6 Key Ways Employees Judge Your Intranet

Post on 11-Jan-2017






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1© Modus www.modusagency.com

6 Key Ways Employees Judge Your IntranetWhen it comes to intranet best practices we live in a golden age of knowledge. With publications like the Nielsen Norman Group’s Intranet Design Annual, competitions like the Intranet Innovation Awards and organizations like The Digital Workplace Group it has never been easier to peek “behind the login” and see what others are doing

Yet there’s another – less obvious – set of standards that our employees are judging us by every day. And we ignore them at our own peril.

If Drugstore.com knows what I need, why doesn’t my employer?Your employees don’t know much about intranet best practices and they probably don’t care. Instead their judgment of your intranet is informed by the experiences they have every day on the consumer web. And they bring those rising expectations to work with them.

Let’s step inside the head of a typical intranet user…

1. When they log in to your intranet every morning, they’re thinking about sites like amazon.com and drugstore.com that recognize them automatically, show them personalized content and let them pick up where they left

2. When they go to searchlike Google, the more disappointed they will be.

3. When they read your company news, they’re comparing the experience to favorite media sites like the New York Times, CNN.com or TMZ.

4. Your emails and alerts are being compared to the increasingly snappy and personalized communications they receive at home from the world’s leading retailers.

5. When they sign up for or check thei they’re thinking about the increasingly sophisticated

6. When they try out those new social intranet features you rolled out, well, you know who they’re comparing you to.


to put your own e�orts in perspective.

o� last time.

to �nd what they need, they’ll be thinking about Google. The less your search works

employee bene�tsand simple experiences they have with leading bene�ts providers like Fidelity and Vanguard, or cutting-edgepersonal �nance sites like Simple and Mint.com


Does your videonot even talk about mobile. Chances are you’re just getting started while “out there” rages a renaissance of consumer innovation and delight.

How do you compare?

that the Googles and Amazons do. Thankfully your employees understand this and don’t really expect you to keep up with them. The name of this game is not to keep up per se, but to avoid falling so far behind the state of the art that you alienate your audiences and damage your employer brand. Here are a few suggestions:

Focus on the spirit over the letter.

Don’t try to copy the best of the consumer web exactly. Instead conceive features within the spirit of those

this can take you.

Prioritize more ruthlessly.

Stop trying to do it all and instead settle on an intranet that does more with less. Decommission features that aren’t used much. Add functionality only when resources allow you to do it really well. This might sound obvious but there are far too many bloated intranets out there.

ready for prime time. Or in fact needed at all.

The pace of innovation in digital today is thrilling, overwhelming and accelerating. Intranets are subject to these forces too. It’s a daunting reality for resource-strapped intranet leaders. You can choose to see this challenge as an impossible journey, or you can see it for the free and inexhaustible source of user insight and expectation that it is and use it.




© Modus www.modusagency.com

work like YouTube? Is your intranet accessible easily and everywhere lik eNet�ix is? And let’s

experiences, focusing on key user expectations and re�ecting the overall feel. You might be surprised how far

No matter how big your organization and intranet is, you will never have the �nancial or engineering resources

Before rolling out new or improved features, test them with users in prototype form to con�rm that they’re

Test everything �rst.


About Modus Modus is a digital innovation consultancy founded to help global brands and visionary start-ups more fully harness the business

name of the game. Clients include Comcast, NYSE Euronext, Cleveland Clinic, Coldwell Banker, NBC Universal, U.S. Architect of the Capitol and ADP, Inc.

Modus129 West 29th Street, Fl 12New York, NY 10001Tel: 212-871-2020Fax: 212-202-4947info@modusagency.comwww.modusagency.com

potential of the digital age, where customers rule, connectivity is everywhere, and creating value for pro�t and social impact is the

© Modus www.modusagency.com

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