1.the time

Post on 12-Apr-2017






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The time

Traditionally, time is seen as a form of measuring the distance between events.

It is composed of past, present and future. The past is regarded as something which already happened that cannot be

changed. The future, however, is regarded as a multitude of possibilities available.

People measure time using several units, some based on real events (the

rotation of the Earth around the Sun), others are arbitrary.

The classic description of time made by Isaac Newton

in his "Principia" is that time "flows" constantly,

the same for all. I mean it is independent of events that occur

within it.

This time description was eliminated by Einstein and his theory.

The classic definition of time is based on the way people perceive its "passing".

We acknowledge events from a personal point of view and we assume that this is what it is

like everywhere.

The classical approach to time does not explain why we perceive time in this way and

not how this effect is acquired.

Other theories about the nature of time question the "roots" of this natural point of


Time accompanies us everywhere, reminding us of the uniqueness of each

moment of our passing through the Universe.

What is time in its essence?

Was Einstein right when he said that time is relative?

Time is the anonymous that slides between our fingers,

taking with it our whole existence.

Everyone knows what time is because it can be seen passing.

This is probably the first characteristic of human experience.

Maybe that is why clocks have been invented - the scientific mode to measure time objectively, outside our personal experiences.

A few houndred years ago, people supposed that time and space were simply given by


Saint Augustin from Hippo noticed that ”the attempt of defining time is basically just a lining of words that are going to get lost without accomplishing a portait of


The demonstration of Albert Einstein which says that that time is relative,

was a real shock for the scientific community and for the religious one.

Shortly and for everyone’s capacity of understanding,

the essence of the theory is that ”my time is not the same as yours if we are

moving differently” .

Philosophers and physicists have been researching for thousands of years if

the passing of time is a physical effect or an illusion.

What is for sure is that in physics there is nothing that matches a flow or a movement of


Some may say that even if the past or the future do not have an universal meaning,

it surely exist a distinction in time between the direction to the past and the direction to the


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