
For the first time, every house in Deasil Street is now occupied. So, throughout episode five there will be little recaps of each households backstory; just to remind ourselves who’s who, and what they’re about.

NO. 1

NO. 4

NO. 3

NO. 2

NO. 7

NO. 6

NO. 5

The houses on the Street were numbered in the order they were built, which explains their unsymmetrical number system. Number 7 was always planned to be at the end of the street, with the others built to join it to the main road. It predates the rest by decades, and has always been owned by the Vickers Family.


The Darkstone HouseholdNO. 1Trinity Darkstone

Career criminal Trinity or ‘The Balanced Stone’ moved herself and her twin to Appaloosa to prey on the up and coming town and to escape a couple of sticky situations developing elsewhere…Despite her day job, she tries to make her ‘public’ face known as a good citizen. She is a genuinely nice person, if a little emotionally closed. The full back story of the twins is unknown.

She has been in a relationship with Crime Boss Edward Poeson A.K.A The Poet for some time. She has recently used her skills to track him down and force him to let her as fully into his life as she allows him into hers. Love in a den of thieves cannot be said to be easy. Befriended her next-door neighbour Megan Bailey after seeing something of herself in the child, genuinely likes her. On friendly terms with most of the Street, bar the Vickers family, whom she has also anonymously blackmailed.

Belladonna Darkstone

Belladonna is not currently employed, nor has she ever been. Instead, she puts her time and energy into managing the household bills, shopping, cooking and cleaning. She is an excellent cook, and an accomplished pianist – but no one is aware of this fact. She actively hides her culinary skills from Trinity when she cooks her meals. She is the principle caregiver to their cat, Jerix. She isn’t in a relationship, and has no friends other than her sister.

The Darkstone HouseholdNO. 1

So far, she has managed to resist her sisters attempts to get her to socialise. She rarely leaves the house, and seems happy with her life as it is. The only crack that ever showed was when Trinity and Edward got together. For a moment, she seemed jealous.

Bernice had planned to spend the day looking for jobs, but it’s her first day, she can afford to have a bit of fun first.

So she dressed up and headed out to check out the local nightlife. She started in the little pub she had been to with Teresa once or twice, and warmed up flirting with the barman.Soon though, she was on to the classier joints. She charmed her way into the VIP areas and partook in everything there was to partake in. Whether it was safe or not…

Ambrose had been invited, but she preferred to stay at home; and wasn’t in the least bit upset at being left alone. She was such an easy character, it didn’t really cross her mind it was a bit rude of Bernice to disappear their first proper evening as housemates.

Ambrose didn’t usually get upset by anything. She was so easygoing people had to prompt her to realise when she was being taken advantage of. Some thought she was just dumb, but her musical ability suggested otherwise. In essence, she just thought everyone was as nice and content as she was, naïve perhaps or optimistic rather than stupid.

It was the end of a very heavy night for Bernice. She was so far gone she didn’t realise someone was tailing her on her way home.

It wasn’t until she got home and a burglar pushed past her through the door she realised she’d been followed. Luckily a policeman had followed her follower and apprehended them red-handed.

She kept it together enough to thank the policeman, and ask for his number…She didn’t get it, and the moment he was gone she crashed out on the sofa, dead to the world.

One afternoon, Trinity finds her chance to put her theory to the test. Allain had run a bit late getting to the Bailey’s house, and Megan had hung out with Trinity until he’d arrived.

Meeting him face to face, she was certain he was Edwards brother.

She followed him home on her bike, it was the one she usually used for work when what she was stealing could fit in a bag or a pocket. Silent, and less conspicuous than a car, Allain shouldn’t notice her pursuit.

His house wasn’t what she expected. It was completely nondescript. Perfect for a career criminal. She liked her house though, the way it was keyed in to her and her sisters characters. This was without soul.

Allain opened the door, surprised to see her. She must not have set any alarm bells ringing in his head. Perhaps he’d forgotten his house was meant to be a total secret – no visitors. As it was, Trinity pressed for the location of his brother.

Edward heard the commotion from upstairs, and called her up. He allowed Trinity to vent her spleen at him in one massive rant, part of him accepting that he had it coming.

When Trinity had finished expressing her hurt, how distrusted she’d felt, how unloved he began to explain himself. He was a long term professional criminal, who had gone by many names. He’d only decided to come to Appaloosa when guardianship of his brother had fallen to him. He was uncomfortable using his real name, and was doing whatever he could to keep his brother safe from those who wanted him arrested… or worse.

He was sorry for keeping her at arms length, truly. It was taking some getting used to living by normal rules. Including how to have a normal relationship. He does love her.

His declaration of love catches Trinity by surprise. All is forgiven, his explanation accepted. Because she loves him too.

No. 2The Bailey Family.Warren , Teresa and Megan

No. 6Jen Potter

No. 1Trinity and Belladonna Darkstone

No. 5Alfred Hennrick

No. 4Room-mates Bernice Kasitova and Ambrose Merrihall

No. 3The Williams FamilyMarley, Aimee and Malika

No. 7Ariette Vickers, her father Harry and daughter Annette

Deasil Street

More Character Profiles.

Plus, Will Annette get on with her new friends? How will the Williams get on with their job search?

Find out next time on Deasil Street!

Next Time…

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