

Engaging Donors With Web-based Charities


The number of nonprofit organizations in the US

316.23 BILLION

Was donated to US charitable causes in 2012


Percentage increase in online fundraising in 2013


Was donated online to United States charitable causes in 2012


Average number of Twitter followers for small NPO’s in 2012

Growth in charitable revenue in 2013…

the largest increase since the 2008 recession


Digital Philanthropy

Promoting the welfare of people and planet with the use of technology while creating digital incentives that encourage participation

The rapid growth of social media has the potential to change philanthropy,

One can donate simply by sending a text at their convenience

This removes the need for gathering volunteers or making collection boxes

Digitally receiving charitable information allows for…

Effective Communication

Education and awareness

Empathetic connection

Effective presentation

Donors Convenience

The digital giving review has revealed that over 30% of donations are now made by digital channels,

and these numbers are expected to rise.

Charities are taking advantage of this opportunity, using Internet to deliver information of their mission statements, accept donations, and nurture long-term commitment from donors.

“A lot of people just don’t carry cash anymore, were trying to keep up with our donors and embrace the new technologies”

George Hood, Salvation Army’s spokesman.

“The ability of video to capture faces, moods, smiles and stories cannot be compared with photos or text. It elicits an emotional response that moves the viewer to want to be a part of the story through their giving”

Denise Roe, MannaRelief Ministries

Fundly, a widely adopted social fundraising platform, has raised more than $240 million for their causes


Digital giving is not just restricted to fundraising…

• Open sourced collaborative projects

The way of the future

By Alexandra Menor

Digital Philanthropy