
Roman Scotland – Again, and Again

Antonine WallSeverusDivision of Britannia

Hadrian’s Successors

AntoninusAntoninus never willing made war


They prefer to preserve their empire rather than extend it indefinitely to profitless, barbarian peoples

Appian (~96-165)

They surround the empire with a circle of great camps

Aelius Aristides (120-189)

Antoninus Pius

• Generally shied away from military adventure• Pressure from the north• Reconstruction of base at Corbridge• Victory over barbarians• Antonine Wall

Corbridge – New Construction 139

Antonine Occupation of


Military Occupation – Antonine Period

Interests of the Military

• Rank and file – pensions and booty• Commanders of equestrian class

– Patronage– Better posts in the Mediterranean

Reuse of Gask Ridge Forts

Elements of the Antonine Wall

• Rampart• Ditch and mound to the north• Military road to the south

Antonine vs Hadrian Walls

• Forts interspersed with smaller stations. • No Vallum. • Double the number of troops along smaller

distance than Hadrian's Wall• Turf not stone – stone reinforcement• 14-16’ wide, probably 10’ high

Antonine Siege Fort

Wall at Rough Castle


Rough Castle

Principia, Bar Hill

Latrine, BearsdenArtist’s reconstruction

Wall with Fortlet

Distance Slabs

Bridgeness Distance Slab

Old Kirkpatrick

Summerston Farm, near Balmuildy IIIDCLXVIS = 3,666 ½ paces

Distance Slab Hutcheson Hill

Legio II Duntocher

Other victory commemorations

Consequences of Antonine Wall

• Forces involved ~6-7,000• Pax Romana• No evidence for native rule• Increased use of stone construction• New civilian communities follow the army• Increased mining for iron and surface mining

of coal• Production of food for army

Continuation of Native Life

• Round houses• No new concentrated

settlements except near forts

• Natives reuse bronze but not iron from Romans

• Roman brooches

Roman Artefacts

Dunure (South Ayrshire)


Antonine Itinerary

• Fourteen numbered roads• List stations along the roads with distances

between them


Iter III

(From London to the port of Dover)

Roman Name 1000 paces Miles Current Name

Durobrivis xxvii 31 Rochester

Duroverno xxv 28 Canterbury

Ad portum Dubris xiiii 18 Dover

Along the Way

• Mansiones, inns, every 30 miles or so– A bed for man and horse– Food ” “– A hot bath– Storage of government goods– Postal and police services

• Mutationes, changing stops

Chelmsford Mansio





Dining room

Abandonment of Antonine Wall

• Under Governor Julius Verus the wall was abandoned (c. 154-8 CE)

• Hadrian’s wall was refurbished• “Military Road” to supply Hadrian wall forts• Outpost forts north of Hadrian’s Wall

abandoned by 185 CE


Breach of Hadrian’s Wall?

Victory in Britain

Commodus• Breach of Hadrian's Wall• C. 180 Governor Ulpius Marcellus

sent to put down rebellions• 184-5 Victory in Britain• 185 Protest by British legions

against prefect, Perennis


• Non-citizens• Small units• Legionary officers• Identified with nations• No entitlement to citizenship• Less-well armed than regulars

– Exploratores - scouts


• 175 Brought to Britain by Marcus Aurelius• Brougham cemetery

– Sword and belt fittings– Horses– Unusual burial - women

Archaeology • May/June 2005

Sarmatian Treasure - Gaul


• 126 Son of freeman and clothmaker • c. 150 Teacher of literature• 161 Volunteers for military, commander of

auxiliary cohort, successful in battles in Asia• 165 Legionary tribune in York, raised to

equestrian rank• 168 Procurator in N. Italy, Dacia• Commander of units against Germans


• Made Senator and legionary commander• 175 Consul• 176 Series of governorships of provinces

– 185-187 Governor of Britain• 189 Mayor of Rome• 192 Consul• Emperor

1/1/193 to 3/28/193

Clodius Albinus

• c.140 Born near Carthage, Senatorial rank– 175 Governor of Bithynia– 187 Consul– 189 Governor fo Germany

• 191-2 Governor of Britain• 193 Made Caesar by Septimius Severus• 195 Severus names his own sons successors, forcing out

Albinus– Supported by legions on German frontier and from Spain– Defeated near Lugdunum (Lyon); suicide?

Lugdunum - SeverusSeverus• Pannonia

– XIIII Gemina

• Moesia– XI Claudia

• Germania Superior– XXII Primigenia

• Germania Inferior– I Minerva– XXX Ulpia Traiana

Albinus• Britannia

– II Augusta– VI Victrix– XX Valeria

• Hispania– VII Gemina

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