A year down yonder book unit

Post on 30-Jun-2015






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A Year Down Yonder by Richard Peck Prologue and Chapter 1: Rich Chicago Girl

Comprehension - Answer the questions. 1. Who narrates the story?


2. What time of year is it?


3. Why must her parents move to a smaller apartment?


4. Who is Mary Alice being sent to live with?


5. What two prized possessions does she take with her?


6. Where does Grandma take Mary Alice first?


7. In addition to being the principal, what else does Mr. Fluke do?


8. Why does Mildred go home with Mary Alice?


9. How does Mildred�s father make a living?


10. What happens to Mildred�s horse and boots?


11. Why won�t she be coming to school anymore?


12. What does Grandma do to Bootsie?


Name ____________________________________ Date ____________________________

A Year Down Yonder by Richard Peck Prologue and Chapter 1: Rich Chicago Girl

Vocabulary - Use each word in a sentence that shows the meaning. If you are unsure of the meaning, use a dictionary, and then write the definition of the word in your own words. bustled __________________________________________________________________

cadaver __________________________________________________________________

celluloid __________________________________________________________________

cipher __________________________________________________________________

civilian __________________________________________________________________

clabber __________________________________________________________________

clink __________________________________________________________________

conniption __________________________________________________________________

dropsy __________________________________________________________________

glinted __________________________________________________________________

kin __________________________________________________________________

murmur __________________________________________________________________

penitentiary __________________________________________________________________

privy __________________________________________________________________

recession __________________________________________________________________

scrawled __________________________________________________________________

spectacled __________________________________________________________________

trudged __________________________________________________________________

wary __________________________________________________________________

Name ____________________________________ Date ____________________________

A Year Down Yonder by Richard Peck Prologue and Chapter 1: Rich Chicago Girl

Writing 1. Grandma says that you butter a cat�s paws in a new place, so that by the

time they�ve licked off the butter, they feel at home. She tells Mary Alice to settle in, or she�ll butter her paws. What do you think of what Grandma has done to make her feel at home? Use at least one example in your answer.





2. Mary Alice wishes that she were two years older and a boy, so that she could plant trees with her brother Joey. Based on what you know so far about life with Grandma, would you feel the same way? Explain your answer.





3. Describe Grandma Dowdel in your own words. Based on your impression of her so far, what would be the pros and cons of living with her?





4. Mary Alice brings two things with her for comfort. If you were sent away for a year to live in the country, which two things would you bring and why?





Name ____________________________________ Date ____________________________

A Year Down Yonder by Richard Peck

Prologue and Chapter 1: Rich Chicago Girl Answers 1. Mary Alice narrates the story.

2. The story begins in September.

3. There is a recession and her father lost his job.

4. To live with her Grandma.

5. Her radio and her cat Bootsie.

6. To school.

7. He is also the janitor, the coach, and the shop teacher.

8. Mildred goes to collect her dollar.

9. He�s a horse trader and a horse thief.

10. Grandma ties her boots to the horse and sets it loose.

11. She doesn�t care enough about school to walk.

12. She butters his paws and puts him in the cobhouse.

Name ____________________________________ Date ____________________________

A Year Down Yonder by Richard Peck Chapter 2: Vittles and Vengeance

Comprehension - Answer the questions. 1. What do the boys of the town do to celebrate Halloween?


2. What does Grandma do with the wire and railroad spike?


3. How does Grandma mark the Halloweeners?


4. What do the boys leave behind?


5. Describe how that Grandma makes use of what they leave.


6. What did Old Man Nyquist tell Grandma she could have?


7. How does she get more?


8. Why doesn�t she think of it as stealing?



9. How do the townsfolk react to Grandma�s appearance at the party?


10. What do Grandma and Mary Alice learn from August Fluke�s appearance?



11. How does Grandma let Mr. Fluke know what his son did?


12. Who comes back for a second piece of pumpkin pie? Why is her name significant?




Name ____________________________________ Date ____________________________

A Year Down Yonder by Richard Peck Chapter 2: Vittles and Vengeance

Vocabulary - Use each word in a sentence that shows the meaning. If you are unsure of the meaning, use a dictionary, and then write the definition of the word in your own words. absentee __________________________________________________________________

axle __________________________________________________________________

berth __________________________________________________________________

codger __________________________________________________________________

confederates _________________________________________________________________

coronary __________________________________________________________________

coroner __________________________________________________________________

doled __________________________________________________________________

droves __________________________________________________________________

foliage __________________________________________________________________

forage __________________________________________________________________

piteous __________________________________________________________________

quivered __________________________________________________________________

rapscallion __________________________________________________________________

reservoir __________________________________________________________________

smoldering __________________________________________________________________

vengeance __________________________________________________________________

vittles __________________________________________________________________

Name ____________________________________ Date ____________________________

A Year Down Yonder by Richard Peck Chapter 2: Vittles and Vengeance

Writing 1. Mary Alice says, as she and Grandma head off to Old Man Nyquist�s, �We

might have been any grandma and her grand-daughter, out for an evening stroll. But we weren�t. We were Grandma Dowdel and me.� What does she mean? Use at least two examples.






2. How do you think Grandma justifies the �stealing� she does? Respond as though you were Grandma, explaining herself.






3. How might Mary Alice explain Grandma�s �stealing�? Answer from her point of view.





4. Many people in town are intimidated by Grandma. Discuss how the town would be different without her presence, using at least three examples.






Name ____________________________________ Date ____________________________

A Year Down Yonder by Richard Peck

Chapter 2: Vittles and Vengeance Answers

1. They celebrate by tearing down privies.

2. She sets up a trip wire to catch the boys.

3. She pours the glue on them so that later she can see who did it.

4. They leave behind a knife, flour, and a handsaw.

5. She uses the knife to cut pumpkins off the vine and to slice pie, she uses the flour for pie crust, and she uses the handsaw to cut open pumpkins.

6. The pecans that fell on the ground.

7. She gets more by driving his tractor into the tree and knocking more off.

8. She says it�s not stealing because he said she could have any pecans that fell.

9. They are alarmed and surprised, but don�t hesitate to eat the pies.

10. They learn that he was one of the Halloweeners because his hair was shaved off to get the glue off.

11. She lets him know by slicing his pie with the initialed knife.

12. Reba Pensinger comes back for more. They stole the pumpkins from her patch.

Name ____________________________________ Date ____________________________

A Year Down Yonder by Richard Peck Chapter 3: A Minute in the Morning

Comprehension - Answer the questions. 1. Why doesn�t Mary Alice think Grandma�s house could be haunted?


2. What keeps Mary Alice company, alone upstairs?


3. How does the town observe Armistice Day?


4. What is burgoo?



5. How does Grandma help out at the turkey shoot?


6. What does Grandma do instead of charging each person a dime?


7. How do the women of the Legion Auxiliary react?



8. What happens to the money made from the burgoo?


9. Why does Mrs. Abernathy need the money?



10. What happened to Mrs. Abernathy�s son?


11. Why does Grandma approve of Kate Smith, �Songbird of the South�?


Name ____________________________________ Date ____________________________

A Year Down Yonder by Richard Peck Chapter 3: A Minute in the Morning

Vocabulary - Use each word in a sentence that shows the meaning. If you are unsure of the meaning, use a dictionary, and then write the definition of the word in your own words. auxiliary __________________________________________________________________

armistice __________________________________________________________________

beam __________________________________________________________________

brazen __________________________________________________________________

chink __________________________________________________________________

confer __________________________________________________________________

craters __________________________________________________________________

dormer __________________________________________________________________

dungarees __________________________________________________________________

enterprising __________________________________________________________________

hunker __________________________________________________________________

legion __________________________________________________________________

muffled __________________________________________________________________

repertoire __________________________________________________________________

scuttled __________________________________________________________________

skulk __________________________________________________________________

testimonial __________________________________________________________________

Name ____________________________________ Date ____________________________

A Year Down Yonder by Richard Peck Chapter 3: A Minute in the Morning

Writing 1. Discuss how the people in the town take care of each other, using at

least two examples.






2. The townspeople were strongly affected by the Great War. What are some ways that bad things can bring about good results? Use real life examples.






3. Grandma uses unconventional tactics to help people or to get her way. Why do you think they work? Use at least two examples.






4. What do you think Mary Alice learning by living with Grandma? Use at least three examples.






Name ____________________________________ Date ____________________________

A Year Down Yonder by Richard Peck

Chapter 3: A Minute in the Morning Answers

1. What ghost would dare?

2. Her radio.

3. With a turkey shoot and a minute of silence.

4. A stew made with whatever to have on hand � different meats, turnips, potatoes, tomatoes, onion, etc.

5. She is the cashier for the burgoo sale.

6. She charges what each person can afford, from nothing to a dollar.

7. They praise her skill at making money and ask her to join the Auxiliary.

8. It�s given to Mrs. Abernathy.

9. Because her son only gets a small check from the government for being a veteran.

10. He was gassed and injured in the Great War (World War I).

11. Because she is a big, full-figured woman like Grandma.

Name ____________________________________ Date ____________________________

A Year Down Yonder by Richard Peck Chapter 4: Away in a Manger

Comprehension - Answer the questions. 1. What part does Mary Alice have in the Christmas program?


2. Describe the mysterious figure Mary Alice sees from her bedroom window.



3. When does Grandma claim to sleep?


4. What does Grandma have in the wicker basket?


5. What is the gun for?


6. Why does Grandma bring walnut shells and wear rubber?


7. Why does Mary Alice keep going trapping with Grandma?



8. What does Grandma make Mary Alice, and what does it resemble?


9. What is the �high moment� of the Christmas program?


10. Who does Grandma bring to the Christmas program?


11. What makes Mary Alice more popular with the girls in her class?


12. On what does Grandma spend the fox money?



Name ____________________________________ Date ____________________________

A Year Down Yonder by Richard Peck Chapter 4: Away in a Manger

Vocabulary - Use each word in a sentence that shows the meaning. If you are unsure of the meaning, use a dictionary, and then write the definition of the word in your own words. bias __________________________________________________________________

blunderbuss ________________________________________________________________

decreed __________________________________________________________________

dole __________________________________________________________________

feisty __________________________________________________________________

headway __________________________________________________________________

hoist __________________________________________________________________

lumbering __________________________________________________________________

lush __________________________________________________________________

meander __________________________________________________________________

palsy __________________________________________________________________

poring __________________________________________________________________

preen __________________________________________________________________

swathed __________________________________________________________________

trod __________________________________________________________________

wily __________________________________________________________________

Name ____________________________________ Date ____________________________

A Year Down Yonder by Richard Peck Chapter 4: Away in a Manger

Writing 1. Describe the way Mary Alice�s feelings toward Grandma begin to change.

What causes the changes?






2. As a city girl, Mary Alice doesn�t feel like she fits in with her classmates. Discuss, using at least two examples, how she begins to fit in.






3. If you were in Mary Alice�s position, what might you do differently than she does? What would you do the same?






4. What are the similarities and differences between Mary Alice�s school experience and your own? Use examples.






Name ____________________________________ Date ____________________________

A Year Down Yonder by Richard Peck

Chapter 4: Away in a Manger Answers 1. She plays Mary.

2. Scary, trudging through the snow, bundled up, carrying a basket.

3. Never.

4. Walnut shells, wire, wooden stakes, a glass vial, and rabbit fur.

5. To shoot foxes.

6. To disguise the smell of humans.

7. She becomes more aware of Grandma�s age and hard work and wants to make sure she comes home safely.

8. A halo, which resembles a crown of thorns.

9. When a real baby is discovered in the manger.

10. Mary Alice�s brother Joey.

11. Her older brother.

12. Train tickets for Joey and Mary Alice to visit their parents.

Name ____________________________________ Date ____________________________

A Year Down Yonder by Richard Peck Chapter 5: Hearts and Flour

Comprehension - Answer the questions. 1. Who pays a visit to Grandma?


2. What is the DAR?



3. What do they ask Grandma to provide? Why Grandma?


4. Who says there will be a Valentine exchange at the high school?


5. Who receives the most Valentines? Who are they from?



6. How does Mary Alice trick Carleen?



7. Who hosts the DAR tea?


8. Who are the surprise visitors?


9. What is Mrs. Weidenbach�s true ancestry?


10. Who is her long-lost sister?


11. What is Grandma�s punch recipe?



12. Who writes �Newsy Notes�?


Name ____________________________________ Date ____________________________

A Year Down Yonder by Richard Peck Chapter 5: Hearts and Flour

Vocabulary - Use each word in a sentence that shows the meaning. If you are unsure of the meaning, use a dictionary, and then write the definition of the word in your own words. aristocracy __________________________________________________________________

benediction __________________________________________________________________

capitulate __________________________________________________________________

fumbled __________________________________________________________________

grapple __________________________________________________________________

invocation __________________________________________________________________

lolled __________________________________________________________________

lurched __________________________________________________________________

plunged __________________________________________________________________

reeling __________________________________________________________________

savor __________________________________________________________________

scholar __________________________________________________________________

sentiment __________________________________________________________________

sidle __________________________________________________________________

surveyor __________________________________________________________________

Name ____________________________________ Date ____________________________

A Year Down Yonder by Richard Peck Chapter 5: Hearts and Flour

Writing 1. Do you find Grandma funny? Why or why not? Use examples.






2. In your opinion, does Mary Alice become more like her Grandma as time passes? Use examples to support your opinion.






3. What is the importance of family in the story? Use at least two examples.






4. What do you think of the �Newsy Notes�? What do they tell us about the writer and about the town? What is their purpose?






Name ____________________________________ Date ____________________________

A Year Down Yonder by Richard Peck

Chapter 5: Hearts and Flour Answers

1. Mrs. Weidenbach, the banker�s wife.

2. Daughters of the American Revolution � women who traced their family back to the Revolutionary War.

3. Cherry tarts, because the town is still talking about Grandma�s pies.

4. The author of �Newsy Notes.�

5. Ina-Rae receives the most, from the teacher, Elmo Leaper, the Johnson brothers, and Royce McNabb.

6. By making the Valentines herself and making Carleen think Royce likes Ina-Rae instead of her.

7. Grandma.

8. Effie Wilcox and Aunt Mae Griswold.

9. She�s a Burdick.

10. Effie Wilcox.

11. One part strawberry juice and two parts bourbon.

12. Mary Alice.

Name ____________________________________ Date ____________________________

A Year Down Yonder by Richard Peck Chapter 6: A Dangerous Man

Comprehension - Answer the questions. 1. What does Bootsie bring to show Mary Alice?



2. How does Grandma do her laundry?


3. Where does Arnold Green come from, and what is he in town to do?



4. Why does Mary Alice have to put up with Grandma snoring?



5. What subject does Mary Alice need help with?


6. What other reason does she have for inviting Royce over?


7. What is Grandma�s reaction?


8. What is Grandma doing when Royce comes over?


9. What are Mary Alice and Royce talking about when they are interrupted?


10. What is Maxine Patch wearing as she comes down the stairs?


11. How does the whole town manage to see Maxine?


12. Why did the snake live in the attic?


13. Who does Grandma set up with Arnold Green?


Name ____________________________________ Date ____________________________

A Year Down Yonder by Richard Peck Chapter 6: A Dangerous Man

Vocabulary - Use each word in a sentence that shows the meaning. If you are unsure of the meaning, use a dictionary, and then write the definition of the word in your own words. alfalfa __________________________________________________________________

annals __________________________________________________________________

ashen __________________________________________________________________

audible __________________________________________________________________

composition __________________________________________________________________

dubious __________________________________________________________________

eerie __________________________________________________________________

ghastly __________________________________________________________________

loomed __________________________________________________________________

midst __________________________________________________________________

mirth __________________________________________________________________

presided __________________________________________________________________

simpering __________________________________________________________________

sphinx __________________________________________________________________

temperament ________________________________________________________________

trigonometry ________________________________________________________________

wary __________________________________________________________________

Name ____________________________________ Date ____________________________

A Year Down Yonder by Richard Peck Chapter 6: A Dangerous Man

Writing 1. Mary Alice and Grandma both try their hands at match-making in this

chapter. Compare and contrast their styles.






2. If you were Grandma, would you take in a stranger like Arnold Green? Why or why not?






3. If you were Mary Alice, would you �set your cap� for Royce? Why or why not?






4. If you were Royce, what would you think after the snake incident? What would you think of Mary Alice and her family?






Name ____________________________________ Date ____________________________

A Year Down Yonder by Richard Peck

Chapter 6: A Dangerous Man Answers

1. A robin�s egg, a grasshopper, a mouse, a frog, and her kitten.

2. Boiling over an open fire in the yard and wringing it out by hand.

3. He comes from New York and is in town to paint a mural.

4. Because she has to sleep in Grandma�s room now that Arnold Green sleeps upstairs.

5. Math.

6. To make her move before Carleen makes hers.

7. She says she�ll make lemonade.

8. Napping.

9. Things they have in common, not math.

10. Only a snake.

11. Grandma wakes them up from their naps with a gunshot.

12. It ate birds that got into the house.

13. Miss Butler, Mary Alice�s teacher.

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