6 Steps for Getting More Leads From Your B2B Blog

Post on 16-Apr-2017






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6 Steps for Getting More Leads From Your B2B


When’s the last time you looked at your B2B blog hard in the face and asked it,

“What have you done for me lately?”

Try these six ways to get more leads from your B2B blog so your blog

works for you.

1. Measure what converts

1. Measure what convertsKnow which calls-to-action in which particular posts are sending leads.

1. Measure what convertsCheck out marketing automation software which can track your leads with varying degrees of granularity.

1. Measure what convertsAlternatively, set up goals in Google Analytics using this guide from Kissmetrics.

The easiest lead to track is a form submission, so make your form’s “thank you” page a goal, and track growth from there.

2. Test different topics

2. Test different topicsHelp Desk Technology Trends for 2016: Live Chat, Anticipatory Customer Service

This post is targeted at people who care about help desk technology, but they’re not necessarily shopping for it.

2. Test different topicsNew Video: What’s the Point of Help Desk Software?

This post is targeted toward people who are wondering whether they need help desk software in the first place.

2. Test different topicsZoho Support Alternatives to Rock Your Help Desk

This third post is targeted toward people who are shopping for help desk software currently.

2. Test different topicsTry creating posts that target underrepresented points in the buying process, and see how your lead acquisition rate changes.

3. Test different calls to action

3. Test different calls to actionEvery piece of content on your blog should have a purpose.

Check out the CTAs for these blog posts for tips:

3. Test different calls to actionHelp Desk Technology Trends for 2016: Live Chat, Anticipatory Customer ServiceCTA: Subscribe to our newsletterWhy: This post is written for people who are interested in help desk technology, but not necessarily shopping for it. A bottom-of-funnel CTA isn’t going to appeal to the vast majority of readers, who aren’t yet ready to shop.

3. Test different calls to actionNew Video: What’s the Point of Help Desk Software?CTA: Look at our comparisonWhy: This post is written for people who are considering whether they might need help desk software. A top-of-funnel CTA takes them off the path they’re on. A bottom-of-funnel CTA takes them further than they’re ready to go.

3. Test different calls to actionZoho Support Alternatives to Rock Your Help DeskCTA: Look at our directoryWhy: This reader is ready to shop. Our directory is made for this. It’s the reason we created it. We’ve got to get this person to the directory stat.

3. Test different calls to actionEven if these are the right CTAs for the post, there are lots of things to test!

Try testing different placements, wordings, and design for your CTAs.

4. Test different content types

4. Test different content typesMaybe a video converts better than an infographic- there’s only one way to know!

4. Test different content typesAdditionally, different types of content could work better for different parts of the funnel.

Infographics might work work better for top-of-funnel shoppers, but white papers work better to get the lead.

4. Test different content typesMaybe certain content works better for certain products- a slideshow might work better for legal software and a podcast might work better for help desk software.

5. Test different keywords to get more leads

5. Test different keywords to get more leadsIt’s not just about the amount of leads you get- it’s also about lead quality.

5. Test different keywords to get more leadsCapterra’s posts about “free and open source software” always get more traffic than “software compared” posts, but the percentage of people who click through to the software directories (where we make money) is much lower.

5. Test different keywords to get more leadsSome keywords yield less or more traffic, or higher or lower quality traffic.

Experiment to see which are which!

6. Test different social networks

6. Test different social networksTry advertising your blog posts on social media, even if you’re already using social media to market products.

6. Test different social networksThe goal should be to make people complete the call-to-action, so if the CTA is to visit your directory, link to the directory.

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