50 Creative Display and Promotion Ideas to Outsell Your Competitors at Retail

Post on 29-Jan-2018






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50 Creative Display And Promotion Ideas to Outsell Your Competitors at Retail

Image Source: https://www.petfelicity.com/products/ethical-cat-cat-toys-kitty-fun-boppers-assorted-clipstrip-display

#1 Clip StripsClip strips are long strips with vertical hooks that hold your products. Using clip strips gives you a chance to get your products in small spots on the shelf beyond your primary placement.

Image Source: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/90/de/48/90de485988a316a29e53ea5d8d307592.jpg

#2 POS BinsPOS Bins are buckets that store your products on the floor. These are best used to encourage impulse buys near the register.

#3 Knee Knockers

Image Source:http://www.metroshelvingproducts.com/Super-Erecta-Shelving_c8.htm

Knee Knockers are mobile display carts that are placed underneath counters. They're a great way to create more facings in high traffic areas.

#4 Cooler Extenders

Image Source:http://www.candyconceptsinc.com/2-Shelf-Cooler-Extender_p_4607.html

Cooler Extenders are racks placed below cooler displays. If your products pair well with refrigerated items, cooler extenders open up opportunities for cross merchandising.

#5 Sampling Events

Image Source:https://i.pinimg.com/originals/07/37/4c/07374cbbb80bec90e21553af07ea4166.jpg

Sampling Events entice customers to try your products before they buy. Back up big deals by sending brand ambassadors to give away free tastes of your products.

Image Source: http://static6.businessinsider.com/image/55268d8969bedd25374a0b90-1190-625/what-its-really-like-to-work-at-whole-foods.jpg

#6 Retailer CompetitionsRetailer competitions or giveaways motivate retailers to give you great placements or additional facings with free products, signage, or merchandise.

#7 Bonus Packs

Image Source: http://dapperdeals.weebly.com/uploads/3/0/2/5/30259883/151723_orig.png

If a competitor is gaining ground in your category, try boosting your products' volume at the same price.

#8 Product Bundles

Image Source: http://www.piyopiyousa.com/babycare/mini-baby-wipe-bundle-pack.html

Package two products together for convenience. This is also a great way to introduce new products in “sample sizes” to current best sellers.

#9 Starpower

Image Source: http://www.viralblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/beyoncepepsi.jpg

Celebrity endorsements can go a long way. Okay, maybe you won't be able to get Richard Sherman to give you a vote of confidence, but finding someone locally can help when entering a new store or region.

#10 Taste Tests

Image Source: http://www.seriouseats.com/2014/03/taste-test-we-eat-every-flavor-of-cheez-its.html

Go head to head with your competitors. Blind taste tests give your product a chance to shine and perhaps unseat your competitors' regular customers.

#11 Social Media Coupons

Image Source:http://reachmodo.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/fbcouponmain.png

Use exclusive discount codes to motivate your online fans to shop in the store.

#12 Manufacturer's Coupons

Image Source:http://grocery-coupons-guid.com/image-files/manufacturer-coupon.jpg

Manufacturer's Coupons: No matter where your customers shop, a manufacturer's coupon can give them the incentive to choose your products over a competitors.

Image Source: http://www.danaindustries.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/Dangler-Wobbler-81-e1374228006353.jpg

#13 DanglersHang danglers to draw attention to make your products pop on the shelf. Danglers are great for educating shoppers about your benefits, or calling attention to active deals and promotions.

#14 Counter Cards

Image Source: http://vprint4promotions.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/counter-cards.jpg

Use pop-up cards to give shoppers more info about your brand. These are especially effective during promotions and events when you have a table display set up.

#15 Window Banners

Image Source:https://impactsigns-wpengine.netdna-ssl.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/storefront-window-vinyl-decals-graphics-5.jpg

Putting signs in the windows can give your brand an edge by putting your name in the shoppers' mind before they even reach the shelf.

Image Source: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/cc/30/4f/cc304f266d95b3be345ae3b20b9e6011.jpg

#16 Ceiling HangersNot all stores will allow you to hang signs from the ceiling, but doing so can not only shout out your brand's name, but can direct shoppers to your aisle.

Image Source: https://spid-stage.s3-ap-northeast-1.amazonaws.com/s3fs-public/SamsungPID_Retail_Perfume_Inline.jpg

#17 Digital DisplaysWant to really outshine your competitors? Digital displays attract shoppers to your shelf. Plus, they're easy to update as products and offers change.

#18 Interactive Digital Displays

Image Source: http://idx.uk.com/sites/default/files/BB%20Product%20Pick%20Up.jpg

Take digital a step further and give shoppers a chance to interact with your brand. Ex: Quizzes, photos, and games.

#19 Snapchat Scans

Image Source: https://qph.ec.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-d1101c4b439960164395e7645ad966ff-c

Snapchat makes it easy to connect with shoppers. Simply add your Snapchat QR code to your display and shoppers can add your brand on the spot!

#20 Giveaways

Image Source: http://makerbot-blog-old.s3.amazonaws.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/Store_image_v2.jpg

Sweepstakes and giveaways can generate buzz for your brand. Make it easy to sign up with a booth or collection box in stores.

Image Source: http://photosnap.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/1526719_755164697870791_5724167348744113011_n.jpg

#21 Branded Photo Booths Whether it’s at the end of an aisle, at the back of the store, or at your event table, giving shoppers a fun backdrop and some props with which to take photos is a fun way to differentiate yourself from your competitors.

#22 Price Alert Pop Ups

Image Source:http://www.modprint.com/display/temporary-merchandising-displays/

These cardboard sign boards announce special promotions and sales. The best part? You can place them anywhere in the store (as long as you have permission), to reach shoppers who might not already be looking for your brand on the shelf.

#23 Instant Redeemable Coupons

Image Source:http://www.mpilabels.com/upload/images/products/Label_pictures/Promotional-label-web.jpg

IRCs are similar to standard sales, in that the discount is taken immediately at the register, but seeing a separate coupon on the package makes the deal feel more exclusive.

#24 Header Cards

Image Source: https://static1.squarespace.com/static/550b46b3e4b0b053352f403d/56c8e7e237013bded227f723/56c8eaf41d07c0b5ce3d253b/1456007930685/M_V2.jpg

These signs sit on top of your displays in the store, and can help differentiate your brand from similar items nearby on the shelf.

#25 Tear-Off Pads

Image Source:https://1ue0vq2ip2m91b3g7z258a5v-wpengine.netdna-ssl.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/00611.jpg

Give shoppers the chance to take away a recipe, coupon, or cooking tip by adding a tear-off pad to your display or promo booth.

#26 Pole Toppers

Image Source:https://www.gappromo.com/images/portfolio/smirnoff.jpg

Pole Toppers are upright fixtures that hold POS signs. These are eye-grabbing and can be seen from across a store, directing shoppers to your aisle.

Image Source: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/1c/02/50/1c0250c8dbac2ca7db405f8fb6bb7e6b.jpg

#27 Themed DisplaysDesign displays based on holidays and events to draw in customers and relate to their interests.

#28 Outriggers

Image Source: https://blog.funmobility.com/files/2013/10/DAH-POS-End-Caps.jpg

These racks go over a retailer's standard gondola and give you additional facings.

#29 PDQ Displays

Image Source: http://kapasusa.com/image/cache/data/products/PDQ/buds/10003-800x800.jpg

“Pretty Darn Quick” displays are cardboard boxes that are preloaded with products. They can pop up anywhere there's room, and require little to no maintenance from the retailer.

Image Source: http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_QZE_yKWU9dQ/TLcSk1qaf9I/AAAAAAAAABw/8JkkDPE-eLs/s1600/DemanddrivenDasanEndCap.jpg

#30 Side StacksThese endcaps sit at the end of a standard gondola, extending the aisle and creating new facings.

#31 Slat Walls

Image Source: https://slatwall.ie/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/Windmill-Slatwall-Products_105088_image4.jpg

Slat Walls are a type of display set-up that uses slats instead of peg holes. While they require special hardware to set up, slat walls offer unique options for displays.

#32 Cross Merchandising

Image Source:https://media.licdn.com/mpr/mpr/AAEAAQAAAAAAAAuTAAAAJDI5YjE1ODkwLWRkZGEtNDc5YS05YTEzLTlhMWMxNDY2ZTI5ZA.jpg

Pairing your products with other similar items is a great way to boost sales and make it more convenient for shoppers to select your brand than your competitor.

Image Source: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/8f/f0/63/8ff063beb8ffdb139f3b20eb097fba80.jpg

#33 Single Product DisplaysThese put the viewer's entire focus on just one flagship product. Sometimes, taking away choice and just featuring one item can help inspire a purchase.

#34 Make use of feature coolers

Image Source:https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/b3/e6/ac/b3e6ac4fec6f8781152a05ddea693305--shop-ideas-crosses.jpg

Coolers draw extra attention to your products and keep your products fresh and ready to enjoy.

#35 Endcap Displays

Image Source: https://www.behance.net/gallery/43325101/Punta-de-Gondola-exhibidor-Ensoy

Products in endcaps often sell faster than those placed in the aisle, because shoppers see them first.

#36 Advertise on Shopping Carts

Image Source: http://neadcorp.com/templates/adcorp_4pointoh/images4/gal_full_sca_05.jpg

Using shopping carts to call out your product puts your brand front and center while people walk around the store.

#37 Corrugated Standalone

Image Source: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/5a/db/2d/5adb2d7ac29f36dfa2557ad7f4a0b4c6--cardboard-display-retail-displays.jpg

Brands can load these cardboard towers with merchandise, getting additional facings anywhere in the store.

Image Source:https://i.pinimg.com/736x/12/1f/f6/121ff6eec39163fe36cc3f17eaa5267d--gondola-shelving-shelves.jpg

#38 Island DisplaysIsland Displays sit on the floor and are open on all four sides, making products accessible and visible.

#39 Jump Shelf

Image Source: http://www.eurodisplaygroup.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/akzo8.jpg

These on-shelf displays take up neighboring space to feature a brand.

#40 Shelf Talkers

Image Source: http://www.supermarketnews.com/sites/supermarketnews.com/files/gallery_promo_image/GlutenFreeCarousel.jpg

Shelf Talkers draw attention and add extra bits of information to your display. Use this space to call out a benefit or human aspect of your brand.

#41 Outdoor Displays

Image Source: https://media.licdn.com/mpr/mpr/AAEAAQAAAAAAAA0VAAAAJGFmMDMyYzQ0LWIwNDctNGZkZi04NTFlLTkxZDUxYzFmNmFjMA.jpg

Showing your products near parking lots or entryways can put your brand at the top of shoppers' lists before they ever see your competitors.

#42 Wing Displays

Image Source: https://www.kelloggsspecialtychannels.com/legacy/uploads/displays/RKT_PowWing_3D.jpg

Wing Displays extend from endcaps. Creating wing displays is a clear way to find space on the endcap, even if those facings have already been sold.

#43 Action Alley

Image Source: http://knowhow.napaonline.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/NAPA-AUTO-PARTS-Merchants-Walk-Grand-Opening-action-alley.jpg

Also known as the "race track," the ring around the outside of the store is the largest aisle, and gets the most traffic of any location in the store.

#44 Classic Pegboard

Image Source:http://triononline.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/Pouch_Peg4.jpg

This classic display type is for hanging products from the shelf. Pegboards are great for products that have a hard time standing up on their own on the shelf.

#45 Ingredients

Image Sources: http://3wy3xp1ycwo73gaxte1z3mj0-wpengine.netdna-ssl.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/gluten-free-tortilla-misstep.jpg


Are your ingredients better than your competitors'? Make it known! Whether it’s on your packaging, in a sampling event, or with a display, highlighting ingredients builds shopper loyalty.

#46 Color-Based Displays

Image Source: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/1f/68/3b/1f683b5cebe1ad82b8eaa05ac1026e68--shoe-display-display-ideas.jpg

Try building displays around a few, bold colors. Those stand out (and make your products pop), better than busy, complex displays.

#47 Product Lighting

Image Source: https://i.pinimg.com/originals/09/d2/64/09d264df1f07a2cc5f55a92fd579c6dd.jpg

Whether it’s a display somewhere else in the store or around your product on the shelf, set up lights that make your products look appealing.

#48 Merchandising

Image Source:https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/5f/15/11/5f1511a92858483b6bb74d2304aa7caa--retail-displays-retail-shop.jpg

Having neat displays might seem like a small task, but it goes a long way to building your brand image. Some brands have their sales reps straighten up the shelves during every visit.

#49 Stock Levels

Image Source:https://nrf.com/sites/default/files/Images/News/Empty-Shelf-at-Grocery-Store.jpg

Even loyal fans have no choice but to choose another brand when your spot on the shelf is empty.

#50 Walking Advertisements

Image Source: http://d1sho2puwmv8q2.cloudfront.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/Travis-Grillo-with-cart.jpg

Take advantage of your sales team out in the field! Arm them with branded gear they can wear in the store to spread brand recognition.

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