7 setps to get unstuck and enjoy your miracles.pdf

Post on 28-Feb-2018






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    2012 - MarBeth Dunn - All rights reserved


  • 7/25/2019 7 setps to get unstuck and enjoy your miracles.pdf



    Im so happy you decided to download your free report 7 Steps to Get

    Unstuck and Unlock Your Joy. Getting

    unstuck of your old baggage will make

    you feel lighter, happier and free. Thiswill, in turn, raise your energy level and

    your vibrational frequency. You will find

    yourself attracting greater abundance,

    better relationships and a more vibrant

    health. Studies have shown that

    happier people are more successful,

    have greater self confidence, have

    positive attitudes, laugh more, and live

    a life of purpose.

    You deserve to be happy and joyful.

    Yet, Forbes recently reported that six

    out of ten couples are unhappy in their

    relationships. The Society for Human

    Resource reports that only 19% of

    workers ages 31 to 61 are satisfied

    with their jobs, and although most

    people feel s tuck in unhappyrelationships, career, health, wealth or

    self-esteem, the tendency is for them to maintain the status quo. Give

    yourself a pat on the back for taking action and downloading this today!

    Here you will find 7 steps you can take right now to help you identify and

    release the reasons you are stuck, freeing the old trapped emotional

    energy and transforming it into joy and happiness.

    2013 - MarBeth Dunn - All rights reservedwww.marbethdunn.com

  • 7/25/2019 7 setps to get unstuck and enjoy your miracles.pdf


    I know what its like to be stuck, having been so incredibly stuck for a greatportion of my life, stuck in my finances, stuck in my health, stuck in my

    relationships, stuck in my personal power, self-esteem, self worth, and in

    my Spirituality. It took me years to break free. I didnt know there was

    another way. Yet I believed there had to be a way out, and never gave up. I

    did eventually escape my prison, and I promised myself that I would help

    others find their freedom. It is my mission, as the Joy to Abundance

    Strategist to spread great ripples of JOY and Abundance around our

    beautiful planet, AND to help as many people as possible get unstuck. You

    see, once you realize whats been keeping you in that same old pattern it isnot all that difficult to free yourself.

    Have you noticed how much easier it is to see other peoples issues than

    your own? The questions in this report are carefully crafted to empower you

    2012 - MarBeth Dunn - All rights reserved


  • 7/25/2019 7 setps to get unstuck and enjoy your miracles.pdf


    to see your issues and connect them to the emotions and indicators that

    are keeping you stuck in your old holding patterns.

    I wrote this report just for you - the magnificent you that shines so brightly

    beneath the layers of murky emotions and feelings. So if youre ready toget unstuck and unlock your joy at last, grab a pen and paper, find a quiet

    place and lets get to work!

    To your great success!

    2013 - MarBeth Dunn - All rights reservedwww.marbethdunn.com

  • 7/25/2019 7 setps to get unstuck and enjoy your miracles.pdf


    1. The first step to your freedom lies in looking at your life with fresh


    In my practice, Ive noticed that some of the primary bars to

    happiness are

    hidden losses, events fromthe present or past, you may

    not even be aware of. These

    losses can impact you more

    than you would imagine,


    health, wealth,

    relationships and every aspect

    of life.

    Lets look at some of theindicators of hidden loss.

    Old wounds, hurts and losses,

    past events, can prevent you

    from creating the life you

    desire, because their energy

    s t a y s t r a p p e d i n y o u r

    energetic body until you

    release it. Yes, I know thismay sound a bit woo-woo, but

    check it out for yourself! Take

    some time and tune into your

    body. It will always tell you the


    Your body loves you, and will always let you know when something isnt

    right by a physical manifestation, so you can address it. Thus, the first

    indicators that you may be experiencing hidden loss can be physical.

    Youmay notice a clenching in your solar plexus, tension, aches, pains and


    It can be challenging to feel happy when your body is urgently

    and forcefully telling you something is wrong. In fact, theres really no

    shortage of what can happen when your body is trying to communicate with

    2012 - MarBeth Dunn - All rights reserved


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    you that something is off, or out of alignment. So take some time and tune

    in to what your body is telling you:

    Are you sleeping too much (or too little)?________________________

    Are your sleep patterns erratic?________________________________

    Have you developed new aches and pains?______________________

    Have you lost your appetite (or gained weight)?__________________


    Have you developed heart palpitations, or an ache in your heart_____

    2013 - MarBeth Dunn - All rights reservedwww.marbethdunn.com

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    Has your blood pressure elevated or dropped?___________________

    What other indicators are you experiencing?_____________________


    2. What are your emotions telling you?

    Communication from yourEmotional Guidance System is so important.

    Your emotions in their healthiest state are like clouds. They come and theygo. When theyre stuck, because you havent addressed the emotional

    charge around an issue, the energy you hold in your body can create the

    physical indicators we just looked at. That is why it essential to free yourself

    2012 - MarBeth Dunn - All rights reserved


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    of unreleased emotions. When

    you release them the liberated

    energy creates a state of

    happiness and joy.

    By suppressing or disconnecting

    from your emotions, you actually

    sever your connection to your

    Emotional Guidance System.

    This system is a powerful and

    very useful tool for you to access

    your bodys wisdom. I encourage

    you to get still and notice what

    your body is telling you withoutjudging it. As you begin to

    release the blocked energy, let

    your body guide you to live a

    more balanced life, honoring your

    body, mind and spirit connection.

    The following are some ways many people experience their

    unresolved feelings and emotions:

    Do you feel sadness or yearning?_____________________________

    Do you have difficulty focusing_______________________________

    Are you losing yourself in work?_____________________________

    Have you lost your ability to take risks?_______________________

    Do you find yourself cleaning obsessively? ____________________

    Do you fly off the handle easily?______________________________

    Are you hiding in addictive behavior?_________________________

    2013 - MarBeth Dunn - All rights reservedwww.marbethdunn.com

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    Are you lost in TV land?_____________________________________

    Are you addicted to food, alcohol,

    drugs, shopping, gambling?








    3. Whats going on in your life?

    Any unresolved emotions can show up in other areas of your life to keep

    you stuck" until you address them.

    Lets look at where your life is, or isnt working:

    Whats not working in your relationships? _____________________


    Whats not working in your career, your job? Your finances?


    2012 - MarBeth Dunn - All rights reserved


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    Whats not working in your health? ___________________________


    What would you would like to change for the better? ____________




    Would you like to create a better relationship with yourself?______




    Would you like more

    loving relationships

    with others?________





    Would you like to create a loving, cohesive relationship with a

    significant other?


    2013 - MarBeth Dunn - All rights reservedwww.marbethdunn.com

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    Where are you stuck?












    Are you re-experiencing familiar relationship patterns that keep

    showing up in different forms? ______________________________




    4. What hurts or losses are you aware of in your life?

    If you find yourself stuck and your life isnt working, if you find yourself

    repeating the same old patterns over and again... if you have a veil of

    2012 - MarBeth Dunn - All rights reserved


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    sadness or guilt that doesnt seem to go away. If you have difficulty

    sleeping. if youre experiencing physical indicators such as higher or lower

    blood pressure, headaches, youve gained or lost weight... it may be hurts,

    losses or your reactions to past experiences that are the culprits.

    In order to create more joy and

    happiness, look at what might be

    blocking it. Even if you believe that

    you have already addressed it, the

    energy from a past loss or event

    can still be in your energy field,

    keeping you stuck. This can

    include any feelings of hurt or loss,

    unhealed events or situations fromyour past, feeling like youre a

    victim, or blaming others, all of

    which can trigger regret, pain,

    sadness, grief, numbness, which

    are the antitheses of joy.

    Since hidden losses can be events

    that havent fully healed, its not

    unusual for people to think theseevents are no longer an issue if

    they believe theyve already

    released them. When not completely

    healed, however, the emotions associated with these events can take a

    large toll on your quest for happiness.

    The loss of a loved one or a relationship, a loss of income or job/career or a

    move that required relocation, causing changes in your environment and

    relationships, can be events that you may not have dealt with, and healed

    fully. Other losses can include physical disability or illness, empty nest, loss

    of your self-respect, personal power, self-esteem, youth or beauty. These

    common examples of hidden, emotional loss can affect you, and when not

    addressed, may impede your happiness.

    2013 - MarBeth Dunn - All rights reservedwww.marbethdunn.com

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    Have you lost a loved one through death, divorce, end of arelationship, change of residence, work or school? _____________



    Have you experienced a business, financial, or health setback?____________________________________________________________


    Have you experienced any of the following hidden losses? Lost your beauty, youth, sexiness?________________________


    Lost yourself in a relationship?___________________________


    Lost your self respect? Your self esteem? Your trust?____________________________________________________________________


    Experienced empty nest?________________________________

    Lost your personal power?_______________________________

    5. Notice whether these is a connection between these losses and

    the emotions, feelings, or the indicators of loss. It just information,

    2012 - MarBeth Dunn - All rights reserved


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    6. so dont place any value on what you learn. Judging it will not

    serve you. Just notice whether there is a connection between them,

    or an emotional charge. Sometimes just your awareness of the

    connection between them can release the emotional charge.

    Some examples:

    a. You have not been sleeping well. You might be sleeping too much,

    too little or erratically. You realize it might be connected with the

    ending of a relationship, in the recent or distant past. Ask yourself

    what emotion is attached to this? Is it anger, or guilt, grief, or sadness

    or fear? Where does that emotion live in your body?

    b. You find yourself flying off

    the handle easily, working

    way too hard, for the

    wrong reasons, and have

    a feeling of sadness that

    feels like it surrounds you.

    You realize it may have

    something to do with your

    close friends betrayal.She let you down when

    you needed her. Where

    does that emotion live in

    your body?

    c. Youre feeling stuck. You used to take risks, but since your business

    failed when the economy shifted, you have a paralyzing fear. You eat

    for comfort and have gained considerable weight. You feel like youre

    carrying a heavy burden.

    You may find that just noticing the connection between a loss and your

    emotions, feelings, or indicators, may be all you need to release the

    emotional charge. If you do, thats wonderful, if not, continue to step 6.

    2013 - MarBeth Dunn - All rights reservedwww.marbethdunn.com

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    6. Once youve remembered and acknowledged your loss, ask

    yourself whether youre ready to let it go.

    It may sound strange but

    sometimes, you may

    just not be ready, and

    thats okay. If you areready, and youre

    willing, you CAN let it

    go! Releasing it is your

    choice. Its wonderful to

    realize that you have

    the power to keep it or

    release it.

    If you should realize youarent ready to release it,

    its good to know. Just

    your awareness of it can begin the releasing process. The important part

    of the process is to remain neutral and not judge yourself or anyone else.

    Just notice what you notice.

    7. If you are ready to let it go, allow yourself to feel your feelings.

    Where are you holding this emotional energy in your body? Is there a

    heaviness in your chest? A knot in your solar plexus?

    A tightness in

    your throat? Feeling your feelings completely IN YOUR BODY allows

    you to heal them, releasing the discomfort and charge.

    Dont judge what youre feeling. It may be uncomfortable for you to feel it,

    but the feeling will dissipate. Notice what youre experiencing without

    judging it. Imagine that you are inside the discomfort, feeling it from the


    One woman I worked with had a pain in her back for years, since the death

    of her father. Upon releasing her sadness, grief and guilt over her fathers

    passing, her back pain disappeared.

    2012 - MarBeth Dunn - All rights reserved


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    Now that you can see the connection between your emotions, feelings and

    your body, be sure to take some time on a regular basis to check in. Notice

    what you are feeling, and where youre holding any stress or indicators in

    the body and release any uncomfortable feelings.

    You may soon find yourself unstuck and well on your way to unlocking

    your joy!

    2013 - MarBeth Dunn - All rights reservedwww.marbethdunn.com

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    Are you ready to be happy, rich, successful, and in a great


    Do you know what every day you live in pain, sadness, or

    grief is costing you in future years?

    What will your future be like if you let this continue?

    Heres what you can do....

    Contact me today for your FREE 15-minute Joy ReadinessSessionso you can gain clarity and determine your nextsteps towards your happiness and joy.

    MarBeth DunnThe Joy to Abundance Strategist

    Email: marbeth@marbethdunn.com

    What are you waiting for? Its your time to shine!Claim your Love and joy and peace now!

    2012 - MarBeth Dunn - All rights reserved


  • 7/25/2019 7 setps to get unstuck and enjoy your miracles.pdf


    2013 - MarBeth Dunn - All rights reservedwww.marbethdunn.com


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