2nd half Applications in GIS project with Claire Osgood

Post on 29-Jul-2015






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Crop FarmsAlexander Kennedy and Claire Osgood


Self sufficient


South facing

Located near a river channel

Near roads

Away from hazardous waste sites

Be on good soil for farming

Ideal visibility

Targeting 1,000 customer’s homes with an advertisement.

Land Use

Land Use Types Values Reclass

Water 5 0

Deciduous 41 30

Mixed 42 25

coniferous 43 20

Hay crops 211 10

Orchard 212 20

Land Use and Visibility


We added the Land Use to the Dem to combine both sets of data for the best visibility point to our crop farm.

Dem24 and Visibility

Clipped Points

The points are recreation sites in environmentally managed areas.

Clip Point to Observer Point to Buffer

We moved the point from the clipped output using the observer point.

Hazardous Waste

We wanted our farm away from hazardous waste sites so we applied a buffer.

Distance to Roads

AspectWe looked for south-facing areas for our crops. The best places are indicated by the brownish green color.


Our goal was to find a location with a large stream nearby for irrigation purposes.

Stream Order

Hydrology Model

1,000 Houses

Reach is the number of different households exposed to an advertisement for our Crop Farm.

When reach is multiplied by frequency or the average number of times a household tunes in, this scores gross rating points (GRPs)

Cost PER THOUSAND (CPM) refers to the cost of reaching 1,000 households with our crop farm TV advertisement.

1000 Houses

This is important because the reasoning behind our philosophy relates back to this concept. We have to be able to advertise our products and by having the 1000 houses in this area it allows us to promote our farms to the community.

1000 Houses

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