF> ���@��' �(äH (� �~�� F� +8 � �,� 3���M�� ��$2)2��( %�� ¢L¿¹¥ �G�8 RDA ���� �(1 � +�* @«H( �$�� �����:� -+ �H=� 51���� �/� ��$�%�� �$ �� K� 2�� MARC21–+ �� �(� (� $£5$��)2Y � F$ �$�$T। :��)� +�$%? (�����)-+ 2�� 5;$� ���F� 5*[�~ (�$~ �����$ ��8$� � 3< �*$5 – • ��$ � ��)�:��)� +�$���:* �����:� -+ ���� ��R (#5$�q) � $G ��0�

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F= - �� 2� ���À� �H�����5 - z� 2� F��5�1$G #ã�� - C 2� 3����� - �!� 2� �² +��$ ��$T� - "C 2� (Sanchez, 2010)25. �������-�� �� AACR2, RDA ��� MARC21 –�� ������� ����� RDA-+ #���� ���� <$��) ��8 K� ����$� ���M � � K�। (1 ��� 51���� 2�� RDA 3�1K�� ���)����* AACR2 ��:� <$��)-+ ��G�$�� F�। Example 1

Title Page: Unconcerned – but not indifferent

the life of Man Ray

Derek Adams

Ninth Arrondissement Press

Verso of the Gtle page: For Michael Donaghy, who is missed by everyone


I would like to thank the editors of the following magazines,

where some of these poems first appeared: Comrades,

Chimera, NthposiGon, Magma, SpinDriber, Stride.

Grateful thanks to Kathryn Marie & the Money group, the

AdamaGnes and the long suffering. Arvonaurs for support and


Robert Cole & Susie Reynolds for their excitement about this

project and encouragement to see it through.

And finally Dolly for pucng up with having poems thrust

before her to look at whilst trying to finish her degree thesis.

Poems copyright Derek Adams 2006

Also by Derek Adams

Postcards to Olympus

Everyday objects, Chance Remarks

Published 2006

Ninth Arrondissement Press

118 naryland Road

Mile End

Golchester CO4 5ET

ISBN 9780955352119

AACR2 ��$�� � 3�1NK�� ���)����* F$� ��e���G(g Adams, Derek

Unconcerned but not indifferent. – Ninth Arrondissement, 2006. – 32p. – 9780955352119

AACR2 ��$�� C 3�1NK�� ���)����* F$� ��e���G(g

Adams, Derek


Unconcerned but not indifferent: the life of Man Ray/Derek Adams. – Colchester: Ninth

Arrondissement, 2006. – 32p. ; 21 cm. – 9780955352119

RDA 3�1NK�� ���)����* F$� ��e���G(g

Unconcerned – but not indifferent: the life of Man Ray/Derek Adams. – Colchester: Ninth

Arrondissement Press, 2006. – 32pages ; 21 cm. – 9780955352119

Access point: Adams, Derek

MARC 21 (AACR2) 3�1NK�� ���)����* F$� ��e���G(g 020 $a9780955352119 (pbk)

100 1 $aAdams, Derek

245 10 $aUnconcerned but not different:

$bthe life of Man Ray/

Derek Adams

260 $aColchester :

$bNinth Arrondissement,


300 $a32p. ;

$c21 cm.

Example 2

Title page: The Library of Babel

In and Out of Place

25 February – 13 June 2010

Curated by Anna-Catharina Gebbers as a result of her residency with

176 Zabludowicz Collection

The Three-Part Residency also included

The Krautcho Club/ In and Out of Place

30 August 2008

Forgotten Bar Project Berlin

11 September -14 December 2008

V-Effekt/ In and Out of Place

21-27 September 2009

Zabludowicz Collection


The Library of Babel/In and Out of Place

Curated by Anna-Catharina Gebbers

Edited by Ellen Mara de Wachter, 1977-

ISBN 978-0-9556629-8-0

This publication has been produced in a limited edition of 500 to

coincide with The Library of Babel/In and Out of Place, an exhibition


presented at 176 Zabludowicz Collection, London, between 25 February

– 13 June 2010

AACR2 ��$�� � 3�1NK�� ���)����* F$� ��e���G(g The Library of Bebel, in and out of place/curated by Anna-Catharina Gebbers as a result of

her residency with 176 Zabludowicz Collection. – Zabludowicz, 2010. – 120 p. – “Edited by

Ellen Mara de Wachter.” –colophon. – 9780955662980

Added entry: Gebbers, Anna-Catharina

Added entry: De Watcher, Ellen Mara, 1977-

Added entry: Zabludowicz Collection

AACR2 ��$�� C 3�1NK�� ���)����* F$� ��e���G(g

The Library of Babel, in and out of place: 25 February -13 June 2010/curated by Anna-

Catharina Gebbers as a result of her residency with 176 Zabludowicz Collection. – London :

Zabludowicz, 2010. – 120 p. : col. Ill. ; 24 cm. – “Edited by Ellen Mara de Wachter.” –

colophon. – “This publication has been produced in a limited edition of 500 to coincide with

The Library of Babel/In and Out of Place, an exhibition presented at 176 Zabludowicz

Collection, London, between 25 February and 13 June 2010.” – colophon. – 9780955662980

Added entry: Gebbers, Anna-Catharina

Added entry: de Watcher, Ellen Mara, 1977-

Added entry: Zabludowicz Collection

RDA 3�1NK�� ���)����* F$� ��e���G(g

The Library of Babel, in and out of place : 25 February – 13 June 2010/ curated curated by

Anna-Catharina Gebbers as a result of her residency with 176 Zabludowicz Collection. –

London : Zabludowicz Art Projects, 2010. – 120 pages : colour Illustrations ; 24 cm. – “Edited

by Ellen Mara de Wachter.” – colophon. – “This publication has been produced in a limited

edition of 500 to coincide with The Library of Babel/In and Out of Place, an exhibition

presented at 176 Zabludowicz Collection, London, between 25 February and 13 June 2010.”

– colophon. – 9780955662980

Access point: Gebbers, Anna-Catharina, curator

Access point: De Watcher, Ellen Mara, 1977- , editor

Added entry: Zabludowicz Collection

MARC 21 (AACR2) 3�1NK�� ���)����* F$� ��e���G(g 020 $a9780955662980 (pbk)

245 04 $aThe Library of Babel, in and out of place:

$b25 February – 13 June 2010/

$c curated curated by Anna-Catharina Gebbers as a result of her residency

with 176 Zabludowicz Collection.

260 $aLondon :



300 $a120p. :

$bcol. ill. ;

300 $c24 cm.

500 $a”Edited by Ellen Mara de Wachter.” – colophon.


$a– “This publication has been produced in a limited edition of 500 to

coincide with The Library of Babel/In and Out of Place, an exhibition

presented at 176 Zabludowicz Collection, London, between 25 February and

13 June 2010.” – colophon.

700 1 $aGebbers, Anna-Catherina

700 1 $aDe Wachter, Ellen Mara,


710 2 $aZabludowicz Collection

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2. Chan, L.M. (2007). Cataloguing and classification: an introduction, 3rd ed, Scarecrow.

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15. Lubetzky, S. (1946). Studies of descriptive cataloging: a report to the Librarian of Congress by

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21. Oliver, C. (2010). Introducing RDA: a guide to the basics, Facet Publishing.

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