5 Steps for Social Media Success

Post on 08-May-2015






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Powerpoint used in small business workshops in Batesville, AR Wednesday, July 10th and Mountain Home Tuesday, July 23rd. Introduction to Social Media Marketing prepared and presented by the Arkansas State University Small Business and Technology Development Center hosted by the Batesville Area Chamber of Commerce


Social Media Marketing

Conquering the Digital Divide!

What is Social Media Marketing? How Does Social Media Fit in Your

Marketing Plan? What Social Media Channels are Right

for You? What Messages Do You Send? What Tools to Use? How Do You Know It Works? Where do You Go Next?

What We Will Cover

Free confidential consulting assistance Free Market Research Information Low cost Training workshops Innovation and technology consulting Website and social media analysis reports For more information visit the ASU SBTDC Website

About Us

Website Analysis Report

Name Company/organization Position Website??? Social Media? Which ones? WHAT is the ONE thing you want to take

away today?

NOW! About YOU!

What Is Social Media Marketing?

What is the Challenge?

Feeding the Cash Register


Local Search Web Site



Getting the Word Out

Where we create content to FEED our Blog/ Website

Create Content in a Form Customers Want

Post it on a site that search engines can index

Spread the word on the RIGHT Channels

The Challenge Today?

How do you get found in a universe with:

500 MILLION websites?150 MILLION Blogs

Over 200 BILLION Internet Display Banner Ads every 90 Days?

How is Social Media Used?

• Customer Service• Product/service

feedback• Industry networking• Promotions/Contests• News, company

updates• Internal Collaboration

Creating a Social Media Plan

STEPS Pre-planning Listen to the conversations Create TARGET profile Set Specific Goals Join Conversation Measure Return

Step 2 Listen to the Conversation

Secure your brand on social platforms Blogs, twitter,

Facebook, LinkedIn Usernames unique Try to be consistent

Set up monitoring platforms Google Alerts SocialMention.com Technorati Twitter Search

Step 2 Listen to the Conversation

KEYWORD categories to identify: Key industry influencers Competitors Industry news sources Blog Comments

How To Find the Right Sites

Your business or organization Your Competition Your product or service Industry

Monitor for:

Networks your customers use What they are interested in What they are saying about your competition What they are saying about your product What they are saying about:

Monitoring will show you:

Follow your competition on social media See what networks they use Evaluate how they connect Evaluate “value” they add to customers Reactions of followers, fans, subscribers,

etc. STEAL What works! AVOID what isn’t working

Industrial Espionage

Action Items:Secure your BRANDSet up Monitoring Channels

Step 3 Create Target Profile

Find KEY attributes by Listening Chart out their presence in

social media Market Segmentation

Demographic Geographic Psychographic Behavioristic

Continue to gather customer information along the way

Step 3 Create Target Profile

Target Audience is 24-50 males 350 billion spending power 16-19 hours online each week 96% joined social networks

78% trust peer recommendations Only 14% trust

advertisements Belong to: Quantcast

Twitter: 31 Facebook: 33 LinkedIn 39

Get detailed user data for 2012 at the ASU SBTDC Pinterest Site at our Social Network Stats 2012!

Exactly Who Uses Social Networks? Are they my Potential Customers?


Get more Facebook user data on our Facebook 2012 boardVisit the ASU SBTDC Facebook Page!

12 Point Facebook Page Audit from Social Media Examiner

Optimize Your Facebook Page

See what the “Tweeple” look like: At Twitter 2012 InfographicConnect with the ASU SBTDC on Twitter!

Google + Offers Insight into users at Google Plus Stats 2012You can connect with us on Google Plus as well

Pinterest 2012 Stats and Figures…Plus How to Leverage PinterestWe love to Pin Interesting information at the ASU SBTDC Boards

Social network for businesses and Professionals LinkedIn Stats 2012Of course love to connect with you on LinkedIn

Step 4 Set Specific Goals

Brand Awareness/Advocacy Increase Traffic/Opt-Ins Business Partnerships Search Engine Results Generate Leads Reduce CRM Costs Increase Revenues

Step 5 – Join the Conversation

Establish an Editorial Calendar Choose schedule for days

you will post Keeps on Track & Organize

Content Consistency Helps when you need

Content Ideas

Why Good Content Matters

Educates Informs Entertains Provides Value Builds Trust Creates Relationships…then SELLS……

What is Good Content

Video Images, pictures – Articles Infographics eBooks/White Papers Webinars Podcasts Coupons/discounts/special offers

How to Spread Content

Know how subscribers in different networks PREFER to receive your content

Step 5 – Join the Conversation

THINK Conversation, not Campaign! Don’t focus on selling Ask questions/respond Provoke engaging

dialogue Earn a REPUTATION

When consumers TRUST your content, they will TRUST YOUR PRODUCTS/ SERVICES

Step 6 BONUS – Measure ROI WHAT IS ROI? Non-Financial:

Visitors WOM Page Views Fans & Followers

FINANCIAL Sales Revenue Transactions Coupons

Step 6 – Measure ROI


Involved in Industry Conversations

How Customers Perceive us versus competition

Did we build KEY relationships


Website Analytics Social Mentions SEO Ranking Link Clicks Newsletter/E-mail

Subscribers added

First Things First: Website If a Local Business – Claim Local Listings Leverage E-Mail to connect with customers

Develop a Buyer Persona to target best customer Determine what is important to that segment

Set Up Monitoring Platforms Determine the RIGHT social networks Determine the RIGHT type of Content Start Delivering Good Content they VALUE Find tools to make your Online Marketing


What is Next?

Tools, Tools and More Tools

Monitoring Tools

Listen to the conversations! Read detailed “How To” set up at our storify posts http://storify.com/asbtdc_asu/monitoring





Facebook Tools

Slideshare.com upload your PowerPoint, word documents, pdf files, brochures, even video online to share with your audience

Animoto.com Video creation and sharing tool that allows you to upload images and short video clips, add text, then mix with a great music library to share with your fans.

YouTube – Fits as both a support tool and as its own social network. Shoot video from anywhere, upload to YouTube and share on your sites.

Get more information about Slideshare, Animoto and YouTube at our Storify article “Tools to Create GREAT Content”

Tools to Create Content

Storify.com Storify is one of the best platforms that allows users to aggregate and display photos, articles, tweets and other content from across the web.

Paper.li Allows you to curate your favorite twitter, Facebook and RSS sites, writers, etc. into an online newspaper just for your readers.

Tools to Curate Content

Hootsuite.com Buffer.com Tweetdeck.com Facebook Page Scheduler

Read all about these and other scheduling tools at our Storify article “Scheduling Tools for Beginners”

Tools to Save Time

More Facebook

Brandify Free Trial https://www.brandify.com/

Most Inclusive Tool: BRANDIFY

Online Timing is EVERYTHING!

Timing and Social Media

Our Tips on Best Time to Post Online by social media network AND by Industry

Blogs to Follow on Social Media


Take advantage of training available in your area on marketing, Online marketing, social media marketing and stay up dated.

Meet with our consultants for assistance in developing the RIGHT social media marketing plan

Stay informed HAVE FUN! Download this PowerPoint for links at: http



E-mail hlawrenc@astate.edu Facebook http://www.facebook.com/asu.sbtdc Facebook

http://www.facebook.com/herb.lawrence Twitter http://www.twitter.com/asbtdc_asu LinkedIn http://www.linkedin.com/in/asusbtdc Google Plus https://


Pinterest http://pinterest.com/astatesbdc/ Oh… or call me (870) 972-3517

Connect with Us

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