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21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 45, Ocr

Apr 07, 2018



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  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 45, Ocr






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  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 45, Ocr


    1& Maroh 1'.

    J I J J I

    Y:1t8ublahl Airorld't BftCllIIII Worn.(......~ " IfAOOYAt J;,pJJf


    J.mex A. Opora.tlou o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10PIU"t I .. Bavipttoa Obert 0 o 0 0 UPart I I .. Radar Approach abu' t aDd. Scope Obart IIPart III .. PUp t Eqiaeer1111 0hGPtI 0 1&Part IV ... Rader Report 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.Port V .. J.1r..BoQ. Ruol,l8 C""" 0 0 0 0 0 0 11Aflnox B .. lfeo.ther 0 0 0 0 10Pnrt I .. \feather SU_CLl'Y 0 0 l 'Pu t II .. Chart .. F'oreoll8t 'Weathor va.Oburvod ~ e l l . t b 8 r 0 0 0 0 21Port III .. Prognostic Yap 0 0 0 ..POort IV .. Synoptic ~ 0 0 ..Annex C .. Communiontiona 0 ..Part I .. R n d ~ ~ C o u ~ t ~ r " ~ ~ ~ ~ e ~ 0 0 0 ..Part I I - tlo.dl0 . 0 ..;.nnox D ... Intelligence . . . . . . 0 0 0 0 ..PDrt I .. Enemy :.11' Oppol1tion 0 0 0 0 0 0 SOPnTt II .. Enemy Antlo.ircraft nndAir_to_;.!r 1 I 0 1 l b l ~ 0 S lPnrt I II .. Bombing Result. o.nd

    J.ll le lMn t . 0 0 0 0 0 0 IS.>nnex E Conaolido.tod Stott . t ical SUJIIIIlo.ry 0 0 0 0 A.;.MOX F XXI liMber Commo.nd Field Order 0 0 0 .i.nnox G DbtributioD . . . 0 0 0 50 BylA Seotionm 80IIIber O o _ ~

    Tmotionl RDrratlvo

    Ple14 Order Bo. 48

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 45, Ocr


    JIRl l% .1111.1 1" 1.1 1 . ' 1 . "I 8 1 0 ' .Br . .. . , . . . . I ma-M .. O.m-' : 2 5 /11'1(; ,J1)G, :I Datil JdUal8 1"1111111111111"111111"

    .., "'1'11 1041SUIlJa:r, "POI't of Operatlou, I I JIuoob 1MB'1'01 e-1UIllI1Dc Oeaerll1. 1 W e I d ; ~ ' t b ~ ........ . . D. 0.

    I, mpt r lCqg QP MlIIIAh. . '1.14 ~ Wo, . , Bee4q.aarWn m 0 - .k.4 U Karob 1945. 41rMt.M. t i le 1Srd. 313t.b ... 116 . .

    1I1nf011 to c . . - t t .. nor_ l ..tar_OD U Marob 1lo a'ttalA 'tbJ b l l lAiroraft Ea.clne 'Work, 1ft l Iqoya.b. THa t ! bel t i td .

    (1) PriNty farnti TM IUtaubiUi A.lrcratt ~ 1 Worn, Q8 sbol'n on m 8om'"er Caaaarlli 10. 1KI .IO_UO,and u 4uf.gna.ted on t t . pOltatrlke plCtlU1l of D. . -p .u_DtReport 1n AnMX D. Part I I I , ot th h report .

    (2) Ho lecondary 01" 1.. t u eo r t t a rp ta ..,. . , -oUled.2. STRATEGY AND PWlI Cl PPlijBAtIOHI

    a. RelloR' for electlop ot terrett Reoeat e,.ratloD8indicated low-altit!de. night r.dar bombing ageJRlt p r l o r l ~ a1rorattp l ~ t . could be carried out lucce51rul1y and ecoDoaioal1y betoreenemy oould . tfectively counter thi . new tac t ioal u of VH8 a i ro ra t t .Beoaule of the ~ o o d radar offaet o.illllft& pointa o.nd thll plut'. proximity to tM Qoutl lne . th la target wall .elected to ~ l pe l t . o tthia new teChnlque. The _a t h e r forecast prelented OD 83 l larob 111_dioo.ted route and bale condltions fa?Orable to r .ucb a .11'1011 &D4t i r a deeiaion wu to

    b . Iuort;p,DC' at Tarut . AcCONiftl; to pnu l l l bu1l1, . .IOIU"C. . . .the lU t l ubhb i Aircraft SftliDe '!fork. i. 0 '" of t t . t .o 1ar_l;8et manufllcturerll ot "ngin08 for Japane,e co.bat plane l ' 41t tenn . tty p btlllDlj produood.. lIoet ot tb t s . uo old.r type. lUUler 1500 ltgr'power, but 1I01lle are Dew IIIOd01l of 1800 bor.epQ1ftlJ' or IIOre. fb l .faotory delivered engines to 9 difeerent a i r t r ... a ~ 1 plaa ta .indiQo.tin& the d eU " to whicb the Japane airplane iad:uatry . . . .dependent on i t . Engine. wera bell ll j .hipped. at I 0..1'. . . . :Nlp lao . -n tun ! ta nn4 al ia to Tariou. u.y o.nd J r a ~ al l ' areenal . in Japan. tal or 20 ditrarel l t plan had eome ot thei r oillineapp l i e ' b1th1a plant., lneludinlj sev eral o f th e .0:Nl important n type

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 45, Ocr


    J l . l l J l l lo. _tall. 0' PlMP'nS-Op'nUpwl

    (1) 1l0gbiM P lg ea) .D:t.ttn1pe1jlpp at BeM kte4'

    J . The 31Rb Wlftfj, . . . .l p e . t" ' - * of p lapot ,* lq and l1r;btlDf; the t a r p t with tlun tor SO 111..1:M. . . . . . . .10 ai ror l l t t w each of l;hu. pbaH. . Their pi... a d IMd. _n l low I. . . The II-as t lare be,t af t11ul ' t.llpt1llr& ' tup1: ot thl . tnt-, w n to be 4ropptI4 . , . 10 ,1 m-

    ILD a lt it ue l. o r 8000 to 10,000 tllet aDd C. . . . . . to op f t a t JOOQ t ..""111& whioh .beNld. '" . a n - 111__ tlO1l ... -d_ . t hOU.. .bQTn1n& 1:1_. Tb1a .h0ll14 l i p t ta. W&et oleU' l , t . r .. 41 lIPto s D.Dll a l l . . u d pera1 t the lILln.tol'Oe' &1J'ord" to . .. 9h1la1t,u tU iDe-lIdiarl" blld . tar ted .artioleDt ttn' to r 91-'bollblac.

    To Mlppl . . .n '*- n ....lOMtloll of tbe t a r , . t ao tba.t I t coal ' 'be .... froa '-15 aU 10 plaDe' were to GU1'7 ....17 lDO.aUuy 01 1 " . fId, .'W:1' to 'QIlblo er. . . . to kil l cOline aDd rate . . n to r ..rt .ua.l run whop tbo Il.la1l\& polftt . . . . .en. rIM 1Do.aI1.,., o1" (\dod. to open a. t SOOO teet aZlI5 _1'0 l oo t " t . r ,bt prollaWU.",of th . i r t t l ~ nu.'TOII' b rUUu t t ire, .... thSn tbe Qrpt are.. .

    .I . B c a b i n ~ aJrcra t t of the Mia toroe 1:ebe loeded with .2 1.1.76 incendlo.ry bombs ( f und Insi:uto.aeoll ' DO" ...DOn-delay 1:0.11) and IlS 500""P0und ~ . n e r l l 1 - p u r p o boIlbs (1/100d810.y nose. non-4elo.y to.11) as tea . ib le . lo.t ter ... ooualdere .the IIO.t et(801:1," h1gh-exploai'16 weapon beclUlee priDo1pal ))1.l1141.-In the t e . r ~ . t areo. were or norau 5pClJl lUld not 8 llb je ct to ap. . . . . lee:collo.pu. The 1/100 delo.y nolle fusing wa.a to ll.tto.ln be_ bur . t . eto 8 foot the roof. thereby 4 & l l 0 . ~ 1 n & both machine. aDd. rtnao ...tures . The 000-4.10.y to.l1 tuelng wo.s selected to obto.ln .c.b bu r . tot neo.r millS o.t trQUDd lovel to obtain mnxiaUli b 'as t . t r . o t on bUildings. Tho W.76 bomb Wil.l chosen b e c ~ s e it bat bel l i s t io qual I t i es sImilar to th e 500.poun4 general-purpose bomb and could be u.edIn mixed loads.

    l . Every twelfth aircraf t wu to oarry a t\t1llood ot M_17 incondlo.r1es for reasons liated. in paro.",aph.l . 1..... Each aircraf t equipped w1tb a I . U ~ 8 0"""was to oc.rry I phototlo.lh 1.1.66 bomb with drD.fl p1&.'U r eao_d lUIel ro leQ u laa t . T i - tuting wall same Q. actual t iae at faU to r !d....plol ive bambi in order to obtain best . t r ike pbotolrspby &Dd to 1J98muilDWII nwnber of bomb bun t s in each picture .L Wina.. uound spsciDl; wae to 1M u." to&1'16 , r es to l t poss ib l . cODcentratlon ot a l l bomb. within t_ t a r p t


    .t. Aircraf ' t were loaded 'to obtain . 'V ' "t o n n ~ of each type o f Ilunitlon oD'"the tarr;et.

    _2 .

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 45, Ocr


    Il l l i l i I(I,) 'eo.11M'" .,.,,.'. . . . . .1. TM 10 patbt 1Dd.r. ot the 3Utb Willi . , .'lLCh to Ibke 3 rWl8 OftI' the t ~ r e e t trCNI d l t r Q ~ f t t 4irlotlonl wit ' 1 a!nuh ln tena l betwuQ .acb planl .1. r.o &1a1R1 point. _ I " ...l p N . 1 i ll t i l t

    ... t p u t ot the t d to t l ' &Dll 1 :La the . . . . t part. All wo n t t . . . . ... oea-on 1ni th} po1ftt (:54/35/3'- .. lS6IS3/00l). a . . of a ' t ta8 ,alt l tude. or t11ght &nil . t tack. aad o c . m ~ n t ot torce. to l l. ._hh of' Attack Al t1td. 0110 Altitude Po. . . .tEAP Q4l hAte pu t - g t We" M,t,.'..... 11 d.gre. . True 4.000 to t$OO eooo to MOO All:n3t.b 32 4 '" Tna. 5000 to 5500 'lOGO to 'ItlOO .&USu,tb 1'7 Del*'ti.. tr.. . '1000 1:.0 1800 1000 to 'NOO IOlC ..

    ... sa Degr Tru. 1000 to '7800 '1000 to 'ItlOO ...h'All 1r1ft1. _1" glftn tho option ot 11ylll& SOO t t on top ot 0_1'-o u t 1t pra.otloabh ll.Dd ' e ahab l . . Orou.Dd .p. . . . . . . . .1.4 be ..aDd 300 .n. . per bDtlI' tor qll10t wltb4raw'l.1 otter NleAd; of . . . .lUId. dr i ly weN MtwHa S to '7 d.poe ' , r l p t .

    ~ The 3lf,th 1flD& aho . . . . 1 aircraftwi tb tI. qud1t1ed eOlllunder who WlUI to aot lUI :l. .....te r or o 1D lIIa.klf1l; o.ny important UlDOunogent. O O D O ' J ' Z l l ~ 108.ot101. In ad41t1oDtbe wu to roby frOID tillle to t iM clolld bu e to p la ne . or the aaiD.torce. fb ie p lan e _s ebo to take pbotopoaph8 or the t a r se t .re. . . .' tthe conclusion ot the attack.J. A.ttack; ... to be IIll1de by indiridl lal IL1rcrat"ttwith 1 IIl1nute i n t ena l between planos. A detin1te radar boabiac n cwu to be a radar point betpre V1s11U correot10n . . . .made.

    RmU:a BIMAna Cor Cbp19'B. . .to1wo Jlmato34/16R - 136/&S/30Eto34/36R ... 136/'-3toTargettotwo Ji_toBlL,e

    lwo Jima, A cbeck polnt tor radio and radar a l b .Lamfall , A ~ o o d u.d . r identif icat ion choCk. PN''''a i t t ins direct aCO." to i n i t i a l point.ha l t b l point In I . p y a B.y. The ~ a di rectroute to the otten a1a1nt; point.Immediate ri&bot turM to be . . .de o tt the tuptto ge t plan.. out ot the Marll)" d . rene . , are .. . . qlllCll:ly u pouib le .1110 J l - . q&1n te be u ..d .... h't ' lpt. i .oDU..obec*'point .

    l . i l !1 I11

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 45, Ocr


    J JR J J I

    (3) FlIck ' " ' 1p 'K1M ",'MICa> PU , " f lap

    .1. SpHlla o i l dtl ' tUllel.... 'o r . . . . .ac ....OJ' 250 IIpb o.l1br.l.e4 a ir ' pHd u pt Ul 'o , ."" r.... tarpt . .qUiCkly .. po..nh/ . '" pI tor _zt_ t . l H o d i l l Mt'..,_Blat!" t l 1 p t wu to be by indl rt dual p I.....(ll) l.p14mll1- r..1,. data fill , n "OP . . . .10.. la dleated tha t the aYu-&, airoraf t of t_ 73rc1 aDd S l3 th 'ftDp 4id DDtrequire boIab bay ta.,. Wlftl and onte r wlal t .... wv. to btl ti l l"to oapaoity tor an , ..nee tuel load of MOO pllo. . . . A i n n t t or tbe'14th 1f1n r &II. addltloaal tu l l H U ba,. taDk tor .. tali1 l_or approxi tely 1300 plICDI.J. B eb W I I

    ... 10 ..""_ or 1 I1a t - b o D 1oa4 . .. , .01 t l .4 . .1,"l'as' load tor th e 13re1. u4 SlSth Wlac' 1JIU .at 16,000 poWl4a. _bile to r tbe Sifotb WIns i t .....at1aa'te4 a t 10.000pounda. tbe differeQGe be 111& lIlle to tM :SUt.b 1ria'. 11',,:\,1' th e tar,.t.

    l. Ma\ln1 t l o n 10&4 ... let t te dborn loa

    (& ) RadII' PleMlp"(a) The rldar route , .lected tor th18 low-a1t&tud.,tr1k::. wu ....nU .. l ly tbe a alt to r tbe 2: pur tOl l ' 1aceD41arr . to.cka on JaFya. (Se. Tactical Kinion Repor t . )Jo'. 4.1 aDd ".) .\11runa WIlIro ini t iated on radn.r. A. DeW o r f n t a1a1ng point . the I I D r t beut .~ ottbe i rmer harbo r. wa_ used, The harbor _ho_d up _11 OD t i I 8

    scope. tl.tld thero _ r e many chook point . on i t .(b) Route from in i t i a l point to t a r se t waa a l t e ~ d

    on recOllDendatlon frOlll the Wings (a strai&ht course from in i t i a l pointthrough the oftaet a 1 J l l i n ~ point to the a i l l l i n ~ point . ) to siJwplU'y ott-se t bombirlA problema.

    (c ) In i t i a l point was a d is tl no t i nd en t. ti on o r ImQIsouthwest of the to. rr ;e t on b e Bav.(For detailed radox o p p r o a ~ h e s see Soope Chart RS_19 and Ro.darApproach Chert RA_2 In Annex A.. Pe.rt I I . )

    (5) Rodar Cowrt;er veuulOlI(a) Routine learcb waa planbod tor en . . , radar l iS .nale on fnqu.nole l botwe.n 36 and 3000 by 8 radar ob.erYera.

    (6) Air-Sea RoSCU!! Planolp, lc.) The Bavy ... 1'uJ'ni.hed. 11'1 th d eta il . or U. u.-aion and . . . . r.quut:ed. to furniab u'1LU.ble facUl t i e s for a ir . . . . . . ,",a_

    cue ~ u r p o a e . . Fac i l i t i e s furnished. folloYI


  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 45, Ocr


    J. fIIrtI. DaM &1....1.... _re . . .1p * I ..t t l l tollow1q, pO'lUon., WOOl . 131/001 41&1'''' t iM .r n t v at l ip t . II/OOB 1 & ~ : J 0 I troa &&IOOOZ tllltll e&4 .r wd. . . . . . J l / - ~1/001 f ro. 2421001 waUl .ftl1 ot . h d on

    .1. 81111' ..c. . . . . . .1 n . . . . . . ~ 1 tor tbe entire . i n ion at le/OOI lWsC8 . . .,.. . . .t "0 l1 I 140/008 t 2401001 qU I asoeOOZ. aDd. .. 4eltro,-...1001"t . . . iI/GOlf 1404/00& dl,lrlng the . " t l rlIlloD..J. Thne c r b boat. w r l "& ' 1 0 " . dlll'1IlC t.r l t i cd t& ..... 1&D411l1 t l 1 h , Jlt&101... ..,. 1 1:IeftMaSaipGD aJld tWan. , aDd 1 .out t of IOPtb P'18ld a t au...

    (b) tb l l C - . a 4 ....&U4 I a...... . u p l__to arbl t th e tol1owiq podUoa,1 11/001. ta l tu . f ' ro . 1&1'- a tU241'1.501, udi 140/301 fro. 1&11:501' uU I aonoz. . . . . . . ..... on crowd a l . r t tl'Oal 1607S0I IIIltil .ad of mllIOD. (1MAnnez A, Par t V. to " d . t a i l l . )

    4. Art l l l . pC Plnapla ' - Igte l ] I I Igp"(1) ep.... Air Cfro llt1 oa r O eD .rd lDW111p...........

    lndlcat3d there were ll.t aaxllU.U1 180 l ingle.enslne Upun u 4 " tw la-enpne a i rc ra t t in Ill. 50-ail . ud lu and 252 . in, ;l. . . . ngine t l p t e r lazd. 64. t w t D _ e n ~ i n G aJrora! ' t In Q. SOO al le rd i l l l . P u t .xpert in dicated 'thllre wOllld be .oae nlgh't OPPOIlUOD I ro . t w 1 D _ ~ l n . p i. . .o.nd po" lb le do,yl1ght. a iuPe-enpne p l an e . soll1'chltpt c O l t ~ t l O 1 1 1 1 .However. the.e ha.d proYed inertect lye, and 'DeaF ai rcraf t coe-l r a t l ~did not onter in'to pl ..nning for tb t . ml' l lon.

    (a) Beqvy;.to GUM r Jqoyll. "as clefeDllled by 200heavy gW\l. pre.ctlco.lly a l l of "hich were within r ~ ot our al roraf to.t sOllIe t1ao. Beuy f l re aleo f t l upected troa lh.1pping In Ja&OY&and l ie B q . . Accuracy of t i re lias expectad to 1JIIprove en tbl l .1aIlea.tha ' third .1111la.r .a- ike on Ba,;oya.

    (b) 4utogOt1p WllpoM' There weI" approZl. .' t e l ,110 automatic 1fOo.pOl\l in the A1tholl&h they bad not beaD a aQ.jOl 'def'enae weapon on proY10ulII lI i..10*". the i r f1ro ft. expec'ted. 'to bemora effect1ve i f . c a r c h l i ~ h traCking iaproyod.

    (c) S'orCh11rbt" Approxiaately 54. lea rcb l lgh t . bedbeen ropor ted in the area. and an additional 30 had been reported ~ illong the l ! J ~ r o s or 'z10 S ~ . Senrchl1gh lIN'8otlyeneu on the aeoobd.Jfa.goyo. &1..10n tWi 1110_ l I I 1 1 ~ t'O'f8..n t o_r th e U r n . I r too4lI'Qll.t.hOr oondltionl 6z1lIItocl, blllttor .eetObll&ht tro.c1dD ft.I ezpeoted. . ..

    d) BarrA'! Bll lgoNI Three or . . . . .r r a r balloonsflyinr; frola 2000 to 5000 feet were reported ott paat Kacoya Ellsh' .uu.:_,bu1; bOl!I of. th... we .. . on the propoaed &%SA' of attack r r. . J"" B.., tbIo 'ta.rr'--.-

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 45, Ocr


    l 1R l l 1(e) Ia'pt; RP l t a , lM '

    .L SlDlM t b h . 'tr!Jet . . . . . r ~ t e ' l 7 . . . .. . . . u t . or,ct ... tb I other muloD' , dro r . r t _" IDRnaOtet toboa froa 6500 to 9600 h.t aDIl IlMllnd.. . .1 a1J'cl' l lt t _roe nar ,pn ' 1 .D.1t1twt. betwom 'Mi,. op t a - l1al t t . n. 1Datruot:lou ..n . . . .OQ tbe tollowtll l 1'-..011.,

    . . . An 1DCre ptroea.taa- et won t ,lolJ't aDd d a a ~ o d d u to ut ia1rcraf ' t 000","4 In t t . FlOI' I . s a -.10DIII I 11-11 tlarob. 6.95 ptr celltl aD4 ...,.. 11-18 lllu'ob,V." p er c en t.

    ..1nore. . . . 011 a rep ted ph.D of .lDtla1rOft!'t . t t . o t t. . . . . . .attack...._to

    , i . Chaar tro. ,ro,o... u ta ot ..ttao1l: tape.dbl . beO&I,I,.... &ODd: radar rub OD 'toM tarS.t wu nec...ary.J. J-. ....0140d tbat airorld't bre . . , . tothe o u t ud. .ou.tbe...t followln,; bea'bl away to p10 Ol l t or t _ ~ n 1 ) oclet'lIIhc! area. At l .bd ' , eael. ' or TOJOhaoIb1 abll . . . . . . .

    'W'" to b . aftl ld.d.3. IJRilI'UOB OF THE MlSSI(J1I

    I . . takp:arr I TIok ott . . acCOllplllbed . . . pi. . . . . wtth U .3l t th WinE'. 20 pllthfln.cln al'ld pln-poiDt.1nt; DJrorat t l ' a r lD prlO1' toother &1roratt. ACtual t.lee_ott __ iU toll0W81- We e,trbgnw '{tit we lH t ;Nc7>,.. '22 OT36' "4"313th ... 07202< ....,314th 50 0652% 01411= Bomber COIJIIo.ndTot&1 251-, 0652Z 084.71 t l ~ r e I n c l ~ e . 2 Super Dumboa for . the 73rd Wins aDd 1 obs.r_T ~ t l o n photo .ls110n 'master of coroeonie. ' to r th e 314th WiDg. Wotnke.ofr diff lcultle , were encounterod.

    b. Route Outl NnT1gntlon on the route out wa. relatIvelyeasy because of Loran and good emooth celestinl ..atber with few cIoadSOllie l ight rain ebowt" were enoounte1"fld. but landfal l Wal olUllyident1fied. Radar wa. ulod for p l 1 o t ~ . . Tho wind wal brle t .4 .310 degrees and 35 knots,

    O. Over tuntl(1) Priaarv T.r .e t l D1fflcultlel encountered oYertar,;et were IL l rollow.1 Gloude _ "0 41110 atro.tocuau.lus. bu e 3000 t - t .tops 7000 to 6000 foe t i '-.:llte reduoed r t l l b lU ty f r o . IS \0 2 .U . s . ,

    poor l ighting by t h ree hindered bolllbard.leril and blxlbarcliere ..deerroneous eon_cUen. on incendiary b ~ tha t brad DOt beeD dropped 01't t . L r r ~ In a l l , 126 o. lrorJ ' t bombed by radar aDd SJe lIaIle 'f1.aIl&lrele! l l lel. dropp1h 1507.6 tona ot bolllbi 011 tho tarf;et f ro . 15001 to1617Z a t altitudee racsing f roa 5650 to SJeOO feet,

    ...IJlQ.8.l iI

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 45, Ocr


    . I l J l l JJ I(2) Lyt Blur t Tvn " Thr.. drora f t ot * -,art . . .

    (lnoludltlr; 1 th:\t alao bo.bed th3 prl..,.,.> '608 t'0J'0kUId I Idap.t l"Oll 16041 U lS60Z at al t i tude. , . . 0000 tG toGO te '" S7.ton. of s-neral-pu.rpo.. aDd 1 1;on or lllO. . .Uar i

    (3) THa t a pC Oppg r t an " l J l ODe d rp l... o f tM 3lft l lWins boMoti an llJlbcnrD t a r , . t at cut unkDowD 1:1_, dropplDl S.I toaI 01lenera.!-pW'po .. boabli and. ooo-balt tcm ot 1...1arl...(4.) Twnty_two aircraft _ro _D ..t teotlf t_ 'o r . t aU8,.e . OODaolldate4 Stati.t!o.} ~ ~ I .

    d. BCIIW a'MiI I. seDinal. a ll aircraft re1:anlld to . . . . .IDll1 r lduallJ by t b t .bort. . .t roote.e. LepAap" "'.I'orart of tile _10 foroe lU l l.. at . . . . . . . . . .1004 . . . .ther o_ltl. . . . t o l lon l

    . . .rdS13tb:5140\11Total


    l e a . NOau1011'. -10-

    fl . lQuaal ' 1 " drc ra t t were 10at OD th ia _h a l _ ..followa I S ll.I It. reaul t or unlmowo rn.Oft.; 1 en rcute to t l l f 'p t "'Ito.n enr;tnlll ClI.ugblJ t i re ( 4 1 t c b 1 ~ ) ; IlDd 1 over the t a rp t du.. w lUlU..a.1rerllft. (fb8 tonnagu of S tire included. unde.. " r l u r , . to r , " , ' an41 uodor 'To.rgeta or Opportunity' . '&. Ooou t10Ql S "mNry l

    ( I ) I n h ' o t iQn l See Annoz A to r Dorle-ClUOD track Ghar" .(2) Bspbin,. n . dit t '1eult iu encountore4 o..r thO t a . r ' . ~Hsted 1n. Pt\rll4;rnph 3 c ( l ) . broug}lt forth tbo follo.iQ& C ~ . n t l l l aDdconsidera.tionll for tuture operations I

    (a) Bocnu8o of the l iai tod fio14 of villon of tbebocbaigbt tolesoope, i t l UIO tor this typo ot n i ~ h t bomblac ~ ~ . r .od. I t is thought t h ~ t the use ot the re t lex optiCS. no. en ~ o u t e tothis C O I D D I ~ n d . mOo)' pouibly havo r6Sul tod In bottor bombing.

    (b) Mor. effective tlll'get 1111._innt1on _thodlll . . .nnoodod. Some methods luggested follow 11. ' In te l should be relenled not dlreotly OYerth e t a r ~ e t but p e r p e n d i c u l ~ to tho nxl1 of attack for eilbouottlnca.nd botter lighting of tho target.B:. TeB.lllS of " lhould be uledith I

    o D . r r y 1 ~ incendiaries and flares to l ight up the t e z ~ e t for th e o t ~ r3 o ~ r r y l ~ h i ~ h . e x p l o l i . e bombs.} . Flares s ~ l d be on the l a . t .tattoD o r . ~

    n i r c r ~ t in order to l ight th e target for I u c o e e d l ~ pl.-e

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 45, Ocr


    ~ J l t l J l

    (0) A I lajer 41u4Y1lntqe ot Qt. 1no" ' ' ' ' ' ' ...-.for ta rse t lIU't11l1 . . . . tbeir MiDI ellplo,.4 .. a1alDl paiDt. . . . . . . .they _ re Dot pl.oed OD tt. ~ p t .(el) I t 18 po ib l . that b." .1 ' boall:la& 1'. .II1U . .w

    hAft been obtD.lned by puttlDS & l a r p r nWllber or ai rora t t ewer tbli tarset in t iM In order to reduoe tbll lllll'urlDl ot 't"1.1WlltJby 811011:0.

    (a) lp i t .1 t l Qryi", Alti tude. aDd. ape. t low. oath o 1ll1thl 01'1&1.. _1'0 u planned. . . .U CL1routt oU._1111 to dS-"o.ltitu4.. between toGO ll.Dd 15&00 t e n s - 41a t e l r - 'WI ' t8Jr..-ott. !'b1.proced\U'e pro""d to be o in ...1 " to pre...lou 1Ii loMhll'f'll\1 0. 'ftIJ'f 10.. alti tude in i t ia l orllhe. I t .. ~ prOYide. p"oowrOrew oc:af'ort. bettool' DllY1ptlon, aDd inona"cl eGtw, . 1'!t1. 111..1 _ph.n . . . . I\nOthw pbue or the teat . belil l OGDl!uoted . , . t i l l . em . . . .d.otend.DlI 'be.t proo.cbu'e tor .u:1_ ,..1 . o o ~ . 10 . l _ a t e or151'0". _rei . . . . . .bled dlu1D& tJIe I Ib l lo. .

    (11) CUM to bou l e ,U l t u4 , . f t.. "..a i r t .bo.bins l11t1.twfe oU.1I '1f\t'lecl po.atl) ' . lace . . . . , tJPN or prooe4UU_1 ' 0 u el.

    (0 ) Cnda W tvnS ' Very I"" poweN ' " . . . .quired to obtn1n max1mum r a ~ 1 Ipood 1n the oruiao pr ior to . tart1 tho bomb1ng nlfto tho .o.pprox1ma.te o...crt\V' p01ll!lr ..ttl . bal. 8)00rpa and 30.6 lnchea B1arUfold praUl,I.rl. A"orQe JKlW'Sr 88tt111& " 'ql l i , . . .to 250 IIIpb ctl1ibr..tect .0.11' speod on th e boui\1& NO wnl appror l .IIl:\te1y 2350 rpm ond 41 iochoa of B1Mito1d p"uve.

    (d) Bqturn tp By l l 1B neo.rly tl.1l Olllle., r . tumato b ~ a o _I"e mt'.ds tl.t sooo to 10.000 t so t U,fttll tlpproxiJllntely 1 hourfroc the" ban whore le t downs a t a.pproxiaately-l00 tN t par Idtw.U .., Pue1 cOIlllWllption data Ind1c..h d returns tl.t SOOO t eo t ga_ boattuo1 economy.

    (0) COlpogtl on Mloalool.1. The 73rd Wine (S3.1p@) co.rriod th e t r eowat

    :'."1'::.&0 bomb loo.d to Jo.p:m to date , 1 6 , ~ 5 7 pound.. Tbo 314tb ..."looated on Guam, loaded 4 of i ta bet te r a1ror- . t t with nppro:dm'\to1y17,000 pounds of bombs and 6750 gallone of fuo1 (othor a 1 r e r r ~ t onrrled7400 gellona of fuel ~ n a ~ p r o x 1 m Q t o l y ~ O O O pounda of bomba.' Tho ..cJ.rcrtltt COllpleted the . h a i on nod returnod . i th nn Ooverpgo ot 846go.llone fuel reaerve, only 141 gOollone bolow the 314th Wing D . " ~ ~ .This provod ta i r ly oonoluslvely tha t bomb l o ~ s abould b . vo.rl.4 withlndividual a1rcrnt t and crew capabil i t ies

    .J. For ruel oon.aumptloc a.Dd wleght, Consolida.ted Stn t l l t lco l S ~ O o r y . A n ~ x S. For ver t icnl plo t . fuelconsumption. nnd histor icnl recorde, a.o ~ n n e x A.

    (4) ~ (See Annex 1.., Pa.rt IV, for detnih .) Poortarget i l lumination i n te r fe rod g rea tl y with bombing adjuataente.(s) Guooery: CPC aqupll11ent Ilnd . S O ~ l l l 1 b e r lie-chino , were elloh 9g per cont operlltive ...


  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 45, Ocr


    J1SlJl lJ'(15) Mr-St, h , c ' I '1.. aircraft . . . repo.... --_one belleftd a t . . . . . SeOal&&. of' IMutt1oha.t lntoratloD 1:111 by Super Dlabo. u 4 DuabN ... WI.QO tu l .

    h., " . th l r a (See Annex B, tf1r A-ta111.) ",t"l' It.lOU_n UlIlOlt al l predicted. CoD41t1ou wer. po4 tor take>-ott laD4-In&. altbouSh the 3Utb '!'ill& IDDGuntered U p t raia OD 1 _ 1 .. d a.-.

    1. CowpplPet1pD'1(1) Bad" Coypt" Mp"unl l (S........ c, Pan J. to rdetaU_.) SeU'oh , . . .ul t . iDd.lo,ted l . rdar-ooll t l 'ol l ooardJ.....

    , t ion between anthl rora t t aDd. . ..rcbl lp. ta aDd . . ld r ioa ta ..Jf'. . . . . . .1111 Det oper-tiDI al0D& oou t trOll o..Bb1IIa to D&1o 1*1 .(2) .BIIUaa (see Annex C. P,r t I I , tor 481;,11 ) A. totalof 21 .trllce report.. a re trlLUaitted &Il4 r _ eh . . . All 15 " ....U1to r bearlR&1 _1" obtnln-cl.

    j. Ip t t lUURA' S u e , "(1) b u y 411' Oppgl11;1qp' (S.. Aml. D. h r t t . to r

    d . ~ l a . ) Air oppodUon WQ.8 aUght , ODly S ..t taoa " l a c . . . . . . . . . .r .1 or t he -.1u1n& 11_251 1 , ...,. baTe beeD )o . t to eDeay &1ror!\f't.'"}(Soo 4Umez O. Par t I I . to r det..11I. btio. . lrcra. tt def'ea... aDd .elU'"o'"l1!;bte: ..,N 1m" . f foct ive tba..D they hn.d boon on pre"'1ool' at..1oM! api, b h ta.rget. Thero _roe lll).Dy report4 or rocket ac t i n ty .(3) 8 o m b ~ M RCllulH pM DlIIIon . lu. . . .Atl (See ..tau D.

    Po.rt I I I . for d.toJ.1I. He... to prlm:u"y tllJ'!;et to ta l led oaly4.5 per cea't of 'tota.l reof a.rea.. O t ~ r dQaOot;e lrd'l1c1;ed fel low. I(0) To.rr't 196 - OMena. Pa.ctory. JD&OYll Ar.eIUl.I ..39 b U i l d l ~ s delltroyed.(b) Jlfll,f;OYa. Pottery "ork. , reportedly connected toChigusa. Fc.ctory. Ntl!;oyD. Arssnc.l .. 22 buildings (90 per cent ot pbn t )destroyed.(0) Tarsat 254 _ Ultsubishi Electr ic Maaula.cturlft1Co. .. 502,000 fo . t d ~ e d .(d) Tarset 200 _ Torillla. t8u Fa.otory. N ~ o Y Q i.:. . .el1Gl 5 buildings destroyed.( . ) l ur eha Tex ti le lUll (reported IlllUlltiou plant of 10 build ing . d .st royed.( f ) Allasb1. Pottery 'fork... Entire phn t ot 15 buUd-ing. dsl5'troyed.(s) J . .. dQlllD.t;e In nor tbeu t se otlo n o f Ha&OYo boota. llod 5.053,000 IqulLN' tee t ,

    ~ [ ! : f . ~~ j o r Goneral, U.S.A,



    -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- ----



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    ,- : ; : A - ; : ~ ~ I - - - -

    Iwo Juno I\ ..-\ I, I\1

    III I___ +1 1

    ....,I 7 3 ' 2 " ' I 0 4 ~ 2412071313- 241 241:461314-241030 2411101~ Tit GET I

    LOst I3-2414m 2416OT!l ~ : U I ! . ~ i U \ , ~ \

    y, OYO_-I'-"I


    , -'II.,..

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 45, Ocr




    ~ o


    ,..00 '




    ...'0 '



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  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 45, Ocr


    Ciani ~ I

    ,T!S : ..../ ~ iMAl8 2 S " 4 4 { ) " ' r , h : - ~ , l . . . . , ..-....--+---;.--.-. ;--I----t--j---j ! h .: !. ;4"ITtlPE :: I \ i 1: ; :2()(J{){) : . - .. 1-.. , , .. i. . j .......j.. . . . : ~ . -;.- ,-.. - .~ L " ' " 1! ~ t 4 " " ,; : i . ! ; i( '" C// !!. 'I ' ; i 1 j :/S'()(J() ..__..--i-_..-. - ~ f ~ ~ - - , " " , , - - ~ __-!__ _ - - t - - - - ' + - - r - - - " " - - - ~

    ; ~ : : - - - j - - l - - - - f - - l - ' \ L - - J - - - ~ - - - - l - - - !--l---


    ,,i ..,Y / ' ~ W ; . v $ . 1 1 ! j ! i ; _ t - _ _ - ~ _ _ - t - - - r - - - - - T - - j " " - - ! - - - r - - - ~ - - - FUEL I , . , , i,i, ;R E J ~ Y I ( ) { ) o - - ~ i ; ; , . ; - ; - l - - - : + ~ ~ i _/ i,~ p ~ ) 8 0 0 1 ~ * . , ' " , :; ! 1J'f'p' 4;'/V&:- i ! i : :

    6IJD __ - t _ - - + , - _ 1 _ _ ~ _ - - - + _ _ ~ - - - - ~ l - - - - t - _ - 4 - - .' I ! j ! i i i i ~ !,:Iii! II!,WEAl) /61)P

    I I (FUEl.RErEA'II $tKJ(IIIK/PIr) 4f(1j1

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 45, Ocr


    l i Q A . n .P4BT IV IWlIJ!

    1. &mlgxpeptla. 6IJ+PQ-15 (Blind Bo;bipr)

    (1) The b ~ . l c plnn fO T tho Mission celled for a radar npproach to viaull.1 bombing of the primo.ry to.rget. The radar Tun was plo.nn. 4 with which could be employed for a radar release i f weather cond1t l o n l _ r e poor. b p o r t . indioate thnt bolllb run. b e ~ n by rndll.T and thenObanS-d to Ti,ulI.l were forced to revert again to radar due to d,r icieno18a 1ft the technique tor illwdnll.tlng the tnrgot. Corlf'udon lfll.' causedin s a . . on by d i f f i c u l t i e . 1n adjusting the bombing technique tol u i t poor tlU'got conditions a t the lIlinute. The plnn WI1.5 to i l1walDO:tll the to.rgllt lU'eo. wit h f lo .r e. llnd incendiary bombs t o r vi.un} r 8 lense . Only ge out of 224 o.lrcrcU't mado viaunl r e l e a s e . ,

    (2) Or U ndll1' wind runs the devia.tion from averwind . a s 12 degreo. and 10 knots.

    (3) Radar I"l;lngG 0.1: l a n d f a l l wo.l bet-sen 50 and 80 nc:uti-

    b. SCR ...118 lRAdp.r ,UtiJl\9terl ... Normal,o. SCR-62S (m) ... Norml1l

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    ' (.... , , ,... Port YAir-Sea Reacutl. secret-,0- "'. I ~ ~ I I ,, I I i) ) '1..-..1:\ ;1 l./ MISSION NO. IIf - - MTE g M q ! ! ; ~ ~: / O lu l4 XXI BOMC(;M. 0 '?" AIR SEA qESCUt.. ':i' ~ S L _ - .L- . Tol,o ( ...-:;; - __ IM '''I.. Lomucllino :.-. _\ 0 - ...,..", ..11"

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    !fEiJHER SUMMt;RXMilltion No. 65

    PLbNNlNG PORECAStForeOQ.8t 0400Z 23 Mo.rch 194.5

    Da.te 24._25 Uo.roh 1945

    8Q.8&1I1 G\lIUllI SCllttered lo'tlt' clouds bll.8ell 1800 f t l ,cQ.ttered lI.1ddleoloud. . Light to IIOdera.te Ihcwor. 'bot:ween 0400Z to 1200Z.

    To 23 OW 1 SalIIlI u Sa.1pnn,231 to 27)11 9/10 CwaUlUlI, bll.SIIl 1&00 f t , tOPI 7000 f t ,10/10 altocumulu belle 10,000 f t , top 14,000 f t l 5/10cir , . . base 25.000 f t .270B to :sooBI Solid in 10"rI to 28.000 f t .:sooll to COll4tl 10/10 cumulul. bo.n 2000 f t . top 7000 fi;6/10 altocumulus. ba.e 12,000 f t . tops 14.000 f t j 6/10cIrru bQ.llo 25,000 f t . reduCID& gradually to coast .Tokyo 1 3/10 Cuau.lU8, baae 2000 f t . top. 4000 tt; 1/10II1ddle, bll4e 12.000 f t , top 14,000 f t , 5/10 c1rru. , bQ.u30.000 f t . Middl. and high clearing after 1300Z.Ro.soya.1 3/10 middle, bue 7000 f t . to , 10,000 ttl ~ 1 c i r ru . in ~ r n 1 n g only,OlakQ..xob., 6/10 cumulus. base 4000 t t , topa 10.000 f t ,

    OperatI0h81 atTak.-ort. Oudl 5/10 oWllulull. base1800 tt, top 7_9000 f t I 4/10 :::1.1 to_ouaulu. , baa. 1&,000 f t , l igh t show_....So1pan-T1niul 4/10 oWlllllu., bo.ae1800 r t , top 6000 f t , vis ibi l i ty 15.11.. ,a....GIRl to . .OWl &-6/10 Oall lua. 'base1800 t t , top 6000 ft. Vi. ibi l i ty 151111.., . .OW to nOJr. 1/10 o\aU}ua.. . . 15DO t t . top eooo t t t 8/10 a1 to_eaaa1u, bu . 10,000 t ' t , top 12,000f t , Rain .bDwer. r a d u o l ~ yle ibi l i tyf ro . 10 to I ub11'0J' to TaI'S 't. 8/10, b u . lOOO ft, top 5-6000 t t lt l10 Illtoou-.lld1. __b.. . 10,000 ft, top .18,,000 r t , to SO.... Vldb iUty 10.u ...TaI'r;et. tIlo lItr.toC . .Il1W1, baa"SOOo f t , top 6000 f t , v idb i l i t y 6-01111", W1nd at 7000 t t l :510 M 1mota.

    L.. -"-'LlL.R I

    Wop.ther Encountered

    GuU I e/IO cWfllt1ua, blUle 1800 tt;7/10 o.ltoatrotu., bue 12.000 f t .Visib i l i ty 12 mi1oa, l ight shower

    SoipQ.n.T1n1onl 4/10 oWlu1ua,baao 1800 f t l 4/10 altoatrQ.tu. ,baAO 12,000 f t . Visib i l i ty 15.U

    To 1BOW, S... cClndlt10aa al lSaipo.n,. laol to 111 I B/I0C1uaulua, ba 1000 f t . top 6_BOOO f't. 10/10 dto . t ro . tua , bu e10.000 f i , top 12,000 f't. L i p tfo.1o. I l lOf tn l e .- ri ft l v i .i b il 1 tyf rca 12 .U to I 1l11ttl.210' to :5311 15-8/10 olm\llua aM..tratoOWIG111a, ba ' . 2000 t t , top6000 r 'tl 5/10 al toatra tu . , bUl'l t L ~ top_ 16.000 t t between.... &nd 3 ~

    ' rarrt.Ar.,.. W10 .... tJ"il,toooWllllua, 'bas. 2000 f t , tOp scoott4/10 ItratooWl&lllll, bo.a.sooo t t , topa 7-8000 f t I .1811111i ty 15 aU beinc lowered. to aailea 10.... ' l iMa a t 7000

    f t l 3100 . t 56 knots.

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 45, Ocr


    l J ~ l l i l

    RouteReturnS " I I

    Some u route o u t ~ l l \ f O .

    8u:o CID.BoWD' Sq.1pI.Q-TiniMI tllC CWIWlUI, b ~ 1 1 2000 f t . to p 6000 f t , vil i_bi l i ty 12 milel.

    SolpOP_%lnlon, t l10 cumulub ~ a o 2000 f t . top 6000 f t . v ia i -bi l i ty 15 milol .

    ~ 6/10 c u m u l ~ a . b ~ a l1200 t t . top e .pooo f t . 6/10 alto_cumulus. b .a . 12.000 f t . Vi. ib i l i ty15 mile . 10werint to 1 milo in ahowor

    Guy, 10/10 cuau1ua. bale 1000 r t ,iO:lo o . l t o e ~ 1 I l U 1 I 1 s . vis ibi l i ty 6 :miles 1!l l igh t

    Wind. 410ft -


    2g0/65 _22300/.0 _12310/34 -e320/27 330/22 03.0/18 5320112 11


    300/60 -17300/35 -10310/30 -6320/25 .2330/21 :5350/18 8:)30/12 13

    2401 _ '013 0 0 / ~ _12300/30 _3310/27 2325/25 3.0/17 8360/19 12s/m 17

    ...; .300/. . . .

    Wind. Alott - Ob.erved

    IOQ/lalW I"

    20/20 -310/17 8aql17 1030/17 1450/17 1865/16 2270/11 ? lj





    .20 .

    111l.l l11

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 45, Ocr


    15 ; 5 =I II


  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 45, Ocr


    , ,"1011 .....,.


    pl'f ONOST I

    1 + 0 0 1MARC I u .s .

    .,'',''''' . ;....',.- '

    .- ,'.

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 45, Ocr



    If'0' if'


    A'C AtA \ ol4oor ' .....~ i tCH ' +.s: \

    .., .

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 45, Ocr


    J I l l J l l 1


    Part I Radar CoQDtel ' . . . .u"... . . .10 11 .. 1ad1o

    ....... .._-

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 45, Ocr



    1. GeMrpll~ Eight RCY S e ~ r c h Air or c/t p ar ti ci pa te d i n and coapletedt h ia _ \eaton . All bcmda t rol l 3& to 3000 .,.. lllobltorec1. R e n l t . ot

    . I a r c h and ene.y aotion i n d i c ~ t e possible coordinatioft bet.een f lakand .earchl ights . signal . indicating radnr-eontrol led e ~ u i p m . n t .

    b. J.. t o t a l of T3 signals WOJ intercepted, bu t a f t e r the e.nUya1ator repet i t ton and _ b i g u it y. t hi s nu.mber wns l;"oaolTea into :56 d i f f e r e n tUr;nnb.o. 10 orfensive counter ~ a . u r e . wero employed

    .e.. BU l l l h of S'!1lcb I0. . Signal. of part1culllJ' i n t e r e s t inhrcepted _ r e QJI tollOWlll

    (1) 3OSq{lS00/.7-.9(2 ) 3125/1275/.7_.9These 2 l ignnls ...ere intercepted en r'lute to thetorgot cDd i n t.he SClllt ~ n e r a l l o c a l i t y on the retlll'D t r i P . !his point

    ot in tercept en route WOJ 33/351 _ 137/10E. The point of interoept ontbo return t r i p wo.. 33/.28Jf l36/20E.(3) 3OiO/2000/3.S; Th1a l ignal l fO,S intercepted a t 34/201

    136/508 otf ~ Zalr:i. Th1a was n di6tine'tly nudible I1gno.l with II.n r y i b S J l l g l d peak pulse.

    (,) 76/-.-/8 34/00N _ 137/OSE(5) 78/--./Sbort 34/0SR _ 136/55E(15) 77.6/2400/6 34/5011 _ 137/AlOE

    Thele Mark fA Kodel 3' re not direot1y 1I..loointe4wltb tlu.(.) . . . ./ . ' 0 /(.) ".1;/000/'.'Tb....... pro'bnble Unrk fA Model 3' 1 11gnah 1n tho

    . . " . U ' f t . . r10k was pn.ra.lly IIOdeute IUld ina.oolU'o.te.'b. Ot;ba,r 11po.1. Ifttel"Ooptod 1D the t 4 r p t o.rea. wen IIIt o l l. . .

    0N'MHrieUpI l,tt[o'9$ LeP'$lpp'

    35/'51 - '30/'"35/151 - 13O/S5I351151 137/151Sf/Mil _ 137/35.S4!361 - 1:s7/S5E

    -..J i l l I J 1

    "ur'"KU'k OBI

    ...-Iiu'k 1 Yod.l IMart 1 Yodll 2Muk 1 rote1 SMark 1 Mod.l 1

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 45, Ocr


    11 ! .U :o. S l s n ~ l a intercepted en route to the t ~ r s e t were ~ follow'l

    CbQlIgtori , t lc ll O 6 / 5 0 0 / ~92.2/...-/00147/_/7 .5eV485/60157/480/6-10170/950/2.2106/4.75/2682.5/480/32fJ/eo/te112/295/480/40&5/26100/810/11.596/350/U.157/ t65/H2

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    3, ' r eguepcie ' l ~ j o r i t y of t raf f ic durin , th is . i , ' i on wa' c ~ r riod out on tbo 7 and 3 maCncycle frequenoies. Thl 11 m e ~ o y o l e frequen-oios ~ r regardld as prac t ica l ly uselesl over the target . At.olphorlcintorforonce was s l igh t and g r o ~ d Itotion Opeffttor. reported only afew incidont . of ~ m m i n g during this mil. ion. r o l l o w l n ~ 11 a p o r o & n t ~breakdown ot t ra! f io per f requency , 64 per cent on 3 IIIOgaoyclOl; 30per cont on 1 mogacyoles, and 6 per cent on 11 m e g ~ c y o l e l .

    4. I I 'n in t iona l Aidsl P i f t un requesta tor Hf!/I1P bearlOl;' .re_ de and a l l _ r e obtained. Six VHF!DP bearingl wer. requOIted and ob-ta ined. The 3l4th Wing reported 1 reque. t for VHF/Dr from lwo Jlmawith Uoel leDt re .u l t . . Homers aM Ran&ea wore ulOd extensively withgood. re lu l ta . IRHO was 11.1.0 used. &wover, lome crOlrll reported th lOWl . t a t lon ft . j__ d 0"''' the target .

    5 . I t t PiaCipl iM a,p4 Security, Tbe 73rd and 3Uth Wings Nlportedgood discipline and securi ty . Only 1 caS2 of an ai rcraf t in t l r for ingwi th another ' . tJolI.MmiSiion was reported in the 13rd Wing. Tho JJ.4thWing reportee that there were no brellche. o f securi ty or dleOipl1no.However, the 3l3th 'll'ing reported thllt airplane commanders cOlIIPlalnedabout the continous ch3.tterifll; on VHF o " r th l target . S a" ra l c ue sot a i rc ra f t ta l t ing to other a i rc ra f t giving alt i tude. cour.e , locotlonwere c i ted with ~ e c i f 1 c incidents. Thore were DO oth . r reports orbNlo,CM. ot securi ty or dlecipl1ne.

    6. Erey t rY_ IU iOAl I Tho tollcrw11l& cllIe. of Interference lUIll~ i n s _ N l eDCountared durifll; th is IIlssionl

    (2 ) U'*bOWII . t a t ion , en t unitol11r;ible ooda a t 164ClZ,' -ar1ft& :see . .V

    CS) Un1deatttl.. BIt was parlio.11y e t r e c t i " f rea 1120%

    tL . 3165 kg ' l(1) Japaneu net

    ~ " 1 0 D o t Bomb. Away report , .call,ed minorBenring 296

    interference during t r an '_degrees trom Saipan.

    . . u ....(I ) Un14.Btift.d OW a t 1335% aDd l56SZ wa. p a r t i ~ l l y(I) St0a4r tODS duria& .ntire mi ion ... very eff.otiYe.(6) Stea47 tOft. plus OW , r epor t.d . .. del iberat e, b1oond.I1i&t1OD at 133SZ.(T) S t 6 ~ toM DIU Clean ot J . ,aa pt atro ...r .. . cou t. . . i IplWOM!tM.(1) l a g i , . j_ins a t 1115% 1a.tinr; fo r & .iute.....

    DOt ...ry .n.ot!YtI.( I) Japane co.- ro ta l . tatloD bloOlC.4 ollt Qrotmll St:attoa

    (S) StatteM1q let ter . ClJIlI! p r o d p e a t 1 7 1 1 ~ at t .v t - eo. to WI'tl: a t rou t t bu.t .. uDAble to QutbeatiG.t.e.

    11 l1.Jl 1 1

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 45, Ocr


    (4.) CW jeJlllllin,; a t l64.0Z wu very eftaot ive.(5) At HOOZ, mr j ... i n _. experienced. Later_ b ~ p ip e J aa ain s eOilpletely blocked out atation.(6) Moduh.t&d. OW tone jaelled fuqueney. When Ground

    StatiOD would dr i f t . atatioD would raturn to frequency.

    c . 11080 IC ' I Beavy atmospheric. during entire mi ion.d. 3990 I e l l

    (1) Serie . or V" a jUllllacl frequeney over ta rge t area.(2) S te ady ton e a t 10lOZ was par t ia l ly offeotiTO.(3) Japan.a . voice t r ~ n l m i a s i o n a wa. ineffacti7e.

    (4.) Saveral CW' trnnslD.iuion. 1rOre ine f foc t t " .o. 74.15 Ic"

    (1) J ~ i n g of time t ick a t 14.00Z wn. reported.(2) Sorie. of VI. were par ti a llY ef fec tive.

    t . 3410,7310,11160 and lC1620 Xea reported negligible jlllllll1nsllnd lnterterence.1 . DlIt ;Qll t Ho 41otre .. or OIIlergenoy t r ~ 1 l I 1 .. iona "Were' r o o o " ~ d

    by tblt QroUlld SUo.tiona during th h lI.1ulon,I. leu_eU MplCupCtioP lI A l/ABI. l: 51 1 fUle blown. IlC=3tOI

    1 brterai t tel l l t operntion_ 3 inoperotive. AIhRJ-ZI 1200lapua lieD"aDtenD.' broten. 1 Qbable to ' . - i tob contTol box to radio operntor1apoa:1t.lollt S l ....ra . t i . . . SCR.-s2l1 1 boperat1" '_ 1 ln tera i t tent opw.I'1lUoa. 1I.:::tI. IS laopttra.t1n_ 2 _ t iCk i . . ~ 3 .w i tobu 1ft. . . . . .U ... 1 ~ l 1 t i e r lDoperllt1n_ 1 .bOrt in t l d l g\lIlDlir', POSition__ 1 1D.toni tul r t lIIlIl 80013'

    ...-I IR l l t

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  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 45, Ocr


    PM! 1 ElfDC!' AIl! OPPOSItION

    1. GeMtll1&. Enemy a i t opp08ition r ,ported was . l i t h t . Howe..r , 3

    8-29'. were 10l t due to unknown CaUleI, at t hen a t le . . .t 1 B.29aay ban be.n los t to enemy aircre,f t . 1finety-aix enemy a i tc r a t twere l ishtedj 3 - . d . 3 at tack. (See A&cutacy of EnRmy Fichte r . ) .b. He B.29 ' . wecoFour bomber. wore cld&t;'8cl. kncwn to be los t due to enellly ai rcraf t .No EVA are olall11ed destroyed or ddage4.C. Ono B29 _I paced for aPproxillately 10 lI.1nutes by anenemy &1rcrart th at a et th e Ale pr ior to l andta l l . In the tarr;et

    arOaearchl1shta 11lwl1nate4 many of the bombere. The ene.y . e e . 4re luc tan t to attaOk"

    2. type of Aircret t Att lpk inu Thre. enllllY a i rc r a. tt . ade thtl 3&ttllCkll. Two a i rc ra f t were :-holly unident i f ied . but 1'.. 14ent11'led aa. ingh .enr ; ine .

    3. ipewy Aircraft Sh:hkd But Mgt AUtckiPII Ninety. thr.e eneeyaJ rc ra f t that did not attack were . ighted. Very few wero pOli t i .e1yidentif ied as to name 2 Tony 1 ~ e k o . 1 I t . i ~ . and 1 Rick. Sevoralwere par t i a l ly IdeDtifled_2 po,sible BettYl, 1 t w 1 n . ~ l n e t ranspor t ,and 1 twln ~ i n e unidentified ai rcraf t with I . twin t a l l . Of the remaind er. 12 were unidentif ied twin.engine" ~ r l I i n g 1 e ~ e n g i n e un1dent i f ied. and 68 were en t Ir e ly un iden ti fi ed .

    " . I nuc t i en l a d Lngl or Attackl Two att.acks c... a t the t a i land 1 ftol l the le f t .s. Meyraqy er EMU PiChtj!!lu:

    a . 10 1_28 b kDOWn to haf t burt destroyed by el1l.,. aircraf t .Pour 1_.'. U.7% or th e to rc e) were daaqed by eDemy &1rcraft and f lak.b. Twin .11 '" a1rcrcf t weN ob rred to be agre he1y

    . ~ . t 1 b 1 a 1.= while i t .. oaugbt in uarOhl1pta o n r the ta rge t .10 tllrthor data i_ obUi_ble . Tbill 8 . a bY be I of the :5 a i r c r a f treporwd 10llt d"e to UIllr:aown hilUS,e. z n .. At Ptg1t01i11t1 So..., tin . . . . . to r the . .ut part . un

    eb l e r n4 . . .. . .r , _e. - .11 caliber traGIr .-UD1t1oD and 80 . tm _re repor ted.. . PMip.. 0. I ....... pace4 tor - ,prodaat l l l l , Ie aiau1luby _ ..., aStOratt Wbloh .llOOI.tnwred tblI boa_r ott tb e oout betOl'e11&Ddt&11. '!be _ . . , d r c r a r t continually bliDke4 t te rwudDt; l l p t e

    dlll'1IlI t h i . tP l l .'b. lm i l tU I One 8_29 ... tollCJW84 lac .n h o . ' the c o u t

    or BoDilbu. bJ aft heII7 a i r c r a t t whioh d1d not attack but whioh t i r edt rae .r .-1lDition t r o . U .. to t i ae .,

    ....J l II 1

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    l ~ J L l l l l

    0. P a l l " I(1) An enemy Airoraft which W ~ off ita pursuit cu r 010aed to within approximately 350 yard. without tlrin&.(2) Another p....d o ~ r h e a d a t 11 o'olock breaklnr; . Xo fire was obrTed.

    froll ..b o n .

    o'Olock. (3) A twin-ansine fi,9lter a paSll between 5 and 6prelling to 500 yard. and thon fading away.C,) An 1Ul1dentithd t ir ;hter ett,rtod II. head_on ..t tack

    pre n e d to 500 yarda.(5) Pour other pal.e . by enemy aircraft were reported.lnoludlns 2 Wlldentit led en y a i r c n f t (near landfal l en Nliolte tobnao) whioh ~ ... coordinated pass but railed to fire when th e B_29IneroQ.lled i t , speed.

    d. Bl1qklpC Licht.:(1) &nel!lY d r c r l l f t which p!\ced. our d r c r a ! ' t t o r 10 II l1nutuoont1nual ly b l inked l 1 ~ u . (Se. PAcine I I . b o v e . ~(2) EMily aircrl lf t cruieing In tQJ'get 0.1' ' ' . bUnked t h81r1IJ1ng l i g h t . o.nd flGollhed cockpit l i g h t s on and off in aome instances,

    V.. r IMy AirenCt Markipc and Lichtl!

    eo S,,[CbllCht,a11!;b1;. only 1 waa attacked.8 .

    " M ev.etIOD.

    AlthoU!;h many B-29', were eaught in ' c a r e b (See 4ccurQcy of Enemy Fighter )8.22 Taptic. apd Plrepqwer I ' Enemv Alrero.ttltemporo.rl1y increaaed power set t ing. were u,ed

    .. w.rkl. or only 2 a i r c r a f t "'f' ob'erved__l TollY paint.A.11..r . . . . 1 twln-eD&1Jle painted blaek.b . MaDy.1. bad U p t a burnins. At hut e wen o b " r - dw i n blu. Up t . In cockpit. aDd 2 with dOM UP1:. burn1ns. Ilany . . . . .repor_d tlo ban I'IIWD& llpu l:IlIMIins.

    11 . 9""" .....PA,"! I I c ump , , " .AlP AIB.m-AIB "Irq

    1. &nnW.'tn'.. J,/J. W.,," . . . . le&J'Ohl1&htl we,. ..,. .rr.oti" tburo OD, rer iou ld..loDa.b. '1". PrlaarJ !upt ... attaoked by',

    (1) 105 J/e or the 13rd 'WiDC_ b.twe'n IS03 and Il501Zr n a MOO to 1200 , ..t , alODl anI of attaok trom JOO to . ,0 I


  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 45, Ocr


    ( 2)7200 to 6700 f t . 71 Ale oron an axis tm 313th " l n ~ between 11505 andof attack ot approxi . . .te ly 320 I 16:i5Z f ro .an'

    (3) 47 Ale of the 314th ~ n between 1500 and 1617Z t raa5650 tt l 9800 ft . along axes of . , " froll 2zO to 320.c. Undere.. t over the t u ! e t . . . . reported by different cr..'. . . Tary1ns froll ' c lear to broken clouds ' to ',1/10-5/10'. The wind .....frolll 265-355 a t le-5e 1lPn.

    "' .r... d. En route to ta rge t , both bea'ry' and lledl\U11 flair: _s encoUllf ro ll b oth shores of the bay and from shipe In the harbor. lIostreported All. t i r e a ll moderate to intense and ,aner . l1y accllrate.e . n r the tart ;et . both heavy and _d iua flak were reported.I t was ~ d e r . t e to intense and ~ s t l y accurato. BottsI' coordinationthan prertoualy wu reported to r t la k and a.rchllghta.t . Three Ale or tho 13rd Wins _ re loat (to Wlknown 01.\&88),

    preaWD.ably over thl:l ta rge t . One A!e of th o 313th Wins .... Io n tof lak. (One otlZlr ditched en route to the ta rget . )&0 Twenty-six Ale of the 73rd Wing. 10 li/e of tha 313th. and10 Ale ot th e 314th ware d ~ by f lak. :Wo.t d u q e ... by heavyf lak f ' r ~ D t . and. IN.'' of minor lUl.ture.11. The ore -n repor ted all. increase in the nWllber and effec-t ivene of searchlights over Nagoya and on both .1des of th e bay.

    About 30 S/La were reported on each side of Ise Bay. and as many as60 S/La In Rt&0ya. Pifteen blue be8.lll8 _ re observed a t SS/04lf ... 136/SS8.

    1. A red f lare from a ship in Ise B see..,d to have beenueed u a . i tn al f ot SlLs. This na re . . . . observed at about ISOOZ .1. One barr.,;e balloon wu obu rnd a t 4.OOO_S000 f t . on tbe

    north shore or Atswai Rif t r near Ta.ara. apparently loc"ted o'fer "h.rce oonl'truetion projeot . Four bar rage b"Uoons were reported " t tbanO! ' t .u torD o4p o th e ci ty near the target a t SOOO-6OOO f t . Four~ r w re s..o a t ~ p r o x 1 ..tely SOOO f t . on r . . .&Oya Cut l e . Oneother h ..l loo..... reported a t 3000 f t . a t e u t oqe of 'the City lars- park.

    k. SIIOP pota wen un bu.rn1nc ne..r 'the J.1cb1 Plant and I" -00 ' t i n s . . . . t ot t _ target Pour bllJ"&e' weI'. reported afire1D. the b., . south ot tM dookl.

    .. ORr ! dUg s D ",. hui.. action by d l r hNn t AlC f t r i .4tra II04erate . . . .81 " actiOD af ter tto.'bs ... . . , to sharp turD' to l e t taDd ript b . t on 1:bI ". . I 'Wl .. Chu r l 1D course &D4 al t i tude a t te rbe-btl . . . .r. "tn or..s prooM4ed aa tu north ... Iohinc.1:ra to &.014S/JA aDd t l i lk OD withdr ..wal fro-. tile tal ' s" .

    ... 10 dr-to....t.. "'-bias . . . . reported.b . j , "UCN bal l o f tin ebout IS lacb.. in d l . - t e r ' f t_ ob_rw "" '1" JIa&o:r's. IlOrlq upward a t appron_tel , . 7&0. ' I re burnedout a t 1000 t t .o. OJ.... aad n4 f l ube__ re seen on r l a rT ' " pD"ib1y 10

    - - . r a t e rookew... ...


  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 45, Ocr


    of tho

    d. Six w h i ~ bul la of f i ra were seen to oome ~ from K ~ ~ o y ~ .e. Ground.to_air rockets w&re reported ~ followa the e r e "3l3th WingJ

    (1) 1 ut Okmda and 1 ~ Toyohmshi, Theae roae to eOOOf t . before burnin& out and had a red flame.

    3-4 in the (2) Dorer l I a ~ o y a . 2-6 _ re reported near R a ~ o y t l . Caat le ,southeast par t o f town. and 3 nel1J' the tarrt.t . Crew, of the 314th Wing reported t

    (1) Pive pou ib le rockets o n r J f l . ~ o y a and 1 nes.r Ham_atau..

    direc t ly(2) AlC 44-697'761l1:Jon Hori Cll.DIll.(3) AlC -24833EaCh volley contained

    reportod rocket s t i r ed in bursts or :5reported 3 Tolleys ot rockets over the5 rockets which rose to ;000 f t . and

    Date l 'lownl 25 Ya.rch 1;4.5

    (4) AlC 44..069677 l ighted OTer tfa&Oya 2. or :5 poulb1eroclcot, which resembled go.s o;tplosions. The burs t , _ re reddish.o r Q h ~ O a.Dd tar b r i ~ h t e r than All. f i r e .

    &. WC 44.69696 obsorved II . greyiSh bo..ll of t i r e about theslzo of a .oocer bal l passing below tba AlC in the target area.h. Short ly a t te r having tba ta rge t orea, 1 crew a1ghtedpboaphoru. bombs or rockets burst ing a t 7000 f t . direc t ly behind theAle, l o a v i ~ a huge white puff with streamars. Thia projecti le wae

    boliOTOd f ired trom. the ground.i . Rear l and ' , and a rod bnl l of f ire was aeen coming up

    f'rClll below by 1 craw.

    PiJlT I I I - ptH5gs MSSMEIft REPORT BO. 27t 'U"pt ","a . ..COY ..

    'ti.NJlTS. 193, 196, 100.as4.1 ltJREIlA TEnIlS KILL.ASASBI POT'IERr wtIllS AIDR.OOY. CITY.Alt1tQ4e " ' .000 t ee t

    Thi. rtlP01't ..." .... dalIage to the aboTe Uated Ulrpts r a ,u lUncbo a m B ~ b e r ae-anll t ion 45, 14.1l6 March 19&5.".4aap to iurt IItS totals abeat 173,500 ' ll. f t or 4.5%of the to ta l root an a .f l Ir 1lIIUI1>e....4 t a r p t a _ r e daaete41 t indu , t r ie , withollt t a r p t~ ..1oD& with about 8,000.000 ' l l . ft or 183 acre, . or urblUlarea la laao p City _ re de,troyed.,

    .U. l l J l l l

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 45, Ocr


    (All numbered and annotated referonoes in this report arl keyodto piotures In this aeotion.)TARGET 123 (35/11R _ 136!S7E) Ultsublahi Aircraft E n ~ l D & Worke


    DestrOY'ldStructural d ~ Superf ic ia l d ~ a g oau. . . .lUnor

    SQ. FT. OFRO

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 45, Ocr


    UlM:ZU'IOI OF - . D . . . l l . ~ Q I

    SIID.-.rt.!cl1l.1-.. la ......loat...... .1411_.

    (5 -L ' To.llnlli..l!II1d.L.IIlJUnidgnt

    .. & 1 i ~ m 1 :[11 H II I 11i1"" ... . !o ..II>' " m... '".. '"... ~ ' ' n Untdcntlfle-t .. " 8'7,100 i,BOO 62,:500 14.000 113.4.90

    Rote. See reference eo tor abovo building n ~ b . r a . func tions . a reas. etc.RoferenoOI "0

    b.CIU Industrial Report No, 2 -27 Fobrunry 19'5CIU D ~ ~ a , o mont Report No, 22 21 March 1945

    Ret_reDO. Photop-apbylP"'ltt1lce.

    'o8t-atr1lce.3PRSU 73-21 38-4.1, JR. 40-42, 3Ll 4 1_42:sFB5II liI6.3. ~ 3 !PR511 S 1 S 1 ~ 2 1 26 ..27, 3R. 3 3 ~ 3 5

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 45, Ocr


    B cent ral po..rt65% dLlllA&edDirect h it on 51:corner - 3e% damage.7 : ( of W end ofroof removed pr iorto II'trike.80% of roof romovedprior to s t r ike

    -ond (38%) ofbuildin& damaged

    1000 aq. f t . orRW corner daao.ae4

    Dpacr1pt1pDProbllhle machine Ihop 78,300Iq. f t . (Ref. fl.)Boiler houe:e - 8,500 sq. f t .(Ref. 0.)

    U n i d e n t i f i ~ d bui1din&. alsomb1ytype, 57.000 sq. f t .

    llachine shop - 62.600 sq. ft .(Ref. a'Unident1f1od buildln& - 34,000 sq.f t .

    Unidentif ied bui1din&. 31.000Sq. f t .

    2 b\l lldi rl fjS, 290 ' ::t 210' and210' z 120' - 90,000 aq. f t . t o t a l Deatro,yedOpeD a t o r ~ Greo., 13.,000 Iq. f t COQtaill11l1 2 bIllldin@;l.38,000 aq. f t . t o t a l neatroye4


    '01lIb1. lIMlh1ae ahop 87,000_q. t t l.....J" naY;9F



    Ana No




    AIIIItereooe. a. T o . r ~ t IntonDo.tion Sheet Woo 90.20-254-11. Wa.sh1nr;ton D.C.,S January H ~ 4 5 .b. AAF Air Objective Folder 90.20 _ July 1944Reference photO@;uphyl

    Pre-a t r ike . 3PRSIi 96-31 34POlt_atr i te . 3PRSU 99-2. 26. 27 _ 3R. 33_35 . . 3PR&II "-3. SO'Ollt-atrlk.. 3PIt5II "-I. , Ml .. SL. H


    'URQU aoo (3S/13R - 136/588) 1'or111lQtlu Fo.ctoty. N..&Oyo. Areenal.en, Ip .

    t'o'baJ, root .,..... 1,101,000 -ca. t t .total root an .. 4- - .pd or dtroye4. 16,000 aq. rt.'.ro_at or total root . , .0. duaqe4 or de. t royed. 11..te,....... ... AJ7 Air Ob jeo th e r o l du 00,10 - JlIly 10 "

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 45, Ocr


    IVREM mULE lULL (35/10/ooN _ 136/56/04E) Jl.oported.uDi tiDnI plant .4th Rg Description

    Entir! plant . 10 building,)abOl,lt 350,000 SQ.. f t .


    Ref.renee I a, Map", Jf&!i0Yll. A1!S 340593, January 1945b . ;.;.... J..1r ObjDCtiVO Fol de r 90.20 ll_4)6 July 1944

    Referenc! phototraphylPre- . t r ike l 3PRSll 95_31 34Po. t -a t r lk ! l 3PRSK 99_21 26 , 27- 3RI 34, :55

    .t.spaq PQTtERX !OBIS ($/12/055 - 136/56/105)em ) He


    ReforeDC'1 a.. IInp,b. ;.;.p

    puerlpt iQO DpmWEnt i re plant, 16 bui lding. ,ebout 224,QOO sq . f t . Destroyed~ d i t i o n n l b U i l d i ~ noto.tto.ehed to plo.nt - 250,000 sq . f t . Delltrayedl I ~ 0 f O - Iorthe0.8t. IJlS 3'0593. Januuy 1945.iT Objecti'V8 Fold!r 9 0 . 2 0 ) ( ~ 6 July 19 "

    Pre .. .t r iko l 3PR5lI 96.3: 34Po. ' t - . t r ike I 3PR511 99_2: 26.27

    Print . l GDnota.t.d o.nd a.tto.ebl!ldl

    Ci t ! n. . d. .ll.I;8 WIl8 eO$ontrQtod in thO lIS .eetlO1l. of the C ity .";""p Ip ,

    ,.".,.aoII I..IS......In..

    Sp. f t" Nt.ot"140',000517,800218.0004e.aoo' ' ' 500S21,7OO188,8001 , . ' . 0001&5,0001,800,000



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    MISSION NO.45C O I l " D i " ~

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 45, Ocr


  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 45, Ocr



    1.1 I I I U .

    OOIS9LlP;1Ip st,. t lSTlCAL snw'Px 'lEN M



    ...... -._-

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    MISSION NO. 4524 WJ.roh 1945

    FrimU7 ~ B e t - M1tsubisbi ' :" ircrnft Engin6 Plant. Nagoya

    iJDCTIWQSS OF MJICti' : "!rcraft .:A1rborne 251Peroent or \ . : ..1rcraft on Hllnd 6.5%...u-.r..rt BombiGg Prin'Pry 223

    ! '3rcent =.sktlin.:; -";e _.1rborac: , 90%':"iroratt BOIS1n& ...11 TargotB 226

    PerGeut at :3Qubl.r.s .Ie .1rbon.c. 0" 91%BombS Dr"opped OQ prillerY ' IVgot ~ 5 0 8 ToD.9EnotllY ' : ' ircraft Destroyed. " 0". NonaBo.l:lbtng Results _ post .cil!ls1on li\otogro.phS reveal 4.4% of totalroof o.ron of target Clao':&ed.


    !Jest or hUS51Cti:.i.rcrtlft Loot 5Percent Of ..:..lrcraft :"1rborne :2:c. i . i rcratt :Dazraged. 44Porcent or .\1rcrtl.ft .lirborne 18;Ccrew M;lmber ca.sunltioa 56percent Of Total FDrticlpetina :?% LAndlns :.t 1....0 J' 4


  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 45, Ocr


  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 45, Ocr



    _IC&L l ULU" PIIRSOIIIIEL IIIIJltJl PLIGHT CONDITIONS ENalT ACTICIl O'nIER1IIIlT HoIl - . . .- -- - Bombed Non_ """bod BCXlIbed Non- Bombed BCIllbed lfon_ """boa BOIlIbedEft.uU. . . SlcClll4ary 0.... It t .oU .... OUler kl'recU.. Becondary othet: Zttectlv Secondary Other Cffeett'Y ~ e o a d a r y Other73'" 1 - 1 3 1 - - -l,'l '' 0 5 - - 1 - 1 - 1J411G J . - - - - - .2l . Be 17 - 1 4 1 1 - 1



    !i H .!! .!: :}:- - - ._ -- - "

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 45, Ocr



    10..:;310:: 45--' ' ' -----

    U:','l'E 24 WU'cb. 1945

    'rARG!:.'T B

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 45, Ocr


  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 45, Ocr


    . i i i .. Jl.lliI "'88100 .........0 - _lCCUBA.CI OF BCIlBINO 00 PRDWlY 'UROKT

    llA:l>: :;14 Jl!'I',1il 1.9.llt5IlOIBS II&- HtDIBER OF HITS & DISTlHCE FROM .HYING POINT .0 . PSiWEl'I'tUWlBD (J I OF !lITS OFtDlrr 'AIlGB'r o .. 500 1 50 0 - 1000' 1000 - 2000' 2000 - 3000' Total ON IlOIBSNo. ..... NO. No. No. No. No TA/lG"" i ....100 ibc......., L8 rowa. Q. toto of 173. 00 SO"'" 10 toot - or4.JiS " tho > ta l roof area. of tho tnrB t . ,va LobIo " etc:! in icnto 00 ttorodtoo,," r target and ot or sooti os of N .oyo. >1>0 ", st ot to gElt nrc


    ~ ~ ! ! !


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    . . l : i73 ~ 20 1 300 1200 150013 :iQ 39 1850 iloo .65014iJQ 37 - 3270 ! - 327021 ac 96 3 54.0 2000 7420 c"


    lbc1udea 20 rounda teat fired. b Includes 050 rounds test tirod ond 1000 roundo Jettiooned.C TeB t tired.


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    MISSION 4 ~ 5 ~ ___DATE 24 Uarch 1945FLICrrI' DATA & FUEL CONSUMPTION

    7) anI:; )1 ) "ine 311; ~ l n f i 21 B.C.A/C COMPLETING MISSION * 103 09 40 '4 0FLIGHT DATAAvg. Time At L o Altitude - 7,08 3,14 2;56Avg. Time Of Climb To Bomb-ing Alti tude ,25 ,06 :26 ,19Avg. Time At Bombing Altttude 7,04 ,23 1.1)0 4:25Avg. ny ing Time 13.57 lA:26 15:26 11.:25Avg. Distance F 1 o ~ (Nautical .

    Air IIliles) 27iJJ 2662 ;,.791 ::730FUEL CONSUMPTIONCoosumed To Target:

    Average 3432 3493 3935 3557,_4018 3800 1.326 4326

    1/1n1mum }lO4 3075 3400 3075CODSUlIIEld From Target To Base:(A/e Withont Malfunction)No. Of Ail"'craft 98 67 44 '09 2294 ~ ~ 3 1 2)61 22921l8x1."" 2662 2670 2ff15 2675l/1nimuD 1920 1 ~ 9 3 ;!O46 If93

    Consumed From Target To Base:cve Wi tb Malfunction)No. Of Aircraft 5 2 2 9

    Average 2486 ;:.'254 2)22 2398-,- 2837 2369 2 ~ J 2 .?S,3?.. - 2285 21)9 2ill anTotal fuel Deed:

    Average 5734 57;8 6367 5869-,- 6363 6182 6764 ffT64""'.... 5422 5 = 5772 52f-OTotal Fuel Re_iainga

    ........ 1038 1018 m lOCI

    .."..... 1463 1505 1628 1628Mtn1 W 'W 478 603 560 4'1f!

    ! v l GRls. ConsUIlI8d Per Hour 411 396.5 412.6 406.1AVI r.1Il. CODsued Pet" Mile 2.09 2.16 2.28 2.15

    TOTAL FUEL USED ON AIRBCIlHB Ale 641832 4.36294 310374 1388500 Ale tar whicb fuel data are na.1lable. (Excludefl p/e Lnnding r t Iwo Jb'" J.(Jp,sollne relllllinine OIl It/C londlni e.t 1':""0 Jir.w I 31]th t e - J Ale - 996 J 1460, &:171 ~ s 'l.4l.?1 ' - 1 II/e - u... l. I,YuU.rble

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 45, Ocr



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    l l ~ l 3 l S S " l . J ~ l l

    J J l l J l J l



    FIlIP CI!DP I).

    ,..,....." ,1 luO_ II

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 45, Ocr




    INFO: C1U 9L.1.1

    " ~ t . ' U ~ " " " I. i.1\l

    By Auth of CG XXI

    Y't .2& 'hW"'-Ini t ials Date

    XXI BOMBER CQlNANDCU...0800 26 MDrch 1945


    1 . Recent o p e r ~ t i O J l s of this cotlll\Md indic3te tha t low altitude nightvisual precision boIlIbing tlgninst prior i ty lI.ircrflft plants can becarried out economically with precise resul ts before the enemy caneffect ively counter this new wct ica l use of VLR aircraft . Of thepriori ty target" t rget 193 offers th e best chance of in i t i a lsuccess while perfecting our t e c h n l ~ u e .2. The XXI 80m Com will a tta ck ERADICATE NO.5 (Ta rg et 90.20-193)with normal effort .3. a. TIrd "'ing:

    (1 ) Attack TBrget: From T-Hour to T-Hour plus 45 lD1nutes.(2 ) ""' OAP AXIS OF ATTACK FROM OAP FORCE REQUIRED086064 0770)2 27 Degreos True All A/C0) Altitude an Route Out: 4,000 to 4,500 feet .(4) Al titl3de of ll.ttack: 6,000 to 6,800 feet or 500 fGet en topof OYercast i f practicable and desirable (5) BOlDb Load: All A/C, except every 12th A/C. will cDrry two.-76 Incendiary bombs loaded to be in center of train of

    b o ~ b s . Balance of load will be 500 lb . GP's. (RDX Compo Bf i l le r to th e extent of t he ir avai lab il it y ). Every 12thA/e r i l l cc.rry ful l loud 11-17 Incendiary Clusters.

    b. 3l)tJ1 "1ng:(1) Attack Tareet: FrOlll T-Hour to T-Hour plUB 45 l!Iinutes.(2) Altitude em Route out: 5,000 to 5,500 feet or 500 feet ontop of overcut if practicable and dnironble .(3) AXIS OF ATTACK FROM OAP FORCE REQUIRED

    123069 077032 32 Degree8 True All A/eAltitude of Attack: 7,000 to 7.800 feet.BolIlb Load: All A/e except every 12th A/C, r i l l cc.rry two1.1-76 Incanditl.ry Bombs. balance of loud 500 1b GP'e. (RDSCOtIu. B. Fi l ler to the extent or uvailabil i ty) . Evory 12thA/C . i11 curry fu l l loud of M-17 Incendivry Clusters.

    c. 314th Wing:(1) Attack Target:

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 45, Ocr


    (a) Pathfinder Ale carrying f lares: ; , tarting T-Hour ninua10 Ill inutes.(b ) Pathfindor Ale cDrrying incendiarios: St8rting T-HourIlliuus 5 minutea.(c ) Ralanco of Forco: Start ing T-Hour.

    (2) Altitudo on Route Out:(a) Pathfinder Ale cll.rrying f larcs and incendiari!ts: Asdesired uJ ~ 1 n g c o ~ d e r .(b ) Balance of Force:top of overcast i f 6,000 to 6,500 feet or 500 fee t onpract icable nnd desircable.

    (J) AIIIPIG pOINT OAP AXIS OF ATrACI; ERQ'. OAP086061. 077032 27 Degrees True123069 077032 32 Decrees True

    ) Altitude of Attack:(8 ) Pathfinder Ale carrying f lares end i n c e ~ d e r i e s : Asdesired by wing c o ; ~ m a n d & r .(b ) Balance of Force: 7,000 to 7,800 feet .

    (5) Bornb Load:(ft) Pathfinder Alc CDrry1Jlg f larcs: Type and load as desired by uL'"Ig c ~ d e r .(b ) Pathfinder Ale ctlrrylng incendis.ries: '1-17 lncendiBriee.(c ) Balnnce of Force: Each Ale two M-76 incendiary bombsanrt brlance of loud with 500 Ib GP's.

    (6 ) The J14th fling "U l di!lpatch Ale to drop f le re s su ff ic ien tto l igh t the target for c. period of 30 r.dnutes. Also dlspc.tch !lIe ce.rrying incendiaries suff ic ient to p in -poin t theta rg et f or visual BlIlance of force, if any, dllbacb aiming point 123069

    (7 ) The Jl4th ~ i l l flvoid tha Is1e.nd of Rota by 15 miles cn route to target .(8 ) The beat qualif ied crews wil l be aesigned poeitinfls in thcf i r s t a i rc ra f t scheduled over the turget.(9 ) The J14Ui "1.Dg will dispatch Cl1e A/c to the t.nrget eras. fortlle purpose of observing the bc::lbing i 'lttack. A qunlifiedcOl2ll&.l1der acting as a roe.stcr of cerellOnies will I!lllke any important announcallCnt concerning t ac t ics as he deells necossary

    over the VHF, ChoMe1 B.(10) Upoo arr iving a t tho turget area the 1B&.d pathfinder f laruo.ircroft will n otif y the mnster of ce:rel'looies the base of

    cloud forl:l8ticn using ~ , O O O fee t 9B ballO al t i tude. &::alllpleof notlf1c"Ucn: -!!cse of clouds i s Hue Altitude plus4,000 feet - . This r i l l be 6,000 f ~ oe llctunl of ther:1outls. Afte r r ecei vi ng th i s trvnso1esion from the f lare AletI:e rJ8stcr of cereaonies wil l !rem ti!l)l) to t1Cle re1l:y cloudbose to ::I.dn force.


    x. (1 ) ' lethed of Attlick: By individual oi rcrof t t>ttacking withIJininlUr.J int.ervol between c.ircr::ft . A dofini te radar bt'iUbing run v,ill be ooda over a rudflr ai :ning point cefore r.lSlc.1ngI I vis1I81 en r rHCt . inn.

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 45, Ocr


    ~ 1 . ! l l M : ) ~ V I .J . , \ l __ .

    (2 ) Route:....ho Jlmnmit ! - 13645E34363'" - 13633E (IP)Targut: Rii

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 45, Ocr


    ..tQRA!(13) Radar scts will be t u r n ~ d off for 45 m i n u ~ s omrnodiatoly nf

    t tl r l eavi ng the tlIrJZet so interfaNlico dll not be lIlBdo onothor ai rcraf t 00 . bombing run.(14) Aborting aircraf t on route out ~ i l l tw-n We! from proscribedroute hoading !lnd f l y S l l l iIlutes before turning on rllturn hcnd-

    ing.(15) T-Hour bJld D-Dey: .250llOJl:

    4. n. No chnngt:.b. This is Tac.ical Mission Hueber 45.

    5. C o m m u n i c a t l o ~ s :0. . (1) Radio silsnca r i l l prevail enrcute to target except in easesof a : - ; t r e ~ e D C r g ~ n c y .

    (2) No contact reports 1t'111 be sent enroute to torgot. CcmtRctreports will be sent on ret1Jr.l rc;uto only _hen north of 280north.

    (J) Wings will designnte one lut>nu per squadron ns thlJ only pl..!lneto trans::dt a str ike report .

    (6 ) The fol101".1ng code w111 be used by th e r.r'.ster of ceremoniesfor e u t h ~ n t i c o t 1 o n :

    Before giving instructiens th e me.ster of ceremonios will ghethe code 'IIord followed by one of the corresponding nwaberoas ttbove. F.nlmple: Mf>l'Iter of ceremonies, OSCAR 8. , Bnse nlti tude plus 5,000 feet

    (4 ) Strike reports references: (Reg. 100-20 5.0.1 .)(S ) All aircraft " ' i l l l!Ionitor Chrumel B in the target aron for

    tho VUl"pose o f r eceiving instructions from tho ofcarenonics.




    / .0 P. For, t ' c 1 ' ~D/OPfISDISTRIBU'I'ION:2 Eo. r ing


  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 45, Ocr


    __ ' " " I . ( l ' I . i ~ ' ' ' ' > ~ > Y ' : ! o O J < J ' ! l ! ' ' ' - - _ ...._ ' : ::o: .1.1 Il.l lJ:



    ..... .

    . . . . . . 1...

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 45, Ocr


    ..-=- - - - - -- -- .. -- UjLilSSV'IJj" ' l '__ . ~ J ! l L H



    Cgpy Boe12101112,.,.,.I.17,.,.'"2122..







    ..SOSO>7..50'",......t6 - .,

    Ce-andlnc General, T'nntillth Air PoreeCc..o.ndlnS General. XXI BOII.ber COlrolIandDeputy Commander, Twentieth Air PoroeOhief of Sta.rr. Twentieth All' Fo.r08Ohie!' ot Staff . IXI Bomber Co-undDeputy CIS. Opu. XXI Bomber ColllllandDeputy CIS, SIlP .. Wa.lnt. IXI Bomber COSIlllMdAt: or S, A.2, D I Bomber COWll.e.DdCOlllllandll\! General. Arrtr;f Air Forcu , A'I'lJl'I JJ1/JBIntell1sencoCOllllllandor in Chief. Pc.oitie Conn Arou (Adv Hq)COIlllIW\der in Chief, Po.c1.fle Oc.ean Are"" (Rsu Eq)Chief ot lavnl Operations. OP16.VJoint IntelliSence Center. Paoitio Ooeo.n AroasC o ~ a n d e r Air Force, PacifIc FleetCOIIlID.IJ'Il!llr. Fif th FleetCOlIIDander, F i rl lt Ca rr ie r 'fu&: ForceCommander, Forward Arell.Comandlnt; Genera.l. U. S. Art ly Forces in Far E u tCollaandln,; General, U,S. Arr.ry Forcu. Pa.cific OceanArelLaC ~ 1 z I . f ; General. JJl1ed Air Porees. Soutlr"utP&011' io AruCoaaand1(lf; GeneroJ.. SWPA; ATTNI 0_2, (POl' Sec1;1on22,RCJr,!)C O l l D & n d ~ Genera l. Far Ell8t Air ForcesC ~ d 1 f t 1 Gen-ral. U.S. StrlLtogic Air Forcn 1n.......Co_and1D& General. E1pt Air Porcea ~ 1 f l 1 a.nerll1. Mld1terrane&D i l l1ed Air 'orGeleo-lUlcllllC o.n.rCll . 'U'telSDth A1r PoroeO-.nd1as General. Snonth . ll r Poroe""mudli l l Gaurd. VI! Bellb .r CPUndC r . nclla& GeMl'Cll. n l '1&bter C-- .u4C r. _1D1 0..1'&1. Un.n th . l1 r 'orceC _ ....1Dc O"' II a -b .. C-.4C_an .ms o..ul. : s e ~ PlJ1ac frdD1D& Wi 00 .u41 . haN'a1. !8tJl ~ A J ' _ a t , WilliO ~ d 1 D & CIa.rat. ?SrI BCIIlbucllleJl.t wtncC=. . . .1.. o.,.al. 31:sth 1 0 0 0 l l l l ~ r 4..nt Y1qeo - . e41q Onara l . 3 l t ~ I.bu".\: 't'lD&4)== ",tDC OeD"-.l. S15'th 80Uarae i l t WiqC-.cl1D& ONlo-r, '1'4 Pboto lacon 8qudl'oa.O_nDdlac ott1cer. asrd S' tdl . t ioal Control UzdtOh. . . .oal .art..... ot t lo . . . XlI 10.... C--.clclT&Otl0 frUlUftI, 8.01:10lIo. ;....a. I I I Boll1Mr Do-nd.OrclaaAOe Drrio. . . . In B_b . r ao.u.mtC_ u 4 l q Glnnerr.l. XXI I_bel ' eo.and. DatllQhrletlt ' .;.'Bhtor loal Ottlo-r. m 8 1' eo- .nd

    11 . l i . J l


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    Coaalll\cUn, Genero.l, Army Air Foree .A.TTlI J&/ASIn"tell1,ence, Collec:tlo11 Dhi l lonMF E...l\lull.tlon Board. % IWl.dqull.rteu Ml'POACOIIIIIlUldlllf> Offic:er. 6th BOlllb OrOIolP (VH)CO_lUldins Ofr ice , 9th Bomb Group (VH)C ~ a . n d i " , Ofr i cu . 16th BOlllb OorOlJll (VB)Co_udiQ& Officer. 19th BOIIb Group (VB)Coreand1n& Orricer, 2Vth Bomb GrOIlP (VB)C ~ n d 1 : l , j ! ; Officer. 39th Bomb GToup (VB) l.CO_l.ndinr Ofr i cu . 'o th Boab Group (VB)Cc..ll.c:d1Q& DrUcer, ~ O t h BOUlb GrOIlP (VH)C o . I I I ~ n r ; : Officer. 3311t Boab GrOUi (VB)C ~ a . n d 1 n & Officer. UUh SOllb Group (VB)Command i ns O ff ic er . 462nd Bomb Group (VB)COaQll.ndlnt Ofricer . 46ath B o Group (VR)CollllUl.ndins orr icor . ' 97th BOlllb Group (VB)COlllD.G.ndin& Orr1cer. '98th Boe Group (VB)COJlaandinr;: DrUcer, ~ g t h BCIIIlb Group (Vll)e o - l ! U l d i ~ Drt icer . SOOth BCIllb Group (VB)Coc.e.ndin& at r icer . SOlllt BClIllb G r o ~ (VB)Coua.adinr;: Officer . 5021:1.4 BOIab Group (VB)Co-.o.ndiD!i DrUc:er, 50' th BOlI.b Group (Vli)CoaIDandillf> Of'tic:er, 506th Bomb Group (VB)Comme.ndin!i orrieer. 655th BOGb Sq ( H ) ( ~ )COIlll&D.d1n!i Officer . Twe.nthth Air FOI'oe Lead (!i Officer, 15th Ftshter Gro\fpeo. .G.odin!i orClcor. 2lat Pi ,h ter GroupCmruaandilll'> Officer, SOOth Fighter GroupA_I. ReportiD!: Una. XXI BombGJ' COltlIIand ( 'Ue Copy)4 - Beportins Unit. XU B o . ~ c c _ ~

    - ,-__,l] II , " 1 1 ~ ~ " "1. .1 . '1"" ' -_ _

    .e _ 77

    10> _ l lS
