2015 Oregon Big Game Auction and Raffle Tag Allocation · 2015. 6. 9. · Pronghorn Antelope Auction & Raffle . Pronghorn Auction Tag $139,410 to ODFW in 12 Years . Pronghorn Raffle

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2015 Oregon Big Game Auction and Raffle Tag Allocation

Don Whittaker & Roblyn Brown

Oregon Fish and Wildlife Commission

Salem, OR June 6, 2015

• Programs • Allocation Process History • Species Proposals

2015 Income 2016 Proposals

Presentation Outline

Special Big Game Auction & Raffle Tags

• Auction & Raffle Tags Provide Critical Funding

• Expanded Hunt Areas and Season Length • Two Main Programs Bighorn, Pronghorn, Mountain Goat Access & Habitat (A&H) Deer & Elk

Bighorn Sheep Auction & Raffle

Bighorn Sheep Auction Tag $2,281,250 to ODFW in 29 Years

Bighorn Sheep Raffle Tag $1,178,720.50 Raised in 24 Years

Funds Dedicated to Bighorn in Oregon $3,459,970.50 Raised for Program $172,809 Average Annual Income Since 2010

2015 Auction Sold at Wild Sheep Show in Reno $160,000 Bid Price

2015 Raffle Drawn at OHA Lincoln City, OR $64,645 in Sales

2016 Proposals Continue Bighorn Auction in 2016 (WSF) Continue Raffle with OHA State Convention

Bighorn Sheep Auction & Raffle (Cont.)

Pronghorn Antelope Auction & Raffle

Pronghorn Auction Tag $139,410 to ODFW in 12 Years

Pronghorn Raffle Tag $131,754 Raised in 12 Years

Funds Dedicated to Pronghorn Program $271,164 in 12 Years of Program Average Annual Income of About $22,600

2015 Auction Sold at OHA Redmond, OR Chapter $18,000 Bid Price

2015 Raffle Drawn at OHA in Lincoln City, OR $14,185 in Sales

2016 Proposals Propose 1 Auction Tag & 1 Raffle Tag Auction Host & Location Chosen by October Continue Raffle with OHA State Convention

Pronghorn Auction & Raffle (Cont.)

Rocky Mountain Goat Raffle

Rocky Mountain Goat Raffle Tag $194,797.50 Raised in 12 Years $18,548 in sales for 2015 Average $16,233 per Year Funds Dedicated to Goat Program

2016 Proposals Propose One Raffle Tag Continue Raffle with OHA State Convention Consistent Deadlines Across All Raffle Tags

Deer & Elk Access and Habitat Tags

• A&H tags provide 25% of total program revenue.

• Auction and Raffle programs foster relationships with sports groups and hunters.

2015 Raffle Tickets Sold Income

(1) Combo Deer & Elk 7,487 $29,404 (4) Deer 45,402 $48,017 (4) Elk 21,790 $56,428 Total 74,679 $133,850

2015 Auction Income (1) Combo Deer & Elk $61,200 (4) Deer $116,550 (4) Elk $102,150 Total $279,900

Total 2015 Income $413,750

Access and Habitat

2016 Auction Proposals:

• 1 Governor’s Combination Deer and Elk

• 4 Statewide Deer

• 4 Statewide Elk • Season: September 1 – November 30

Access and Habitat Auction

2016 Raffle Proposals:

• 1 Governor’s Combination Deer and Elk

• 1 Statewide Deer • 3 Regional Deer

Northeast Deer Central Deer Southeast Deer

• 1 Statewide Elk • 3 Regional Elk

Northeast Elk Central/SE Elk Western Oregon Elk

• Season: September 1 – November 30

Access and Habitat Raffle


Propose 25 Auction & Raffle Tags for 2016

Species Auction

Tags Raffle Tags TOTAL

Bighorn Sheep 1 1 2

Pronghorn Antelope 1 1 2

Rocky Mtn. Goat 0 1 1

Deer 5 5 10

Elk 5 5 10

TOTAL 12 13 25


2014 Auction and Raffle Tag Winners

2015 Statewide Deer 10,610 tickets

10,447 tickets

12,515 tickets

10,124 tickets

No Choice: 1,706 tickets

2015 Statewide Elk 6,072 tickets

4,778 tickets

6,411 tickets

3,144 tickets

No Choice: 1,385 tickets

2014 Statewide Deer 9,490 tickets

11,805 tickets

5,435 tickets

12,189 tickets

No Choice: 1,414 tickets

2014 Statewide Elk 7,881 tickets

5,262 tickets

6,809 tickets

3,032 tickets

No Choice: 825 tickets

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