21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 174

Post on 08-Apr-2018






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M IS S ID N N .o . 1 '" 4

F L O W N 1 4 M A Y 1 9 4 5

C O p y N O . 4 1



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A'ratYl!l...:.Jf18siOP N o . 11Jl . 1

Pose 26 • Part II, Redi0 • P ragraph 4Navigational Aida. 2nd se.ltence:

Sentence l'eads: The 1 bearing that "'as du

" 0 an aircraft not hearing

the VHF station.

It Should read: The 1 bearine: not obtained

was due to an aircraft no

hearing the VHF station.


T hi s T ac ti ca l Missiocn Report covers

the incendiary attack on North Nagoya

Ur-ban Are!l- on 14 M ay 1945 (XXI Bomber Oom-

mo.n.a.Mission No, 174). Final damage a.sses-

ament . £ -a :%" 'this strike will be l.n clud ed in

Tactical Mi,ssion Report No. 176 against

South Nagoya. Urban .Are!!.. flown 16-17 May .

Exact 8epe.ratlon of damo.ge W(l.S not possibl&

due. to the c.hsence of pho"to cover between

the 2strlkas.

Mitisien No•. 173 was. a -spechl.1 mission

(Uld will receiVe special distribution.

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»,0 ~4


Fie 1d Order No, 75 Mission No, 174

Target t Northern Nagoya UrbanA:r6o..

N A G O Y A , JJJ ' A N

14 Mo.y 1945

Tqble of Content.s

Ta.ctical NB:rrati ve. • ... .. . . .. . . .Annex A .. Ope r'D..ti ons.. • • • • • • ,~ : • • II '. it II • • .. •

Part I ... Ne;vige..tion 'TraCk Chn.rt , • •Po.rt I I - Aiming Points • • .• • • • •Po.rt In ...Flight Engineering Cha.rts ••

Par tIV .. R o .d ,e . l " • • • • • • ' . • ' . • • • •

,Part V ... Gunne,ry. • • • • 0 • • • • • . • • • • •

Po.r't VI .. Ai r-Se a Re Saue Chart. • • • '. • • •

· .· .

Ann ex B - Wea:thel' • • • • '. • .' 0 o . • • • • • • . '

Po.'rt I .. Weather S\..UI\ll1ary.•• • •P 'O.r t II .. Chart ...Forecast Wao.ther vs ,

. .

Observed 1Jfe:J.ther. • • • •

l't:(rt lU .. Progl)ost'ic Map • • • • •

Part IV .. Synoptic Mup, ••••

Anne" C ... OommunicatIons, ••••••••••Part I ... Radar Counter Measures •

Po,rt I I .. Ro.q,io'. • • • • • •· . .. "

. . . . .

.. • 'II



. .9







. .20



Annex D - IntolI igenoe. • • •• •••• 30Part I ~ 'Enemy Air Oppo.si tion •• 31Part II .. Enamy Antdo.ircr:o.f't o.nd

Air ...o..Air Bombing. • • •• • 3~Pt\rt III .. Bombi.ngRea'ul t's o.nd .Dwno.ge As,seS;il'liI.ent. 38

Annex E ~ Conso 1.1datGd S'to:.tis tioal SUI l1 l1 In .ry. . .Annex F .. XXI. Bomber OOlIUJl.o.ndF:Le1,d Order. .. . '. . ..

Annex G .. ,Dlstrlbut1qn. • • • • • • • • '. , • .' • •

, a . . .a Section

XX I . Bo m b srC :o m tn n .n d




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;;t:t:l~ :Ztl:I:::1:1211:


By Autb. of the C,G. I

X X I Bomber CO J ; l l J l \ e : M

1July 45





;,pO 234

7 Ju ly 1945

SUBJECT: Report of Operations. 14 May 1945

TOI Commanding Gentf'tal Twenti.eth Ail' P'oroe t Washington 25, D. C.


a. Field Order Number 75, Haadquarmr s XXI Bomber COJml!and.

dated 1:3 l~ay 1945, directed the 56th, 73rd, 313th •. a.nd 314th Bombard~

manti l~ings to- take part in an incendiary atta.ck en the Northern Na-

goya. Urban Area, (XXI Bomber Command Mis s i o n No. 174,)

b ,T.argets Sp.ecified:

(I) The. primary visual and priraary radar t.arget was the

same: the N o rthe rn . N ago y a Urban J,.rea.

(&) No s e c o nd a r y or last resort target.s Y«Jre .~eGified.

a. Stra:tegvl

(1 ) ApI al\ to a ttaek the N o rthern NagoyaUrb an f..reB.wi tb

ineendhry bombs in daylight was to be put. i.nto&ffect on this strike.

There Vlere 2 pr inci:!=l'Ii.l factors that led to the adopUion ·0£ D . foro.aUol\-

dayl ight attack. at the a1ti tU.deII planned i

(I;l.) An e.ltel'nate p.Lan w!!.s necessary 1n order to

co.rry out incendiary !l;ttacks 1.n th.e evant tha.t the 10S$ rate from night

attaokB should become excessive. It WaS believed that thHi target

Vlould orf er the be!>t GhDnCe, of 1n1ti e.l sue ce ss whil e the pr-cb Lelrul Ln-

C i\ient to thi II type of a.tta..ck we:re be 1ng investigated.

(b) l :1. '(;!o.e.use of the nr e a burM,dcut (\II a Tesul t of

2 previilus a:ttaoks against this t!l1:get.,t~ :~ean .Points of Il:!!pact se~

lected Vlould 'b e extremely difficu,l t to hit at night and bombs falling

short or oVEll:'wonld be ineffecti.Ve •

. (2.) Composit.e Wings were to. be used for the first time,

'l'hese were c'ompoaed o!' 1 Group .fro!1).s!1.Ch Wingl witil D.ss.elpbly 'b elas;

effe eted at a tims OOn't;.:i'o 1 po.lnt on the Jnpanll se coas1:. '!hi s metho dwas selected in order to. .re,duos .El.ssem.bly tillls", ;. a:oVln·wind :run was

ohosen, with the down-wj;nd n.imi.ng points to be bo.mbed .!'irst in orderi;o prevent ob~curing of the remainingaim:lng p..9ints.. The break e.lI'I\Y

'VIas .planned in such a WBiyll15 to take advll.nto.ge of the smoke as II. coun.ter~

fInk meaSure. .


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b. ]mportanee of Tgrget:

(1) The ar ea of Nagoya selected .£or this 1neend1ary

attack lies in the l'lorthe,rn pa.rt of the city just below the Shonal

River in the vic 1nl ty of the Nagoya. CQ$tl e and to the Ca.stle' s east

and south. Urban area .on~ target$ 3610 and 3613 and part of 3615 and

3616 are included.

(2) In addition to being one of the most densely pop..

ulated portions of the 01ty. the overall target area i.ncluded the

lli,. tsubiahi AireriU't Company Engi nee ';'!:orks., Target 193. the ~:1au ...·

bisl:d Ele<ltric Company, Target 254; the Chigus::L Branch 01 c.n", ;iagoya

Arsen.al, To rgst 196; and a number' of' smaller plants converted to war

-p~0 d\;lotioD,

c. Det&1lsof' Phnning - OperationmJ :

(1 ) Botnplng:

('a) De:l<ermina~ion of B - O l J l b I " . o A i d 1

1. The E~46c 1us te r eontai ni ng )lo9 incend1 e.ry

bombs '1o.S selected as the best munition for this target for the follow·

ing re~sons 1

,2;. The tar get are Il 'Wtl ..S hi ghly 1nf 1amIlIll.b}e,

mdcould best be destroyed with inceYidiary bombs .•


1 ! . . For a daylight mission a.t the planned

~.1'1<itudes withbomb releaos9 a be'ing made -from Wing formations 1n ecolumn of s~uadrons. the E-46 incendiary cluster wn.S considered to' be

the mun1Uon be'st su.lted for the operat.ion.

11. While previous incendiary operations

ofthia Command have .shown that the M4'7bomb is an excellent l!IunitioD

for starting .appliance fi .•e s in the early stages of an a:ttack. they

vIQre 00t considered necessary in this mission since E..46 clus'ters

droppGd from 1ar gs format 10na would gi va an ow rwhe 1ming numbe r of

hits in a short period of time,

s. The penetra.tion to be expected from

tho indivldu!ll :MS9 bombs, whl:m l'eleo.sed from clusters opening at 5000

feet above the target, wat'! oonsidered to b e . adequate for the target area

!. Hlgl!..explosi ve o.r fragmentatlon b·oIllbli were

not employed to harass fir-a \!&tanse.,s· sinC'!! they would reduoe the inoen-

dlary load and 5ince the multiple hi t:;e.nd tho dens ity oT the 1.169b.ombs

were ~xpeotl;ld. to overwhelm fire fighters,

];. "minimum lntervalometer setting '!'InS usedsinCtl 0. down-wind run was to be made. giving a relE!r;J.Se3pacJ.ngof oV(l:r

25 [sat. Thisspll.cing. pIllS the a.ddttional d1sp,ersion obtaIned by

opaning clusters at 5000- feet was CalCu.lll.ted to g1VEI,the necesse.:ry

g't'ound spno-ing o r the 1ndt v1.dueJ MS9 bombe, Tho ope I'Q tio n wo,s planned

B0 that on o.varage o,f mor e than 225 tons of inoend1'nry olusters per

square mils of the t~rget o.rell would be drop,ped.

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A , . Bombing alti tudes"drift and other per-

tinent bombing data were, as follows (Reference: Vol Bomber Command

Li thio-li:osaic .. Wagoya. North):

1. In planni.ng this mission Q.II an incendiary

d~light attack. pr.imllry consid.eration was given to the lII!lok:efrom f iree

resulting from the bpmblng by the first formation over the target.

_ g o Since the predicted surface winds were from

260-330 degrees an ILtts.ek from 360, 90, or 180 degrees 'Wasnot. con..

sidered feasible. 1<.nattac.k: from the, southwest would subject the

o.tto;cking force to eo great deal of o.n.:tiaircrai't fire 00 the bomb run)

therefore" a n u ttl lc k from due we ,st W OJJ considered. lis the' most fu.sib,le.

The c.iming points were so arranged that those to the east were to be

bombed first andtMse to the west were to be bombed last. If the sur ..

fo..ce wind was 'as forecast,. those formations bombing last ""ould not have

their visi.bllity restrtcted by smok.efrom .!'ires ata.rted by earlier


Reason .t;or ChoIce

A lt tt uq El : 16, 000 - 18. 00 0 feet,Initial Point: 3511N - 13606:E

Length of Run: 47 miles.

Time a. f Run: 9 minutes

(3) J'lavlga;tlon.:


toAsselnblyII Tactioal Doctrin.e

toReassembly Area.s Areas of.!' the Coa.st of Jape.n were selected for Wing

reassembly prior to the target run. ,

3458N ~ l355530E Dspar ture poi nto nthe lowerp ert Qt B111"1lKo River

wa..s easily disti.ngulshsblo

to351l H • l 3606E In1tial Point: Good turning point projecting :iuto

Biwa:KoRiver for the turn to the target.

toTarget North Nagoya.: . J \ . right turn waS to be made off' the target.

t o3458N .. un7E Land' send

totwo J inte . ,



(3) Flight Eqrineortngl

( 1 1 . ) FlimtpJ,e.n: Al.t1t1,J.des o.nd speeds, except. for

"the bombing rlln. were, plann~d for mu;lmum fuel economy ,and safa.ty,

WingMsenibl1es "Wbrs to be s"ffected •.

. . .~ .

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(b ) Lo yi ng ;

.1 . Fu el reserve data indicated that aircraft

01 ' the 58th, 73rd, and 3l3tb Wings wou ld carry approximately 6950

gallons of fuel. The 314th Wing .1roraft wo~ld carry approximately

7300 gallons of fuel.

~. N o m axim um or m in im um b om b load WIlS speci-

fied. It was eatimated that the average aircraft of the 58th, 73rd,

and 313th Wings wou ld be ~b le to carry a potential b o~b load of 11,000

to 12,000 pcunds , The 3l4th ISing wou ld be ab le to carry approximately

9000 pounds. Ammu nition load Was estimated at 1800 pounds.

(a) Originally ~ low-altitu de night strike was

planned on North Nagoya. with 4 . aiming point~ selected. In stUdying

the variou s approaches, a ru n from Biwa Lake on an axis of 90 degree.

was selected. One other possib le radar ru n up the Bay was eliminated

du e to antiaircraft defenses. A night ru n from Biw&. was not too prom-

ising b ecu u se of large fire b reaks and b ecau se releases sb ort or l o n gwou ld not b e effective.

(b) For these reasons a visual da.ylight a.tte.ck on

5 aiming points u sing radar as an alternate method of release was re-

commended, ~adar ~elease for rnnge wou ld b e accompli$hed by means of

a. b ack-Sl!lllt range offset of 11 ml le s f ro m t he lU soo .Gl 'l .w ai ve r.

(0) The departu re point and the Initial Point

(3511N - l3606E) were excellent radar check pOints du e to the sharp

land-water contrast In tRe vicinity of Biwa L a k e . The ru n to the tar-

get wou ld b e set b y placing the cou rser murk on the radar retu rn atN o. go ya .. A ss em bl y aI'ea:;i were on the coast and ra.da.rcou ld be u sed for

positioning the aircraft throu gRou t tb e, assemb ly period.

(5) 'Radar Counter Mensijre111 It Was planned to .fly 15ROM Ob servers to O/F early-warning and gu n-laying radars and to condu ct

a g~neral search i n the region of 40-3000 me gne yo les di vi din g it intob:l.no..s af ,0.1,00, 100-14'0, 1~5 ..1&0. 180-3.00, 3Q(h..10CO. and 1000-3000 mee;a-

CWC1e-s. Seo.roh r e _e :e i v o rs , p u l s ~ Mnlyzers, and D/F antennas were to b e

!..1:$'edand oQeervo.tions were to be ma.de thro~l.io!lt tho islF.Jldsen route to

,~J~~nQ1;? &npire!lCl well a:s.in the target Q.tea.

(6) Air-Sea R e s c u e :

(a) N av ,l: Th e Navy wa s given details of t he mi s-sion an d the follo wing facili ties for ai r-sea rescu e were supplied:

1. Six submarines w er e s ta tio ned during the

entire mission at the followln.g pos-itianSJ 34!30N - 13735E, 3300N -l'3BIOE,

3200N -11S635E, SOOON _

139 206, 335 01{ -1375oE,

and 3l00N -l3900E.

~. Three su rfaoe vessals ~re s ta ti on ed d ur in gtne entire mission as follows: at 2800N _ 1,OlOE, at 2535N - 1403SE.

Olld. l8CON - l4430E.

~. Three Dumbos were ~ssigned as follows: at20QON - 14330E from 140350Z, to 140S50Z. at 2800N - 140lOE from 132030Z

to l32165Z, and at 3100N - 13900E from 13214 SZ t o 1324 00Z .

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~ Cr;lsh boata were assigned in the im'"

mllidiate vicinity of Tinian, Se ,1 :pa . n , and Gunm during the critical

periods of take-orr and hndinlJ;.

.. (b) AI.! ! l2. l This Command a.ssigned 3 Super DumboB

(B-29's) to orbit the following positions from 140100Z to 1404.00Z,

at 3430N _ 137358, at 3430N - 13736E, and 3300N .. 13810E. Thesewere to be supplelll~n:ted by Super Dumbo aircru.rt a.ssigned by the Wings.


d. Details of .Planning - Intelligence,

(1) Enemy Fighter Rer;..ct1on: Fighter strength for the

def'ens.e of Nagoya targe tB .Wo.Be.sti i i ia.te a.t 150 airer sf't.

(2) E : o emy Aptio.itcutt: There are a total of 210 hea.vy

anti a,;i.rcrrrl't guns 1n the Nilgoya. are a, Thedei'ense runs in e..north-

northeast band from Jilagoya Bn.y to and including the northeast outskirts

of the City. with a few heavy weo:pons emplaced on the' western side of

the <::1y. Approximately balf' of the total tlllmber of guns would be

vii thin raage of' th,eB ~29! is ' on the planned nx.i.sof o.ttack.


a, Tllke..orr, Take off was accomplished as follows:


1 1 1 l l & , ' ~ Airbl't!,'4e FirU·og£ Last. O f f

58th 141'- 131:442Z Hl64,4Z

73rd 160 131434Z 13l60lZ

313th 79 131457Z 13162BZ

314th . . J . ! i . . . . 131'1l5Z 131MOZ

Total 524 131416Z 1 3164 i1 oZ

The above figure:e d:o t;o,t1bcl.me 7 Sup·e.r Dum b o o.i.rero.fttulGigned

t.o td.r ..s.e·~re seue work.

b. Route O\lt: Th~ route out wc\s geno,rally o.s briefed but

du.o to motro winds d1rre,re.nt from those forec.o.s.t., 0.11 fortno,tions _rl3

forced. to consume time at the reas·soillbly oreaS so n_.sto Ill"rive u .t the

to.r·g,et o :t the specified times.

e, Over TArget!

(l ) Rdmo r y l'p.tget I Four hundred o.nd seventy t.to air ~

cr:l.f t dropped 2516.1 tons of bombs on the North NlJ,goy:tl:Urbon Areo. from

132305Z ,to l40025Z from a1tl tud 6S ·of 12,.000 to 20. s O O feet,

(2) .TQ,tgets of' Opportlup itvl 81e;ht nirO reJ't clropped

47. 2 ton.8 of bombs o~ turge1;..B of opportun! ty.

(:5) Forty-tCour ~i.r orei'tl'fere non-effective.d. Route Ba.ck: Long :range no.v:iga tion was ueed 00the N

tu.rn flight und no d1fficul tieB wsreBnco.unt.ered.

e. LQltdings I LandingB wer", made !It hOl!lQba.al!llJl. tl,n~er fair

.Vl"'o.thorcondi tions •. VisibiHty ...c .s l2 m11e6 lowering to 1 mlle in.

ahowe rs, Landing was· acoomplished Il.S 1'011OllIS:

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Last . Ai fO tor t
















Thlr:ty-on~ aircraft landed at lwo Jima beCause of fuel shorbge

p,nd meohanioal d1ffi eul ties.


f. Losses: Eleven aircre.f't were lost on this mission al

(1) EnellJYAircraft: One n1.roroi't me shot down 1n

Nagoyl\B e.y.

(2) Enemy 4nth,ircrn.ft; One (I.ircrcd't was hit by e.nti ..

aircruftover target and crtl;sh~d.

(a) Two ai.rCf'ai't ditched.

(b) Fouralt<::r::d't could n.ot land at 1'1'10ima

heca;u.se o f wet;.ther.. One or these OI,ircraft ditched and th.e crewe of the

other 3ba;iled out.

(c) One a;ircro.ft crashed while att.empting to lc.nd.

(111) One airCfaft lIlndedat lwo Jima and orushed on

take-off' f'o.l' home b.,.ss.

(e.) Oneaircraf't WOJ i l lost to Ul'..known causes •.

g. Operwtions SummW"l:

(1) N"nvigntiop: (See Annex A, Part I, for navigation

(a) Long-range nllvigntion "'0.5 a'ceompUshed by :l.1r-

crtlft flying individuolly to the Grou.p assembly points with no difficul-

ties encountere,r:l. 1'n no.viglltion. The 314th Winghe.d difficulty 1.n lo-

cating Smith lsI nod, its assembly point, since it is so small.

(b) The problem 'of oorNet timing wns Plu'amount

on. t'rl;!.S mission. Times of take_off,estnbl1shGd on the basts of the

Intest metr.o inf'ormo.tioJ;'1.viera o.s hi.gh es 55 minutes in I3rror due to

0. complete reversal of metro datil. Groups were forced ,to do'g 1a,& and

circlo to taka up the sIal<:: in time oaused. by oll.rly I1r.rivoJ.. Timing

discipline: .. · ·howuVEl , r . was gep.ero.lly gOQd.

(0) TDl'get area. navigation WM Ilco,oll1Plished visu-

(l;ll;yVIith the aid of radar.. N,odi£1' icu1 tilU in na.vigo.tiQIl _re en-

C0ulltared a.1thol4gh predicte.d metro winds for the target o.rea were in elrror.

M.viga:tion to base.

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(.) Winds in the target Area were reported as froa26 0 d eg re e. a t 45 knots.

(2) Bombipg: (See Annex A, P~/t II, tor ~ im 1n g p oi nt .) .

ea) The greatest d1fricul~ encou ntered arose traasmoke over tho target area for the later formations. Ita presence ne-

cessitated the u se of offset reference pOints in several Cases, b ut

this type of b omb ing was handicapped b y the limited field of viSion

of the b omb sight and the wide area covered b y the smoke.

, (b) Reflex opt1cs with an increased field of vision

are being procured for a ll oi rer af t of this Oommandand wl11 b e install-

ed as fast us possible. With this installation tbe above difficultyshould b e largely overcome,

(c) Two format1ons of the 73rd Wing that made radar

runs with visual corrections failed to identify check pOints ~d their

bombs hit outsida the target area.

(d) The 58th Wing experienced malfunctioning of

the pn e u m a t i C bomb b ay doors i n 5 aircrcit a n d 15 aircraft reported

bomb-release malfunct1ens.. Other Wings reported few or no m.o.1functlonB.

(3) Flight Entipeerinp (See Annex A. Part III. for

(a) Narrative of llis§ion as FloW:

~. Initial Cruise and Climb to Bombinc Altityde:

Altitudes f:r;-om3000 to 7000 feet and nlrspeeds from 195 to 203 cciibrated

a.ir speed were \:lsed to <Xlmpres.sthel. striking forces prior to mng I1lIS6C1-

blies. Compression worked well. c os ti ng r el at iv el y little fuel for the

initial cruise and saving fuel ~n d e d in the assembly. Climbs to

bombing altitudes were 'made as planned in approxlmo.tely 015minutes.

£ . As~embly: Wing ~ssemblies were made asplanned,

~. Retu rn to Baset The m os t e oo no mi ca l return

to base was made using Q. constant letdown of npproJCimo.tely 30 feet per

minute. Head~inds enoountered at return oltitud_es cost sl igh tly m ol '

fuel than predicted,

(b) Cqmnent§ on the Results of t h, Ni§piooj

1. It halO been noted th.t\t speci1)ring tarltet

time, 0.1though often neoesso.ry for do.yl.ight missions; costs fuel unIfies

metro winds a.re as predicted.

j. All Wings, exoept for the 58th, 0 rried Clore

bombs than est1mo.ted i.n the planning. Lack of proper booibracks CQUS~

the reduced bomb load of the 58th Wing.

(4) ~: (See Annex A, Part IV, for details)

(5) Gunnery' (See Annex A. Part V, for details)

(8) ''IT·-SeD.Rescue I (See nnex A. P a . rt V I , ror ohurt)

(D.) Airoraft IOV757 ditohed o.t 1845N - 14452E; 6

crew memb ers were resc~ed on 14 May.


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(b) A1rcra!'t 21V526 crllshed into the soa. at1436N - 1441SE; 10 ~raw members reselled on 15 Ma.y.

(c) Airoraft 33VS06 ditQ.hed a.t 154SN - 145201:;

11 OJ:'ewmemben were rescued on 14 'May.

(d) Aircraft 1$V751 ditched Itt 240SN· 14452E;

1 creW membo.r WB.S rescued on 27 May.

(e) The crew 01 ' 53V;753 belled out 1n the vicinity

of 34.·41N.• l3638Ewith no £u.rt.her report received.

h. Weather, (See Annex B, Part I and II fo·r details)

The wind forecast waS poo.r and the front· forecast lisa cold front

was a warm front. o.a.uslng considerably more cloudiness than pre ..


i. Comm,a:nicat;ion8:

(l) Badal' Counte r Measures I (See Ann.exC, Part I. for

detail s). Twelve' .Radar Counter Measures observers partiCipated 1Itthis mission.

(2) Radio," (See Annexa, Par'!; II. for details). Forty.

nine strike reports were received by tl}:e Grou.nd Stations during th11

m :i asion. Ei ghte en re qu.ests for VHFDF be arings werE! m.a.da6.ud 17 1rere

obtained with e~cellent r!olsUlts,

j. lUtall igE lnce Summarv:

(1 ) Enem-y Ai.'l' Opposit.lo.n: (See Annex D. Part I. for

d~tllils) App.toxilllately 80 eMm,y aircraft made a total of 275e.ttaolcs Oil

-the B.29' a, One 8.29 w.as lost and Sethers damaged a6 a result of'

enemy air flctlon, Claims were 18 destroyed. 16 probably destroyed.

and 50 a"am!ll.g.ed.

(2) Enemy Antiaircraft: (See Annex: D, Part II. for

detaiLs). One aircra:f't waS lost and 58 dw!u!lged as a result of anti·

aircraft oppos i'tion.

(3' D,mflgeAsS gssme .rtl (8M !!.zmex D. Part III. for

report- J.

(a) Strike p.hotos, .showed fires extend.ing from al

lU'lident"j..f'ied Ind.ustry approximately 2000 yO,rds W9Bt north...allt .o!

Nagoya. Castle across tha northern part of the city to I!. point lm-

me din:tel y below there SeM'O irs adj aeent to Target 198 (1: :1 t!Jubhl hi

Al.rcrtU't Company Engine Worlce, Nagoya Plant).

(b )I"i re a w e real sO seen in the fll'eas north of the

Castle up to the Shond River, There were uso fire.s . seem in the

1iit.subhhl Eleo tr 10 l!q,nufaictur ing Oompn ,y II;lldin farge t 193.

(0) For final damase I\ssesSIilent, see .report 1::'1

Annex. D of XXI Bomber COI!I!I IOlld Ta.ctical Mission Report No. 176,.oovering

the incand1 al'y attack on the 5ou,th N.agoya Urban .AreI, on l~ -11 ),lay 1945.

_ E r

.{Pl' t z . . ~ b 1)11 ' : : 1CtffiTI S E. LellAY

Major General. 1]. B.A,


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Pp.rt l .. Navigat1.on Chart

Part 1I .. Aimt.ng Points

Pa~tln .. Fl1gnt Engineering Charta

Fo;rtlV 4 R(l.dllr Repo~t

Part V - G a n n e r y Report

Plll't Vl .. Air-Sea ResClle Chort

J.tlllpionNo. 174

14 lh~y1945

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APRIL 1945




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1. Egutpmerrt Pe;f'OmWBI

9.. There were 479 AW/APQ-13' opera.t1ve on tske-off, 451

operative over the brgot (94$") and 438 operative on return (92%).

e. There were no failures of AN/APQ-15reported by lead air-

b. The a:ver!lgemaximumrange or ANIAPQ-13 "Wall 61 nautical

miles at 14,000 .feet.

c. The average m.ax lmum range of radar beacen receptionwu

95 n:!l.u,tical. mllasat 5000· faetana 127 no,utical miles at 10.000 feet.

d. The a.vere.gemaxiill.umrange of A . J t I }J'Q:...13 on landfall point

was 54.5 nautical 11I11es.


f. SGR-718 and k'ill A!'N ...9 we rEI 99. 3%'opera ti ve•.

g. There viaS 1 SCR.o95 failure reported.

2. Navigg,tion:- there were 4318 Loran fix&s reported at o.n

average maximumrsnge of 586 nautical miles fer greund waves and 693

nau.tical miles for sky waves.

co. The!:'e we,re 18 radar releases re.ported with 14S aircrcl't

d.ropping on t,hese releases.

b. The landfalla:nd the ini.tial and aiming po.ints _ra 0.11

cons.idiere.d good.for the radar werk dona on th~ missl·on.•


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I : : ; : l ;t>

'< - =

\~~ t:':z .: t l'i;.- ti

~ ~o 00


* "j~r~o


1. No. of Aircrp.ft F1r1n'l:! 44.4

2. AI!l!nun1tlon Log.di 13000 rounds per B:\.tcrDi"t or QD average of

500 rou.nds par g u n .

3. Methad of J ,rQQglnr . g u n s t Two Wings loud ad hot and 2 \ ' 1 1 ngs

1 00 ;d e d o o l d .

4, Rou.nd§of Ammun1tj.OI) .Fired in Q O m b 'l : t= 113 7 to 204

5. Test Firings 46,467 rounds were test fired,or an avero.ge of

a b o u t 1 0 r o u n d s p e r g u n .

6. hw.ro,ge Rounds Expo n d e d p e l " Ty,rre t


130 100 94 120 120

7. Equipment Perf'g:rmnnM s CS. G. W!l.S 9 8 .13 % operc.tl.w and 50-00.1.

lJU);,c.h:ineguns were 97.4 % operative.

*Bo.sed on Win!: Gunnery Offiee:rs' Reports.

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APRIl.. 1945








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Crosh BOIl,t! on Station V I ~ ' f j ySAIPAN. TlNIAN 6. GUAM D. ring'Taka,o'J and Lond1nps. .




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PaJ;'t U .. Cl\al!t ... Foreoa"t Weather v,

Observe d. \'1eathe r

PEU"t III . . hog"l't.o'stiO MIq )

P art IV .. Syb~tlO' M@ )

lIiBa10b NO..U

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TarCeti .tlO low cloud. b ase3000, top 6000 ttl 10/10 high

cloud o.t25.000 i'tl v1sibUity

10 ml1e>1 in l1~ht hate.

Rou teReturning!

SMl.6 0.8 Route Outgoing.

B O o s e onRetu.rn I 4/10 low 01oud, base

1600 ft, top 7.10. 000 ft; ~lO

mi.ddle cloud. bo,se 14,000. top

15,000 ft.; 3/10 higheloud at30,000 ft l visibility 15 miles

lowering to 2 mUes in showers.

1/10 10 '1 '1 cloud, bue 2000, top 4000 rtI8/10 midd.1e cloud, bue 21,000 tt;

visibility 15 miles with light h a z ooutside o t smokeS smoke to 18.000 ftl

winds at 18.000 ftwere 260°. 35 knots.

Sillfle QsRoute Outgping

5/10 low cloud. base 1500 ft, top 6 to

6000 ft; visibility 12 miles lowering

to 1 mile in scattered showers.

W~nds Aloft ... forecast

~!l.~e to _20oN. 20oB : t S l : as~ g § ° H t,o ~ O O H T " , e ~25,000 '090/25 ..22 280155 ..21 265/60 ...25 290/60 -2 820,000 280/20 ..10 280/45 ..0 2B5/45 ..15 290/50 ..15

15,000 290/15 ..1 290/35 . 01 290/35 -0 5 300/40 . 06

10,'000 290/15 10 300/25 o e 300/25 05 300/30 02

S l O O O 250/15 18 350/18 16 320/'20 13 300/20 11

2,000 1.60/15 24 020/15 22 320/15 19 280/12 11

SUrfo .Q6 110/10 29 050/14 27 140/11 2 4 - 260/08 21

Wind.s ,oloft ~ Observed

aM , to 20:01 200N toiSON2§°N to 34°N Tweet



5 ,000 140/12







ReJ11:?,rks.: The wind fore-eo.st wo.spoor.The front which wo.s forecast

o .s a. cold front wa.s 0. 'YJIlrmronta.nd threw up cOll5iderobly more

oloudiness to the north than was foreoast.

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I QA I G )~

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- - - - _ _ _ , ~ ~ ~ . . _ S A _ l _ A A _ N _ . ~ - - - -

.. . .



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.. . ,


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l"a:r't 1, .. Radar Counter Measures

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.. § II Q lL§ll

PART I~ R.-J?,R C O U N T E R i . E , )SU 'RES

1. f!:l!llS!il!e:

0.. To D/F early-warning and gun-laying ro.d~ra en route to

and i n the target area..

h . To continue a. general survey of Ja.po.ne lie radar signalsLn a l l bands.

2. M~~hga; Twelve obJ;lervers pnrticipa'ted and used the following

eql\ipll.IEmt in various oombinations to aear ch 40-3000 megQ.cych" :

lJ'R-4, IJ>R-5, ' :<1 ' ; . -11 , and .}J."! ... . ,24.

3 . R e s ! . l o l t s ;

.Cl'l5lra,C:!;ie£li st;i,o~ C l : ! 0 I : ! l i ! l Q , ! : e § ~ 11m A. ! b. 21 U!lO lm!.00067 0<195 2B 3150N-13830E 051&45 10<15 21 121 S E" " CHI00068 0489 3,1 3430N-137 .ZOE 05V~45 0920 21 121 S E"r CHI00068 0500 34- 3510N-13705E 051445 0950 21 122 P E 'W CHI00070 0485 32 3.350N-13130E 0514.45 0933 21 12 1 S E"- CHI000'10 04:90 6.2 3330N-13745E 051445 0902 21 121 S i ! : ' I j ' CHI

00070 0750 30 320SN-13105E' 051445 0610 21 121 8 E:f O O D00070 0500 ~35 3515N-136S:OE 051445 0915 21 121 S ~"il CHI

_ . . , 00070 0500 70 33S0N-1360SE 061445 0920 21 122 P E'9 CHI

00070 0495, 00 3400.N-13730E 051445 0941 21 121 a gw CHI

00070 Q493 56 $')OON13800E 051445 095S 21 121 S S:'f CHI

Ol ~ 00071 0480 40 :sIS0N-13600E 051445 0948 .21 121 S £' .1 C H I'<


0007.1 . 0490 4 4 3325N-13736E 051445 1028 21 1.21 S EW CHI: > ' "

g00072 0490 26 :n30N ..l :3620E 051445 0642 21 121 S sa omq " 0Z t"l iN{~ n OQ072 0490 26 3305~1..13637E 051445 0717 21 122 P CHI

s : I : " ' 00073 0485 40 34S0N-13705E 051!l,45 0900 21 121 S E·' em> -

d ffl00073' 0492 38 29CON -1 3 700E 051445 0635 2 1 12 1 S E " I CHI


' " .,j : ; ; j 0 0 0 7 > 1 1 . , 0485 40 34S0N-137OSE 051145 0858 21 121 S E'~ CHI


r@ OOOH 0506 35 3300N_13530E 051!.t~1-5 0806 21 121 S E' " em

00075 0460 64 3650N-l:nsoE 051445 0750 21 121 8 .E W om

00076 0478 28 3505H-13620B 051445 0926 s r122 p


00077 0500 28 ·2100N-13900E 05lil45 0600 21 121 S E!i em00078 0505 .24 3aJ ON-I334:58 051445 0745 21 122 P E'i CBr

00079 1890 04 343S.N..135-i.OE 0~14115 0836 21 121 S GL 07103

00079 1860 05 3600N~13450E 051445 0900 21 122 P GL o T "; " O 3

00079' 1881 04 3510N~13655E 05HA.5 0752 21 121 S GL O I : . . _ O . 3

00080 0:350 20 34.40N~13710E 051445 085·~ 21 121 S Elf CHI

00080 0464 26 33S5N~13545E 051445 0900 31 123 P E W CHI

00080 0490 38 3031N-l:38SoE 0514.45 1150 2l 121 S E W CHI

00080 OQa 8 40 3230N~13935E 051445 1013 :n 122 p E ; l 1 r CHI

00080 0493 22 3200N..13a30E 051M5 1002 21 121 S E W CHl

00081 0476 44 :3 230N-13805E 051445 0940 21 111 S Sl CHI

00081 0490 28 261 O N ' .1402SE 051445 OS4S - 21 12 1 S E l V CHI

00082 0750 50 3100N-138 <loSE 051445 0755 21 121 S f}N O a B

00082 188l 10 3455N..1355SE 0511145 0848 21 121 S O t 01;.03

00082 1860 O S M~2N..13520E o !'i1. 445 080(1 21 122 P O L OT••03

00082 0495 32 3200N..1355sE 051a.45 0653- 21 12 1 S Eli ' CHI

Q0083 0485 36 3U5N-134.40B 05144-5 0900 .al 122 P E m ' CHl

00083 1086 10 3440N-15530E 051«5 0927 21 122 P E lY CHI

00084 0469 42 3$OON-13600E 051445 08.29 21 121 S Eli' CHI

00086 0370 se 2630N-1400OZ 051445 OSOO .21 12 1 S El f CHI

00086 0370 46 2a15N-14000E 05H45 1200 21 H!J S Elf" CRI

00069 0370 36 2655N-14315E 05li.145 0, . :145 :n 122 p E W 001010202

00090 1493 38 30g0N-13930E 051445 1115 21 . l21 S E'· 001010002

00090 0380 32 3515N-1361SB 05111,45 0900 21 121 S ElY 001010202

00090 0000 r3:0 3250N-1380SE 0614(iS 1011 21 121 S sw 001010208

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2655N-13925E 051445 1237 21 122 P E\V 001010202

2610N-l40015E 051445 0447 21 121 S E 1 1 r 001010202271SN-H120E 051445 0510 21 121 (3 E W 001010002

3310N.1350OE 051445 0122 21 121 S EW 001010202

2810N-14040E 051445 0615 21 121 S EW 001010202

3310N-13500E 051445 0723 21 121 S E11 001010202

3120N-13910E 061445 1045 21 121 S Eg 001010002

3030N-13845E 051<'.45 1016 21 122 P EW 001010202

34,00N-13730E 051~45 1012 21 121 S E\V 001010202

3422N-13545E 051445 0748 21 121 S Ejl 001030003

5215N-13630E 061445 0755 21 122 P E\( 001030003

3325N-13S4.0N 051445 0755 21" 122 P ! ! : : { 001030003

3435N-13450E 051445 0940 21 122 P E lY 001050003

:3345N-13525E 05}-145 0800 21 122 P E ': ' r ' 001030003

3320N-13~45E 05144.5 0800 21 122 P E1 :1 001030003

340SN-13615E 051445 1100 21 122 P EW ' 001030003

3350N-13525E 051445 0012 21 121 S E"i 0060400033220N-13540E 051446 0835 21 121 S Sri 001030003

32·~5N-lS815E 051445 1012 21 121 S F i T < 006040003

3400N 136008 051445 0935 21 122 P E': 0060'~0003

3440N.13520E 051445 0855 21 122 P E'!l 001030003

3250N.13542E 051445 0845 21 122 P E',V 00103000:5

3325N-13750E 051445 1020 21 121 S E " .' 001030003

345SN-13740E 051445 0951 21 121 S GL 006040003

3508N-13545E 051445 o e e s 21 122 P g"1 00103003

2840N-14035E 051445 0630 21 121 S E'" 001030003

3340N~13515E 051445 08·10 21 121 S GL 00604

2640N-14205E 051445 1245 21 122 P E "7 001030003

3400N-1353SE 051445 osao 21 121 S E""' 001030003

2615N-14125E 051445 0500 21 122 P GL 0010303

3420N-13405E 051445 0845 21 122'P

3210N-13835E 051445 1039 21 121 S G e L 004

3455N-13710E 051445 0938 21 121 S GL 004

3230N-13950B 051445 1008 21 122 P

3440N-13730E 051445 0934 21 122 P

3335N-13532E 051445 0930 2l 122 P GL 0010303

32S0N-13510E 051445 0750 21 121 S

3410N-13340E 051445 0942 21 122 P OL 0010303

3130N-13800E 051445 0735 21 121 S

3325N-1375sE 051445 1007 21 121 S OL 004

3505N-13655E 051445 0946 21 121 S GL 00'1

3350)ll-13520E 051445 0857 21 121 S

351!ON.13620E 0514<15 0929 21 121 S

3510N-13650E 051445 0913 21 121 S GL 004

3505N.136558 051445 0948 21 121 S ot, 004-

3400N-13535E o s 1.445 0945 21 121 S OL 004.

3400N-13535E 051M5 0820 21 121 S OL 001020002:3410N-135588 051445 0855 21 _122 P E"· 000

3600N-136128 051445 0928 21 122 P GL 004

3515N-13610E 051445 0921" 21 121 · s OL 004

3440N~13545E 051445 0911 21 121 S G L 0043230N-13825E 051445 1050 21 121 S GL 001010002

3510N-13655E 051445 0930 21 121 S3445N-13715E 051~45 0960 21 121 S GL 004

3330N-13515E 051445 0847 21 121 S

ChPJ:p&teris.t1ca Coordinates ~ ~. A!:b . ! C.llu..Ix;s.

'"at Origin. *b. Method, 0*, Reliability

00090 0500 36

00090 0373 3600091 0756 40

00100 0495 10

00102 0500 20

00102 0490 18

00103 2941 io

00107 0495 22

00108 OSOO 00

00144 0486 10

00146 0492 14

OOH6 0492 14

00147 04-95 11001<18 0512 18

OOHS 0512 18

00H.-8 0500 04

0QJ.49 1508 04

00150 0600 20

00150 1481 10

00150 1000 03

00150 0495 19

001500500 05

00154 0600 15

00154 1486 04

OOl54 0488 15

00155 0600 10

00157 1476 OS

00157 0490 08

00157 0488 16

00158 0485 Q8

00168 0471 09

00160 1489 05

00160 2460 06

00160 0485 08

00161 0490 08

00163 049Q 06

00164 0490 0 4 0

00167 0500 06

00175 0500 10

00183 3000 06

00184 1010 03

00187 8040 OS

00189 0000 26

00190 0000 O B

00191 2000 02

00191 1856 03

00192 0945 07

00194 0495 19

00194 0945 07

00195 0000 03

0019S 2364 08

00202 0000 10

OQ223 0000 00

00235 1500 03

OO:':!390500 08

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Cb.rlgt.ristico C o o r d 1 n e , t e . ~ lW. .a . ! l2! C.! ! ia . .l3:e

00240 0480 20 3450N-13710E 051145 0949 21 121 S E'" 000,

00241 0000 06 3340N-13740E 051445 1000 21 121 S

00280 0000 00 ""3~N ..13535E 051445 0934 .21 121 _800302 0600 10 3320N-13510E 051445 0905 21 121 8

00306 0000 10 3420N-13530E 05}445 0930 21 121 S

00310 1000 04 3050N-13650E 051445 0717 21 121 S

00364 0000 iL O 3430N4135oi5E 051445 0909 21 121 S

~., Origin. b . , Method, c* Reliability

4, Rem!'l.rls~:

a, Unusual signals were heard on 235, 239, 240, 241. 280.

302, 306, 310. and 364 meg~cycles. These were generally of short

duration and no pertinent information other than that shown above is


b. At least e ship'-borne radars were Locate d by D/F cuts.

One of t h e s e had MKCHI c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s,

C, No Signals we r e heard above 365 megacYCles,


1. Strike Reports; Forty-nine strike report messages '<'6re re-

c e i v e d by the Ground Stations during this mission,

2, Fox Transmissions; A ll ~ing Grou nd Stations transmitted

t h e uSllal Weather and Time Signals. The '73rd Hing t.ransmi tted 2

other messages to the aircraft, Interrogation re vee.Ie d that out of'

14 0 ;radio eperators in the ~dr, 123 re(teived the first Fox m"ssage,

One hundred and mne reo "iv~d the second message. Reasons for not

rece iving the se br oade as ts were inope rat iva a quipment. s booU ng

fixes. eat! ng, an d heavy atmo,s,pheric inte rfere nee,

3, Frequencies I A number of cases of C1 interference l<' I)r en-

countered on all stri~e r~equenclas during this mission. Atmospherio

interference was reported at a high level. The following is 11 break-

down of traffio per frequellcy 1 6 per cent on :5 megacycle8, 28 pe r

c e n t o n 6 megaoycles, and 66 per cent on 11 me g a c y c l e s .

4. Nal1'1gat1on8\l_J~s: ~lghteon requosts for VHF/DF b~:t.r.!ngs wore

made and 17 Viera obtained with exce 11 ant re su Its. The 1~bllor1ng th~t

Vias due to an aircraft not hearing the VHF station. (This drcraft

l'Elc@rived 9. bearing !-o mlnu:tes luta,r). Thirty-five requests ware rna..defor J!F /DF b e a:ri11gB. A tot III of 41 wes furllished the a1 !'Craft. Reas onft:)l- more bearings relo.yed than requested 18 that the 73rd W"ing Ground

Station transmitted 6 bearings to a ir ora ft i n d is tr esB that did not

directly ask: for tl}em. The 58th "iog reported 2 airoraft uSlng air·

te-air homing successfully. The 2 aircraft homed at a distance of

100 miles. ],,11 ra.nges. homers. and broadcast stations """re uS3d


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5, Net Di,Oipline aM. Secudtyl The 313th and 3l4.th ''11ng reported

no breaches of security and ~ha.t net discipline WAS satisfactory. ' i ' h .73rd and 58th Wings reported that Bome~ed:l"Cra.ft operators 1mre not listen-

ing before' transinlttlng, causing considerable confusion in. their nets.The 58th reported nmvlolations of security. The 73rd revealed 2 in-

stances in which aircraft did not maintain proper security. One air-craft broke radio silence to state that it was aborting an d returning

to Iwo Jlma. The seomnd violation was a message conaisting of clear

and eode text. Corrective action has been taken to prevent recurrence

of these violations.

6. Enemy TransmissiollS I The following incidents of enemy trana-

missions, interference, and j~lng were noted during this missionl

a. 3145 kilocycles I

(1) Jap net operating from lSOOZto 1900Z 'llall partially


(2 ) Jap CW at 1930Z WaS very effective, blocking out

the ground stati~)Q.

(3) Csntinuous tone at 1833Z WaD very effective, blOCk-

ing out the g r o u n d station,

(4) An unknown station sending "H'SD and '1' s· at 1919Z

Was pa.rt1ally effective.

b. 6055 kilocycles:

(1) High speed CWat 14.50Z was very effective, b1ock1n,g

o~t the Time Signal.

(2) An unknown statian sending "CT's' at 19l9Z was

partially effective.

(3) An unknown station sending; " "FF 'O ' from Sofa. Gan con-

til'lously until 1 hour out from target was partially effsc.tive,

c. 11080 kilocycles:

(1) An unreadable code mixed with "Q.I signals near the

target WaS partially effective,

(2) An unintelligible code intermittenly starting at

2200Z and last1ng about 3 hours w~s partially effeotive.

(3) Station using call sign 'VNAS~from 21393 to 2230Z

was pa.rtially effective.

d. 3020 kl1ooyg1es I Ne~1igible.

6. 5615 kilooyoles:

(1) CWfrom 2000Z to 2400Z waS effective.

(2) ewwith call P'lXTfrom 0145Z to 0200Z was eft"6otin.

(3) C1{with oall - ' J V l o ' i P from 1545Z to 1600Z was part1a.lly


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(4.' q w w1th ca.ll 90T from 1700t to 2000Z wu very


e, 10305 kilgcveles: C ff with calls P B X . P PU , WTZ, JJP from

2100 to 23002: wa·s partially effective,

g. :}99Q kilocycles I Code from unknown station intermi ttent-

ly throughout the mis510n was partlall effectIve .•

h. 7415 kUgnyele§= Mixed code characters at OlOOZ 'Were

]Iarti ally eUee ti VEl.

(1 ) Ke,yed Ow at 0540Z arid0018Z was effective.

(2) Keyed CWfrom 2336Z to 2348Z was very effective.

j. 3410 kilocycles: Negli.g-ible

k, '7:.nO k.1locycles; Negligible

1. 11160 kil oCvc Ie S I Unknown stat! on se nd1ng 00 Q A M rollow~ing ground etv.tion weather broadcast was ineffective.

'. Distress: Each wing repo.rted some instances of distress

tra,ffic handled.. Following; are the mes8ageSIiS copied by each Wing

gro I$ld station:

a. 58th W i pg:


69V'752 060QZ f56I5

2 5V ' 7 S2 06182 6615

65V752 2309Z 10305

€iSV7$2 2'3352 10305

25V752 0022Z. );0305

SOV7 S 3 0035Z 10305

10V'152 0614:Z 10305

54V762 0620Z 10306

66V762 oouz 1.0305

B-29 ditched at 1645N • H4S5S

Five survivors. Dropped emergencyradio,

PQs8ibl e di tc hi ng. en 151e out.

He-ad.ing for Iwo. pos, 3100N ..10039E

136 Burlesque Queen 169

Wicked 63 crashed in ~o Bay 3U5N·

13645E. 9 parachutes. Sub attempt.

ing rescue.Unil;l,eilt1fied 5-29 ditohed 100 Floy

Flow : nO . •.5 men 1n 2 lifeboata l6-i5N' - l4SE.

True b,earing 345 on Supan homing

B'ignal.No, 4 eog 6TA two 0156 pCB,. JON -


b. 73.rd Wing! ft;;'our alrcraftcontao-wd the \'{ing radio

station lndioa.ting a pOBsibl e a itchi.ng due to leVi fuel. ' I 'wo of,these ai'roraft we,re worked .81111.ulanaously on. .2 difforent frequenOles.

One aj.Tel'lI.ft 1nd1oe..t~d a pO$1>1ble ditching 40 milC!s fTom Saiplln.

Suprad. 6th Radio S<;tuadron \1:0'0118, and MOS D/F were notified in ,order

to obt.e.in. f'ixes and be al"ings on "!>hea.1roraft_ Posi Uon and course ,

v . - e 1'0 f'orwa.rded to ADCC af'w rtbe ai r-ert<!f't had bee,n told. to "wi to h hiaIFF to eme·rgen.oy, Pp,sition and eour-se of the plane weroobtalned

!'Overy10 minute B. ThesfUfl0procedu.re 'WillS followed lWlh the, other three

a.il'er.a:rt. All tli.rGrai't la'Oded safely.

_ E A _

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0, 313tb ~!ringl M10V757 sent a, coded mesBll-gs on 7310 kcs at

141440Z, 'Ditching, lovr on fuel', Ground statton sept bearing to

pI nne. 47V7S7, sent coded message on 11160 kcs and 140624Z giving

position cf ditohed 10V7S7, Ground station. took 'tIe6l'lng on 47V7S7

and sBnt it to the air9raft, Maintained cOllllllunications with 47V757 ft.

a. 314th Winp "One aircraft requested nn emergency bearing

from the ground station, with the ground station complying. The

e.ircr;U't Landed e.t Saipan. ~

8. EquIpment Malfll'nctiorts: AN1ART- IZ , ; 4 inoperative, I no side tone,

BO . . 348! Z, inoperative, : 5 Gl ' l oscillators inoperative. WARN . 7 and.

SCR.25~.: 6 ino.perat.ivB, 14 sense antennas broken. SCR-5221 4 . In-

o,PB.rative, 1 transmitter inopera,tive. SCR-.274: 1 antenna. broken in

fli,ght. .SCR-695! 1 inopere.tive. Rg-36; :5 .1noperati va. lmieX'o·.

phol,e inoperati VB. RL.42: 21 inope:rattv!) or stuck, 1 antenna leo.d ..in


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•PQ;tt I .. Enemy Air Opposition

Part III ,.Oi!Jna-ge AsseBBment

Misa;iop No. 174

14 Moy 1945


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1. Summary: Approximately 25 twin-engine and 55 single-engine

enemy ~ircre1't niade 275 ·attaok! 'on tb:1s m1sdon. One B-2 9 11'8.8 lost .

to enemy" rl~ters and 6 othirs sustained da.mage. Olaims were 18 de.-trouea. 16 probabiy destroyed, a.nd30 damaged,

2. Eqrly Warning;: It WB.8 believed th d. the Nagoya nrea wa.a in

0. constOint state of alert due to the mining lnissioo in progress, the

eurly morning carrier strikes on Kyuahu. and t h e weather and recon-

no.issnnee missions run over Japan.

:3. ReView of Enaourrte r s e

8., Aircraft flew in 37 formations of 3 or more 8_29109, with

the first units making landfall at 2155Z, Several slngle-engine and

twin-engine fighters were reported as flying level and parallel to

some of the formatlens, probably relaying data to ground stations,

b. Enemy interception began at 2205Z "'hen 11 group of Nick.Qfid Tonys made 2$ attacks prior to landfall o n SUbsequent ro~atlons.

Zokes, T0jOS. George, and other Nicks and Irvings mr.de 97 attacks

frem landfnll to the in1 t1al pOint. 104 attacks after the 1n1tinl

poi nt tab ombs away. and: 49 attacks ~rte r bombs avray to land's end,

The j'l6!l,1c' of the enemy attaoks oeour re d from 2300Z to 2340Z whlln 187

of' the 275 attack,s were sustained, Qf these. an unusually lerge nUJ:Ibsr

were made by Nicks and Irv1ngs.

c. Aircraft bombed the target from 2305Z to 0025Z, n total

of 1 heur o.nd 20 minutes,

d. Fighter atto.cks ta.pared off sharply a1'ter 23~OZ. llicks.

TOj03. Zekes. and Jacks conc l uded the o.tto.ck~ milking 33 interceptioDs

from 2340Z to OOS9Z,

4, Unqs~al Enemy Aircraft:

a, Over the targst area. 1 crew reported 3 enemy a1rcru1't

maintainil'lg such high speed that they werl> thought to be jet-propelled.

They '\'Iere dOBcribed Q;S single-engine aircraft wi th M extremely smell

wingspan o.nd silver in color. They passed 1ine astern under 1 of the

formutiolUi going 1n the oppos itO direction at o.pprox1.1l1a.tel~'11.000 feet.

Th e crew WnS unnble t o give further desoriptiva information due to t he

extrame speed o f the aircraft in question. T h e r e i5 no i Qd i~ ut lo n t ha t

these n1rcroft later atto.cked,

b, On Mission 146 on 5 Muy another cr-ew reported a possible

jet~propelled uircraft betweeh Kure and Nllgoya.. Gunners reported

wai te smoke ap u r t.s from the rear of thl 'lfus e lo.,go of t h i s o.ircraf't.

T he p ln ne WP,I! reported nil IIpnrkling in the sun IlS if n e w a nd o . sbeing10.'1"ger than .n Tony 8. The pInns ":loS o.pproxlma;tely 2000 yards o.wBY I l1 'teI

huving o.~pronched from 9 o'clook. It then fell bo.ck, following 1n the

6 o'clock position' nbout 3000 feet o.bove t h e B·29, N o. v n p or trails

"Jere seen from the B-29s at this time,

5. OtbBrNptel> t

a. There w ere 2 r e p o r t s of Nicks having inolined guns lIIounted

on top of the ruselngs back of the canopy, These gUlls ware fired o .tformations .,"bove while Nick.s themselves were below.

-Ba.sed on avaluated statistics l'I1th dUplications eUlQinatec:l l'rom the

tota,ls reported.

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wclting for

Only! enemy n1rerof't\wre raported '_o.efollowing theeL-Ddthey broke of'fo.t lnnd Is end. They o.ppeo.red to be

straggl ers.

6. Millvale of Attacks:


fr-om above.

The enemy fighters mOJlealmost one hnlf of their attaoks

One half of attacks were made from the fr.ont qU{I1'ter.


b. Directions tl.ndlevels of Ilpproo.chare indicated in the

fo llowingc.hart:

6%Direction o.nd Llwe.l of Approlloh

of !loamy j.ircro.f't

Toto.l Nwnber

of Atta.qks

27 5 3 . %




FROM BE LON 28< 1 '

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7, Breakdown of Att"g.k€!t

Enemy AircrB1't No .Attacks Per cent

N i o k : 89 32

Tojo 46 17Tony 31 11lrv1ng 25 9

Zeke 18 7

O S C a r 16 6

Jack 15 6

GelllI',ge 11 4

U;nldentif:l;ed 11 4

ABC 5 2

Frank 4 1

Dinah 2, )

Betty 1) 1

H a m p .-ll..275 100

8. Coor dinated Att!lfk§' Three Nicks came in from 12 0IeLeck

high tlnd line ,O!st'ern at 20-seco,nd inte,[vo.ls, breaking ! l .Way at 200.

400 yards in turning dive,s, Another coordinated attack was made by

Tojo nnd George agai.n.st the ninth and tenth formation. One minute

after bombs away, both i'lgh,ters caae in from 12 o'clock: Ib~.'e astern,

pl'l'lssi,'Flg to 100 yt\rds. Both of the se enemy ~ircra.ft wer6 chimed as


9. ,Bre.akawrqs ;. Approximately 3'7 per cent of the att'acks wera

press'ed to within 200 yards, representing less tha.n. nor,mal Jap aggres ...


a.DestTQ1led (18)

10. Cletai.l s of Claims:

1 Frank. 1 Irvi.ng,2 Nicks. 1 Oscn:r. 2 'J ! ',OjOB Q y Nose I

2 - IrVings. 1 Zeke by LB; 1 George, 1 teke by RB; 1 Nlck,. 2 Tojos by

RSGj 1 Zek.e, 1 U/I by ToJl: 1 Zake by RSG and La'

b, Prob.p.bly Destroyed (16)

1 AIlO, 3 Irvings, 2 Nioks, 1 Tony by NoBB'; 1 Js.Ok. 1

N1!;k: b~' LB; 2 N1 .ok s by RBi 1 Niok, 2 Osco.rs, 1 Toja by &SG; 1 ll'vlnt;

by TCln.

9, DamMed (;32)

1 ABC, 1 .Hw: r ! ,p. 1 lrv:!. I l& ! . 6 Nicks, 1 Tojo by Nose; 1 Niok,I OSOtl.l'1 I Tojo by LB;. lZ.eke by .RB; 1 Georse. 2 Nioks,. 1 Osoar, .3

Tonys by RSGi 1 Irving, 3 Nickr., 1 U/I by To.11: 1 Ja.ck by LB end TaU;

I GGo rg e by RSG and Nose.


.§ ~Q B , iLl:

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1. Summm o r Attp.ek;

1> . . The pr 1mo.ry tu.r ge t Wo.s o.tto.cked by Aje o f " W in y> 0. &

follows I

(1) One hundred twenty-fol.lr A/e of the 58th Wing were

over the to.rget from 2312Z to 2400Z. Altitude vo.r1ed bebreen 18.350

and 19,800 feet, o.vero.ge o.lt1 tude being 17t500 feet. The axel! of o.tt:lck

\"ror:o 90 to ll~ degrees.

(2) The 73rd Wing attacked with 145 Ale fran 2305! to

2358Z. Alt1 tud e lindt9 we re 16, 200 to 20.300 raet i II.vero.~e~ t1udewas 17,300. Axes o .r atta.ckwerEl 90 to 100 degrees true.


2316Z and 002SZ.

o.ge 0.1t1 tude w a . s


Sixty-eight Ale of the 313th '''ing "trllck 'Detween

Altitude, va.ried from 16,500 to 18,300 feet, a..nd 0.70r-

17.500 feet, A x e s of attack Yl<;H'O 90 to 100 degree"

(4) One hundred thirty ..fi.ve A /e of the 314th W1n.~o.tto.cII::.-

ed the prirJo.ry from 23242 to 00172 at tiltitude" varying frQm 12,.000

to 20.500 i'ee,t. Average bombing 0.11:1ude WB,s18,500 feet, Axes of

o..tttlCkworo 95 to ? 112 degrees true,

b. Weather ~n roll.te and in the ta.rget 1U'61J, W9.S CJ.vt J until

sliIOke obscured the city to the e~ent of 4/10 to 10/10 ceve r; Avel"ecge

''Iinds at bombing altitu.d,6 were 35 knot:. a.t 280 degrees.

c, Eight A IC bcmbed various to.rgets of' opportunity. 5 of

these without incident, One A/O bombing Uji.YOJIIoda. (34S0N • 13641E)

at 17,000 feet encountered meag~r, accurate" continol.lB1Y""PQinted 1'iN.

Two A le encoun.tered meagel" and ina.ccurate fire o .t Nagasbim£l.. (3 41 2Jl •


2. .Flak. EnRou te to Target!

The following is n tabulation of the flak encollll.te:red en

route to the target area'


No'rth of




Meo.ger and inaccurate. ACDurate !'o.r 1

8Cj,l.ladr011. (Landfo.ll)

Isls:nd 32.S230N..


Menger nc.d inO;Ocur;a.tl'l. 131o.nQ not shown

on mnp.•

VIcinity of:


:3333N •


Meager nnd ino.ccurate to .00.eoOlro.teo from

S~\I'erol loco. tl ons, (Lundfall)

Y'umoto 3,40aN-

13c5 :35E

:5404N ~


Very manger and iIlo.CQUrn tEl. (Lnndfo.ll)

NaTo. 3UON ~


14engar and inac cur o.te to nC.QI, Il 'n teo.

Ale sitruok by flnk.

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lJ :o .st Os I lk a. Yea.ger to moderate, inaccQr~te to accu r-

ate, 'Ale dama.ged,

E as t J,\y ot o 3500N.13546E

Meager to moderate and inaccu rate

OtSQ 3502N-


Meager ond innecu ra.te (Lake Blwa)

Yokaichi A lE 3506N-


Meager a nd i na cc ur at e (on bomb fQU)

Iiako.to.r.1 A lF 3507N.

13539EMeager and inaccurate (on bomb rQn)

Yokka.ichi 3458N-


Menger and inaccu rate,

3. F l a k at. Target:

Tl:ie following is 0. summ:ll"y of the f10lk encountered l7 Y Croup'

over the to.J'get. Times o.re all Z times e

2200 - 2342 505th Bomb Group. 3~3th Wing - J l e of this group encoun-

tered me,ager to moderate a.Ccurate flak while flying at

a.ltitudes of 15,500 to 18,000 feet. Burs ts ~re bl aek

and consisted mainly of predicted concentrations lasting

2 minutes. Five planes were dD.lllo.ged,

2306 - 2311 499th Group, 73rd }111M- Flak beg~n a t T su sh im a and lan-

ad appr0ximately 5 minutes. It was moderate to 1nten~e

and accurate. All types of fire were seen, Six)jC

were h1tj 1 of these had been struck previously near

Osaka. Altitude waS 16,000 to 18.500 feet. Two out or

3.A/C of this Group were hit while bomb1ng with other


2312 - 232~! 468th GrouD, 58th Will!>" . v e \ferea.t altitudes from

16,000 to I7,000 feet. Fl Ilk lasted for 1 to 3 minute"

and consisted primarily of pradicted concentration" and

a few barrages, It WIlS'moderate to inten,e o.nd generally

inaccura.te. Devia.tions ~re left and ahead of the for·

mntions. Burst" were black. but 1 1I/e reported 6 to 8

small white :t>ur'Ste with sIlIllll " trOQJll . e r l l of foil 5 1In1lu

to window.

2'314 - 2359 462p4 Group. 58th Wipg _ The duration of fire for this

Group va.ri sd from 1 s.a1va to as long 0.6 11 mi nute s , ino -

cilld ing. the bomb run and the brenkn:wtl)' ",hioh vms too sharI'to the right. B(lr6ts 'wars blaCk and I).ocuro.te in 18 Oases.

Ten A /e were h1t, Flak: 'llD.1Imeagor to int~ns" and devlQ-

tion.s 8howed no oop.sist&ne-y. It YI ' I16 felt that t\. nme

bart-age wa.s thrown up ,vhen smoke i01parled vis1 bili ty.

2317 - 2'3,a 5th Group. l13th !1ng_- Altitudos for this Group var! d

from 16.000 .to 18.500 £oot •. F1nk Vt\.S ge~or&lly modornto.ino.ccuratCll .£9r 1 Squadron. and fairly Ilceurute for 2.Bursts were black and fire lasted for 2 minutes. Most of

the fire was cont1nously pointod or bo.rrago. Seven .\lewere de.ma~d by flalc.

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2335 _ 2339 39m Group. 314th Wing - Al titudas for th.i:s Group were

18.000 to 19.500 .faet, F lclc: was !;enernlly l l I.e..gel' nnd 1n_

accurate with large deviations 1 1 1 every direction, The

-target was 0becured by smo.ka to a large erten t. Two A lesust-Q.lned ~ry mlnol' damage.

2324 .. 2325

2327 .. 2331

2330 - 235-8

19th Group, 314'1* Wine - Flak WaS mea.ger to moderate

and generally inaccurate tor this GroI,l.P. A le bombed.

from. 18,000 to 20,000 feet. Oece.aiol),a1 bUrsts ware

acoul'ate. One A le hit In #2 engine SplU\ into the

ground when tho left wing broke off.

SOOth Group. 7:31"4Wine .. A la were at 801ltudell of 15, 000to 18.000 feet. Flak was cootlnuou.a1y pointed. moderate

fo.r the first and last Squadrons and meager for the 2

middle Squlldrons. Bursts ware blaCk and lIhite ILnd very

accurate for the first Squadron. Five A le were dama.ged.

by flak,

4-0th Group. S8thl'ling - This Group bombed trom a.ltitudes

of 18,000 to 18,400 feet. The fire WQ.S~eneTo.lly meo.~r

,to mod.erate, accuro.te f~r the first Squadron nnd 1no.c.

curate fo r the last 2. IkIviat10ns were mainly below

and even and to the rIght or left. Some We reported

o.ccuro;te £i.re when their A!CwartJobscurd by smoke


'44th Group. S8thWing .. A le bombed from 17,000 to17,200 feet •. Fl!lk lasted from 1 to 5 minutes for va.riolU

Squadrons. F ire was me e .g e 1 " .o.nd iD .C e U TO ). to and tbe tJ.r got

oren was compI ete lycove rad by s:moke. Bur st 6 Its!" e b1 (l.ck.

OtIe A le reported 5 black strelllners amane.t1ngfrom a burst.

2351 ~ 2352i 29th, Group. 314tb, Wing ~ Flak w o . l ! I nil for m an y Ale of

. this Group o . n d . mea.ger and inaccurate for the ",st. O:te

A !e Wg8 dal!ll\ged while maJd.og 0. second run on the tnrget.

498th Group I 73rd Wing ~ A le bombado.t ntiudes M.ll,ging

f'rom ls, 800 to 17,.800 r (I.at, FInk WD .S meo.ger nnd inata ur-

ate tor flr&t 2 squadrons and modoro.te and o.ccureto for

last squadron. T Y r o . A le WGT'a struck in tb.e last Squadron

at 17,.500 f'eat. F1o.k la.stad for 1, minutes for 3~eh


497th Group, 731"'d YAng _ Thi.s Group bOl!l.bodfrom 16.600 to

18,700 feet. FInk ' W U s . meager 0.00 inncouro.t<l,lI!Ostly bt\r·

r nge fira. One Ale was hl t by flok at 113.000 faet.

330th Grolm. 314.th WlIn;. Average el t1 tude for thiS Gr~

wn.s 16, SOO f0et. Only 12 to 15 burst!! of bo.Tr<l66 f1 ru

w®re Beon by each fo.rmntlon, T'!.'ftI A le :sustained !!Lillor

dl;).lIlo.~e, . .SQ4th Group.313't.h Wins .~Bombing r rom 16,.000 to 17,500

feat. :2 A le s.ullltnined minor dMlagQ fr'om flak that 't'I'llS

menger,. ipnoournte for a squa.drons omd .o.ecuro.tEI ror 1.

4 -. Flo.k 0,,\ Withdr~W!11 to Lflnd" §.E ng , The to110m ng ia a tabula tl on

sf r1ak enecunber-ed oJ'ta r 1ElIl.vi nl; the tar get IU"IH1,:

2357 .. 0002

0013 ~ 0017

0015 ~ 0020




:!i458N -


R E M A R I : §Menger IUId ina.ccuro.t<l

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Vicinity of


MtIlly Ale encountorod manger and inaceuro.te

flD.k in this area. when they were not o.ble

teo make tb? sho.rp r 19ht turn from. ~fc.goyo..

Two s /o of 73rd :ring susto.ined damage. Oneon these hc.d been struck ovor the target.



5. Summqry of A l e Lost Gnd DamQ(ed:

One A/C was lost to flak on this mission. A totul of 58 A l C

(12.06% of nttucklng Ale)susto.inad flak damage, most of which ...0.8 of

0. minor nature. Saturo.tion of defenses o.nd smoke in the target areo.

served to red~ce the loss and dpm~ge rate due to flak.

6. Mis_cellaneous AlA Observo:fions:

a. In the target ur ea , I Ale saW an obj(;;ct the •she of 0.

gallon can " with two streo.mers. There we.s no A !e above; no explosion

cc cur ed,

b. An "unidentified silver obiect" 2000 feet below the for-

I!\ation or o.t 17,000 feet was reported b y A le on the 58th ''lIng.

c , Two or :3 tro.nsparent ba l l eons about 12 inches in di:lmeter

were observed over the target a. t 2330Z, Balloons "....ere o.t 18,500 feet

and nothing was seen httnging be:n0o,th them.

d. 'l'he 7~rd Wing reported 3 insto.ncos of "po.cer" ~C flying

l e v e l witfJ. and out ef r un g e of th.:l formntions:

(1) An Irvin.g flew level with the 487th Group eo.st o(


(2 ) One S/E ~n d one TIE enemy aircrnft f le w l ev el with

the 499th Greup from lo.ndfall to !P,

7, Air-to-Air Bomoing:

a, A phosphorous bomb WOosobserved o.t 345SN - 135458 by IlP

. A l o of the 73rd lNing. Smoke l"6mo.ined about < 1 minubes at 22503 end cU. -

ti tude wo.e o.bout 19.000 feet. Bomb wllspraba.bly dropped by D. Taja which

dived at the formatien from Some distnnce. Bomb was ino.ccurate.

b. At 22552 0. Niok droppod 0. phosphorous bomb in 0. similo.r

mannor at 3505N - 13550E:. Bomb burst about 1 mile ahand nnd SilO feet

o. bov e t he f or mat ion .

- 37 ~

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1. Available strike photos showed fires extending from emuniden tif 1ed 1ndus'try o.bo ut2000 yords west northw~s tof Na.go.yo.Co.stl e

Olelll' Ilcross the northern pClrt of the city to. n point immedio.tely

be1o.wthe reserV'oirs Ildjo.oent to Target 193 (f,om 061122to 11612Q).

Z.Flres were BGell also. in areo.s north of the cilstle up t<l tho

S,hono.i River, Most strike photos showed smoko ob.scuring the entire

north and cantrlll part 9f th13 0:1ty.

3. Fires were sto.rted in To.rget 254, Mitsubishll!:lectric

Manuf'o.cturi.ng (Jompllny, and lnthe undo..mo.ged southwest part of'

To.rg~t 195, Mitsubishi Aircraft Engine Plo,!1t,

4. The wind was blewing from the northwest,

5, Fi.nal do,lllo.ge o,ssessment covering this miIision is included

in XXI B om be r C om m a.n d To.cticill luI1ssionB.eport No. 176 oovering the

i.ncand:io.ryo;tto.ol<;: on South No.goya Urban .Area on 16 - 17 May 1945.

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• 39 -

.§ .ji .Q J. ]Ll

Niss::j.on No. I "

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A1l thor i ty ~M.\ \ 1L\S D O S'O--.-;: ..... E...... W..L_-.:..-.._ .:..:.._ ~ By3JNI\ttA Dale 02-/.t 1 .1 1E .. . . . : . . . . . : . i~ M u • • ~ . . . . 1I

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Date 14 May 1945

FLIGHT DJlTll. & F Um . CON SmAP TIO N-_. M ISS ION NUMBER 174 174 174 174 174

UN IT 58TH iiINJ 73RD WIN:; 31JTH -lI trJ' 314TH filII: 2 1 B . C .

_ .- --.A IR CR A FT C ON s .: mE liE 1 iJ 118 139 6 1 117 435

AVG. F L Y. liN O T IM E 15:09 1 4 : 5 4 1 5 : 0 1 1 6 : 2 4 1 5 : : . ! }

AVG. D r S T ANCE FLaVIN 2870 d.94; 2653 2894 ~8t9~NEI!uti(.)s.1 Air Miles)

l < ~UELCO l i l SUMW :

Ave:t'age 6302 6176 6152 6631; 6330

Ma ldmum 6700 6800 6492 708} 708)

Minimum 5730 5550 5523 6102 55~J

FU EL R ElI'iA I N T N G: . .l\.V'erage 67 7 5 78 63 5 685 64 2Maximum 1160 1162 1497 I 7 1497

Minim'Ull l . 275 - 18 8 144 -

AVG. G A L S . U SED I-gH H OU R 415.9 4J -4 . 4 4 0 9 . 5 404.5 .U.l.5

AVG. GALS. U S ED PE R M IL E 2.l9 2.10 2.32 2.2.9 2.2-


~ - - - - . • .. - - -

T O T A L · U S E D O N A !. RB O R N E A l e . 87,015 961.903 48 .~O44 ! '139826 )26:--_._- ------_. - --




._--INC. A IR CRM J' A IR BO RN F ~ u .J . ~ 16 0 !! 79 §_ 44 .::: : : > 2 4 -A V G . BASIC WT OF A IRUfu ,FT 74998 ' , ' 4938 71.632 75566 "51_

AIlG. U SE F U L L O A D 60114 t'()504 6041 6' ,. co bL..; _

I tWG. NO. OF BOM B S LOADED 2 4 . 8 - E A 6 :::S.7-E46 )0.5-£.46 12) ..5-£40 27.1-:36


2 -.lD6 & : _ .. 0

A V G . WT. OF BOMBS LO],DED 10552 1.'911, 12960 9981 .ll1.79

tva. FUEL L01ill£D 6971 6?5} 6800 7j'22 9 5

AVG. iiT. O F F U E L r . . O A D I ! : D 4 J . 8 : . : : 6 40510 40800 4)9)2 41851

A V O . MISC. I iEIGHT 7736 7072 ?Oel 7308 7

AVO. CROSS V { T . A'f TAKE OFF 135112 l.15l..'.2 IJ5(7) 1Jb?37 Ij.60~6


~ rxclud~s s u pe rd u mb o a ir er af t. B om b W ei gh ts :

£ - 3 6 - )(>n ~bs.

~-46 - ~;.<; L), .

S .ECf \ET---II'liII"~----:D;;:':ECLAS"FiiD- _

Amhority t-lh lD 1 liS ()()5

..... .:Io.. -~~Ws.:._..;...iIIII!!!I!.~ __ ..........._ -:::...:.._~_~ By 3JNA(l.,\ Date.05-/,l:11 ~-- .. It~.!III~III.

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yusiin No 114

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C OM GE N B()I1 VG 7 3

C O I D E N B O M ' N G 313C O U G ! ] ; N B C l I Y l G 31 4


~!I t !

By A u t h o t CG X X I Be

X X I B O M BE R C D M M A N DG U A l {

1200 13 MAY 1945FIE L D ORD ER N UMBER 75

1. <lnittod.

2. The XXIBotnComattacks Northarn Nagoya Urban Area on liD"Day.

3. a. 58th Wing:

(1) Primary Visual and Radar Tar~t.

M E !

1 0 6 1 0 7

1 0 0 1 1 8


Target Force Required

Nortfl Nagoye.

North Nagoya:

N o r t h NagoyaNorth Nagoya

1st Airborne Group

2nd A i r b o r n e Group

3 r d A i r b o rn e Group4 t h A i r b a r ' n e Gr o u p

(2) First airoorne group passes departure point at D hour plus

S ndnut es ,

Second airborne group passes departure point at D hour plns

32 minutes.

Third airb orne group passes departure point at D hour plus

52 minutes.

Fourth airborne group passes departure point at D hour plus

60 minutes.

(J) 58th Wing reassenbly area is a circle with radius of 25 milBsaround 3 3 0 5 N - 1 3 4 1 0 E .

b. 73rd Wing:

(1) Primary Visual and Radar Target.

Target UP I Far-coReguired

North Nagoya 10S093 Iso Airborne GI"OUp

North Nagoya lOOn8 2nd Airborne Group

North Nagoya 086126 .3rd irborne Group

North Nagoya 069124 4th irborne Group

(2) F.u-st a:iroorne group passes departure point at. "0" hour.

Second airborne· group passes departure point at D hourplus 24 minutes.

Third airborne group passes departure point at D hour

plus 48 minutes.

Fourth airborne' group passes departure point at D hOW"

p'Lus 64 minutes.

(3) 73rd Wing reassembly ar-ea is a circle with 25 milos radil.lB

around 3340N - 13510E.



A'llhoriry hlhll\ 1 L IS C OS

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FIEID C l W l iR N UM B t.R 75 C ON TIN U ED

c • 31Jth ~:ing:

(1) Prll!8ry ViSl:lal and Radar Target.

Target m For ce Regl8red

North Nageya 10509 . 3 1st A:irborne GroupNorth Nagoya lOOllB 2nd A:i:rborne Group

North Nagoya 086126 3rd Airborne GroupNorth Nagoya 069124 - 4th Airborne Group

(2) Fir st airborne group passes departure point at D hour plus4 minutes.

Second airborne' group passes departtre point at D hourplus 2ominut. es.

Third airo6m<;l group passes departure point at D hour plus

44 mim~tes.

Fourth airborne 'g:r0UP passes departure point at D hour

plus 6 $ minutes.

(3) 313th 1,'1'i!lg reassembly area is a circle with 25 mile s radius

around 3 4 0 5 N - I J 6 3 0 E .

d. 314th Wing:

(1) Priue.ry Visual and Radar Target.

T a r g e t Force .R eQUi r ed


A,.thoriry 1 1 1 \ \ 1 \ - " l l S D O S


1 0 6 1 0 7

100118O S 6 1 2 6


North Nagoya

North Nagoya

North Nagoya

North Nagoya

1st Airborne Group2nd A:irborre Group

3rd Airborne Group4th Airborne Group

(2 ) First airborne group passes departure po.int at D hour plus

12 minutes.

Second airborne 'group passes departure point at D hour

plus 2 S mihutes.

Third airoorne group passes departure point at D hour plus

40 minutes.

Fourth airborne' group passes departure point at D hour

plus 72 minutes.

314th Wingreassembly area is a circJ.e with 25 miles r3djus

around 3325N - 13600E.

x. (I) MPI reference is XXI BomCOJTlitho-Mosaic lI~ya City".

(2) Route:

BaseIwo Jima

Wing Reassembly Area345SN - 1355430E (Depart.ure Point)3SUN - 13606E ( lP)TargetReach lands end at J438N - IJ717E avoiding flak areaslwo Jirra.


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(3) WiQ?;swill route air craft from wing reassembly areas todepa.ct.ure point in order to ovade Osaka. flak defEl'lses.

(4) Altitude olf attack is 16,000 feet to lS,QOOfeet.

( 5 ) BO l1 i: l L o a d i.s E t - - l ;. 6 elU.s'ters fused to open 5,O()Yfeet abovet o o target. Interva lOl lE!t·eE ' set·ting is rninilnum.

(6) D day and D hour are 140900K.

4. 1).. Noooange.

b. Tac'tica1 Uission No·.174.

I .

f~ .j. CJ2772A~ .. / ~ . r o N TO OM B R Y/f Pl. . on /OPNS

U' l$l 'R ;rEUT:ION:

2 ea .• wg.

L E B A Ycm 4Gm BO~ iOOMXX I

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D I S T R I B Y T I Q l J


C9pV Nq.

1. Oommand1gg Generol, Twe~tieth ~lr Foroe

2 Commanding General, XXI Bomber Commnnd

3 Depl.lty Commr.nder, Twentieth Air Force4, Chiof of Staff, Twent1eth i,,1 r Foree

5 Chief of Stott, XXI Bomber COZl lmo.nd

6 DePl.lty CIS. @pns, XXI Bomber Commnnd

7 DePl.lty CIS. SI,1P& : !.hlnt. XXI Bomber Co rmna . n d

6 AC of S, A-2, mBomber Command

9 C om rn a rid in l i Genoral. Army Air Foroes

A TT N : A C/ A S, Intelligence

10 Oommander ~ Chief. Pacific Ocean Areas (Mv Hq)

11 Commander in Chhf'. PacifIc Ocean Arca8 (Rear Hq )12 Chief of Naval Operations, OP.16-V

13 Joint Intelligenoe O~nter, Pe.eitle Ooean ArolLs

14 Commander Air Foroe, Paclf1cFle"et

15 Commander. Third Fleet

16 Oommander, FH'th Fleet

17 Commandor. First Carrier Tasle .Force18 C()mmander., Marianas

1:~ Commander in Chief', U.S . ATT»JForcos, Pacific

20 Commanding General. U. S. ArllW Foroes, PacIfic Ocoan Areas

21 CommAn~ing General. Allied Air For~s.

Sol.lthwest Pacific Area·s

22 Commanding Gensral, Southw~st Pao,ific Areas, , .\TTJi: 0·2

(For Section 221 ReM)

23 CO~li.nding Genera~. Far East Air Forces

24 COmlDanding Gen<ilr.al. U. S. Strategic Air f'orce8 1n Europe

25 COlll!llandlng General. Eighth Air Force

26 Commanding General, Mediterran~an Allied Air Forces

27 Commanding Genera.l. Fifteenth Air ForOD

28 .. .a 9 Commanding General. Seventh Air Foroo

30 CQIIlm.il.nding Genero.l. VI I Bomber Comma . n d

31 - 32 C om m an din G Gen0rlll, VI I Fighter COIi I l l IQDd .33 COlllmanding General .. Elevonth ~ir Porce

34 Gommo.ndl:ng Go·ne1'0.1, XX Bombar OOlJUl\and

35 COIIImu.nding General. 38th F ly in g ' l' ro .i ni ngWing36 COlDJlland ij. 'q• .All ied Air Forces. South,vest Po.cif1e .Areo...

ATTN: Senior Intelligence Officer R•.A.A.F.

37 C om ma nd in g G en er al , 5 6t h B omb o. rd ma nt W in g

38 Commo,l1dlng Generlll. 73rd Bomoordment Wint;

39 COI'llllle.n<iIngGeneral, 313th BODlblll'dment 1fing

40 CommandIng Genoral, 3l4th Bombardment W i n g

41 Oomll'l'o.nding General. 3l5th llo1Ubardlnont ~:i!lg

42 Commanding Officer, 3rd Photo Recon Squadron43 Commo.hd1ngOfficer. !lat Photo- Aeoon ~ulldrob.J~4 OOI!l1tlllndng Officer, 33rd Stllt1stioa.l Control Unit

4 5 CThem1co.l Wn,rf'are Offioer, XXI BOIIb r COIllllla.n\i46 Tactics an.d Training Sootions. A-.3, XXI Bomber COIlll!la,nd

47 OtdnQnC~ O f(1c er . X XI B or ob Or Oo mm ll Dd48 Commanding Off te sr. XXI Bomb<'tr OOll'tlll1l.lld. COlllb(l;t Staging.

Canter (Provisional)49 - 50 Historlcnl O£fioer. XXI Bomber COlM\O.lld

61 - 80 Commanding Genera.1, dmy .Air Forces,ATTN A.o/1.SIntelligence. Collection DiviBioD


A'Lthor;!y W M D ~q5D05- - - - - -~ - - - - - - - - . . : . . . . . . JB y3 J iARADB t"~jl

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Copy No.

61 COllUU.nd1ng Genere.l, Army Air Forces PQc1fic Ocean Areas,A T T N : A A F EvaluQt10n Board

Commtnld1ng General. Army Air Foroes Pacif1c Ocean Areas.

~TT NI Dir eotor of Com mu nio ation s

For* Counter Meo.surea Air Analysis Center

Commanding arfieer, 6th Bom b Group (VB)

Commanding Officer, 9th BOIIlb Group (VB)Commo .ndin g Or fieer , 16th Bomb Grou p (va)

C om ma nd in g O ff ic er . 19th Bomb Grou p (VB)

Commo.nding Offioer, 29t.h Bomb Grou p (VH)

CommDlnd1ng O r r 1cer, 59th Bomb Gro u p (VB)

C o mm a .n ~ 1n g O f fi c er , 40th B om b Group (VB)

Commanding Officer. 330th Bomb Grou p (VH)

Oommanding Oi'floe.r, 33lst Bomb Group (VB)

Comma.l'lding Officer, 4.44th Bomb Gro up (VR)

Com m anding Officer, 462n d Bo mb Group (VB)

COWJ!lo.nding Offioer, 468th Bomb Grou p (VB)

Com m ~ nding Offioer, 497th B~mb G r o u p (VB)

Commanding Officer, 498th Bomb Group (VB)

Comma.nding Officer, 499th Bomb Group (VE)

Com m andin9 Officer. SOOt h Bomb Grou p (VB)

Cemmanding Offioer, SOlat Bomb Group (VB)

Commo . n d i n g Officer. S02nd B om b Grou.p (VB)Comm~nding O Ffi ce r, 504 th Bo~b Groqp (VB)

Commo.nd.ing Orricer .. 5C'5th Bomb Group (VH)

Commanding Orfiser, 509-th Oomposite Group

Commo.nding Of f i~ er, 655th Bomb Squ adron (H) (WR)

Commanding Qfficer. Twentieth Air ForcG Lead Grew Sehool

Commc.ndint Officer. 15th Fighter Gt'OlIP

Commnnd lng Officer, 21st Fight.er Group

Commo.ndint 0fficGr, 506th Fighter ~oup

Reporting Unit. A-2, XX! Bomber Command (File Copy)

- 115Reporting Unit, A-2. XXIl3o!llber Command



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