1942 Journal

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  • 8/4/2019 1942 Journal


  • 8/4/2019 1942 Journal






    MISSIONARIE ' MEETlNC' of i/lf

    METHODIST CRURCHHistorical Note: The Central Congo PI'o\"isionai Annual Confel'enceis tile continuation of five sessions of t..he Congo l\tli:;sion Meeting.


    ,lune 30- July 5, 1942

  • 8/4/2019 1942 Journal


    OFI'ICE S OF THE CO ERE TeEPre idcnt: Bi hop.J hn!\1. I )'inger. 'ccrctarics I!:nglish Minut

    tct 10 Minut : lU 1 u.l aniA', istants - Anni L: "nfr ' . E. B.

    Stati tician E, H. Lov IITr asur r H. T. ih J r

    A"sist:lLlt I. (1. T "n , 1("M I T T E E ~ AND BOARDS

  • 8/4/2019 1942 Journal


    .k. C. P M. '11 Ire. . MI'I'. I. U. fown.ley. Irs. M. W.M. "tlr' ZH' ii, . and nativf' w men rI"iegat ' . .

    Conference Board of StewRt'ds: rl. T. Wh' eler. Mr .I veil, Luhala Danvele, r imhulu 'har! s,1lul nda Frl t1 f)is, N"elt".Jakoha.onfel'cD('e Lommi tee of Inve tigation: H. P. nk 'r, H. T.\' ler.A..1. (' ii, \ . De Ruil r .M. W. Lu'.'d) , Wctl'11i l kllnrl. \ n d n ~ , LUTnumha A n d r ~ , .:'hukl1 Jo pit, Lumh '1,1t1 i .1"111

    OTHER OFFH ERHt'p 'e en ativ Superintendent - H, P .Ar)- 'I 'Legnl R presentative E. H. Stilz,-'oun iIlors for C. P. C. - E. H. Lovell, Lol' 'na KpllyUnion Mission HOUBe Trustee E. If. V) ",Itunday School Representative for C. P. C. - MI' . A. ,J. R .CorrespondeDi for Co go J I i . ion e 's - _ . , . r. M. ~ h p f f '!i'Correspondent for Sonlh Africa . l issi n ry _ clvoc 00- K B.:stiIz,Correspondent for L'Evan ... i1e en Afr ' ue - LOl' 'n'1 Kl.!ll:Correspondent for World Outlook - A. .I. I 'id


    j .J. ReidClerical AlternateII. T. \vhetl rLay P. 'rvL ShefT 'J

    nnimae \VhiteLllY AltenlatcKutht',Vn Ey('

    W. Dc HuitelNgamJjnln 1\ 1):-; ,Delegotl'sLupanu AUf{ustDelegateLorena 1( IlyLukika AllDelegat

    1 )t . A. J. R.. id, hungll J . ni W.DAIL T .JOURNAL

    FIRST DAYTuesday, June aO,l!} 2MOR ~ N G MEE'nNG

    Opening. TIll' Ct!ntl'lll Congo P r o ~ ; s i o n a l Annnnl ( onferen'e fthe M .tho list Church m ,t in it;.; third UDl1U 11 session 111 Lambuth.Ie-mnrial Chureh at Wembo NYIlIna on Tu > '!Iay, .iun 30, 1942 at

  • 8/4/2019 1942 Journal


    acrmnenL of the Lord's upper. Til,' (l pning Il\'mn \"c . niln(Jullcen 'mel Lrlrcn; r 11y I d th Conflll' n 'C ill ' ingillg 'Tbe)"1 i i1FounlAin Filled with B ( I I I." rh ' Sf 'rip UI" ] ' : '< II war rO'at! , OOlh i : II 'hapt'r r l ; :I, l i n ~ . 'f!(It,,!'g J kuhn I d Ul f Tay randdu was "ung by I ' illlh,ilu .IE'1om' alld hi wife. PaIn E. eta. IJi8h"ll

    ~ p l ' i l 1 g d ' S communion n l 8'1 e " UR lak n rroll1 a PI'I" inn Ilj' J'lllah5:3 :tnll dealt with (hd', gr at lov' to furgiv. lUr ~ i n and the n(' !flf f fR'iveuI:s' in QUI ' uWTI hC:l l ' t . "'. De RuiteI' in erpl'o ten, '1 ht!~ o n f ! . "Bl'eak ThOll the Bread of Lifl , " \\'11. th 'n SllTl'" and till' acrament flhp LOl'd'"._up )prWil"adn ini. tpred by l3ish If! pringflfanti 1. W. Lllvell. ; I S : i ~ t l ' / 1 by A . 1. Rd I. vv. l l ~ R'lit t' , f"illli'uiu'hol'les, ,\lulp.ntla Fr Irlc,:')i L' " la Dany lu or! Ngandj"I(. \ t I l . EAlkr Lhe

  • 8/4/2019 1942 Journal


    - Djulu II ny.le. jOt Ie PA,S n.)il. LIII ita J ielle. D UIJ

    Opening. Th C nt" f l 'nc' , n 'on I an 1 tol' h l'1 1 r "P,,! ell)'nme' and I i Zicaf \ \ 'U' callt:d on to Ie! d In prav')',Committees. The. foil .. ' illg' \\ t:rl;! . . ~ ( ) u n c nr,millatc'l () fill

    \ ' 11I(;i' Otl l:ommiu 'cs:t . ,I. Reid frJ ) ' M r ~ . J, J . Dllvi 1 I .

    ilh M, \ , I..,f)v{'U clccl-d chlllrrnnu.I athryn E.\ for CutJler II P rll m.J ani nnd Tuml t ; 'hUllgt for LUllul1.l. i

    ! rill Evnng /ism,

  • 8/4/2019 1942 Journal


    Education,Mrs. A. .J. Rpid, M"s. W. B, Lewi" and B r ' ~ . M. W. Lovell \\ l'rICnOlilinnL('d on (;h C( mmi t ,, on W l l m a n ' ~ Wo/',.It was voted to confir'nl th above l1orlllnatillns.Announcements. After all'I(lI lllc itlg' l h ' ! l a c e ~ of meeting tlwscsRion adjourn d to ! l Ie! ' ! : l ' comlrult Bishop brought greetings from the other annual

    conferences under his supervision.Centra] Conference. Sinc(> the CenLral onference schedu led til

  • 8/4/2019 1942 Journal


    HE' t in 1H4 1 had to be pOR lpo tied , the DC W d ~ t '3S set t nUHfor .J llnt' H,4: . [ t was decid '

  • 8/4/2019 1942 Journal


    miLtee on Conference Rt'latlons recommendorj that the f()!lowingTJrobationer lJe ulm ;Ued inLo full co n " I ::1: Lokonga Mh!wl,Oln'Okoko Marcus. Rhut"ha Pil'rrf' and Wenlba 1 Ull.l"lI Arnandn .The COl1ference 'lil ted to p a ' ~ th ir ' Itnratl('t's an I ti l I ' C l ' , ~ i v l thpfl1Conference Membership of Missionaries. Tit, Bisilol} rl'ad I.h>fr 1I (,wing ac tion of t i l ! ' C l l ! IDl.:tl (If Bl,.;hops in regard to dnuhlp (' (In rm'l\e member. hip o f c1el' ic'll l 1 l ~ f i i ( ' 1 ane;;;:

    From tho r..ljllul',s of (hI! Cot lnci l of Bi hop.~ l a . \ " 19.J.J

    ~ I . Qu(!sllon : Can rt ti. ; - - i o n a t ' i ~ . . : _" l ' \ !rIg i l l tht' f I!'cig-n ti,'Jd holdt10uule Coni -renCe II,t'nt1,pr"i1lp. naJlwly , upon till' nl>.ld ;It'd athU/lle'?Ansv.' '1': Th .. :i[ UIlt.ioll :I) '1' eOlI'. 10 1(' al ,uIOIl! u, Lo th itl "I'n embership in an An r tl lU I Conu'renee o f a prr a::hpt' wh( is atthe same time a n cl1,hf'r o j' a M i s ~ n C(,l1 ( '1enc", In tbE'Mission CIJOferellc '. a mem bpl' IiHS all rig-lit." nioverl b ' LIm mb r of an Annllal Cun : ' ,.. tle:... c_ CP i ' { that fl1' ,opting t t l } 'del g' tes lo t h t, Goneml C. nfer l in ' an \otlll;.! on ( 'ons iLlI t iona l q l e s L l O TIl().c pri ril," (.. h . . . . . n . i " in th ' nnualCon I renc of \vhit, hI' 11 111 lllber.

    111 ' iewofthlsacti(JTI the B I : - ; ~ l p a I J l l o u n c l ' d tha tht- : ; . i l l " l i c ' ~ mO,11 hers of Annual CO il fer(,I1l'I:'S in America and appointed lo thl ' f i lei.\' ert:: also l liembero: o f thiH Pnn i'1(J/ lalAll l lua l C o n [ t r c n t ' t ;

    Election of Cenh'sl Cnnfcl'cnce D leo-ates, Tlle Bil:!hop an nflunceU lhat the hour for I It "tl:\l1 11f' de l , ~ ! ' a l A ! , ; 10 i he C 'ntral ( ' r l T lI'.'rel e had al'l'lved n' preV ti u ' Iy fixed llY l he COliC 1'l'1ll'P_ 'j h(del'ical meml' rs anr! 18..\ .h[cgate. wer, ' ins'n.u:ted i>a

  • 8/4/2019 1942 Journal


    it !

    Disciplina ry Questions: No.2; was a n ~ w 'red , None. In rep:r.rto No. the Hi hop ann u nced that the Conference ,ommi tlee Ilnvestigabon would rem' in the sam{:as la. t "or, wil li thr excep tion

    that A. J Reid would take the pl ace of .J. J. Davi"Announcements: The annOUOCl'rner ts w t : ' n ~ !l lade in pp f , ' 1 ' tthE time and lace of the mee ting of til b ll:\rd" rmd t'C Il lmi t ! 'es.Adjourn ment. I t wal' voted t 'l(lJo r'n t h l ' IlU t"l i i ng- ! ' i ~ . ~ i l l n 111.thf' h -nf'dictiul! W 8 ~ )ll'(JDollnced hy W. f 'uik

    FOURTH DAYF rid ay, J uly 3, 1942

    The Con ference convened at 8:: U . M. Th l" d(YOli lJl );1. / t'er l 'C \ \ a:conduded hy Bishop Spring r.Minu tes . Thl:! r 'ord of lh proc"'cdings of Thur d,l\ W(I ." 1, ud ,mdi [ as vote t condense the DllDute' derui!l '" vith Ll . ,' Iectip 1 II fdel g-ate:; to the Conference. after whi h lhp. I w ... ' adopt d.

    Di 'ciplinary Questions . T he Board ..r . {ill j"Lt'rial Tra iningIn' ll tet.i t. he following numes in answC'r t) Q ! 15n as havi ll"~ ( 1 pI ted th studies () the firslyear: at krJ Pierre, L d\.a ; j Jakobll.LlJkandju Jakoba, Lundula lhnyelp, an d til .v Wl're pal'S;! i l lLJ tlw!'I t udies uf t he :t: cond year.QucstlUn 1511 W 'I S atlswer('d, None.

    Que. rion Hi,' . TI,e roll \\ ing 'H roe annOUllcfri d1I e 'LUnic . f the t h ird ye ll r a nd t he) were pn' ed i n () Lbp slu!iit'sof t he fourth y ar: Ngandern rna Joalli, Lunumbi A n d r ~ . l.uha ta Oa.' ~ ) p , L umumba .Jerome.Qu .. l iol l Hid. I t was stclted tha t ra ncij())oMo3, Kimbnlu Ch cleii1Sil ku ,Ios,'ph a nd Lupanu Augusl h d c,)mpl{,t" ri thl' st.udie' ()[' t h,

    four h year anr! thus had fill isht:'d 'ntire Conferenc.' 'OU';;C 0study . .Q\le,'tilln l(;a WID' rPHd a nd il le following wen eli! ti llu

  • 8/4/2019 1942 Journal


    Q If S 'on We. The Ulllnwi ng were cOil tin f!l'd In the , tudi ththil'i 'ear: LQkOIl 1 "'lie Um' I oko lui" ' '; llut hantb rungl l Am, II I. N Ijati Auv,u.t. Fatli tlu I it'IT', ... '! nrc)M r l I , IJil'ulu ThomM.

    Question Wel, r I e foil win r wei',' 'Oil inn II I s mli .. (ffllurlh yetil': " c l hi UkUll.h Amll", N,;'el> a .Jnkob . AIm 'n Paulu,Lumbelilu Nicola::;, MulelldaFr . t V L hi UkuI.ua I g u ~ t t ) !8 Ildr"llernaJoalli. LUllllJnhiAnnn' Luhatn L: :.Illvel.,Lun1\1tnb d ronReports, The repnrto tht' D( ani of Edllcatiun wa. r ad find i [I rminor ant .Tl 1m n t \\'a'" ao Illte I in full. ( e R 'pOl'l No. 'i ,Al'L ' ran intel'llli"1 10 lurinl! 'hleb th Conf('n!HCe pictUf' \'

  • 8/4/2019 1942 Journal


    'onfl::n::1l(: ' un trial : ' raLuhuut Abell::, lJendC' .Jerome, r julu Alb'-'r ,Djunga PH rre. AJter they ha beel! call 'd fon\'llrd ' nd 1('cd \,.1fi tting word!'; of exhortatiun [rom t.he Bisll, p tile Conferen'p 'Ol l-' 1III receive them on Lrial.~ u e s l i o n 2Z and ~ 4 . The CommiLt!'l' /Hl Accepted Suppl\ 1 ' :1,;1, rnamed lhefollllwlllg:Asak-aPierre, Ta Put 'ma., vV'mb'UluuJo:'n iLukala Alphonse, Um'Okoko l\1;ll'CUS II, L'" Indj'lDumba Edl)ll;ll'dOn'U.umIJa Auolph, AdidiemaPaulu , Yangu .liL'hcl , Mu n daln A lb rt.O\l'Udinga I ann de, On'Udiligo l ' r a l J ( , : o l ~ , U !

  • 8/4/2019 1942 Journal


    high s ~ a s returning- tn America.New Wo rk in the Katako-Inl (l\vent. on record as favoring thL t a b l i ~ h n 1 ( ' l i t or a Mi!;sil1T1 st: lioniu the h.alako-Koml e s'"('Lio n I. nd it wa, \'olcd tn rel\ 'l' the mattt rto t h i ~ Field Commit {'e in ord{'1' that i l he pres n t ~ d to L1w HoardfOT lheir uctlOn,1'emperance Pledge. E. B. titilz pre 'cnl ua pi llj!e or u mpprane and it waR voLt d to havl' copie, pdnted and dL t r ' ! ,u l d 11111 lhn t.1l na!-ive" ue urged to sIgn tb(lm,

    Officers Elected. A, .J, R id was {Iectcrl Stat'stieiHr and Hnd II.T. Wheel r ('onfert'n"tc' TI'NI. Ilrer, wilh L U. To "nsleY Ul' assi!:ihlll1-ht> secret ry of the C'ortl'er'nL'" war ('ho 11 to f'dit iliC' .Jolillnal andE. 8, Sti17. the publisher.

    Committees. I t was \'01 d thai tile '( lmtniltep. :mJ 1);l1'r.L tor tllPn. " on fcrence S ~ l ' V ! " as they II en stl)od,The Bishop :.1llClOUnCeo the Cummitt' l l l re\ 'Ill'k tit school r 'a I ' I ':i: Jollow : A, J. H il!. Anllie Laul'a Winfl't,." Myrtle Zicafo I 'e andH. P. Anker.

    Adjournment. All t iL bu inf''''' t il COII'f> hefol'l III ('onft'I'l'oc \having b e ~ n eompleteri. it W i' \' 0 d tn adjmrn,SIXTH DA

    Sunday Morning, July:) , 1!)42The service beg-an at .):(HI A. r. \\ ill l Bishop ,John M. Spl'ing I '

    pre:iding. AJter Lhe IlP 'n irlg worship, the Bi:-hnp. ~ . ~ 'leu by;\>1.W. Loven, atimll11l"t'reu ht' l'iL of liapt.sm to Nt'IlIe cTanr= AnI.. l 'and th, n 'he and Mar ha Dl' Riliter w rL'l'pceivert in to tIll' membership oj' tlH' ChUlctl. Tile Bishop a.k,d that Bin'l Bptt:; '\\'11>t'll ' l ' ,wh" had previClllsly jt iw-d th ' Chlll'l! 1, . Lalld W1eh them,

    Ordinat ion Service. A clillll ' llg-ing mess:lge wa,: br(lu"hl til tl C( nt'er OC' by D i ~ h l l p Spring r"', l lsing fI r hi tl'X D'llt 'onr l l ' ~ ' ::i: 2 " t l a ~ l t e r the 'people o(!Ptbel', m ~ l 1 nnd wnmt'n. ' l l l l ' chiluren, and th\ ' L 'll'd yuur Goel. and ObRl'T\'f.! til do all the \\01'

  • 8/4/2019 1942 Journal


    nr/joul'IlerLJohn M. Springc:r

    I ' r ~ : ; j d l ' J l l :lnmall U. Towlls! 'J '

    This to (ertify (lint all l nday, July fifth, nitl teen 'hundred forty-two. in the Lambufh Mt n orial Churl h atWemha Nyama, Belgian C ngo I ordaiTH!.d flea ons: Lollo/lga Michel. Um'Oknl.'o .1l-farcus. Shutslw Pierre. 'W(>mbaKungu Ama.ndu.

  • 8/4/2019 1942 Journal


    Tn 1 oi J ani.G. 'Vho are lucatcd'/ No one. 6, Who hnv withdrawn or b en expelled? N on . 7. Who are lran 'f

  • 8/4/2019 1942 Journal


    t.L c.1Pre c cu. ave

    ' I Pi rr Wcmuu

    nrljolo Mo::.e,

    rge r ' ttl "ngone,

    l )J 111C I.oea1 Pre c h t ! r ~ ' 'our e of ::; 'd. ?Nt II "2 Ar hI" ce t d UPI Jy Pa, lo l blnn et s in tl j" ii"and official admini l1': HOI .y ~ s , :'3. What Preach 1'8 oming from u her ,hurch with recom mendation from th Vi ' trictCon ference or arterly Confer en 'e ha\'e had their Ora , r co "nizetl os L'lcal Dencons orL ) 'at FAder.?N '1 ,

  • 8/4/2019 1942 Journal





    orIn n1

    of the Conf, rene fro ur r?of th S a ' 't.ic;a ?

    o ' l

    o ' th Cnf r { , l l ' cb 'be !t

    AP OINr.ME. ' ISH.P.

    t l l l . l

    Pl)h"d h . FU'ldfUmb::;upp i:rl. uJJpli

    II prl:d i

    1 in r Di

  • 8/4/2019 1942 Journal


    Kat h I\iteng .1 ' 'andu l"omb komb llppJieti by M u n r h l ~ 1 AlhC'I,t Luber 1 Ukjlldj Paulu .1ing:1 Slatir n Chairman H. T, WHEJ.JLER Pa 'tor Ml Le J}A FRANCO I , hildr 'n ' Work in Mi slon Villa T' Ml.. H. T. Whe 1 ~ l ' I tel' January 19.(3) Mr, K H. LO\'E.-I! Girl ' HI Jl1 ' 1\'11' . .f. '1'. Whe ,I .,' H"spitlil. Lep I ' Col I1Y und Dh'!tI'tor or 'ul"a nil 1 OJ', )(. Indllstrial \ V o r ~ H, T. WlIEELER{ ' h i 01 .. :

    ~ t n t i o n & \\'lIl11un'" Myl'U Zic r'l)::;c Regional My:tL' Z i c a r l ) o ~ e ( A fle r J:l n tH) J'y UJJ!1 ) E. H Lc) 'ELJJW lrnan ' W rl in j\Ij ' inYl Village Ml'S, 11. T. V\' Ie 1'1'(A l r .January LUt:3) 1\11':. I ~ , H. LovellMukuIDadi Uh Jiumi Pierr.' Onn Ka!';ong'(l Suppli d O n ' U d i l l ~ ' 1 SlInIW I , O:snng(, Ndju Supplied hy o Hngot PauluShu hl'1 ViIlY::llll PUIII, !T !tel'o Sui n S U ) J ~ ) l i c d by O'in a ' Im\ ' ,IeU 'ita Nd'ka Suppli'd by On' Ud Inga F.'aneo;.'t dinga Stlppll d 1r Adirli ' I l la Puulu! kit' kunda LL P AUGUST Yanar SlIpplie I hy Un a Eliyn .Tunda - r atako- ruml e DistrictSup lin emlIIL A. J, I EIDI l!o1tri ' t Woman's WOl'k Mr'. A. ,1. ReidDi ict EVallg('li;;1 LUHATA DAl YELEF . m u n ~ t t Circui SH KU ,J I -EP IIHiuti Tu b suppliedKahudi SuPVlil:tl by Lukala Alphor..'Kalonda Mudilll hi J\111f1 'ri1nngnlanga l' aSOll t) 1: iII inlbi AHUl r A PA LUl'iLnmbala Urnl nn lldreLufunguta \VE?1BA K N() A l \ 1 A N D l . ~ S Lupanu Usu gu Pit ,Lutull uln NGEI..E A JAKOB!MudiTllhi Supplied by Ta PuLu ilas! r ~ o ! l l h a Diku!u Thomas

  • 8/4/2019 1942 Journal


    I'::!( n!;o LTi\1'OKOKO MARC S'(ljad i Oleka Lolli 1 II c!r Ih" 01 nga EI mb J i ' r r 'P n Sllla SuppJied by Yaullclu 1 ntllin .fun,la Station Swtion hsirmall \ ,B. Le\ is Pn.;tor ~ h U I l i ! l 1 .Joalli ' irb' Home ;'vIr.'. A. J. R . I H05pilal & Lep r Colony \\'. I t Lewt. 1 il't!ctor of Nurs(>s . Mary E. MOl '

    lndustrial 'Work until t.h . }durn. r H. C. Ayres A ,J. I{EU) ursery i\1l'S. \ . B. L .wi,..

    ' lalion &, Regional S b loIs Annit' Laura Win fl' yIJmeunga Suppli '11 hy 011 U 'umba AdolphUlshwli OJ k1mya P"luluLJVl1ll ..';lI LUlldula Dany .[ >Wembo 'Yllma Disu'iclSup int ndent 1\1. W. LOVELLD i ~ t t ' j t W man's Work Mr., M. W. L'n "IIDjulu WE'ISm UKUNDA 1 UGUS'jE1111lngll '. Ilpplied by Ukitana PallillBsamungun N Ijali AUg't1:-.lr nko Lomami LlIkndi .Jakoh.\LOtl\embe Lukandju .J. kuhn .Llltuhi uppJi 'd by PutiiC'nla ,Joseph~ r a n m rna LClng-engo ivlat -'UOt13 Dil'OIldo :5l1PI,li 1 I by Luhata .10: ni.'hungu TTk li Suppli ,I lw Nd.iovu Pault!

    Tsltumha Talllbula All IeLk:lI1djalulm SlHITSHA P1ERREkll'Embi Den,1 .r l ' m

    l ki 1 ~ ' l l 1 a G A N ] ) E ~ l E M A .lOA1'!Viii LUMBELlLU Nl 'OLAWembo 'yama :Latino'tation Chairman H,P. ANKEH

    Pastor LambllUl .1emorial & Ho pital Chap I KI. mULU CHARLES De; n of Women J. Irs. If. P. Anker Girl ' Hum Lor na Kel1\!

  • 8/4/2019 1942 Journal


    :JSupC'Tintellllcot o i NUl's R arv For man Industrial & Building Work Eo B. ~ t i l z , 'ursery Mrs. C. P. M. Sheffey Printing and Puhlicati'Jn.' E. B. 'till: . ,'ch o l ~ : Trinity Bible School

    Director H.P. . NKER Teach l ' Mr . II. P. An"er Teacher MJ' . E. H. Sli iz 1 each r Lnl'ena 1(e ll,\ l c, t l al chao! DJI(>clol' 1. U. 'f( WN'LEY

    T >acher' Annin ,Re Wh i te Tt!al hpj' LorenH I elly 'l'eacht!r Ml'>i. 1. U, Tf)Wn le\'

    Regiunal S c h o l l l ~ . Supel'\'isl r L( I' 'Tlll Kllly .Lalion Scboul, Director Anninme WhitW man' 'chool Mrs. H. I . Anker'WIHnafl :0; Viork in Missi.m V i J I u ~ e 1.11'8. b. R 'l'!ZSpecial Appointments

    Loaned til en 1'111 'chonl for hulfa year E. H. Lt )VELLMr:-. b . H. Lov IfBu'lding ~ u p e T \ i s o l JI. '1. , , y H E I ~ L E R DiI' dOl of Transport H. 1. WHEELER

    (After Jt nuary 194'1) E. H. UNELLLeft without appomtmtnt to

    ~ t t e n J one of our :-leho , 'haumba Pill"re " l ' spondent for ,O l i gO Mission New Mrs C. P.. 1. Phplfl'Y "orre pnnrIent: for L ' } < ~ 'angile en Afriqul' Lr f('11tl fl y

    (" '1 respondent for 'outh Afrl " In Advocal E. B. Still:C Te. ponch nt rOt' Wl)rlJ Outlouk A. .J HElD(ouncillor::! fur C. P. C. E. II. L()VELT , L. KellyL e ~ a l Repl' sentaU\ E. B. Stilz .1 ' ~ a s u r e l ' of the Missi'Jn I . U. TOWNSLEY. IiSR1

  • 8/4/2019 1942 Journal


    :.1I CPOl ' t o. t

    ANNUAL REPOR1 OF lVlING 0 'I'RI TYo}: year June 30, 1942

    This annual r ~ p t rt caoll t be 3: I'Ppl"l with victori :- and .lll' Cl5SP a. on I would onhll'a Iv Wiln t l l Ill< k ' a l til

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    ' 1 ,-ab I lL, They I ave ')lown,11 we, "r. a renlurkubl >nl > r ~ . t in s n ina large ])ol=ti n of tb it'Offering,; to hl!lp the sU'l.mdedmi: mOl 'n ing : nd allen!! d S f.'S III tile aHemll II,,:e, al " " r ~ disllii Red thj,; term becau'-'c of IIttl ' stf'nhng' pahyE'rs,T b t . ' ~ pt'tlple arl' d l con ,titutpd t l iat they do noL (. ,n, iller ,u ,II l l lHttwrong pr wideLl the wllite Ulan elm',", not fi:ld iL (Jtlt. Tbu:o; II i: \'cryI"..rd LII teach thes" childr n t i l really h a n ~ a enn CIl:l1Ce bout \\0'1'011'de"d -,

    '1 hI' girls from l h ~ Girl . liol1le attl no! ' l < l ~ ' "wi th the boys anI]villagE: children, A g(lod number art' in th ' II IJ -gorce Sell 1)1. hl!Ydo 1l1.l0U \yOl'k along' with the other. t i lU 'II t " S, \' 't'al of I he .malll'rgirls are in the Kinliel'g'arten. Thp n IIPir I .irl" t.:lkf' th 'r turn intea 'hing them in the Kil,det'14nrtell School. Th 'I " . r' ai>l)Ul lJlII'tvI iny t i lt: In th'" Kindergnrl..n alld their work alld l I la ' al ' s Ipen'is ~ I by 1W lJ gil : : ' adt \\ eek.T h ~ r e h:'!ve be 11 l h i r t . y - ~ i WOlilen in lll Woman'!; Schuol henun t h ~ .'LaUon, They aLtend li)ur day per week. two fl /r sewing andI he Ithe)' lwe, for duss work, M r ~ . Wheel'}' ha'" laughl Bible twicea week while MISs O'Toole has had a c l n ~ s in Illidwift'r,\' wllh tho.ewho had I,een in .(.'Ii(lll aL I t ' < l ~ t one tel'ln, Tb - n ' \v 1111 ) , ~ had a cl < : ~

    In th 'ar ot' their hun "R aud chik!rt"n by Ytlla who:, olle oj thl!raduate nllrse',Six of our t l l l l p l l t ~ p:l' 'ed th ~ n t l ' a D L ' " e.xanlinalll)ll:" for l h ~ Bihleand NOl'mid S c h l J l ) l ~ , lTI'ungu W ~ m b a Lua. frolll II, ' irI:,, ' HO!!l!:'finish 'd the 1I U 'gore' !::khool and expects I I I go I'll t \ / \VeliILJo NyaJJ1a n , ' I ; te rill ,' l ' I H ~ J egilll1al S -hools till continu-_ witll ltilth f'1Il'ullments. Th-,

    have luul but lillie help l'r

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    that the effort mad!.! to h III th n I , 1Il',,,,t ""rtrl hwhill'Industrial work

    During-thenn.;tpart(,f IrwY"clr\\ccllTIlinll(,d wiLh lhe nn'Ir1.l'lh 11of th Christia.n Wt>rkd'" Ilo .. p b r i n ~ i n g - i l t.o enmp' [ ivl l , ' ( IVP for afew mall matte!'s \\'hieh 'oldd not IlC, fini htld flll'lack arm lterial.,1 h iirsL or April we be "an hac nsc!' Icrinn of t h ~ :.- r18' Hom' Plrmt,Thi plan calls fOl' ,>Icvl'n brick bll ilclings, Five baH! b.,,,n c(lmpl"j ((iand t Ii ,ugh brick lOW!'" to pr,ct at Il'a:t t h n ~ e more, Fol' III P'l,'t r wmull we havt' 1I0l heen able t(l T J n ~ h the actual ('on. trw,'LiflO IIfbl i l d i n ~ s fnr the lack III' i t n ~ ~ n ! tilt' nec' sity oj' takingcare rr pair and many other Il"cessary jub!:!,

    During th ' hst few wet!k' \ ' . hav built:t tw nty-tive foot hf-!!lh ',I'er in lh, c e n t ~ r oj' the '()mp lllnd which adds c o n ~ l d e " a h l y to the~ e " e r a l appeaJ'l1nc" of the I Lion as a whu:c. rr mean;; abu rhat thlhell hi heard much b llf'r Hnd i'al'tllPl' (han II naLW ' have al 0 buill kit ,hen and magaz'lie for rhl' old brito!, rf':i

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    UppOi LtInltiefi a!'; those who are mure fort unate than theyTh head man at lhe Lep r Colony Scnga still on the job and

    as fine as ever. It is mo" Ponc lll'sging to have men lik e him nncsome (If hI' \\ ho kn w the Lord and live lllle e ll istian liv s. I L''uch as th . who are ' 'The salt of the earth." H. T.\Vh{ cl rReport No. 2

    Annual Report of Loc1jll DistrktFor Year Ending June 30,19 .2

    We want tu prai e God [01 the blessillg.;; H h as givenano ther y 'ur's labor in this neerly land.The DisLl'ict Confertmce he ld in c ( ' m b t 1 \ \ ... " of much h Ip tc

    th Pl" aeller III giving Uwm aims for tt l -II" \ 'ork,

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    .; \'era] other!'; \w r turner! away U c a l l ~ p I I ' lack of buiJdilWS, Whope soon to be ubi 10 be'gin work on lhf' ne:v p'rmaoent hom "( 'bid hutsha offered us 3.11ditionn! land for this hoffi'_and f, r garlil')I!';for I he girl. . I'fhe report for the Woman's Wo k :-;bt)wg LI at lile nUllIl CJ' 0, SoCl II h ~ , in('reu!'1ed thi: \ ~ a r from 12 10 -9, Th :n:t 1;' franc inoffel'ings for t i l year' n-um t i l , 'r " ' I ( ' i l ~ t i I : ' S is lIol illdudt>rl in th r gular chur 'b off ring' ind i.. bel '11{ ~ i v e n f i l l ' War Reli . \ TlII-k.The building program \ 'as b'mporarily ::suspended last Y'aT h 'cau . ,of [he 10 S flf mone\ ill B ei"l tlll1. \NlIl;'n we were a ~ ~ u r e c 1 that thismuney would be replaced, wo rk was ag'lill resumed, '1 n W 'ouncilHome no \\ well U li d "I ' way a 1d w(' exnec t tn have j t; com pI >ted

    bt!fol' til J 'ml of thi year, Ti l i ' npw home rs being roofed w'thliorE'- 'f.'ment or thisYE!ar, TheLodja mepting was one of the be" t c\ t r held ill this Di, trier. 'vV' hav,been e ncourag-ed b\' the fuith alld t e ~ l i n l O n y of , 1111' C(II1Vt-'rt.' in lhi"Di. t r id , Will, I n l i t 'r

    R('I ort 0 ,:1Annual Report of Tunda lJi trict for the Y,'ar

    Endint{ t J u n ~ ;10 1942R ~ t u r n f1'l1m t'ud()ugil Hftcr 8'lmC \l'nr time rlel::] '5, we WI" ('

    a ~ s i g n e to til TUl1dn dislrict. bl l'omplpte the t. 'l'm or Mr. [Jav;:,wh went 1)11 fUrl011Th III l!"rlv Mnrch, W ilh 1-", than (nur OJ nth 'lill conference tinlt", we were ~ ' I l 1 : t i o u . we cuuld not. do much hul Yo'ha\:e tried to give (lllr:f;!1 "s us be"t Wt' km'" hllw v the t . ,,1'HiH Chul' 'h ,\Ve visited the t \ \ ntY-fil'v.'n vdlag ':; of thi" district twice andfound most f the churcli : r l lctUl ' f ' !- l in very good clmditlOn . indicall1lg our predeCSOl' had ~ J ! Q n t nmch lilH' in hard manllallaburIII rbi, very impol'tant p h a ~ c of I) P ' (lutv iIlag . \\ nrk. But a:.; \ ' , tJ'a "ded over the district w fountJ church builclinJ.'t in many villll

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    ",w hapti" d 1. adlllt... and 1 : ~ o"bi(", 0 II 'r rru'! burnt! from thoreviyal was while l>re' ntlng the call tn tht' Chr'istian Ministry 80mIi:; sLudents and 'Ii!lag.:rs b( m'd thL' DivlIlt' 'nil and COli. ('('rnt dthemselves to tll1l' huly task. We orgunlzpd t Il i ' l1l if. I) h pr Hcll l;"band anrl met \" ith them on 1vlonda ' e\ ening for "1' 'cal [J]l'uelrillgalHl pr: bE; ;- 'r i c e ~ , I hav ne\ e l ' (1m nd 'ueh a I.!TOUIJ (If f in ' yt U gI I I n clearly t " tifYin:! to f he calt til th ?\I i I i i I ry. In a i'nl1I)W -W',Imp, ign pi l'ersonal W( ,' k. J callp-d e: cl

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    ki IlJmerJ'es,"'fbe group of over ninety Mission HI YR are on the \'hole al:oupel'ative aml lJbedient group, At the cbse of a serle. I r PI'

    m .. lings abo\] t 59 e x p l ' < ? - 8 ~ f ' d liwir pl1rpo>,,, to lwcome pl-e::.!Onc!.' each week from tl,al time on, Lhi:; ' L' udeul Vd lunte! I,Jmel for mutual strengthening under tIlt-' (IiI' l"iun uf Mr. RE'it!, GrrtI'll I appreciation is extended to Mr. R_id fO!' hi:, 1'1 r.,onll l in ll rpsteach one of th e :tuJen t ,'Vudng- thp yparone n \\. l" ginnal Hch"'JI \ \1 ., ..;l n r l ! d and anulwas 'lo:cd . Thus the numher' of schools t"!'muin" tlH' s.;me, butt. /tflll'lIrollm nt largel. Wht'n two Normal. eft' 111 gm lLlLtlt Slhe rank of lhe !'('gruna! 'chfJollt:at!her', fnl l r le',wi! J ' ~ W\'l" g ' l l lfa' the wife of each nne is w ~ e ~ c h o l ) l s hu\'p ent t'ed the second dpgr" ticlwul em the sl.im.! havt l r ruved l' lip vet' stn'lIg studellt '. ,.

    Th J!irl ' hump wilh it!'> .ixty-lhl"ee !fads h a ~ bt:pn e r n e i ~ n j ,dl d through tlw:>e years by Iills Pal'ham, \\ Ill! ! ~ f L f"r hAr urIulIl a few w p e k ~ befnr-e cOnfel ' nee, Lo UUI' pe 'on.ll c nv 'l'.:iawith each inwviuual J,!irJ, w fou ;Hl that m .tiL )f th 1lI had comknow 'bn:! per.'onallya,' theIr SavJour, Thl'ough the ir ctlnluctsl hE' missinn and lhir t ra i l H l ~ . Lhey had been Ilr IUl-{hr. to abhor I,in uf flolygam.v in whkh llIoSt nf them \\ ere I,orn and real' d.~ ' a c h pledged ant'''' never to (Inter into a poh'gamflUs n iB1'b,. fact that /lot a jng-Ie gir l gradu; tiog from t h i ~ home has!t'!arriag vows be;-;peaks the tar-reaching influence of the lifela lors or the one who ha:::; g1\ en so freely of h('I'B .-If and h r'1) thew Ifareol"thegil'lhuud anu womanhood u j thi;>.j'otl.Thl:! olCdinu work ha . in lh . I:tl)s ,'nce of Dr. Luwi bt'en arril.'db) Mis' ~ l o O l - e . With his retul'o lIwy have gone tOl"l\'ard in lrul:J:pllerf! of Christian service. With their well trained corps of maSsl-tant., Dr. and Mrs. Lewis and Miss Moore have been brin",healing help to those in !.his "Open Bore of the iVorld". Renderthese ministT tions of mercy in thl:l name of Christ, the Great Psieian, they have gained access no dou bt to souls otherwisecessible. In the daily ervices conducted in the ho pitalmany hear for the first time Lhe GO."3pel message, andar well return to their village!'! to tell others the story. Dr.hus this to say about the medical work:

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    Moore carried on Lhe work in an 'cellent manner and kept lip thmorale of the naii 'e . ssistants. They did go Jd vork and are to hhighly commended for th it' loyalty when oth'l's W(;ll'e receivingsuhstantial raises in pay A l ' ~ d they did not receive such rai e '."'::mce my l'etul'n there has been quite a bit of op rating to do aswell a a lal'ge num er of medical caseB to be handled. We haveeve . bed filled, some pali !l is waIting in nea.l'b villages fo th ir~ r n , The shortage of some drugs i. It 'ery ke nly, but so r l ' \ 'ehRve been able to make substitutions, Our great problem just nowi. buildings , \Ve have been told byth government thpt they d notco s i d ~ r our buildings to e in p r o p ~ r -'onditionfor Hospital IlS .

    "l'lle Government returned t e thl'ec dispens!lI'ies to our care bUltheyar sadly in need of supplies. The n u r s e ~ ; were b e c o m i n ~ discouraged anu poop1 wel'e not applying for treatment!'! as th(!r'ewas nothing on hand to treat Lhem with.

    "The Leper colony l'eceivt! 1 a serious s tback in the behaviour oft'1e head nur e who has bt!en releas d from our e1'\'i

  • 8/4/2019 1942 Journal


    , I

    Report '0 .4 "1 llAL HEPO TOIl 1 HE W l ~ l mo AM DISTRICT

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    "raCl' tllllDnJ( us,DlU' lng hemonl h Ii' .Iun(:' w,,heill Lhre rourc.!u v " 'eli Inal meeling.

    with ourcvang li.'t nnd rh ,'r r a n l i l , e ~ am'

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    Itf a , um ller of 'haols to build claliS- fOI)ill hu ildings. I n one cent!:'rth J build mg wa e r ~ c rl enlirely by thO;! teachers, pastor, and 1 ,it'.; tndents. All 'xpense of carpe ni t) WClt'k wa defrayed by the schoolits"l f from the m 'mey earn c1 from t il sal Jf handwor k. Other s"hoolsve re so impressed wi 11 t e wor k of thi s scI 00 1 t hat tb \\'ant \" d tndo Lhe srune thing. W 1"1, has a lready bE' n . on tw otherbtlildings, and plan arc under way fo l' til ... Ii It .!!.t th do e f school all th E.' t ache rs nt out into th IT reo

    sp ctive s t:!cti ns of the distr ict to d dt!pui .on work amo g thepe pIe. Some ofthes t.eachers took them 'tudent assistedin the d putation w rk and pre.t>n hd a pagl 'a n in s m t: of t e illages visit d.

    During the year the teachers find pre8ch r'rs hay enlarged tlwrrvision of their t ask as t ach ' rs t o include not only t he children utI'very man a n d wOm an in the village. In on. cent l ' aPP1'oxima tel}two h UD red adults p"spond d to th op ortuni ties offel'ed by thenRtho 1. The major empha is of th e adult W i rk h as e 'n pl c-'d noton r ading and wr iting but on ways and mean of helping th m toim )TOVe th iT living condition s. At th e c1 of t le second term"e mmuni ty - Empb iRW e..: " wa ob served. j each vill g' . Thiprogram in luded: general village improvement such us ~ p a i ofhouses. cleaning yards and trimming building i l ~ t etc;sec ndly, a l 'wival wi th three servic s a< h day and emphasizedpers nal work among- t he studer. t3; Lhirdly, w holesom e entertainment including m ving' pictur eS, band concerts, galIles and pageads.A splendid r espo e was fou nd i fl all of the villag s. I n part of t hemalm st every viTIager whethel' a m ember of lhe m i.ssion church ornot 111 red heartily in the c om ullity pT gr . TilT ug11 111

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    :t:val uable: expeTience under xcellent ! : j ~ i ( ) n .

    The Secund Deg- I'(- Sehool u ndel' t h\'

  • 8/4/2019 1942 Journal


    citty of thf' :station. Tbl'matl'o! and I" r huwork,nd r tit> clirC'ctjon t.rMI", tilz the primm:: schm 1 h l l ' l I I j n ( ~ Wll

    ('omplderl illltlli . rt i 116 f(' l,divifi,,jint.o.i:: cIa .. 1"!om" a b'jl"I uilrling with thatch fO f. Fl1l'nitu"cof " i f f "cntkin Is ha' b ( H ~ n nwJilll U l ing a lype CH e fill the print hop. Dl !ring lhi.- l")lll' ren"e 'eaIlle t of the iTldu:trial wor] 'wasc!f lnelln ful ' "mnl S 'hoo) huildll ,Thewidlhorrlti. hllilding-i.;mfl'et i nsitl-andn Lo n of 1:10 fc LIn\!',On' \ in}.!" 11' the briel' ~ ' o r k cl'lml'leted and P'II t C)f th ' roof un, It iheinl-! roof d \ ith cement tile, ,)fwhich nbouL lO,n I) 11m" b ( n 111:\ j ' ,\ ' are in lebtf'd t.1I Mr. lit" I uiter fo1' invl!nlill - ()]. lit igim tin\! thformula 1)\ \ lich Ih , til" are made,

    In thePrintil g D 'PA1'lmE'Olth loll wing'b oksnnd papel'shuv(; nprinted;l ' i I ~ r i l l l ' I {I'l'e ", 1 ~ , p / l ~ " C : , l-OOCOTliTongli P of Fin', fiT page , l ~ I 0 Cllpi ,t i (;4 nei R,-nd -r, 12 lJ!-lge., ~ W O c( pieHJOIIl'naJ of .\nnIJalGunferenl.' ,45 page' , 1 ' !IJi,1\1 mIry Vt'rs s (r prin ). 41 p U ' ~ > .:!O I 'U ,i ''';,CatE'chi In ( ,'eprin L). W small p. ges, 15( II COlli ' .Bookl I f ol13ible V . I ' small pal! 8, t' III C 'I,i!:-

  • 8/4/2019 1942 Journal


    Wembo NV3In;1 (luring t he Ill tlnl h oi Febl'lHll'v and con ti nued f UI'ahont t \\"o lIIunt hs. The ca::;es w rc ,'C tLt>I'ed, hr,w"vf'r. an 1 n1nt to the. ,'ecfuiting of "oldie.'" fly th go, l l lDl t ; I t . alii I :\ fewa 1,,0 in tl i. . edr, !vJ.ll'C rect:ntl, ' o rne old sl .ldiPl's \ 110 have bu'ncii:,cllarg- d have IJC n examine, I who will PI' _hably , l ' r v ~ a ' a (I t' tof hom g uard and \dll r l'oba b not he , ent mtr 'dce,Mubmdu Danyelc. one of the ;\lCl -illiirmiH' , w nt. to Leopol hjllein i Tnr(;h of thi. ear a nd is r ptlrted lo have pa" I,d the entrallc 'f'xamina illn ..; of t i le governnwnt schooj for m E ' t l i c a l a u x i l j a l ' i e ~ , U l u ~ u.Teall, a former as ' is tant at the Iwspit; 1 ;-(l1d later a pread cr, L pre..pal' ll1" himself with the idoa of entel'i" th school l lc'xtyear. Tn themL'anhme he is ae ing s pastor ' l the 1i('Sl ital chapel und sen' ingas a nul' e in the h m ~ p i t ~ l l .

    We (Ire hrr8tpfill to God tha t i n a \ ,orld at wat" a nd with rllm l l " ~ of wal ' \\ carl" al 1 to C;(l-r\ nn our \Vprl III pt'ace. Vp are grato> r I [to) (J Ie] 101' th sb'ength has given us Lo do hi wurk and f lr thefruitag"' Hf' h18 ~ h ' e n frun our IRborq, M!l.r 'hall \V. Lr)\'ell.

    Report No.5Report of Conference Board of StewardsThe Confert!nce Board of e'Vltl'd'i wi -he_ 0 fnak . t he folhwing

    report on the Sup't"ilnnuate E d I V fOnt Fund:-Wpmbu Nynma Dis trict f r ~ , 56lt15Mmga , . ' , ~ 1 8 , 7 0 Lodi' ' , , 176..20Tunda - no l'epor,_ fro', 9365 I

    On hand frOID last yvar 5!J;.61 tf1'8. 10;)4.55

    During the yea.r till:l'e were no disb ul'st!lll

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    ~ l a tWe '"cj..,Tret to re port lhat thru the y ~ , r s we nnd that ,'ome ) I),pT che-rs rre nnt applying tl totn"plvt's to the study or th

  • 8/4/2019 1942 Journal


    .. ",,'llt"ir families L,.., ,ent til n 111 ( e8., (E, p. I.) rhi year,10, W 'XDIllItI d til dwracLcl' (r ti le Lenchel's pf the ml ::l ion,, l l l l l '(,(,Olllllll ' nd:l'h'lt Lullwga Dilnyple bl' I'p-in!'l:1 cd,

    1. hat the tfdlowin r h,' disn:i 8 ' d:W. lllklll! b, .Jq,'eph, lJt.'hudi Pi,t'te. LOlllue JU'ol1letLodja, UIUI1.'U Pau l l1 Jingn, UlengH .J\I,ltt i Tunda. P i ~ l l ~ ! l : l l lyel '. OIl'Uy. ] ' iCl ' i \ , .... h. kasil -n Liel're. ' E. II, Lovel :, Chail'nl'l tl ,Ann imne "V hite, eel' t

  • 8/4/2019 1942 Journal


    of l LJOO copies.I t was move and pa'lsell that the' Livre de ( ) t i o n Elf'm nial l"F l ' a n ~ a i 8 be reprin te d and t hat t he edi tion "htl u ld (:oIDpl'L ; i l l e was bllUt t o t Iw old briek T e s l l ~ n cA be I lower feet hig h at.; bt 'g lln ~ l n d (, lIl1lp i( l ' .

    T Ul1daSnme )u rll ber has b(Jen sawed 511,000 lw i/'k p ' ' ~ s p d 1'

    I lew Lpwi s Melllo jal Hospita l, We hope t.) press I I 'l' ! ~ r ( ' c t i ofthi s 1u

  • 8/4/2019 1942 Journal


    Slal ~ . n d the 1 1 8 1 : ~ 1 rormnlitk 'one through, This audilion i tlhe same size as the presf'nt l:onces i01l .

    Routine mattcl': wel'e at teJJdt:d to, such a!:l Slatel'l'pol'ts, taxes onhuilding::;, HUt.O", 'lc. .Rain guag and temperatLlI' ('I'ports were cnt.1n ea h tnullLhusual. E. 1. L i b ~ , Report No. 12

    Report of Committee on Voman's \ \ ork'Ye recomml.nu1. That greater' empha is b ' Pilt on the Chri ti:m marriage. We

    w'ge that th flltUl'C all t:hllrch III mbers hnv sick and h']p Lhe poor I I I ':1st once 11 month,D. B autilv the 'hw'eh and the g1'{lllllcL.10. That averarn aLl"ndnnce he at.lea't 75 pel' cenL on Station':ml 5U PCl' c(:nt i l l uUl-villng :,

    1 r ~ , / '. J . .r; ci I (Chairlllan

  • 8/4/2019 1942 Journal


    -t'lThe (olio\: iog IS a trans!at"un of a lett r from the Administrat raL Katako-Kombe unrlerdate of ilie mnth of September, Hr38 in l"f'gard

    LO missionariel:i \\ iLing Chri Linn marringe:or, b ~ p t i s m s , and birlhs u!cbildren of Christian paren . i l l tbt:ir identification books.

    "I have the honur Lo inform YI,U that the Reverend m issiona1'ies 1\aLltho1'lzed to make the following inscriptions in lhe idenlitiicationhonks of lhl n, th es:1. At t h (lee;, ion (If a 'hr i nlian marriage: the pIacl" the tlate thl'ul'name and ,hri tic:tn name, of those joined in marriage. and eventu;illy Lh ' numb'l' of the marriage In th I' .gi. ter of til "}lission.Upon the occasion ora bapli-m or of a birth in a Chri'iuan family

    the place. the date of birth of the infants, Lheir Chri!"ti:m n ~ m e . tLI1fllJ lCS ann Chri tian nnnll'S of the parents, ill case these are noralreod:r written in the book,These inscription, followed bytbe date anr! :-ignature, may b matll'OIl th pages of t ho book "Indication:::;auh'es," to the defiinile e x c l u ~ i f i n of thO' p a g e ~ res 'fved to ille State. in wldh lhe items insc tibed byt.he authorized agen ts may not in any CaRe be canceled. stricken nut,modified , 01' compleled,1 would be gJad to have you bring the pre'ceding infurmation to I j,e attention of the Reverend mL ' i narie:; at Wembo-NY8mH and Minga.'

    The Head Administrator of the 1'erritOly D...lcourt. L. Report No. 13 Report of Committee on Evangelism

    L We rccmTlhasize the action of the Conference of 1940 concernillgolygamy and the ,'ec ption of people in p(IIygamoll marriages intothe c h t U " C . ~ h W in8ist that this standard be held before the churchamI Lhat whe rever possibl the 'alami' of Lh

  • 8/4/2019 1942 Journal


    4. , We urge that e t : ~ / : ; : ; h ~ : e ~ ~ ~ ~ f ~ : a : ~ S ~ J ~ ; ~ S ~ e ~ ~ v ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ p;lIgn thIS year anc "effor ts in personal t ! v ~ n ~ f , I ~ ~ m ~ a preacher rganize in his chu.l'h aWe als6 recommen ,1_ d tl at he with them use eHry avallabl.group of personal WOIAers an 1 means to seek out th o ~ L . Annie Laura Winfrey Secretary.


  • 8/4/2019 1942 Journal


    I'lJltI':I!:;'; MI".'IO.. 1'110.,"

    Repor t. No. 1Stati tica l Repor tW. N. !l i ll ll.!ll ' 1 1 t 1 1 ~ Tot

    .11 "j,lIIar i ' ! l in ( , ' n t ' m l ~ ( ' c U o n '


    1'I1 !3.-\ !I'!IHi.


    :.!ti32331I' 'VIII to ' ~ ' uW ll ,I"'I:S on rn il lll!ll rem' I l i l

    f'r. paruturv l I 0emllel ('e ' iveli dUl'in '"' he ~ r . :!:l: ; lI . pr"par ILoI'" IIIprnh oaptizc

  • 8/4/2019 1942 Journal


    Va lue' or ehUl'ch b u i l c 1 i n ~ ; , ; (f'l'ancs).I. To. of p a r ~ l l n a g c s Value' of pa rsunag't' s (francs)FI! ANCE. a tive ch u rch offe l'ingsSund ay " . , vf m lsslOnariMis s iunary society offerings

    W,::lGG ,000Xj

    7,tiO()17. :)1;. ii:'i

    S 1.ti!lli.OO!)21 40

    1.:M 111 !I:, l Lodja T UJldu Tot " l

    11 ;;,0 (10 62,0(10 GO,OOO GO:i.iIO(l27 110 :.!tfi2,701l , (01) :1, 4(11) 21, !)( J(I


  • 8/4/2019 1942 Journal


    44R epo r t No . 15

    Res olu tionsAs we co e to the close of this, th t:' Third Al1 ll u:Jl Sessi of l}wCer-itr ongo P rovisional Conrerence he ld on the bcauti f lll compound of \Vern, 0 Nyama st a tion our hear t..' . re heavy \ i t l: the newsof eath Cl 1 J ' s h . ' 1 1 . ~ ; 0 n all arou nd us. On land, on s a a nd in t lw

    I, Jesu& our ,dO lll' , W e r grateful fir !';t 0 all to our Father for

    ., m , ' , t." .('h others ' (hroats and it seems our very f undations r ' c> . 1:. ... tenth us. Bu t w re more than ev t' a live totu ' '1 ( ' : , t , NOl'ld and th at t he only hope for a wo 'I d gone mal;,His gre t love to u ' and to all men. VYe t ha llk Hiru here a nd nowfor the privilege whIch is our s in hol ,jiIlg up to a los t worldChr ist of Calvary,

    We re gl'a eful 0 our Bishop and is flea helpmate wh cameto us undt!l' ifficuUles brincrin .. In 'r iradon ar,d guidance by their])re: nee, We a l'e gl'lllel :11 to t Lir helpL'r Jacob wh bas broughtt!wm safely v 110.We al'e gr t f 1 to a ll the people (If \Y'mho Nyama (,.r t h irboun ti ftJl ho':; iialil) a nd Indl1es to us, w'1ich h"iped 10 mike tJlt ks li teo!' a d our stay willi t ll I I a prt:'ci:1u memo. y as \ hayp rayed all c worhd LOgt:'UW I' t "ese detys lor lhc co !.ling of H iKingdom in the h arts 01 . lH I ! . Mrs W, B . Lew is ,

    l hryuReport No. 16

    Committee on District Confe once ecordsYoU!' Cummitten 11 Dis t rict Co nfere nce Re:>!:orti s s ubm it thefollowin g r eport on the condition a nd t te r t h e records of the

    Distr ict Conference s.We find th' l t the RE'cords c. f th e ;Yem ho Nyam a an LodjaDistrict Confe re nces are i n g'ood ord er, We ask j'haL t he r ecords of

    Minga ant! 'l uuda Dis tl'icts be t ' ped Al l our r cord s ." hnutd be ke ptin permanenL fil p ,

    The Committee of las t year r ports th ( a ll of th Recol'r! s of theDis trict ,onfcrences were in guud ul'(kr t hose o r' the Tun daDistrict. W e ask t hat tl 'ey be t yped Hnd pu t in lo th e permanentfile,

    E . 1L Lovell, Ch rman .1\I1NrTl... OF THE M I I O R l E S MEEUNGT he ," i i.:::;ional'es as eJ :l bled in t he 1 J 1 ~ choo l for thei r fi r stsession at : ~ 1 ) Monday ev rung. The Bishop broug ht a p lend idmessage which was fo110\\ ed by a season of praye r .

  • 8/4/2019 1942 Journal


    B lshnp S I,ring er presided over th e b l l e ~ s m eeLiw.;'. Kathryn Eyewas eledcd secre ta ry .

    lMl'. Wheekl ' 3ug-geste to thE' group that a joint committee beI appointed to make a study of th e Manual fo r the purpose of makingrecommendati on to th e Board. A n (l pcn discus:-;i nn f>lIowed: M r.Whe ler l'esta e the motion ha t a commi tt

    -l. VacanCies, C. t> . C. - B uilding' a l i l l c:ol l mit tee , . :J . La ke llouse I'm' va catlOnin:2'. fl, Medie (d . Ilowal1ee 7. In vita tion LO DI'. Sm ithH. ' fl" n "pol"t -Tr llck 9, I ,ubon ta i (('ach er 10 . 'o rrespond nt :-; to per io dic-a I,'.\1 r . E .H. Lovp [l rn a e a motion that till' Bir. h.)j) wl'iLe to th e Boardand ask fOt, a clari fy ing sL,lte men t of t he fina nc ial standing of t hemi ssionaric, of t h G ener a l D.ivi 'ion fr m t he time the new Boardtuok O\ l!t" and of t heir s s tem of auditin 'J', 1 . 1'. Wheeler seconded th e

  • 8/4/2019 1942 Journal


    Bishop Springer presented the matter of a teacher fur the Lubondaischool, a nd explained t he s ituation and asked for su gestions fran;the group.Mrs. Lewis spoke on be half of her family . of the benefits receivedand said that she a nd Dr. Lewis would volunteer to go.Mr. Anker spoke a the best solution to the prob lem and how muchbetter it was to sen d on e worker than to attempt to sta rt a school here.

    11'11'. Wheeler e. plained further points brought up in BoardMeeting. There was other general discu !"ion, Stl h as I i \ ingcond itions fo r a ,-ouple and financ es.

    Mr. and Mr. E. H. Lovell offered to go.Mr. Lov -nmade a motion that we send a teacher fO I the n E'W tel'ln.

    Mr. Anker seconded the motion. Miss O'Toole- spoke on the advisa'bility of sending H person who was willing to go.Mr. Anker asked thp. group to coopera te and to willingly abide byth e decision .A mot io n was m de and cani t:d that we a djourn .

    he Miss'onari s m e t in the Bible School for their :.k d m e e t i nFriday ev n in \{ () t 7: 0 o'clo k. fte r a short devotio a l period theb !l 'iness \\,;1 i mmed iately ente red upon . T he rep"rt was c' lied fo rfrom the furloug h conlmi ttee and Dr. Sh effey r ild th .. r po rt. Ageneral di 'cussion iollow(Jd and a iter many slIgg(>stions we r e madec c e r n avail able pi - Ct S f or ..:ho1't va l.:atinns a mo t ion wasmade t o (l lJ lcnd the report of th e committee, r ec()mmend ing thatfm'l salary and travel he gra nted f,)1' Ge net'a l Board workers,anr! tra vel and $30.00 rent per month be ~ ) " a l i t e d f':> r W lk rs ofWoman 's DiviS IO n, for v; ,catioll s in K ivu and all places outsiri theCan cro, a nd tray 1 only for short vaca ti ns tak n in the Cr.ngo. The11loti.m IVa" s3conded an d carried . '

    M I'. T ow nsley. the T reasurer , r ead a Id ter fl'om M I'. c explaining th a t the ' (;: was a credit for 2G58,). UO hs. as r efund if Jl1th e bank I, n til .. /h h qUdnter J U10 1"emiL tancc of the l' ne ra l DiVIsion.Mr . Wh eeL !' mad e a motion th ot \\ ' 1" reeo mrn end t h l'l t a por tio n ofthe above a m oun t be i v ~ n to a t e mp rll'ary r est hOll ::;t: elt ourM issio n Lake with a dequa te s ('!' l'e n ing' nnd h a p s a ki.tche n, whichwill ena ble som e wor ke r s to tHI {' a vaca tion. T he moti.onwas secondedand pas::1e d \ itlinut ~ : i I ' n i n g vok .l hL n'. c il l' for' n s i d ra ti."11 wa ' that (If filli ng th e v;lcanciesin vari ';l ls C() n m irt(!ps 1\ K fJ liy \, aoS ci1usen to be the C.P.C.r e ["l'St at" liv i l l ,\11'-8 a r li

  • 8/4/2019 1942 Journal


    pray r.The m L n l l a r i S ll1C' L nt 3:1/J a . :tft l'rloon for their' cio inse,' on . Di hop Sprir.g\:l' appoin ted tIle lollowing'

    arrang ) U r uu' ld ing a m(lre ad -'1uut bO llS t e lal errvacaf n!; : Mr. Wh cler, i. ' 'To' 1" Mi ::; ,vinfrey . MI'. Ank 'r and. . tilz . Mi $ Y 11

  • 8/4/2019 1942 Journal


    An explanation of the foHo v'ng Chronologica1 Roll\\'hcn Dr. W. C, Cram, General Secretary of the General Seeliol

    of the B O ~ l r d of Missions of lhe i. E. Church. outh. visited OUI1i .'IOt) in 19: 5, the Annual Met tin" of our 'Ii,sion f\!Ct!ived lwel\'eindigenous preachers on Trial tln Mil). ion Tl"avt:ling Preachers, Ther 1I0wing year, 1936, umlel' t ip p r ~ i lelley of Bish p Arthul' ,1. Mo relh Annual Meeling M tile Mission wa.:; Qrganized imilar to h lh, Dislri,t and an Annual Conrerenl! . All f the tw l\'e indigenollIr acher' who had he 'n rei v rl on '1 rial as Mi sion Tra\ clingrecil(;,I' ill IU35 were l'ecived into Full Connection and sr me ojt1H:'tn wer orduind Deacons. Others who were received un Trial in

    1936 weT receive I int.o FLlll Conne -tion in 1!J39, In 1910 Bishn[lJohn II. Springer organized 0111' M i ~ s i o n into a Pl'ovisional AnnulliConference. 'rhe indigenuus preachers who hnd been l ' 'ceived intoFull C\ n I l cLion in the Annual Meeting of our l\tisslon previolls 1i1HI40 anti \\ 110 had c( ntinu d in tilE' work of the minisln' w ~ r e I'cl'.r)'.lnized os membc-l'S of the Provisional Annual UonferellcC':OLher\ ' t'e l'cceivcd into Full Connection in 1940 and H142.Frna' 01 our missional'il'S who were on the field in 1931l and whohac! heen received into 1''011 Connection in home C ( m f e r e n c ~ s T1revious1M that yelir Wl r I' cognized as mini -terial members f the AnnualMeeting ot' Ollr Mission in 1036, Two others who came to the fieldin 1 ! ' ) ' ~ 7 \11,' e !'el' gnized B. millisterial member. in lik manne, InHJ411 aU of thes.e werr- recognized as members of the l'l'ovisionalAnTlual Conference. rl'WII other" w e r ~ receh'eJ i n ~ o Full Connedionb\ Th l ! Central Congo Provisiollul Conference in 1940, one of whomhad been recch'ed on Trial in a home C o n f ~ l ' e n c e ne other whohad been received iul( Full CUl1l1ecllon ill a home Conferr!ncp wasrecognizen u. a member IJf th Pl'uvi ional Conference in 1.941. Them i n i ~ t c r i a l missional'ie. who hav memb hip ill hOIl) Conf rencesr ::tin their membt!r,-hip in lhf.!ir rt! peclive home nf rences andat t h ~ amp tim!:'. recognized as member of The Central Congor ' v i s i \ ~ m i 1 "'ollf r"nc .I\bbr ... iationR u 'ed Oll I pposit page: E" E1fective; 31' and 4th,T nrd and FoUl'lh Yeal' Clus es r spectively.

  • 8/4/2019 1942 Journal


    Nol Chronologicnl Roll of Clcricn.l

    NAME ConfeJ'encePresent in whichRelation receivedI E. Virginia 1915 19:>4 1936E. Kentucky 1936E. C. Congo rro\'. 1935 19:36 11930 1942nh"

    1935 ]936 1 ~ 4 0 ctUl II 1935 1906 1[140Hh .. itl35 1936 1f/3114th ., 1935 193G 19aGE. .. 1935 1936 1939lh 193f1 1936 19.10E. .. 1 9 : ~ r ; 1936 HJ3('i 19124th ,. 1935 1936 1940 11930E. Rentuclcy 1926 1fJ28 19:16 IfJ28E. C.Congu Provo 1935 HlH6 193!iusH ,Uh " Ul35 H136 1940E. West. Virginia 192G H ) ~ n 1 9 ~ { j W:!6 19321" Virginia 1 9 ~ n 19:19 19:17 1939J .E. T e D n ~ : ; l e e 1D28' I 1!l33 Hj37 1C1')l. 1933'1 ti l O. C ( l n ~ o Pt{\\. .193(; I IDa!)4th 1 ~ 3 l ) H)39 ..E. " I 1910 1\)10 119-10Hh .. 1930 ]910Pttclfic 19:37 \ 1910 194(J 11938 IUl40Tcnnessl'e 1 9 2 ~ ) 19:11 IH,n 1 Q')l l 1933G. COlIgo. Pre".. w:n 19421942

    " 1912

  • 8/4/2019 1942 Journal


    tronolngicaJ Roll of 1"('U bert; on Trial,ProbationersCia. 5 01 Third r ar

    Namp y,. r Admllte1. Fudir la Pi rr J9352. Dikulu Thorn' 19'{ .3. Long ngo Mat u 193 j4. NdJati August l.13t;Class of S. c nd Ye.nr . LulmrIi Jllknba 1. 37 G. h uml.n Pi rr 1 ~ ' 3 i. El mho Pi rre H)38 Kin 'nmba P. ul 19:

    Lli lau, Andr' Ill. Ukinfii11. kitn iumi Pt"n"12. Urnann Aud 1::. II1UalUU Andr 14. Lu andJu Jukoua1-. Lundula L auyellli. Ol( k Pierr CIIl :; of Fit t Ycar

    01. ashi Dany Ie W41r n . ' i ( ) n ~ C 1 asilu luHL Idi Michel 1 ~ ! 1 01 'onya f alliu 1a 11

    t i . hUllgu .Juani W l .HIhungll .Jo fu 1911la. T' 1 nga Aillholls 19 12 . rJP I Jamb Mo e 19-1

    ~ ; ) . l meunga Pi 're 1'11~ 6 . Uny n unga ,Joal i 19 1}.i l ~ U l 1 g " P i u ~ HI 11

    A. n nrIe Jprtlmp 19 2~ 9 . Djulu Alhert L91::!: : I. jnllga Pi 'l'e 1 12:::1. 1alllhuta Ab"\e 19'2

    In thi. I rovisiollnl J O f e r ~ n c w h' t il irregult ri ics I fretaining all the indig J uU ' m mb r8 in -neh class of studyf( r nt Ie st two year ' , nd of not r c iving all into Full Conneeti n \,rho hav (omple cd th first t.wo years 0 study.

  • 8/4/2019 1942 Journal


    ;, lRoll Of Missionaries Not Members Of An Annual Conference!J.



    Nrune Arrived on the fieldMrs. 11. P. Anker 19LI)E. B. Stilz 1911)Mri', J. J, Davis 1UzUMary E. Foreman 1920Mrs. E. B. Stilz 1 ! 1 ~ ( ~ . P. M. \ hctfey I ! J ~ : ! W. B. Lewis 1 ~ 2 : Mrs. W. B. Le\\is 11)2H. C. Ayr s IH24Dora.J ane A'mslrong (Resigned) 1925Mrs . W. DE'Ruiter 1926Mary E. Moore 1927J H. Maw 1928Mrs. H. T, V\ heeler 192W. S. Hughlett * 1 ! 1 ~ ! 1 l\Ilrs. W. S. Hughlett ' 1929Mrs. A. J. Reid 1 ~ 2 9 Mrs. E. II. Lovell ]laODorothy R ~ e s * 1930Mrs. Shuler "mith Ayres * Hl81Edith Martin .' 1931I uth O'Toole 19:nCatherine Parham * 19:nA n n i m a ~ White IHalMyrtle ~ i c a f ( ) ( ) s e 1931Mrs. C. P. M. Sheffey 19:32Mrs. J. H. Maw * HI:!!Lorena Kelly 1 9 : ~ ( ; Norene Robken * UKl7Mrs. 1. U. Towns ley 1 9 ; 1 ~ Kathryn Eye 1 9 : ~ f l Annie Laura Winfrey 1 9 : 1 ~Mrs. 1\1. W. Lovell 194()

    lO l l furllJugll )

  • 8/4/2019 1942 Journal



    Board of Ministerial Training, l'epol'l of Building Supervisol', rcpor , 0 f ('en tl'al ('ohicrence, del(gate 0 ertificate (If Ordinationhronol gica RollChurch School CorrespondentChur('h Sch 01 l e s ~ o 1.', writ "'rs at

    C o m l l l i t t , ~ e on Accepted Supply P a ~ t ( } r Committee on Building Work a Lake !vI kambaC. rnmjLl

  • 8/4/2019 1942 Journal


    Ol'dinati< n 1' \ i .l rganiz ti nPraver for Mis' ParhamR"'ports, giving ofR.. pots of District. uperintendt.-n ts. ollltionsRoll 'all';;latlti 'II ReportSu nday :servi eT np anCe PledgeVue tion poli ies

    136127,9.11,1221.11 , ~ 5 , 30445

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