
Bowling for soup – Girl all the bad guys want


FRAME 1In this shot it’s a long shot of the full band playing live in a derelict building. The camera pans across the band going behind the pillars whilst the band are playing, this would therefore, give the impression that they aren't really aloud to be there, showing the classic pop punk attitude. The mise en scene of the shot is very 90’s pop rock. The costume that the band has on are very casual, showing the band in only t-shirt and jeans. The décor of the setting is also fitting with the stereotypical environment of pop punk bands. This is because it is open space but with lots of dark colours, like reds and blacks. The amps in the background and the layout of the band are also fitting with the characteristics of a pop rock video. The lighting is also very bright to contrast with the dark colours. The narrative of the video starts with the band playing in the warehouse, shown here, and then cuts away to and alternate story.

FRAME 2 This is a meeting shot with the lead singer of the band. This allows the audience to see the facial expressions of him. This shot shows the lead singers attitude and can let the audience know how to feel and it is also a big characteristic of more or less all pop punk videos. The mise en scene of this shot is very simple. It shows the costume of the singer, which again is t-shirt and in this shot you can see a necklace and the colour of his hair, which is again another rebellious look commonly found in videos of this genre. This follows the shot shown previously and shows the pace of editing. This is shown by having fast cuts to different angles.

FRAME 3This is another close up, this time of a guitar. Shots like this are very common in this genre and shows that they are playing live, which separates them from most other genres. The mise on scene of the shot shows one of the main and highly focused on props, the guitar. The guitar is different to most as it has a lot of art work on it, with skulls, dice and snakes. The lighting of the shot is the same as most of the others, having a bight light shone from one side making shadows on the other.

FRAME 4This is a medium shot that shows the girl who is watching the band play in a window. This is common scene shown in rock videos, the idea of trying to impress a girl. The mise on scene of this scene is again very similar to the others in terms of lighting but the girl is dressed more punk, with her tartan trousers and black hair and eye makeup. This shot is highly sexualized as well because the girl wearing low cut top showing her cleavage.

FRAME 5This is a long shot introducing another character. Dressed in dark clothes but again only a t-shirt and jeans. The lighting of this shot is darker than the others, it is has only one light in the decor and dark blue walls wit lots of shadows. The location of this shot is just a simple room with black leather sofas and a guitar in the corner.

FRAME 6 This is different again to the other shot. It is a long shot with shallow focus on the guy on the toilet. This shows a more comical side of the genre. The mise en scene follows the same colours of the rest of the video. The costume of the guy on the toilet is the same as the others but he has tattooed legs. Tattoos are another common thing in rock.

FRAME 7This is another one of the cross cuts to the narrative, in this part of the video the main character sets the room on fire. This could be to show the mood of the character and the ‘fiery’ nature of rock videos. The mise en scene of the scene is very dark again, apart from the fire, and can be a metaphor for the mindset of the character. The décor is the same as the other scene of the room. The flames have obviously been edited in as well, which are common conventions of some genres of rock.

FRAME 8This is another comical theme that they follow. In this they are mocking or even ridiculing the ‘bad guy image’. The lighting of the scene is a little bit lighter than the other scenes, especially the scenes in the room. This décor uses lighter colours like the red and also has the natural light coming in through the window. The costume is also following the comical theme and is the main way in which they mock the ‘bad guy image’ because he is wearing the classic white vest top ad the black hat.

FRAME 9This scene elaborates further on the ‘bag guy image’ and could be said that they are calling them ‘clowns’ but the glass bottle may mean that they are still beating them to the girl that they sing about. The costume is again the main comical source, obviously because they have the clown masks on and they are hitting him with a bottle. They are also wearing what could be prison jump suits and the masks could be for them to hide their face.

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