A Piratical Legacy Chapter 36 - Past the Horizon

Post on 13-May-2015






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Chapter 36 – Past the Horizon

A Piratical Legacy Chapter 36: Past the Horizon

"It is time for a new course of action," the cowled and shadowed figure at the head of the table said authoritatively. "That's obvious, Fortune," another admonished. "Just because you're the Chair for this meeting doesn't mean you're in charge." "Don't even start, Family," another figure said in exasperation. "We all know you and Fortune can't stand one another." "She makes a good point, though," another figure pointed out. "Of course you'd take her side, Romance," Family sneered, but she then fell silent.

Silence filled the room for a moment before Family spoke up again: "What are we going to do? Knowledge? Got any ideas in that head of yours?" Knowledge stretched languidly before beginning to speak. "It behooves us to review our past failures." "There are kind of a lot of them," a fifth voice, presumably Popularity, chimed in. "Not as many as you might imagine," Knowledge contradicted.

"Not so many?" Popularity yelped. "Ever since that family moved to this island and promptly started ignoring us, we've been actively seeking ways of getting rid of them!" "No, we've been having a lot of meetings where we squabble at one another," Fortune said delicately. "We've only acted a few times."

"If the legacy founder had actually married Fortune or I like he was supposed to, we wouldn't still be here dressed in these ridiculous costumes," Family complained. "Could we please get back to the subject at hand?" Knowledge pleaded. "If we're actually going to get something done, that is. If this is just turning into another bickerfest, I'm going home." "Let the recitation of our past atrocities begin," a hushed voice said from the foot of the table.

The other five jumped. "Ah, Grow Up," Fortune said nervously. "We hadn't realized you were paying attention." There was no response from the foot of the table. "Perhaps I ought to begin, then," Romance said with much throat-clearing.

"We have attempted to disrupt the Buccaneer family's hold on the island on four separate occasions," Romance continued solemnly. "Firstly: the matter of the Buccaneer family curse. Knowledge and I met with one Anthony Greaves, a much-distraught former concubine of the then-heiress, Ivy Buccaneer. This Greaves was bound and determined to stalk Mrs. Buccaneer. We felt then that he would be unsuccessful, but Knowledge was able to impart a particular bit of arcana and the result was that when Greaves died, the family was cursed." "Yeah, but then the next heir went and lifted the curse," Popularity complained. "Yes, but the result of that was the return to life of our patsy," Romance said. "We were able to convince him to interfere once more. He succeeded in seducing Marie, wife of fourth generation heir Roche, and she had his child. This child was named heiress, and we would have succeeded at breaking the family if someone hadn't told the child of her parentage. She resigned."

Romance took a sip of water before continuing. "Our patsy disappeared, and for some time we did nothing. But then two more pawns fell into our grasp: Septimus and Octavia Toyonaga. These two were of the legacy family but felt they ought to be in control of said family. They were easy to bend to our whims. Unfortunately, they were also highly ineffective and were stopped before their plan could come to fruition."

"Yes, but we had some measure of foresight this time," Fortune said. "We put other plans into motion at the same time, specifically in the legislature." "That wasn't really foresight," Knowledge said. "It was pure dumb luck. The relevant legislation had been enacted some generations earlier. We were able to tweak it beneath the notice of anyone." "Yes, and then bring it to the attention of the authorities when the legacy brat tried to contravene it," Romance said gleefully. "I would have loved to see the look on her face when the police dragged her poor fiancé away."

"You did see the look on her face," Fortune snorted. "It was all over the front page of the newspaper." "I know!" "But what does it matter?" Family interjected. "She foiled that one too, and now there are two more heirs!" The circle bickered amongst themselves, casting blame indiscriminately, for some time. They were stopped by a cough from the foot of the table. The five of them looked up fearfully. "What is it?" Fortune asked.

The small, hooded figure known as Grow Up seemed to slouch even further beneath robes of black. "I have a plan." They listened intently. "But that's--" "I am still speaking." More protests.

"I do not see that we have much choice, fellow conspirators," the childish voice pointed out at the last. As one, the other five were forced to agree. "It seems not," Popularity conceded. "Very well, Grow Up. We will give your plan a chance. It can't go any more badly than the others have gone." "Excellent. I shall put it into action immediately. I know just the dupe..."

"Who's the cutest baby in the world? Kennit is!" Gertie crowed, dancing around the kitchen with her newest great-nephew. The baby gurgled and cooed happily in response. "You might want to be careful doing that," Ching Shih laughed. "Kennit likes to 'shower' people if they bounce him right after he's eaten." "Shih, Kennit is the sixth baby I've helped to raise," Gertie pointed out, bouncing the happy baby on her shoulder. "I'm well aware of the risks."

"Have you and Jim given any more thought to our proposal?" Grace asked her daughter. "It would only be for three or four days, and Shere Khan and Zing are fine with Sterling going." "I suppose," Ching Shih sighed at last, keeping one eye on her son. "Jim and I just don't like being away from Balthier for so long. It's bad enough that Balthier didn't even meet his daddy until he was three years old." "Yes, but you wouldn't even know they'd ever been apart to look at them now," Grace pointed out reassuringly.

"You aren't going to barf on your Auntie Gertie ever, are you Kennit?" Gertie cooed over the sounds of mother and daughter--not quite arguing, but definitely discussing headedly. "No you're not! You're much too cute and innocent to barf on your very favourite auntie in the whole world!" "You're his only auntie," Shih pointed out with a chuckle. "That just means there's less competition for the title," Gertie said proudly.

"Anyway, it's only to the Three Lakes cabin," Grace said cajolingly, drawing her daughter's attention back to her. "We'll make it just a weekend if that makes you feel better." "I suppose it does," Shih smiled slightly. "Yeah, you can take him. When are you planning to go?" "I know it's short notice, but we would like to go this weekend," Grace said. "Is that okay?" "Yeah," Shih said. "I'll call Jim at work and let him know, and then

I'll pack Balthier's suitcase." "Wonderful!" Just then, Kennit made a curious-sounding noise and mother and daughter turned to see the baby 'erupting' all over his Aunt Gertie. Simultaneously, the two of them burst into laughter. "Go book your plane tickets," Shih chuckled. "I'll get things cleaned up in here."

"You know," Ching Shih said to her younger son a short time later, "that wasn't very nice." Kennit just looked up at her with his big, blue eyes and blinked innocently. But Ching Shih was sure she'd seen the hint of a smile about the corners of his mouth. "Probably just gas," she said fondly as she tucked her son in for his nap. "Sleep tight, Kennit!"

"...and the shuttle should arrive at four o'clock," Grace continued. "Uh-huh. Yes. Perfect!"

When Balthier got home from school and was told he was going on a vacation with his grandparents and his favourite cousin, he was ecstatic. He ran upstairs to get his suitcase and found his mother just tucking in the last pair of clean socks. "Mommy! I get to go camping with Grandma and Grandpa!" the little boy crowed excitedly. "Is that my suitcase? You packed it for me? Thank you Mommy! Yay!" And, snatching his suitcase from his mother's grasp, Balthier practically cartwheeled down the stairs and out to the waiting shuttle. "Do you think he'll miss me?" Ching Shih asked herself. But she was smiling when she said it. It was good to see how Balthier had gotten over their earlier forced separation.

It was raining when the travelling party made up of Grace, Lee, and Balthier arrived at the family cabin in Three Lakes. "Is that it?" Sterling asked, somewhat awe-struck. "Wow! It's way bigger than my house at home!" "Yes, that's it!" Lee said proudly. "We got it at a steal, too. Only cost us a few hundred thou." "And it was worth every penny," Grace said fondly. "Remember the last time we were here, Lee?" "How could I forget?" Lee winced. "It was right after I got probed.

And you fed me cheesecake!" Grace tittered nervously. "Well, I didn't know what it would do. And I thought it would settle your stomach." "You always have my best interests at heart," Lee said warmly. "Well, what say we check out some of the scenery, kids?" "But it's raining!" Sterling and Balthier said in unison. "So? That just makes it more of an adventure!" Grace said enthusiastically. "Just drop the suitcases inside the front door and we're off!"

The rain had cleared up by the time they reached the nearest tourist trap within walking distance. Balthier declared that he was hungry, so Grace added that she was a mite peckish as well and the two of them sat down at a booth to order Flapjacks. "Grandma, these look just like pancakes," Balthier said poking his somewhat dubiously with his fork. "Yes indeed," Grace said. "But they're the Canadian version, which is completely different from what we make on Pirate Island." "Are you sure?" Balthier asked, sniffing. He took a careful bite. "They taste just like regular pancakes." "I think the main difference is the real maple syrup," Grace said. "I think I like the fake kind better."

Lee and Sterling, meanwhile, decided to try out one of the local pastimes. "So we just walk on the log and then try to keep running in place and make the other person get wet?" Sterling asked, balancing precariously. "That's right, Sterling!" Lee said encouragingly. "You can bounce on the log to try to make the other person fall in if you like." "But then you'll get wet!" "That's part of the fun," Lee explained. "And it's also why you're

wearing a bathing suit!" "I suppose," Sterling said, patting her ducky for reassurance. Granddaughter and grandfather played happily for a few minutes. "There you go!" Lee said encouragingly. "You're getting it! Now--try to knock me off!" Sterling just looked back at her grandfather with a wicked gleam in her eye. Then she gave an enormous hop, obviously intent on unbalancing her grandfather and sending him into the drink. Lee flailed wildly as Sterling came down from her jump--

--and slipped straight into the water! Lee couldn't help but laugh uproariously at the outraged expression on his granddaughter's face. "These flippers suck!" Sterling stormed. "They made me slip!" "But did you have fun?" Lee asked. "Yes!"

Once Sterling was dried off and warmed up, the four of them decided to try their hands at fishing. "I haven't done this for a long time!" Grace chuckled, expertly baiting her hook. "Perhaps it's like a bicycle, my silver darling," Lee said. "You never forget how." "A friendly wager, then?" Grace grinned. "First to catch a golden trout gets a shiny new souvenir from the stand?" "I want the chunk of wood!" Balthier said excitedly. "If I win, anyway. What do you want, Sterling?" "I want the bear carving," the little girl said decisively.

To Balthier's delight, he caught the first fish of the day, though it was a rainbow trout rather than the much rarer golden variety. "Good job, kiddo!" Lee said encouragingly. "Hey grandpa, over here!" Sterling called suddenly.

Lee and Grace cheered excitedly when they saw the large bass Sterling had managed to hook and reel in. "Very nice!" "Yeah, but now it's all smelly and slimy and dead," Sterling complained, wrinkling her nose. "Don't worry about that for now," Lee advised. "Just put it in your inventory and we'll deal with it later." "You sure about that?" Sterling asked dubiously. "What if it starts to smell?" "Inventory never starts to smell," Grace said wisely. "Trust us, Sterling--it'll be fine. Maybe we can even have it for supper tonight!"

They fished for the rest of the afternoon but decided to stop when the only thing still biting was the old boot Balthier pulled out of the pond. "Can I keep it?" "Er, why do you want to do that?" Grace asked. "It's, like, a trophy or something!" Balthier said enthusiastically. "Well, I suppose it can't hurt to take it home in your inventory," Lee shrugged. "Just make sure you clean it up before you pull it out in the house." "I wanna drink it."

At the end of the day, grandparents and grandchildren found themselves soaking in the large granite-lined pools at the local hotspring. "This is nice. Grandpa?" "Yes, Balthier?" "Can we come back here again when Kennit is a little bigger? I want to show all this fun stuff to him, too."

"I think that would be nice," Lee said fondly. "But it will be a few years yet before he's big enough to come camping like this." "But this isn't really camping, is it?" Sterling asked. "I mean, we're staying at the cabin and not in tents. I think it would be neat to stay in a tent sometime instead of in a nice cozy cabin. Maybe I could get a skink in my tent." "You're more likely to get a slimy, yucky, squirmy old toad," Grace said, shuddering. "So Gertie says, and she lived in a tent for a while when she was travelling the world."

"Did she go everywhere, Grandma Grace?" Sterling asked, her eyes wide. "Pretty nearly, I think," Grace chuckled. "Sometimes I wish I'd spent some time travelling instead of going to university, like Gertie did... but then I wouldn't have met your grandfather, so it all worked out for the best after all." "Was Grandpa Lee a student like you?" Balthier asked. "Not exactly," Grace said. The redness that suffused her cheeks could be attributed to the steam, or the Buccaneer matron could be blushing. "He was my brother Nick's professor."

"Well, you were and still are worth even losing my teaching job for," Lee said fondly. "Ew, mushy stuff," Sterling complained. "I don't like mushy stuff. Mushy stuff is why I'm getting a brother or a sister or both or something soon." "But that means you'll have more people to play with," Grace pointed out. "Not for a long time--they're going to be just little! For ages 'n' ages, and I'm gonna be a teenager soon and having parties every weekend!" The others laughed.

All too soon it was time for bed. "Balthier?" Sterling asked as she pulled back the covers. "Yeah?" "Do you snore? Because I never shared a room with anyone before and I don't want to share one with someone who snores." "I don't think I snore," Balthier asked, turning to face her with wide eyes. "Will you tell me if you do? Or maybe we could get a tape

recorder. That would be fun--maybe we talk in our sleep too and we could record it and listen to it!" Sterling stared at him. "You're weird." "Do I still hear voices coming from in there?" Lee's voice boomed down the hall, making both kids jump in startlement. "If you two aren't in your beds before I get in there... no bedtime story!" There was a quick scramble to get under the covers and turn off the light.

Lee read until both children had drifted off to sleep, and then for a few minutes longer. He was very fond of his grandchildren, and very glad he had the opportunity to spend this time with them. At the same time, though, he couldn't help but sigh--they were growing up so fast! Sterling would be a teenager very soon, and Balthier wasn't all that far behind her. Finally, he closed the book and put it on the shelf and headed back upstairs to where his wife was waiting for him.

The rest of the vacation flew by very quickly, with each day spent much like the one previous. But before long the trip was over, and four somewhat tired and very happy people were more than ready to trudge home and see the rest of their families again. "Can we go again next year?" Balthier asked Grace sleepily once they were inside the cab. "Maybe we can," Grace said fondly, tousling his hair. "Yay!"

"Well, Kennit? How did you like this whole weekend without your brother?" Jim asked his younger son a few hours before the travelers were due home. The infant just gurgled and cooed at him. "Yes, it was a little too quiet without Balthier, was it not?" Jim said agreeably. "How about we get you a nice bottle and then you can have your nap, and when you wake up Balthier will be home!" Taking Kennit's coo for an assent, Jim bustled into the kitchen. He and Ching Shih had enjoyed the chance to spend a little more alone time together, and had even discussed trying for a third child, though ultimately decided against it for the time being. Still, both of them were eager to have their oldest child back home safe, where he belonged.

"How was the trip?" Gertie asked Grace the next evening over a friendly game of pool. "Oh, it was nice," Grace said, smiling. "We had a little fishing competition, the four of us. But none of us were able to catch an elusive golden trout." "Still, I noticed the freezer is pretty full of dead fishie," Gertie nodded, taking her shot.

"Yes," Grace said. "I didn't say we didn't have a good run of luck. Would you believe it, the kids caught twice as many fish as Lee and I." "That'll make Shere Khan happy," Borusa, who had stopped by for dinner and been roped into joining the game, chuckled. "I think he's actually rather off of fish right now," Grace said. "Poor guy--he says absolutely everything just turns his stomach except for chef salad." "Now that is funny," Borusa said. "He's always going on about being a carnivore and a cakeivore, and he can't eat either." "Yes, but it won't be long until the baby is here, and then you know he'll be glad to dig into Sterling's catch of the day!"

"Any chance you could send some of that fish my way?" Borusa asked somewhat pleadingly. "Hades cooks most of the time and you'd swear he was a Grilled Cheese sim instead of Pleasure because that's all he cooks. I'd like a little variety." "Raid the freezer before you go," Grace shrugged. "You can take anything with your dad's or my name on it--just don't touch any that Balthier caught." "Roger," Borusa saluted. "Now, shall we get on with this game? I believe I was winning..." "Don't count those chickens before they catch, son o' mine," Grace smirked. "I'm two shots away from the end, and it's my turn..." "Fifty bucks says you miss the shot." "From the man who doesn't even have a job yet? Oh, why not. You're on!"

"And then--and then he bet fifty dollars he could beat me when it was my turn before his and I'd almost cleared the table!" Grace giggled. "I sunk both balls with one shot, and the two went in before the eight ball so I won!" "How'd he take that?" "Upped the stakes and bet I couldn't sink the rest of his balls without missing at least one shot," Grace smirked. "Five bucks a ball. I sunk them all, of course." "Terrific! So how much are we adding to the next holiday fund?" Lee

smiled. "Almost a hundred simoleons!" "Woo!" "Care for a friendly wager, husband mine?" Grace added once they'd stopped laughing at Borusa's bad fortune. "Stakes?" "Loser has to change Kennit's diaper--I can hear him crying now."

"I don't think it was a game I wanted to win," Lee chuckled a moment later, wiping some lipstick off of his mouth. "C'mon Kennit, let's get you changed and then it's to bed with you. Tomorrow is a big day!"

"Papa papa papa papa!" Balthier chanted, pelting headlong down the front steps and flinging himself into his father's arms. "Guess what? Guess what?" "What?" Jim asked, hugging his son tightly before stepping back and regarding him with amusement. "I got an A+ in school today on my report card and Kennit is having a birthday and Sterling is coming over for the party! All those things happened or are going to happen! It's so cool."

And sure enough, a few short hours later the family was gathered around a small table in the entryway upon which sat a small cake with blue candles sparking merrily. "...Happy birthday to Kennit! Happy birthday to you!" they all sang in unison, some in better tune than others. "Yay! Mommy, you should toss him now so Sterling and I can go play, okay?" "One toddler, coming up!" Shih said with a smile, and she leaned forward with the baby in her arms to blow out the candles.

To everyone's happiness (including this particular author), Kennit has a better mix of features from both parents rather than looking just like his father. He and Balthier are about as different as two siblings from the same parents can be!

"So are you two going to have another one?" Coxinga asked as he added another straw to the precarious pile atop the llama. Ching Shih snorted. "The house is too full, Zing. Besides, it's nice having Kennit and Balthier. I'm not ruling out another child entirely, understand, but I don't think it's very likely at this point. How about you and Shere Khan? You having more?" "Not if Shere Khan goes and has twins next week like he thinks he's going to," Zing said, shuddering. "It was hectic enough just having Sterling as a baby and toddler. I can't imagine trying to deal with two

of them at once!" "Hades and I aren't sure if we're going to have kids," Spandrell piped up. "No?" Zing asked. "Then why are you both wearing clothes from my maternity line?" "Figured it couldn't hurt to be safe." "Riiiiight."

Eventually it was time for sleepy children to go to bed and the last of the guests to head home. "I'll come by tomorrow, okay mom?" Borusa promised, letting go of Grace after a particularly fierce hug. "Oh, you don't have to go to so much trouble as that," Grace chuckled wearily. "I gotta win back all that money you took me for!" Borusa said in mock outrage. "Seven o'clock, mom." "As you like," Grace smiled. "Now you'd better hurry or your brother will leave without you!"

The rest of the guests finally left and everyone went to bed--except for one particularly stubborn individual and his father. "It is time to go to sleep, Kennit," Jim said tiredly. "No!" "Your first word, and you are being contrary already," Jim shook his head. "This should not be unexpected." "No!"

"Would you like me to sing you a song?" "No!" "Tell you a story?" "No!" "Then what would you like to do, son of mine?"

"Blow fings up wif da rocket!" "That does not seem... prudent." "Boom!" "How about a bottle before bed instead?" The toddler stared at his father for a moment, considering. "Otay."

But as soon as his father was out of the room, Kennit grabbed the toy rocket again. "Boom! Want cannons! An' cannonballs! Arrrrrrrrr!"

"Can you believe we have been married almost fifty years?" Lee said happily, cuddling up to his wife on the soft green grass. "A long time," Grace smiled. She pointed up at the sky. "That cloud looks like a llama." "Considering the nature of our universe, such does not surprise me," Lee said drily. "Although I'm inclined to think it looks more like a yurt." "Maybe, now that the wind has drifted it a bit," Grace agreed. She pointed again. "That one looks like the Pirate Island stock exchange." Lee narrowed his eyes. "I agree. Which we totally dominated over thirty years ago." "And still going strong," Grace smiled.

"How come we never thought of doing this before?" Lee asked suddenly. Grace shrugged. "Perhaps we've always just been too busy? First with the children, and then with our careers, and then with helping our daughter through her many trials. This is the first time of quiet happiness our family has had for some years." "True," Lee said. "I wouldn't mind more days like this."

"Days when we can lie about in the grass, watching the clouds, while our ant-like employees fill our coffers?" "Exactly." Grace sat up and stretched her arms. "Do you mind if we go in, Lee? I'm getting a bit chilled." "Whatever you like, my dear."

They hiked around the house and inside. "Feeling warmer?" Lee asked, taking Grace into his arms and pulling her into a dance. "Some," Grace said, smiling. "But I can think of a thing or two that would heat me up even quicker!"

"Like this? For a start, I mean," Lee chuckled and dipped his wife, kissing her passionately. "Mmm." "How about we head on upst--"


"Anna?" Grace whispered as the hula zombies appeared on either side of the cowled and be-leied figure. "YES." "Do you really have to do this?" "FOR MOST SIMS, THERE IS A FINITE PERIOD OF DAYS." Oh, Grace... "Well, I guess I'm as ready as I'll ever be." I'm not. "THEN WE SHOULD LEAVE. YOU ARE NOT THE

ONLY ONE I MUST TAKE TODAY." "Tell my family, Anna. Tell them I love them." "THEY ALREADY KNOW." How could they miss it, my dear sister? "Please?" "I WILL, IF THEY WISH TO HEAR IT." We can mourn together.... "Thank you."

As the Grim Reaper handed Grace the fruity umbrella drink and suitcase, the rest of the family finally realized what was happening. Flooding into the entryway, one-by-one, the tears began to run.

"Oh, and Anna?" "YES?" "I love you." "I KNOW."

While the family members shared their sorrow around Grace's platinum urn, Anna sighed dejectedly (if it is possible for the Grim Reaper to do so) and headed upstairs. Her beloved family's measure of grief was not yet full.

"OH MY. THIS IS UNCOMFORTABLE." "Anna? You've come for me too? When... when I heard you downstairs I thought you were here for me. And so I came up here to hide. But then you didn't come, despite the feeling in my bones." "OUR SISTER... IT IS ALSO HER TIME." "Grace? Oh..." a few tears dripped down the cheeks of the worn old woman's face. "I AM NOT SUPPOSED TO SAY THIS..."


And so the Buccaneer family was left to deal with not one, but two sorrows on that cold spring night. Let's leave them to their grief, shall we?

Across the bridge and down the hill... "Why's everyone over at Balthier's house bein' sad?" Orlando Pseudo asked, looking off in that general direction from Sterling's fort. "'Cause my grandma died," Sterling said. "That means she's gone and can't take me 'n' Balthier fishing anymore." The little girl said this steadily while she peered at her house from on high. "Why aren't you there?" Calico Legacina asked. "We went to the funeral yesterday," Sterling shrugged. "But now my dad and my papa want me to stay here in case the babies come."

"At least you get to have a brother or sister soon," Orlando said pragmatically. "My mom and dad keep having babies too. I've got two brothers and two sisters. That means the boys are winning." "What will you do if your mom and dad have another baby and it's a girl?" Callie demanded. "That just means that I have to grow up and have a boy so we're winning again," Orlando shrugged. "I hope I get a sister," Sterling said. "Boys are stinky. 'Cept you, 'Lando."

"Yeah, he's only stinky sometimes," Callie giggled as Sterling slid down the firepole. She turned to Orlando. "You're next, 'Lando!" "Um, okay," Orlando said hesitantly. He grabbed onto the pole and gripped it tightly with both arms and legs. "You have to let go a little!" Callie scolded. "Otherwise you're just going to hang there!" Orlando loosened his deathgrip just enough to slide at a snail's pace to the ground below. "I don't like his game," He muttered. "I'm going swimming instead."

A little while later, Coxinga got home from his sister's house, bringing Balthier with him. Both Shih and Jim had agreed a change of scenery would do their son some good--he needed to escape the gloom and doom present in his home at the moment. "Dere is caek," Shere Khan said solemnly, gesturing for his nephew to take a large slice. "Caek makes teh sniffoos go 'way." "We only have cake at birthdays at my house," Orlando complained. "Yeah, but you got birthdays all the time," Callie said. "On account of having so many brothers and sisters. You prob'ly get cake every day!" "Yeah, but it gets all gross and stale when it’s in inventory for too long," Orlando shuddered. "This cake is good." "Om nom nom nom," Shere Khan concurred.

"Soon kittehs come," he added, swallowing. "Den birfday cakes - no lie!" "I know where babies come from," Sterling said importantly. Across from her, Zing choked on his cake. "Doesn't everybody?" Balthier asked. "My mom 'n' dad gave me a book." "Mine too, just before Muffy came," Callie nodded. "I think my parents told me when I was just a toddler," Orlando said thickly around a mouthful of frosting.

"How did you understand the part about 'speriments when you were just a toddler?" Sterling asked skeptically. "'Speriments?" "Not... everybody needed experiments, Sterling," Zing said quickly. "We'll tell you later, okay?" "I wanna know more about these 'speriments," Orlando demanded. "No talking, only eating," Shere Khan ordered. "Nom da caek." "Awww..."

Shere Khan's prediction that the kittehs would come soon proved very apt. That night he woke out of a very restless sleep to wracking pains. "Zing! Needs u! Nao!" Thank goodness, it was all over quickly.

"You is boy. Naem Troy. Ooh, I poet, know it!" The infant just cooed at him. "Is it can be bottle tiemz nao? And then naps?"

Oh, did I forget to mention? Troy was the second child Shere Khan gave birth to that night. He and Zing also had a little girl, Karat. "I'm sure my mad scientist husband is thrilled we've got a mutant baby," Zing chuckled, feeding his second daughter a bottle that was longer than she was. "I guess I am too. Fuzzy babies for the win!" Safe to say that, the longer they're married, the more Shere Khan and Zing rub off on each other.

Some time passed, and appropriate cakes were procured. The entire extended family was in attendance, glad to celebrate a happy occasion rather than the sad one they were only just starting to get over. "No fights over who throws the baybee," Shere Khan said with a grin. "Race?"

This is (obviously) Karat. She looks to me like the spitting image of Ching Shih at that age, though with the tiger skin it's a bit difficult to tell.

And this is Troy. He is practically a clone of Zing, and the identical hairstyle doesn't hurt the comparison either. It suited him, and so his parents decided to let him keep it.

"I wish mom could have met the twins," Zing said quietly to his sister. "She would have been thrilled to have a tiger grandbaby," Ching Shih agreed with a smile. "But you know... she knows. Somehow, she knows. I bet Auntie Susanna tells her everything we're up to on pretty much a daily basis." "It wouldn't surprise me," Zing grinned. "Is everything in this house 'spensive?" Balthier demanded of his cousin. "Yes," Sterling said proudly. "Even the babies."

"Bet we've got more 'spensive stuff at my house," Balthier pouted slightly. "Like Kennit." "Kids, don't argue," Shih said absently. "Has mom haunted yet?" Zing asked eagerly. "Going Knowledge, dear brother?" "I've been married to Shere Khan for twelve years." "Good point. No, she hasn't.... but I'm looking forward to when she does!"

With the addition of the twins and their growth into toddlerhood, Zing and Shere Khan were pretty sure their family was complete--or nearly so. The adoption of a kitten named Echo sealed the deal for them, though. Sterling quickly gravitated to the small, fuzzy creature and claimed Echo for her own.

She had some competition, however. One or the other of the twins could often be found 'hugging' Echo despite the kitten's ardent protestations. Not that Echo minded overmuch. She squirmed and wriggled and meowed loudly... but she never bit, hissed, or clawed. She was a good, patient kitten for the most part--traits practically unheard of amongst felines.

There was another small, fuzzy animal the twins liked to abuse. "Arr! That be me ear, lad! No droolin' on me ear!" "Arrrrrr! Om nom nom!" "Cease and desist, ye young rapscallion!" "Nummy bear!" Troy giggled. "Om nom nom. Dat's what papa says

to do." "Yer blasted father never told ye t' chew me ear, lad. He was almost certainly referring to objects o' the pastry persuasion rather than the plush." "So? Don't care. Bear is nummy." "This be cannibalism, and that be a fact, mate."

Two working parents meant that the three kids spent a lot of time with the nanny, Karen Gast. Three rambunctious kids meant that all three children got into mischief from time to time. Sterling's favourite after-school activity was puddle-jumping, much to the nanny's disgust. But when Ms. Gast complained to Shere Khan, he just shook his head, went outside, and joined his daughter in the puddle.

The twins were good at playing nicely together if they wound up in the same part of the house--the two of them were escape artists and early masters of using the stairs, and so tended to vanish whenever Nanny Karen's back was turned. Fortunately, neither of them liked to head outside and the door to the swimming pool was always kept locked, in any case. If they both wound up on the ground floor at the same time, they could usually be found attacking Sterling's doll house in the living room.

"Kat-kat, why so many people here?" Troy asked. "Sterling's birfday, Toy," Karat responded importantly. "When is our birfday?" Troy wanted to know. "Dunno," Karat shrugged. "We gets caek anyway." "You sound like papa!" Troy giggled. "Papa talks all silly-like," Karat replied. "C'mon, Toy. Let's go get hugs from gran'pa." "Yay!"

It was, indeed, Sterling's birthday--much to the shock and surprise of the adults in her life. It felt like just yesterday she'd still been an infant, for goodness' sake! And here she was on the cusp of being a teenager. It was all they could do not to reach over and pinch her cheeks. "I wish for... umm...." "Don't tell us, Sterling," Lee cautioned. "Remember, your wish won't come true if you do!"

Well, if Sterling wished to beautiful, I think she got her wish! Don't you?

"You'd better get down from there, Persephone," Laertes said. "Whee! This is fun!" "Okay, fine, get in trouble," Laertes shrugged. "No skin off my nose." "I could zap you and take some off if you like," Persephone offered, stopping her bouncing for a moment. "No thanks." "Are you sure? I'm getting pretty good at it and I probably wouldn't even take out your eye or anything." "No zapping required here."

"Aww," Persephone complained, bouncing off of the bed and onto the floor. "You're no fun, Laertes. I should exchange you for a new model of brother." "I think my mom would complain if you did that," Laertes said smugly. "Like she'd even notice," Persephone snickered. "Our parents are Romance sims, Lert. Half the time I think they forget they even have kids at all."

"Don't call me Lert," Laertes complained. "And they're good parents. You're just mad because they wouldn't let you get a pony." "Why shouldn't I have a pony?" Persephone demanded, rounding on her half-brother. "I'm good and everything." "No you're not!" "Yeah, but they don't know that."

"Are the kids fighting again?" Ophelia complained with a long-suffering sigh. Toby listened for a moment. "Nah. I think they're playing a game." "Oh, good," Ophelia purred. "Because I have an interesting proposition for you, Toby Biggs." "Really." "I think you'll approve of it." "Does it involve you giving up your other boyfriends and finally

committing to me?" "What? Of course not. Whatever gave you that idea?" "The fact that you don't actually have any other boyfriends," Toby shrugged, stepping a little closer to his lover and sliding one arm around her waist. "Too busy, between you and work and the kids. Which is why I thought we could go on a vacation--just the two of us." "Sure. I'll see if dad can babysit."

"Of course your mother and I can babysit," Gavin boomed happily. "Susanna has been so gloomy lately--spending time with the kids will do her some good." "Er, I am here," Susanna said, waving her hand for attention. "And I think I've got a pretty good reason for being gloomy. My sister died." "I know," Gavin said sympathetically. "But you have family here too, and we need you. Some time with Persephone and Laertes will do you good. Besides, I think you're the only one who can actually make Persephone behave." "She's a bit in awe of my powers," Susanna shrugged. "Probably because she doesn't understand them." "So you'll do it?" Toby asked quickly.

"Yeah, I suppose we will," Susanna grinned. She cast a considering eye at Toby's father. "Besides, I can think of a few things to do while the kids are at school..." "Mom!" "Brainbleach, dear?" "Please."

Twenty-four hours later, Toby found himself checking into the poshest resort on Twikki Island with Ophelia. "I'm so glad you agreed to come," Ophelia sighed, checking out the scenery through the window. "No responsibilities, and nothing but sun and sand and sea for a week." "Enjoy your stay," the bellhop said agreeably. "First beach house on the left." "Thanks!"

Toby and Ophelia decided to find some appropriate beach duds, first thing. None of what they'd brought was suitable, so they decided to go shopping. "So, where to now?" he asked once they'd both donned their new togs and posed for an obligatory tourist picture down on the beach below the boardwalk. "I was thinking we could head back to our chalet and soak up the sun on the beach," Ophelia said. "Sounds good to me," Toby said. "Then again, any excuse to see you in a bikini..." "Perv." "Exhibitionist."

"Ahh... this is the life," Ophelia declared once they'd put actions to words. "I could do this all day." "I wouldn't complain," Toby agreed. "Err, but Opie... what do you say to a real date one night while we're here? I looked into it and there's this super-fancy restaurant down the beach a ways, and I think I can get us a table." "Sure," Ophelia shrugged, rolling over.

Supper time rolled around and Toby and Ophelia decided to enjoy room service from the balcony of their chalet. "This place is perfect," Ophelia said happily. "I've wanted to come here for so long." "The suntanned look suits you," Toby said, ogling her appreciatively. "You, too. Maybe I should pick up some perma-bronzer when we get home."

"Nah, I don't like the fake stuff," Toby said. "I had this fling a few months back who insisted on using it and it came off in the shower and was all streaky and gross." "Ew," Ophelia shuddered. Then: "Which one was this?" If her voice was a tad higher than usual, Toby didn't appear to notice. "Oh, I don't remember," Toby shrugged. "One of the groupies from after the game." "Oh, those," Ophelia nodded.

"Yeah, I used to have so many of them I didn't know where to put them all," Toby chuckled. "Funny, though, I haven't had any for months. I'd almost think someone warned them off." "Funny," Ophelia said. "Then again, that was around when that reporter was nosing around asking questions about the kids. Maybe they just didn't want complications." "I suppose that's possible," Toby shrugged agreeably. "Doesn't bother me, in any case. That was around when I said I wanted us to be monogamous, remember?" "How could I forget? That practically gave me a heart attack. I'm still not sure you're not suffering from some sort of mental illness." "Nah," Toby said. "I've just realized that as often as I get it, it's never better than when I'm with you."

"That's kind of sweet," Ophelia said. "It's the same for me, but then you already knew that." "Well, we could try the monogamy thing in small doses," Toby shrugged. "Maybe see if we can make it through this vacation without jumping anybody else?" "I guess I could try that," Ophelia nodded. "No cheating and sending hot guys over to ask me out, though." "I wouldn't do that," Toby said.

"Don't you trust me?" "Of course I do," Toby said. "Or we wouldn't have a relationship at all. I just don't see the point in testing it." "Oh. You're kind of strange, Biggs, but I like it. Always have, much to my detriment." "It's getting dark," Toby said abruptly. "We should head inside and put on warmer clothes."

They headed inside, but it was safe to say they didn't put on warmer clothes.

The rest of the week passed in something of a blur of sun, sand, and steamy bedrooms. Toby did manage to procure a reservation at La Hacienda, the ritziest restaurant on Twikki Island. "Blue?" Toby asked, whistling appreciatively at Ophelia when he caught sight of her in front of the restaurant doors. "That's unusual for you." "The red dress was feeling a little tight... and a little too hot for this climate," Ophelia smirked. "Shall we go in?" "Our table should be ready."

"Wow," Ophelia breathed, glancing at the menu. "Are you sure we can afford to eat here, Toby? I don't think my paycheque would even cover the price of the water!" "I've got an in with the owner," Toby said smoothly. "Oh?" Ophelia asked suspiciously. "Reneging on our deal?" "What? No!" Toby said, offended. "Rick's a huge sports fan. We just have to pose for the paparazzi on the way out."

"Oh," Ophelia said, blushing. "I can live with that." "Speaking of the deal," Toby added, "how are you finding it? Constraining?" Ophelia pondered that for a moment. "No, not really," she admitted. "I can be myself around you, Toby. I don't always have to be on my guard like I need to be with others. It's nice to just let loose. I know you won't hurt me."

"Well then," Toby said, beckoning to the sommelier. "I propose a toast, Ophelia. To a successful experiment." Ophelia gave a tinkling, silvery laugh. "I don't know about that, Biggs. The week isn't over yet." "We leave tomorrow morning," Toby said. "And I plan on keeping you tied up until then." "Promise?" Ophelia grinned, but she raised her glass. "Touché, Toby. I can drink to that. I suppose the experimental results do look rather promising, after all."

"Wow, this food is fabulous," Ophelia said, putting down her fork for a moment. "I think this is the first fancy restaurant I've ever been in that lived up to the hype--and the prices." "I know how to pick things like this," Toby nodded after he swallowed, "but this place is even better than I'd heard." "The owner must really want the publicity," Ophelia chuckled. "Well, I'm stuffed. What are we doing next, Biggs?" "I thought we could walk down to the beach and watch the stars for a while," Toby said, blushing a little. "Nothing fancy, but I thought it would be... nice." "We'll get sand in our nice clothes," Ophelia pointed out. "That's okay," Toby nodded. "We'll just end up taking them off very soon afterwards."

"So, about that experiment," Ophelia said hesitantly. "Do you want to try it again when we get home?" "Only if it's what you want," Toby said. "Is it?" "I think so," Ophelia said. She took a deep breath and rested one hand on her still-flat stomach. "I was thinking maybe nine months would be a good length of time."

It took Toby a moment to get it. "Nine months? That's--wait, do you mean--" "Yeah," Ophelia said. "I've been trying to tell you all week." "Aww, Opie," Toby said affectionately. He stood up and pulled her to her feet. "I don't think I can commit for nine months." "Y-you don't?"

He dropped to one knee. "Forever, or nothing." Ophelia took a deep breath and stared at Toby for a long moment. "Toby... are you proposing? You?" Toby stared up at her. "I've been carrying a framming ring around in my pocket since we got here. But I didn't want to ask if it wasn't something you wanted. Do you?" "I..." Ophelia gaped at him for a moment. Then, reaching forward, she pulled Toby to his feet.

"I will," she whispered, so softly Toby wasn't sure she'd spoken at first. "You sure?" "Would I be saying yes if I wasn't?" she glowered, smacking him on the shoulder. Toby caught her hand and pulled her close. "Guess Romance sims can change their spots, huh?" "Nope, the deal's contingent on you keeping those leopard-print tighties," Ophelia smirked. "I'll show you leopard spots," Toby growled. And, suiting actions to words, he grabbed her hand and started leading her back to their bungalow. "Ooh, you beast."

"So let me get this straight," Persephone said, wrinkling her nose. "You guys went on a super fantastical fun vacation without us and came back with a baby inside? That is so gross." "Oh, I dunno," Laertes shrugged. "I think it'll be cool to have someone to boss around." "I've already got someone to boss around. Fancy you trying to boss around anybody," Persephone shook her head at the sheer ridiculousness of such a notion. She turned back to her father and step-mother. "Well, it would have been nice if you would've asked our opinion on such a momentous move. Anything else you ought to inform us about?"

"We're going to get married," Ophelia said. "Yawn," Persephone declared. "I saw that coming months ago." "Really?" Toby asked. "Really," Persephone said. "I think it's one of my deific powers from Grandma Sarah. I also foretold that I would be a junior bridesmaid

and would wear a purple dress." "No you didn't!" Laertes contradicted her. "You told me all about it and you didn't say anything about a purple dress." "No doubting the deity-powers! I hath commandmented it." "Kids!" Toby said sternly. "So you're okay with it?"

"She was real mad when she first had her preom-- premol-- dream thingy," Laertes said. "She threw all her toys out of the toy box and all of the books off of the shelf, but Grandpa Gavin caught her and made her put them back. She even listened. And then she wouldn't talk to me for three days but you guys didn't notice because you were out of town for some games." "Well, I'm going to be home a lot more since I can't play until the baby is born," Ophelia said. "And I'm going to take a leave of absence too," Toby said. "I just have to top my career before I'm old and gray, just like your mom. Plenty of time."

"Can we at least get another girl?" Persephone asked, changing the subject back to more important matters. "There are too many boys in this house and I'm feeling seriously outnumbered." "Tell me about it," Ophelia muttered. "Can't promise that," Toby shrugged. "Babies are surprises every time."

"I wonder if I could use my deific po--" "No." "Aw, but daaaad--" "No." "You're no fun."

"When is the wedding?" Laertes asked. "We were thinking after you get home from school tomorrow," Ophelia said. "It'll be just the four of us that way." "Aren't weddings usually big giant 'normous huge parties?" Persephone demanded. "Sometimes, but we want something smaller than that," Toby explained.

"I guess that's okay," Persephone finally said. "But NO kissing. If I see any kissing, I'm gonna have to zap somebody." "Be nice, Phoney," Laertes said. "There's always kissing at weddings." "Don't call me 'Phoney', Lert," Persephone scowled. "Kids!" Ophelia said sharply. "s'ry."

The next evening, Toby and Ophelia promised to stop sleeping with other people.

It was a very moving ceremony, in the eyes of the happy couple and Laertes. But there was kissing, much to Persephone's disgust.

"Yay!" Laertes said happily once the ceremony was officially over. He paused for a moment. "Mom, does this mean that we don't have the same last name anymore?" "Of course not," Ophelia said affectionately.

"Great," Persephone said, clapping half-heartedly. "Dad, does this mean we don't have the same last name anymore?" "Nope." "But how does that work?" both kids asked in unison. "We decided to each keep our names," Toby explained. "It seemed easier that way." "Oh, I guess that's okay," Persephone conceded. As they filed downstairs to eat wedding cake, she turned to her brother. "Did you know they could do that?"

That night, Ophelia woke up absolutely starving. She'd just finished a light snack and a drink of juice when she felt an old, familiar sensation. "Looks like we got married in the nick of time," she muttered. "Wedding dress wouldn't have fit if we'd waited any longer. I hate this part."

The next day, a line of family members stood cheering in the basement. And why were they cheering?

"Happy birthday to me," Persephone trilled. Leaning forward, she made a wish and blew out the candles. If anybody noticed that the lights flickered somewhat and the radio went all staticky for a moment, they didn't comment on it.

Persephone is perhaps the most striking-looking, if scary, of her generation. She grew up very well, though Toby was heard muttering something about buying a baseball bat.

Laertes was up next, a few minutes later. He closed his eyes and also made a wish. Baby brother... baby brother!

There's no denying whose son he is. Especially since this young hottie rolled Romance, just like his mother and his father. Between him and Persephone, Toby and Ophelia are in for a wild ride.

"Mom, you look like you're going to explode. When's the baby due again?"

"Right now!" Ophelia called a few minutes later from the kitchen. "Wait, what?" Laertes squeaked, dropping the dishes on the floor. "I'll go get dad!" "Somebody stay here with me!" Ophelia howled. "I really hate this part!"

But, for all her yelling, it was soon over. Meet Horatio Smith, everyone. Horatio, this is everyone. Lightning, it seems, has struck twice--Horatio is another blond like his brother and mother before him.

Toby hadn't exactly mentally prepared himself for the baby's birth, though, and he spent the next few minutes blubbering on the floor and quacking like a chicken.

Fortunately, psychiatric service is quick in Paris. "He'll be okay, right?" Uncle Don asked concernedly. "Should be," Ophelia nodded, feeding Horatio a bottle that was longer than he was. "Or at least, he'll get over it." "Good. Need a hand?" "Nah, I think we'll be just fine..."

A swarm of children buzzed happily over the school playground, laughing and chattering and playing as hard as only children can. It sounded pleasant as long as you couldn't actually understand what they were saying.

All except one of them, that is. The blond-haired little boy stared sadly at the other children for a few minutes before disappearing around the corner of the schoolhouse.

Once he was out of sight, Balthier gave in to the sadness he was feeling and had a good cry. It was ages since his Grandma Grace had died, but he still got sad sometimes, and when that happened he couldn't help but cry. If it happened at home, his mom and his papa would give him hugs and stroke his hair until he felt better. But when it happened at school, he felt all alone.

"Balthier? What are you doing over here?" a childishly feminine voice called. "Are you crying?" "G-go away," Balthier sniffled, not turning around. "Whoever you are, go away."

"Did something bad happen?" the red-headed girl asked, coming a little closer. "I said go away," Balthier said, turning around. "Oh, hi Brittany." He sniffled and wiped his eyes. "Sorry I yelled at you." "It's okay," Brittany said sympathetically. "Something bad must've happened, because everyone knows you're one of the nicest kids in school." "My Grandma Grace died a little while ago," Balthier muttered, giving his eyes one last futile swipe.

"That stinks," Brittany said. "I don't know anybody who's died." "Well, it's no fun," Balthier said emphatically. "All it means is that they're gone, and they're not ever coming back so they can't play with you anymore or read you any more stories or give you any more snuggles or go fishing with you anymore."

"It sounds like your Grandma was a pretty special person," Brittany said. "You were lucky to have her." "I guess so," Balthier said slowly. "I just wish I didn't have to miss her all the time. I just want one more story or something. Even if that makes me sound like a little baby." "Not like a little baby," Brittany corrected him. "It makes you sound like a person. I wish I had a Grandma who could do those things with me, and if I did then I would be sad if I didn't have her anymore."

"I'm not sad all the time now," Balthier said. "Just when I think about her suddenly. Like out on the playground, some of the kids were talking about this movie that I watched with my grandma a long time ago." "Well, how about we go do something else where we can't hear them talking?" Brittany suggested. "Maybe that will make you feel better." "I guess," Balthier said.

Impulsively, he threw his arms around his classmate. "Thanks, Brittany. I feel lots better now." "I guess I'm glad I could help," Brittany said, shrugging. "C'mon, let's go play."

So they did.

"You haven't come to play with me for a very long time."

"I know."

"So why did you bring me here to play with me now? This is different from where we used to play before." "It's ... different ... now. Now we can play as much or as long as we want to."

"Really?" A moment of puzzled silence, and the long-haired girl frowns. "It feels like someone is missing, though. Someone named... Lee? Shouldn't he be here?" "He'll be here in a little while," the black-and-white-haired girl says carefully. "Not yet, though. He has some things to do." "Oh, okay. I don't have to leave this time, do I?"

"Definitely not. Don't worry, Grace... you never have to leave us again." "That's good, because I like it here, Anna. Even if the sky is all weird. I guess I can wait until Lee comes. Can we build another sandcastle now?" "As many as you like."

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