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Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC June 1942 Daily Egyptian 1942 6-19-1942 e Egyptian, June 19, 1942 Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: hp:// Volume 23, Issue 32 is Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1942 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in June 1942 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Recommended Citation Egyptian Staff, "e Egyptian, June 19, 1942" (1942). June 1942. Paper 2. hp://

The Egyptian, June 19, 1942 - COnnecting REpositories · 2017-04-21 · Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC June 1942 Daily Egyptian 1942 6-19-1942 The Egyptian, June

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Page 1: The Egyptian, June 19, 1942 - COnnecting REpositories · 2017-04-21 · Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC June 1942 Daily Egyptian 1942 6-19-1942 The Egyptian, June

Southern Illinois University CarbondaleOpenSIUC

June 1942 Daily Egyptian 1942


The Egyptian, June 19, 1942Egyptian Staff

Follow this and additional works at: 23, Issue 32

This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1942 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in June 1942 by anauthorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected].

Recommended CitationEgyptian Staff, "The Egyptian, June 19, 1942" (1942). June 1942. Paper 2.

Page 2: The Egyptian, June 19, 1942 - COnnecting REpositories · 2017-04-21 · Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC June 1942 Daily Egyptian 1942 6-19-1942 The Egyptian, June

1933, was elected Iltesldent or Western IIlIDols State Teachers' lege at Macomb at a meeting ,ot IllinoIs State Teachers' BDard held In Chicago morning. He wUl succeed Waller P. Morgan, who Is

Plans for .a swimming cours!;! u!'deq college auspices to l:!.~ . giy~ at Crab 0t.chard .-take thi.s summer wete dropped early this week because of transportation difficulties; according, to a .statement by Mr. 'William McAndrew, head of the depart..

"merit of physical educatiOn for men. ' --: Mr.' 'McAndrew; also stated that the d~lay i~ opening the

beach at Crab Grchatd W&8j a contributing factor in the deci­sion to re~inquish the planB'. He" felt that the COlle~ wlls nQt jlUstified in-olJ:eniug the course two weeb after the egirining of thEt·current tennl It is not likely. he added. that any' further atteIPp~ . up such a course ·will be made this ·summer. There is . PoBsibility-that plans. may be resumed "neXt .su,Rlmer. if diff~cultiea do int,ervene.

j. ''Ed. Pag~New Com·

. mittees of~orre.pond. enee-Movement at An ..

tio<h College

Guidance Will Hold Clinic June 23.~

Kendrick, Jameson, all Members of Chicago Inslitule, 10 Be Principal Speakers For Three-Day Session

The Bureau of Child G~idance will hold its regular quarterly clinic on; the campus of Southern Illinois N(ll'rnai University on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, June 23. 24, 25, of next week. Principal speakers on the program will b~ Mrs. Augusta Jame. son, p,sychologist; Dr. David Lev'itjn,J psychiatrist; and Miaa Mary Alice KeJildrick .. psychiatric social worker, all members of

the Chicago Institute for Juvenile Research. This· meeting will be i),eld in. collaboration with the Illinois Institute for Juvenile Research~

Levitin to L.eeture.

alter having sBI'ved as head of W"cl .•• U'LIII;w.. •• " • ...,"",,.,, .. Giovanna' GJtts Doctor's Degree From New York

Fell tured durin!; the three·da.y con· [erence will be a lecture Ilnd open dlsCIIl;SloD on Thursday, 10:50 to 11: HI,. by Dr. LeYltln on tbe tQpk, "Emotionttl Problems ot the School Child a~ Relilt-ed to the N!;l' tional Emer&"ency~. to be held , In Shryock Audltodum·. Other h18'h· lights ot the program wlH be lecture~ by Mrs. Jameson, !lnd MIBB Kendrick: the elllmlnaU(HI lind study of indl· "ldulll children; seminars for student.

tern, ~Ince 1912.

BO~ a:O~:n~~eY~UJ~;:e~e~~' Beu is 44 years or age. He received bls A.Bo 'degn:e from Northwestern verslty In 192(1 aod his M.A.

"EDucation need not be ~p in the air-we can have our feet

the ground!" was the beginning statement of Mr. L. P. Hollis's speech at a special college assembly exercise Thursday morning. Mr. Hollis, the superintendent of Parker District Cons'oJidated

ScbooJs in South Carolina-rated by some a-3 the. ideal school ~-';;;:;;~f.y,'te'n-has spoken on the campus this week at sev~ral differ_

ent times 1lnd was honored with a dinner at Anthony Hall Wed­nesday night,

Vincent D! Glovanna, a member !;It teachers and administrators; Rod tho) de[)artment of Physical I!:duca. Panel dls-::UBilloI'l5. Members of Ihi!

,_. '.'T<" ,. Hon at Southem Illinois Normal Uni. Bureau nr Child Guidance, Supervhi' Pictured-;~et~.~!··:=~e&Jdent 'Pulliam congratulating Gene veJ'slty, recently received the Doctol' Ors and Adm!'1lstraton.; trolIl the vari·

ney of ·I!~tco.:.?~~: '~·'·e1~ti(l~ 8~ ,~qu8dron. leader of Southern's Yor:~l:~;~~}', degree from New ~:~:;;~:I:~ ;;h~~=~a7i:~,ber:n:f ~hd~ newly fo,rtne.9 ' .. If -,., ... ~.-~~ypt1ans. Also, pictured are Pa.ul Ruch Dr, DiGiovanna l.ecelvQd Ills Baeheo-I Yanced education EtL!dellts ar(! Invited from ~Aterlo:o, ~'i.r~. Daughtery of Mt. Carmel, other mem- I~r's degree in Physical Edutatlon to participate In the stallings ot tbe bers of ·the gt'?UP~g " ., from Springfililid (::olIege, tlnd his indivldualt!l:n,;e stndles. .

Ma!!ter'" degree troln Ihe School of r PLlrpOlle 18 Tcachcr Education EdUcation at New York UnlYersU)'1 The 1)I'Il a.r), IturpOse ot this clinic He came tl) S.l.N.U, thlL"teen yeal!o; l~ f1lr tea er edueatloll and tbe study agO; amI since that time, he has f Indh'lduaJ children. The memllers dlstlngl11shed hlmselr as .. leader In Of the S.LN,U, Bureau 01 Cblld euld' the Physical EducathIU department Bnce sre called upon constantly to ul the collese. act lUi cOD~ultant:l on Issues along

As thhe 6uIJ.Ject or his research the Jille of child guidance procedures

.... ~~I':::::':'!~.::-:::-·~~~.::·::".::1~~:~".r.=:;""::~~~'~~~-::'~~~fl:w'~~.':,'"':~FA.~!,::,~!I>Jt'~''I!;,!,!.j_'';'''I~,,,,,,,,.,';;;:,Of!:i!oii~_~~~~t~~~~!~,.,,;. .. ~..... "ap.Jl. ~Is I?onqr'!I. the!<!s, Dr .. lila they are brought up In tbe 'l'arll)U5 . selected the tople, "The commnnltms or ~uthern Ill1noil>..


How to Improve Ed~Q"tion. ' . ,teaChing materlal~, ~e;l: ~:hlt~~ ~::ct:~:i\~f ~~ee~:~!:: ~~ru~~:I~:lssa~: vl~:!Yal~~aO:;e~~f~~:e~a~: ;~~:mm~:e~ J\Her ~s open lug remark to the the Art department at Southern Old Sclem:e gymnaaium, closed yes· Cl)lIege Athletics," call be brought to the clinic. Teachers

ellect that educators may be prac_ nob Normal Ulllvcrsity during the, terday, after ba:in g lIeen open tl) Dr DIGjovanna'~ degree brings tbe snd pSI·enl" who hsve .... ca~e tbey era! gamel! of l more passi"e lIcal. which he said had been hls BecGnd summer sessl1ln beGinning I t~e pubUc for tree dllY!! and one total number ot Ph.D:!! held by mem'I' would like to have studied at "orne

::~U:!~~s,C!~~\e\~a~::::: for those :~:~n:ertnm:~~ ~~ae ::~:~s t~::k:'dut:a~ July 13. ~~~~~ ~e;SI;:~e ~:~::::;: ;;er:u~;:ct: ~J~Sh of f the!t $.I.~'U. (~~~IlY to 49 ~~t:r tdate ~~~ Be~d ~req~est ~~ t~1I who pr:eter them, 11011 mUlit ve improved olle eQSY 5lep Miss Pain Is a ceramic sculvtress,matter, workbooks, !naps. I'efel'ence Jn~ny liora:~hG~1 °ha::el~lso c:::;~e~:Sd:T~a~mo;n.oWho e .... lllurma.:e t~·e n~ces:

asQ'°8:::::tef::U~;~'b~~~:e~: I:~ ~~r 8 o~lm:;trl~~~:~ h~\i!~tc~e~ :~I:l; ~::Oortl:ll:a:I~:l:::I~~:~:n I~he~::~ I ~:o~;~c~c:~it:~:s'll:dndCl':~~~~les used, ~~:~densc:Ul::': :~;~o\he :octo~'s ud~'~1 Bsry :1.1l1\ngements, rna d ! th II \ I]\I t th r Gil I" S orm n· 1Jbls cllnl~ oilers l'adoUf; opportunl· J H' h G oil Jl S 0 e co ege are being In· yeilr6 ot e:tperlence as a teacher lind Ica, HoI' ceramic panels are to Be Bny 0 e oret'lt()st DU s Hng vers\{y has one or the }'I)ungest lat~"c tlels for child atudy-to~ Bupen'h,ors

• Ig 0 in Reading, ~I;:l t;h::!e~: n~hl:ha~::r':or P~: ::::~~~~eD8~eonut;d b=~:;,e~ that schOol found In achools Rnd public bttlldings ::~::~~:: ;~d A~~:;;~;s S::\.~,~.r~~ CIlliege faculties In the cOllnlry,_ ~or the U'(linlng schools and to tellch.

Lit and Social Studies 0' Ib, ooll,'"" "h,do',d .• nd.II "b, w'" bhlo, • ""b", b •• nd In ,,",vot< ooll"llon. Ibm"bo,,',o, Ih' ,ooml"" 0' Imh'" In .---- I", In <b, pobllo "'>no". to ,tod," __ equipment Ie turnished by the col said, he would consider bel' gloom the country She has taught for two I tbe field Who came hack fOt the 8CS Investigators Sought II ~:~c~~r~Il~YO~~::lb~~~e::d ~tt~~~o:~.

RepOltE on the \itate"'ide High lege, Ing. hcr voice hair and make-up, yean, at Hull Houae In Chicago Ilnd sion and for tbe 8peeches of Mr L F d lAg' dhiduals ",ho may be Interested schOOl test sponsored by sll colleges A ChUdren s Corn~r wh~le liar and the way sht! dresse6 He went ill the Chicago Art Institute II" Hall!.! and fOI tbe Gtudent" WllO e era enCle8 __ ~~ I~~:cl=tl::d :;u~:: i~n~~:r~:;le!~1 ~:~Il a::~~::v~ha~~~eyc~~~re:e :~~ ~:IO~o ::: ::::d 1l~~:OI:U~::~U;c;l~ aubjoct.. I ~:~e t~e~~~~I:: Itohelhfeut::~II~~tlas::: Invelltlgators ~rform InvcsUgn I Program For Clinic, Illinois, just been receiveu lIod taken care of Is an additional fea that _~Ith his /lIst million dollars be MI~s Pain wlij teach J3egJJlnlng salellmen dtatrlbuted catalogues and live I'oolk (or Federal flgencies slel Bureau of Child .Guldance SChedule dlscloaed by Mt George Thompson lure of Play Night thll! year Intended 10 buy a bright red Bilk POUOI')'. Advanced Pottery, Ceramics. e::rDlaldlod the ulles or the various belllg ~I)ught throogh 1Jn IInnountl! I For Clinic Program Fl)r June 23 of the SIN U education depillt Student!> from the phy«lcal educa. drcss for every scho1l1 teacher In and Ceramic .sculptUre. There flre mnleriaJs shown ment releu!!ed today by tho United 24,25 menl, who gale the test 10 tbe jun. tion department,. ot S. I N U. I IItate oC"Soutn Carolina' no ple-requts'fte5 to. tbeae coulsesl Tho exblbltor:!! catered to the Stllies Civil Sen Ice Commission Program 10rS amI ~enlorl! or the University he In charge of the actlvltlee, Orgllnizc Curriculum and tlie houn have been arraDged so I teresh of element'lTt, secondary. salary IS $2,1i00 a year, It Is TUeSdSY-J~1:I~ 23 High School. Tile te-:lts were given will fUl'nbh iustruction In Perhaps tire mm;t important thing tllat tbe famnies ot De[ensa Work'icollege ttlachers, and !lhowed expel;'teu tbat positions will be filled) 9:00-12:0{) a.m,----ICs'~ Studies lllud al the same UUle In all other llllnois the games being: otre:red. spcaker stated, I~ the ability t~ ,ers Interested In colleg"6 work maY,lng aids uSIIlJle In all thl'ee types In Washington, D. C., and thr1lugh· 12-examlned by theft. J. R.-l05 Par' high school. Gl)cd has one'" own curriculum. In. ecroll. The clas5 will be conducted ot llchooLs. oul the United Statcli. Appointees kln50n. '

HaVe Good Reading Rotin'llB Southern's Play Nlgbts In the , stead ofltuildll18' from tbe roof dowo on TUeSdaY.~d ~hursday attarnoonsl Amoeg" the publishing house~ will prob~blY .be In a tl'svel "talUS! 2;00-3;00 p.lU,-SemlnaI'~ !Qr atu-The UnIVersity High. School stu- and a record cro,"'d Is eJ:peeted and expeeting thtl &uPedlltendeuttto from 4 to 7oclock. Swce UJere ha5 tlclpatlng may be listed tbe tbe s-,eatel pDrt of the Urnt'. The dent teacherzs as toll1lws:

dents have II. reading achlevemenl year. do all tha' planrJlng, the teachers always been II. great demand t1lr -can Bool< company, wOl'k will ve of a contldQntl~1 Char! University H. S.-B .. semeut of 11· or twenty.flve !)l!l'centIJes above their should .. huiLd their own cUI'rlculums, tbl~ class, all persons Interested are & CompallY, Houghton Ilclel'. In which the Illvesti~tol' must lJ1'ary-1\I18S Mary Alice Kendrick. ·Inteiligence raUng". Median percen· Lt George O'Neal and let the superintendent lIupervlse advised to IDMt wltb. Mr •• BUrDett ,lean Crayqn compauy, rneet and conrel' with ~Jld'vlduals In I Eleln. Train, SChOols-rOOD! lIH Inc ranlilngs on all other phases of • • ' and Integrate tbem· aU H. Shryock 1tetween 11: 3{1 atld: 12:30 pert. the Welch Sc!enllttc all walks of life. The data devel· Main Bldg.-Mrs, Augusta Jameson. Ihe te~t are su\lstaotlally above tbe M arrled at .West Next Mr. HOllis w~uld consider on TUeBda'Y8~.nd T~1irBdaya lD. r01lm: McMillan, Lippincott, Benjamin oped must he assembled In written W,'ltten resumcs of tIle cases to be t:orr~ijI'Onl1lnb percentile ranktngs in. p . t R l whether tbe teacher kno:ws the en· 202 ot the. Main' bnilding at S.I.N.U. Sanborn, and the Manual Arts Press, reports, I Presented '11'111 he made available one Intclllsence, On readlug,. compre· Oln ecent y vlronmcnt or ber ijchoQI cllildrell, or to contaet him by 'mall !Or ad'l Expel'ience Is required either In week previous to tbe Ume or the clln·

~::eSI:'e :~~:!en:~e~:e'gr~:~er II~:~~ Florence 0';;:;'- a :::le:·h:~hpe:~I:!:e!e~:!:~~:~ Il~: ~n~ va~c~h:~:I~:tI:~irlc~en~ dem,and for: McCAULEY ENTERS :I::~~~e 1~I~oe::!~~:~:n~r 1:IV~o::e~~~:~ :~ ~tt:~ll o:t:d:~t;~e:c::~I::r:.lIlallS in othe~ Eubjects, Thts la unusual menlbtlr at Iile cla15s ot '-42, able her to a.ppreciate many types the {:ourSfJ, .Miss Pain will al.i:Lo Direr I U. S. ARMY Iqal ca~e~, ill tbe general practlco or 3:10·4 :OQ-Stll!l'lng of Case l-base-

~:t th~~:rea~~~h SC~;:~ I>~:;;~~~n~: ::~II:t~ef:r 6::~~S P~~t S, L ~!tI~~t~~~e :snddr~~::re:. d~I:;1J t:::= ~::::I:, s::t;::~~::~ Mr:!ay~: ~:e~ I Cb~rjes McCauley, outat"nding con. ~;~: "~~.I~~D~I:~~~~~~on co~~'t ;~~~:~~~ meut or ~:~::daY+-JLI~e 24 score.!!, '--l.-f'''~ where she attended the and working In a cotton mill are p.m. Tblll ~:ounll> was ofreted fori tributor to thla year's Scarsb. wU CaSBij tor tdsl, Qr In l'esponllible DO' 9:0(}.11:00,;O! studl(!a a and

ca~eh~b:~O::: c::~r~!!lu:~:t t~e ~::: ~~~~ge eX~~III~'Ne:~, bel' valuable to aTet::~~l::" he eaid. ~:15t t1:~~hU~:tl~:~~ I~:::ve~~, ::: I ~;:~cte:h!nl~~tc~~ U:!::~lI~:te:ervlce Sltl~::t :~C~\d:~::I;::t tj~~g:::~I:= ::~::ramlned bl 1. J. R.-IOS Parkln-

t ver~lty High Scllool is well adjusted' graduat!(ffl exercise!! !-tUBS "Tile sooner that teachers think students. It includes lItone CarVlnl1,Jboard. McCauley. a member Df the end dealing with tbe puhlle. U;O(l.ll;45-Statrlng ot Case 3 -to the needs of 5tudentl> avvelS ed as a Ilrldesmad at Llout.' of child growth and development, as well aB Cerantic ~culpttlre .... nd' cla,Ss of 'n., would hav@ completed I c()Ul.pleled In ILO Itecredlt· basement of library_ of Int(!~lIgence. Olle part BtU- and Betty 1..oUl6 Speakman's wed. the iletter ot! the schools will be", ceranllc mtWLls, for grade .6Ch:OolS. I his ,work for the bachelor's degree ed college may be substituted for II 2:00·3:00 Jl.m,-Panel-What Can dent, a 5eDlor, placed In e 99tb ding, l\'llich took place '0 tbe Acad- was -another statement made by Mr. In Aug'llst ot this year. part of the ~xperlence. Pel'socs with Be Done Allout the Maladjusted

~:;Jca~n~::d::a:'~~~lnl~te~:7:r::h::;~~~' e~i;e~:.a~'N~~~P~~s ena or the 2t> ~Ol~;;p ~:Il:r:l!eV:r~!~ata:!e d:::~~; Bartstein·ls New H:~~~~~~~y Al'~~:~~uoned at F~rt ~:~'~!n:~u:~.~l)npa~~~ui:~~;o~r~:lt:ed~3' ~~.Il~~. ~tt;l~a!m:~~atre. Cllalnnan,

,~ :~~'~:~~:dlnb~nt!~ll:e~~~nt of other :~IC:~d:btm::i~t::yt~:Il:~~:gW~~~: ::::~ ~~:;::;~a:~e:~ e~~:n~::n!~ Stude~ Member no~P~~~~;o~~ ~~~~s~e:t ~~9t~e~ ::s~ N:~d ~~ear:r;;;s~~~: to ~:~~~:;: FaCility Gets Pat on Back. grildLlB.tJon.' Hitherto gradua~ea have that iB, Mr. Holll~ cited the eSB(! . NOTICE! will be given to' competitors to de- Tbelr Unden;tandlngB of the CbUd-

ThIs week's Faculty Bulletin COlD' been en.Jolneq from wedding on com. or two ot hit; own teachers, one bav. If P. ,E. COtrrfll. _ , termini! their IlPtltude fOr learning 1'Iliss Marie a Knobeloch, mends the University Hlgb Schl)ol mencement dill. Since war has cur. Ing no college degrelil, yet acting oc. _" _ Under' the new accelerated and adjusting to the duties In the 2. What In·Servlce Teachers Can faculty on thll fI~e ilb~wltlg or their tailed graduation fUrloughs, the rule cBslonally a8 psychology instructor David Hartstein has been a;lIolnt. program of the Civilian Pilot serylce, Tile appolotmocts will be Learn From Observations 'and Experl· upperclaS51Ueo. on tho &tate'wlde tcst. was susllcnded tbls year. In II. lar~e unlvenlly. AMtlier bal! ed tbe new"'membeJ. ot the. PhYSical! Training progra.m new and iItl- for the <IuJ"atiolJ or thl'!! war and [or. ence In Regard to lhe B~a.vlor Pat·

~::~rdl~~e~: tb~l"~~~t!ll' ::~c~[ ::; ne~ p~~::;o 1:[ a~~e:~ ~N;ba! and ' :h:o:~;; :;~:: ;:r~:r~C~!V~;et;~~ ~::c;:!~~ ;m;::~:~~u~~~~: II: I portant changes ~re made f~r :;te~.oDg~PP~C:IO:~:< ;uO~:th~e th;,: ::~'ns ot the Cblld-Mr. scar Thom-

public high ",chool pas bed to' tace I15SU~ 01 the Lite magazine, ker syate-w, yet tile torml;lr lias beeu not in ecbool'thls'tebn .. "Thta- com- the Sut?mer SeSSIOn to begm with lhe Civil Service Commission, 3, How the Buresu or Cllild Guld· comes about au' the result ot Its rated as the best In the 6l6h:m, mlttee com1l:l'ised .ot tbree~ student about ,J~y~~. All student ex- Washington .. D. C .. and wlll be ac· ance ClLn AId tn the Diagnosis and fD. tr~nsltion irom a college llrepara· IIreparatOl7 program,' while others while the latter was BeOl'ed as the and !1lU. laeUi(1,: ltu:imbtlrtl.Je. at the pensee'l:Ir~ to be paid by the gov- cepted until the needs of the ser.lce. the Therapy of tile Mal~usted Ctilld tm'y school to a. secondary school have neglected the 5uperlor sludenta worst. TeaChers themllf'llves must be' pre:sen,t Urne worlLili.'g, o"tJa.plEtn .of errilrtent -Alrpersons interested have i!,een met. -M.r. Howard Bo~-ey. educating all tYJI(!S of young pooVI{l. In order to h{ltp those Of IMser In· wI!lln~ to learn, abd must reali:l:e apIteasement· cOl:!certiiD!r.the phys!. h ld' tch f . . The {orDls fOr ilDPlylng may .be -4. Whcn Sbould. Teachen Ask {or ':l'hes~. students. bave'.a Wide range tellfgenC8. It'll! a problem to plan that the degree .. they hold ma'kea -ed e~ucatlon CJtI~!I(i.OIl. all',lt III de- SOU. wa I ~: pubhmty .or nbtalMd from tlte Cemmil!alon'6 reIt- Profes1!ioual Aid III With a of i~}}!}lgenCe and great dUrerencea work which Will challenge the In· "ery 11tUe dlff'erence,.ln the teaching at .Sontheni. ,T~e 'committee s,ee :Dr. Ywmg In the PhYSICS resentitl'Yes ~t first and second clUB Problem Caso1-Mrs, Aagusta Jame-

~:b:o~~~~_~ __ ~-:~:~'ltll :'::;YcoS!:: ~::eeB::B ~~,~up~bl1lt[ea Df a ~eterG- ::8~ :~ntt~~ ~:d;;~.nd lhat they J ~~:n:et: ~"i: ';e~~f~;n.~~ly~l:.rt 1)[ ~:'la~~~~ floor, Parkinson :;~~~c:;~c~~' direct from Its Wash· Slln. (Colltinned. on Pace ')

Page 3: The Egyptian, June 19, 1942 - COnnecting REpositories · 2017-04-21 · Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC June 1942 Daily Egyptian 1942 6-19-1942 The Egyptian, June

hl/'rt.ll.F: I.$,l$j). ~lt~~P~:~:l;;r'~.r~n s~~ni:,:; ~~r~; w.elcom~d'·'rn' thh "t;;,jll.lmp. l-Iow­:Ov~.r} f gnly' .IQn~p.. Je!~e:rl ... mnj~d" .tp- ~W.W(lnf§ ~lIJ Q~ as.c'!F.le!l. : p,f o;:g.!II.q,C) tr~c- .,~.t.!.~11l8 e.1"1'l~;_ ~t~.rc ~o po} e~.c;~l>l1~lly. _!'!s i ,~a yiert.!> PI" ,th," I"tiID.d ,!If ~h,1!. E;:Pyp, '0 "0/'.' '. ,

,r, .~. !lL11l!>'I'!t;liS •. I~ -Wl~AL I~llE

P~'I' .~~Jtor; It bas' come !~.~Jle atte~Uon or the E~p~.Q.~ .~~ L'.I!l'-

The P.E. proposllt 1'l1lS Iwiled dowu 13f!J ,p@Qp,le, aIJ,eg-9P to b.e .~'l-r.9l1e.d jn ~~~~~t~«y .~JJI.

to 11 rqol"al Issne. It Is 1)0 J(mgel' a ~:::~ '~~:m~e~~ri;2slc!;~5: ii; .m~:~::. .!"fll,C~!!Y . ~)9Jter q! c.llrl'lcp)um ilqilpjng, n ;Fyl.iY i.;u!!~i~8' ~~;t Bllr' r,e{l.r~S~)J1l1fJvelJ In .SPJ"lo~.~Jd tt?JlttClI' t,O be )erl to l,he ~aeu)ty. It l)llght j',o~e )pta t,he ~~91'!,1l.~~ ',hal "SolJ~hern Q,len" 15 c-o,,'; up ~~ "'lUll to all DIal.; llre gUllhllng: the 1i;S>:P~J~1j. 9oDscWlltlolialY :Itt out to

students, It!s totnlly dlzbeal'tenlng u,ll('oyer the \.3I"t .. , '

nnit deflre~S!ng to l~le mlln Wllo ol'e PI}Wl~:{~P~~Ue:~e~I:;I~;l~!r~ ~O~~i:::I; ~e~~Tt~:q'':~i:~ stt'a.!niul:" tq.,4he lh~l~ of the!I' capa· 11..:<1) WJ!.I,te dQ." .SO Q.s to be more. ~4SJI)' S.1I111). .. ",ul)..' tQ get lOIS f))ucli ~\Ill.cp.t!qu 09 I'\lmp! Co~e pili ,<laddy. B'~by p..eE'As II. f¥.Y1 'Jl~r pI pos~I1,Jle l1eJo.t'e t~r are c.o11ed to shoes, Qurp! ~o:tca'rg," tlJ.e), were gaYI;'g,·

t:.e)yj,('c, 'rl,ll~ Is the SU'Q.w' broke cl!:mge was Iyipj; 011 tM gJ'!?l,llld. ' the crlmel's hack, MallY are lillylDg: Th ql,lesUol,I ~rlses wl.l~t) OJ' IIpt this bappened o~ "W/l:!.t L'I !lIe lise en).- Way-I'U 1J0 lhe cnln)1:l~' It was 11llslQ,£ lIhce 00 the curb Jl.t tll! borne lind /.lave n ~Md I..Im~ while I \,outilW'est c9rner of t,he CUnlD,l..!s w).J,ere tncuUy 8f.~ s~-

ean", 'We gO out of 001' way to trellt "eYJt autos Ilr,e P,!,I;I'k~, -~he mli!ll in ullirorm with all com" The YOl}ths cOJl).e rro~ p. t:l;ll..rby ~(lr-n wl!J,.rdj. flll'l1J,bes tesy and respect. B\lt bO-w aoout a a r;reat ~,"!II s,chol,.i.rJr !~~~J~J¥,I) Jor Southero. W.a Jittl,e ~Wl~jljerlllJ.ou ,(or the te,etiug:< \~'.!l! Dill qlsgra.::e tb~ Jl~e of t~!"fr -BWl ~~ ~j!c~)l.II,e

!i,\1 t~~eb.e~e::tl~~~l~;~~':~~~:~ :\~:pke:~~h~~e~r:r;.e~~:YU:'~:vt~~:~:o~~~:~,·,:nld:$~ Ihe 'Illen 01 .southern. 110 Imrlll to ollr JnJr city,

t:< ilot tbe op.!uJl)n lID.d Ivlsh of -----

::e!<;h;:t'Ud:!o~c~~c~);!lIn~l:e~::~ Comm.ittees .(),i -CO.rr;e~Pondence w., Of , ........ " •• , fo", '''''0'""- \ (1-7'12.1942) that we so S-hbly and naively talk ' ' .•

ahollt ,and. thllt these mell are soon to go t.o the oalUeflelds to def~d? . ~e IUIt tlLes.e men to bJ;! ae..!ol'ded some of thls free.dom? What did tb.e .c01lstitutlon JUe!W when it ~nid "LIb:. JllH!rly n.wJ the PUl'lUIU of bll1\' pln.ess"? Many vrop,b.ellY tljll.,t II col· lege ellucaUon wi!! be a very vltlu· able asaet \lOpeD the wur is over, Do

"Ejjlfly Jo ftg ... .c!J>Pllr, t772, ""!m~ lL¥a& olg."ind in .aPp;o,n, ~n~r ~~ 'l;ljr~~~i9,ll 01 Sa!JI Adama, ~ cQm!")m,~~ 9t ~qr!,.p,9J1def1CC chpr!il"d wltll the duty qf f;~tId!f1g rn~etlnilll, ,er,.dlng aml .. ach:a lI\to o~r to)lln~,' aFid .c::o.nd~l ... g· ill "RmpRilill

of R,~,P;Ul.". ,,~,~UCJ!tl;"l1' ••• " --CfloClt'lea li,eard, Rhe of Amerlf'an Civilization

Tb" World Qf TOIDQrr~W i~ being: bujlt todny, El'E'ry liVe I).o,t OWl: It to these lJ./-(Jri to give batt 1" won or 10SI, eyery. !J,DJ,ted N~,tlon:J' eQn,terence, t~eAl 'i'Yerr op'por~unjtl' .01 II speed- €Hry Act or Conor~ss, eyery ID4Iy}fl~9-I'~ ... o:tloDS Is Bhll-p· ed·up J)rOgTam to get this eJiucutiall il)£: t!Jat world. ~merlcq. III in t):ie JlplIllnllut jlOsltlon to .de· oeIore tbey are I.lIducled ,0toO !fIlIi- t".mlfe til." dh'e{!tlon or .lJpth tile War nl'lp th;e p-e,ace, The taty .serVice. 'rbe$1! me", are fol· tile college stl!denls oc :4--merlf!a tu~ve oil .~'rge stake in tbat m,ost Plitt !lable for rolllta~ .sel'yice lYQrld (lllQ g resPIJ,I)slllIl,lly fQr Ita ~J1.ap.e, We. a 6lpdent

:~~th:r:y~er:f~~~e c~i:~~~~~:JJtd~;; ~;n;_:~~~~g ~~~~~:~C~:~~:~:~.~~l~:~ ~~g:/~o!o~et: ,tljey ,thell Q.ot clI,pltble pr knowing c;!;ten:;llll) or qelT)(lcJ'll-ilc t~$i,'ll; and IHI

fh81r OWll mll;lll ,ap~ h,iLvlng their n /VOr!c)..·lvlue bll:>ls, We q!.s,o't~l,e\'e U!-!!t ~~~ ot ~J1@ e!l\ls OWll. 1),PJ!,dQJl or wha( 15 KOIJ,d .. nil P' ttIh war Iii rl,lU 4(,lv,IQpm.~llt o.t our economic ]lo' w\J!)L i:s'blJ.!l, fOr tbe[l.l, G.rJ)'l1ted (bat LentinI !l-",d c!1~trol Qt i4~t,Aeyel~llllle,tlt In tJ1e d(,lm,ocrntic military ,flervtce is the p,lltrlot'~ QUty pnltel'lI, Bolh ,PrJv~te i!-lIU Kov,erpmentaj groups ba';"e of Plese ~n. 'J'heJ;i Is It lIot SQlne- l!ap;tel'~.d ~he!l.lle4 fa,cts l!il.d are f.orging Jlllln~ ~o lie­

what Irll/).lc~1 for pl1lqple w):I.o have CQ1,!-pllsh tJi,(l"e cnQ)l, .As s~Jleli~,B, we are ~n a uniq/-,e I'J!.Clll'Hy. wn,o haye a gOQd Job, who posItion to bnck the elfol,tg Qr She;;.e p~ople In the CDn· paye It IIQme Jl.u,d II family; w1J.o stl'uctlon of (he 11'01'11) for which ~ome"of us lire dying: bj!.l'" had this O'pport,upHY fOl' a good the Il'orld In wltlc)1 most Of us wJ)1 Ij.a"e to live, ed\icll~p.n-,to.r tbe!.e .Pt;OD~ to flull' Actloo Is now bejlll~ tnken to },ustlly our Idell1l8nt, Q.Ilt ,oil I!nd ~lscreqH tl!J! wlsbes ,and In wnging' l1J~ wllr a,l)d wiDnie,S' t,he pellce, we are going Ideas or (lur men, s!!-yjP.g ~hel!l~ to 19tie l,hat g-rJ?WI,f!'£ ,d"lPOCfIltic ofCensive It popl1lar men dOQ.'t \i:DOW what t,hey 5bOl.lld prc~sure ll?es Dot help to ,shape ~I)d to Pl;lcJc u-v ,J.llo~r@s, !;t'!ve, that they are !D;lmaijlre .and sh'e gpver,llI:nent po~lc,es, Th,otie Uber,a) tor~e5 ""')J.o ,~~e t)lI'P~llh. Howev,er, thse self·urne Ih" way to Ille 1V01'1.d we WPl)t pe~,d C!\j.r ba,C.k!p.~ ,a,i@_Dt;ed men-who are allegedly immalurQ !t 11OW, ,T1!-eir p.oliele'J CUll be IJOp!gmE!p.~lj1 only It 1t).ere and chll,dlsh-~re gplng to defend Is under);tn~dlng 'IIP,d l>uV)lt?rt 9t tllem I!fllPpg Aroericnn and yes Juany wIll DIE detendJl),g p.cople and the LI\lOple of 0.11 the Uflil~ NlI~o.Qs. fie "re ~~urlt,Y ot Ule peollie 'Wbo ,dIscredit orS'lllII~ing 10 loster tPont Ill)tierst"n,dlng, ~p-if ta rally ~hlj.t tb~ h,oQles and lau)ll!es and lolls nl.lli l1,uimort.

tlJ.~ J~ ,sense A.d _ udgm,ellt oC A,mong o.tller groups, we at ..\.lltjoeh h~ye be~Q. ~t.l)dylng these ~ men... tile problems thnt COl!frO~1l M, As a resj.llt of tbis study, -J l'£tp£at tlij'tt tlJls moral l/lsue we propolie; . . -whether st~dfiDts are to be treated 11. lh'ut eolle5e groups througho\lt the country tmme-as :~ulta c.IL~abl,e ot thou,gbt and odlately form CGm.mlttees of Cp~re6Dondence, ju.dP;s~t a~,d ~.~V~lJI' t}IS 'reedom. to b. that these com:.n-u,~~~ urge the formation ~I I!~g~!il In ,the 'lu.:t:u~y· 0' t~Jp.k1pg- cl~sBes and -M1\dy Ifroup~ to upd~rata,nd the 1m·

',;~'!~Jn\:~~:~ll; _~~~;~h:i~1::: ' ::~~:~~:fl~;~::i~ud ;:~~c~~ouu out~lnes of demo·

IC~ 'doA~k~ ';~u~,e~ _-¥6 :not' to ban c, (hlat these CO~lli!4ees of C~rr~s.,wdllnc~ ~d~ .to a~,Y &~J1A9Bed IdeILS about what lu~n- enelL Olh!;!r' and to Ull ot their p.rg~t~B:J.,lf3n. ~f'o-J!;~R_8i~Q tJJ~~~:r,Jl,t';i9 1!& dgcU, ~:;,m, 9,1l.~g~stlpns, an,d Ilrobl,e~~ ~9 t~a..t ,j.lIbJ;e ;~;d ,_4.em-,IH;8 <"~~ ~qR~Dt Qf allY l~~J bs' un~fted action and l:~er~~a~p'e or yieas. 'tlioUi.~~~;r jU'.8 t,o only gjv§ ).? J;l, tbat there h,e- a '~stlonDl Ht~(mt contel'@tJ.ce tOo by'~ote ~:lD.ory 1V~t ji; ~.d16hm,1'·~~~ d~aft a- ~nflted prol:'ra~ lor ~uo.o, ' ~ ,.t~m .Ill .fI .le~t.urf:. Ie tbiu tile To uullet~tand the: wa~d .'I,R'" ,r0!H4f:¥.

~~~~ ;~ali~;~lc;;~'~;~~:'~r:!;ti.;,~~ ~~:;:~~D&a\::!~ ~::~:e:I:::ae~:~t~1~~~q~~,-f~~ OUt llractlclnj: Itt May the l;od8' ~e wUl -al~ \oIIi todaj' _d lDJn.orro"",-t~elle Me Ule .PUI"

,.Ir,~EI~~,~ .,~P_d l?-FP .ir!~rc)' pn ,gte :II09GII Ct Ule £ommltle.u o! C()j'~$Ij~oiid~Dce.' .. :', ~&.btlng Q1bQ.. pt,1Jputp.erJlJ C, R_ -The CGI'JI.p1ijt.e.e oi Corresf)oudence


these three natlon9 tha.t will defeat fascbt

, ,~pr!:'~ .. I!Eg I~ 1'1 .PW1t( ~,M _P.!~~ !~~t atr.engthen the bDnd» betwten thew, not

tba duradon.~.o[ tlu! war; but [or' t1l-e JlIJIj1:.lIf§J'

·l'ec~n¥pl~~i9.n ,p,l!r)!l.d. :i'~e~ ,il~~~l1!-QtfJp ;:p.~Y!lJ!~ fpr fl!" be c1pro{la~ a.iI:i • ..and.....t~r cDQP7ratktIJ. v,. ~,~ '.fltr..a ,bjil~ _worl~ ~u~ a stable eI'Il of peace 'sud. uecilrlty,

he ,~f-9 ~K!'ee~el~t ~e:tw~f!n ,l1uIl8~a ~qd ,G,re~t ,H,~i~!p I~. a forma) ~reary, fr w!is duly ~lgne4 by M~, Mot9tgf! a.~d

War M~. Eden. ~n ,tQ.IS· focuiP~!lt~p.e ;';p',n~U~~;,F,~a~(!r:1D­can tb~lr pledge to" Ogbt' the wa1- to Ii succel!l)(ul con~rv.slop.

their nnd p.olnt@dly I;,tnt@d tbat' th~Y' wo~ld ~Jihe~e' tlnd to

f ~It~ b;'II);~I~IS of ~~e Atl!ll;lUP c~art~~. :p'~,rpa~: the mqst irnpol'tnnt pOint h the st,~t~meIl.t' t~at ~~ey'~;d8~lr!l to·unIte'wItII otlier lIke-minded 1t:ll.e8,ID. adopH'tg';n,ro. jlo~s tor cQJI)l)l,Qn.lI-Ctiun t.ct'pI;(!'(e.~~q..c~.4!!4!T~9!t'~ aggression in the post,war perloli," T.hey also sa., 111,~

:!~oi~ll/! ':~~r~!il~::'~~~~'g~e~~I~~ ::~~~~';f~:! or p~uce,;' Thus'dll Rllssta un'!! Grcp.t Brlt.aj~ r~ogn!ie

, so tbe 'ua-tSillty of cooperQtion:ln lhil-PO$.t-Wllr )".odd.-.... ilr" .... ".(" t)j.(l new ',»

, ; . Th~ ~"'~~l!.eJH ,!Je:tw!e[j .n~ss!a .. ~.n~. !~e O. _S: was .a , , ' nll!.\lter iellee-Ielld atral!', _To&;ether ~wii4 Ule l1JJI.,~er ;:~e: _'W,.or p~p,l!rJ~E!~t 1}I!P~F1~ '<1!l9.te.d J(,,~ldent iease'le·~d~,lIgr.e.etl.l,,!n~$ ~egptl,at.ef1 :~It~ Gff!~~';.~fjlfLl~ :a'lft

,~S,I}~!!'~Jj ~t~~e,~n-t.~Q',e!?W~6,~~, t~ 6~lQfl ,- ,t:? Fed· Chiliad! }'iifl~PtiR 11.rjPJJ tlla~e.J~!9' ?N!9n~ "~~IJ ,~~~~r t9 !i'~}lJ!JlP'{B,~. '~: ~'l.!U'fle;:::t:~ loget~fr Ii) t4\l.Pr!i!seeu~lalll,{lf the WIl! a~d ~n t~e ,£,085-

,1",~ P~, w;r qerl~4, p9-t'\lQqlq.I'Jy in t~fi ~£;I?JlPpt!c fi~ld, ,T~~alf~~ nt!'nr..sWElIl :j:h~~ ~l!.e.J.l'l.i.I!~l\ql!s .,!'.f!'ll!-; ·:l~.)'ll)f J4h~~~¥ of tI jU!>f ,ft~ ttndJ!-dq.J: worLd .r»e,ce .. a~~4r~n~ q~er ~?deJ

~'~:e ~t~~e::::r:; _a~~n:I~J:~~~::~~~:H:~:~B: t;~; ill tile Atlantic Cbartel'," Tllls alU'!lftJl1e}lt ~!:len ~llenB the W?Y to'~loS~ e9911j!flj.tlon b~.t~O;:!l the 11,J).lJ~d,!!Je ~Q.viet E~411l ~ner the 1'10.1',

by C;-, S, fiWe~~~r (Little a.nnm. Jl~)JJ.lBheol In Eng-19M s6yerat

I recemly wa..s it II) prInt III this cllnnlry, . It Is r.ecql>!!-I~.d liS a. gl'eQ\ IDI).f' der story 1I1Id Wil eQIl- see \fiji

p8.y"l~n( pefer.rt,t;I Is n9t a deteeUve Dovel. 11 ful.s

no neteclIV~, ded"u.cUpn pr O~W, ot t/.l,e sa~rep sbrll.c.alla· bFa Of tile tra"i€ion~1 wno<;t~nj~ The' uovel Is .a nelJ.t ll~ycttGlp~'cal atullY o[ 1;1' crjfJll~al !,Q,Yerjng up his erln;a, ~lr. ~are!!ljlr wrileij a s~tlUlll aud ~rll.'[li!l_g


~'¥!!'Y~.r, ~ij~t ~p~e.ip ',!",rltlW;- ~,Q p,~, ~IQ~~~e W UC, It 'W3.'1J st~e.d 'tll@t th!) ~hree allie~ b.t;ld req.r:~e,d full {l!';lernt64 J.lrp':g~a~1I qf ut,url)' III- ~is eliqs'ip !I,*" fs/r the ,lj..Cj:ord UpPIl ~he urg~nt neCf.!~;;!J., of cfeat!~g, a s.econ4 i~rq.t~~. 4iil,o:"t~e Bt~!fi!U ''tIf,~§t ~l!r~e tQ a~ assign· rr;nt !n',J;)u;,QPe II). 1912, This ,,:lil b~ a lrem~~dpu.s sup. ment Of employment 0';' aetvlee dUrlrtg such COUl'se or (lort trJ t.he morale of tbe RUBsla~~ nnd glve'H_iUer pltlnty

s~U.rJy 01' Up'9» ~~e C?i)!p~'f.I,n.o1 It. J!l casa of permn- it> worr'f abolti. MOBcow l'eJiorts g!.'ent,slOUsfnctiDn with Ellery Qlleen'~ ,ftl'~t I'0;yel I» year5 Is J:<a.lamity nl"!nt diSQ.»llily or deea(h the deeM will be c-,~,ncelled, Ill!: I\f;Teements, both ill ol!lciaJ clr,cle!! il-pd .!!-JIl-qn,t the taW" (Little Bro\y/lo, ;;tpO) ~n" aft,er reQ01Dg It tbe , " ' • maSSeB,' The allu01.lneelnents were greeted with approval ll1y~tery bl). will probalily say, "Wllere hal' Mr, Queen

tn bOlh this (:ount1')' and Great BrJU!.iQ, 4n m~,mntD!lt beell ,all these yeiJ.l's1" (~r, ,ajJeell, lo~hl.e.nllUy, Is

THE EN~MY iJOiUl Ml,s lb.,nt Mr, ~4elll aI)1lQUnc.ed iliat there .' pOl aRe man bllt t'/llQ-Fraderic DaD.lllly BIJ.II-llolanfre.d Smll'et (:.omllj.j.t!lJl!~ts. -There is nptilil)g said 41tlJut r~la· ~. U!,~), '

liqns lJetw~elJ RU.8s!a an.d Ja~qu II I~ obvIous tnat Rus· 'II tills s\1;Iry Iilllo;"y .Queen (tb~ hero aDd not to he

~Ia .cl,ln:D.Q~ H1>Jlt ,J;wap wpile stn".q~ljg oH ~itter al'1ne

. ::::i~d W~I)~:ceen~ud:on:~, :~~s l::e:t~~S)se:re: n-::bi~" :,~u~,::;~li:~ ~I~: r~l:tI~~d~~G;:J~e::eo;'~:: :ut~t~:e~~~~::~ ~~:~ :i~:r;~Il~~~::;h~'~llli~r:~l~rn: Q( a starrand geJ~¢ up ~ o;e Qf tbos,e .eprdld

and nnger - jll the wlnulng Tfl a ~';r" :S~ciJ !I' Go~h'be!!< !>ecol).il ffQDt qf tIel' Qwn by aUlI-eklng l~l>t~ ~:~aI::lit~~ ~~~~~ ~ -ajl'ni~e 1I~:nr:~,Il ~~'K!~gs 1JI:::-'A~~:~:: :1:11;!j~g"'!:e~PU:!:te;r~ ~:~y ;:~~~I~ ~;I~dr7;~: ~~~nrte~U:n~gr~:~~:ntl~::db!re;alll:~e~~ mil,e~~nj! In llle receoUl!L Qpe&J1'S wprb: i~ \J~ijaUy c/larlfcterixed by

l'~'Mtd,~'!We need no Goebb.el .. , ClUI tue wethods of estnpl}sb..nI.eJlt q! 1I jp.~t !In.d 1!11!~I,ns p~lj.ce. ,n .lively nel'r,lltlve, ,aq e!ny .l!,uf!).Qr, !,!-nd a sklur\j~ piO! Gii,~tib~h ta!:!hl~~, tJ;iS-l!Jl~~ Ql ~ijJl)" ~rn(jpr~~? 9n!" eqn· and ~h!a Me 1~ "n(\ exception,

:al~tltt~~ tb,tlt :a~lf41isf.s a mbi!~1[Y fit Pfq~llg~.~~a ~o It>'! l~rPTI~U'irn:i'iiii--~~§~~~=~~~~~:;~~~~~~~~ pr~DOMnte.1S' the t!leJ. tgtl\ we J:i,~~ a C£~)mi1tee fln Public -i~to!matlon durlDg' t~e last Wllr. :. The C{eel Conlmlttee. ~;ffi1;;;;" ,-,;;;0 us it wail linown, ba9 heen studted thoroughly. But {rom

tbe learned bnttle l"m,erges ollly one conclltSion; ttol!! ::~~~~§'!~~~= country would hav.e }'fRJI. tlle ,)Y_I/.r, .llcllY!J.QW."

'''The great (orUlulae oJ the Cl'@el Committee, like 'tmlfl.l.QI!' (,ae wOJ'ld sate ror delllOQfaey' became a IlIIICI>· , efY 5O.OJJ II.JJer cj:Je uJ'mlstit'e, 1't!.e IP.,1j.).j I/ot lht! \;Jreajl:rast Jp.,tIJe leU UUI.J i,e IJi!.A b,eel/. .dIi.P.(i!iJ,., It wj!s fhea tbe 11!lie mall bsgpu J,Q sbput, :~k 41 nprmo.lcy.' The vlo· leu,ee 01 tlj.e reaction was stu~:IDIri.g: it lost Us tb~ peoce."

We wou~d slIY ~bat }'r'fdrl<;b ~,~presses ... "aly\co.nimon ~euse wilen he di~vows tRe ~sul.d-be ,~bble rousers. Bllcklng 111111 lip till thill,,'ath'llr dAring r~pudJaUot1 whell )J.Ylitel'ju Js e,Q ;'~mp:1nt Iii the reeent anno~\lCemen! fronl l)le EllIgH~h \V[lr OIrlce ~ncunJt:h~ hate "r tile enemy. TI,ey 'la\'~ Ins;rucled tbelr geo~llh; pot to \nSllire lll~! '

~~~~ b~:~ml:~~h~.:_~~I~~~~u~:~I~~~c~:~:o:a~~:ePJ.r~: ;' ;;;i:;:;;::~~:;::;;::':;; young ullex,p~rien~eQ otfjcer~. L9$'I~nll;y, tile un!lerlylng c,!llse Jor thIs stE'P It; !bat Jd' ihl~ w-nr \'il.e life U"btjng ld~o)ogles att.d way-a 0; jjle .Mjd I}Qt dl,l!tlpct perso~ItLies. Tllo ollen, we have !J.enrd I~e s41te(lu~pf' ~PJlI ,,!,Il are not f1ghtipg the CfFP'nIlQ pe~ple b~t we ar,e llghtllll> Hit­ler, We feel to II eel'la.i{l ext~I1t tilst th~ Ger1)J,,Jl.n people as we)1 liS the In.Dtlnese are be!.ng I,.w. l;llln-dly to certnin ,d1~asler, "

At nm' rjl. te, we leol tbe begll,lillng 01 a uew crua~

::lIi~Wel~l:h~4~~eua~:O~r:r:~~Lge;:~~~~t::' :u~:~~ IIn,d /lot d)'lnlhlp !Ullmals,


Education LOdllY Is a f,al' .l'I'¥ lro~ tb,e pld days (jf

McOutrey's resdll-l'tl alld Web.ate:'a Blu.e·~e.ckl¥J Su.ell· el'. Tbls week's a.l!ll(lI\UoIllllI ~$Il,!ll .00. tb.e S,I.N.U. ClllllPUS proved Ulat iwolol'ledg.e and bl'lJWty of Dr;' ~selltauon cnn go bunt! ill. i!4rul,

'flJ,e ~bl1stJel:e slIle2111en, as well I\S Dr. Elmer­~ol). 'F!aU ot th.e I'lli'd ell;uc!l.tI9n ,hipartment IITld others ~11.j) hel,ll~d to .lrrill!;' the- .ex~lblt hare a~;.. to .be!I.~.ed 00 U fine ShOW. til]; o( rnOll~IJi.--'1'.'~uctl~!JnI m.:L1etial In Ihe 1.1 ay oj t~xt4:1I),k~. c~flp \~J'!P:' m:!ps, i:eference hocks, prncUctlll m'ts, a:ad olhe)' articles too numerous to mention,

The ·exhibit is a fine service at. the ~oltege which . belps InlUieasurp.lJly botb tAe, ,!It,wlel/t'il Ilouupeli~g

i_~l ill s~l'cb of lLralps reil' !~~:r corning yeal' of lea,e~JI1.&', ~Pr.l \,b.e t,ea<:h8rs' w,l.lo!-t fOl' ~ev.

er,,1 y~,(li'JS' !l;;d .wl;p r~;(~I~;l~ ~,II 't~.~jl' 1~~\l8 lHlve ,'Rne dille, It Jnll.-kee p.ol).rlll'~ tile se,le~Uon !I.nd ,coUl~l!rl· ~Oli II'ou& ~ IDI'ge ~~'~~ty ,1f ~~t~rl~l!! ~~o!e, at~Cl~9 ( ~1,l'.t,e,rJ W tb.e [I,'a~!ems p.ecll!~lJ.r 'to ,e..a~b pcllon!, aud


_~8P~J;j~'y, Ill, t/J-e ,J,I:!~nWY,~ p,!JIJ .6<:~18 .Ilfl!lct<! ~ ~;"ft,S .. ),(9.~J,!:~1t:', §M:,m.uBf.r»#vg ~,a~r·

'il!,Icij)fJI~, ~_ , .. O.f !.l1r.o.f!P.,:tJR~' JIl,.!re::!lp;jDq.:f.R t,'J.t.~n.f,l: '1jI

,'I jJ,qij!'!Y.e ~.t t~ P.lJk$rs ~f '!!,du, u ~J;l;I t~~ ,MfPi~ ,"lfW~ In i.1Wlr

f1~.Ip.:OJ.e YW' 9In~, wfJ .• e~,-,~~",~,g.CP.091.

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Page 4: The Egyptian, June 19, 1942 - COnnecting REpositories · 2017-04-21 · Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC June 1942 Daily Egyptian 1942 6-19-1942 The Egyptian, June

in our armed represent ' ican Hie, and their inter.ests-llre~ diver~e a5,t~ ~tio~.itself. Among the millions of mim wearing ,the'lJQifonns-of .the various s.ervices, there are m~n.y wbp l!~e g!)9d iitQ~j¢;-'~h~ USO.

Ten :pf AmnY .Ilf J&p$~in 1855; A$sm;ed.Pmy tfjlllJeWoul~ Jive Forever in H~tory of Jill!an

has arra~ed ~~nt:etts b'y musicians at camps and stationS' across borrowed ~1!1e trom a the-land, can bear witnes~'to the JivE!lin~~s.9f·:r!!.sl?oJ!.se Qf these By MARIE WRIGHT

at the del!~. gJJJ!ilmces.·" .One .of the .latest additi{)DS to the collection of antiques in the are: '''PranliIln-Patchlng on route

Gallatin·SallnE!--£atcblng on IS from east at Hal'riBb~rg to neeto'/fll, and route 1 from

r,!~"~;,~:;~'~ft~a~t! ,,::~' ,~,::o~~:~ :.;,,;~ ~y~:~~;~~; c~~~~Tm ~:~:;;c~.t~;. ";.t ;!r;~r~; ;~~U~:t:;s~~~~~:g;::,::~~~na:: c;::<e!~~; gl'lP;:; or lpts{ssted cI zeDS Qf.\S set up an Armed. Forces· m"as.ter tl1e n:gnl.!p.g elements of of an "E~~,dition of 81), Amer~ca.n .Squadron to the Chinfl S~

north to Ridgeway. Every wp.lch be held ~;::~:a~:or~: ~!c. MI7sed~::or~:~ ;:~~: h;::~:rt ~t:~el~~::~,:;e s.ea power is rlttlged n ... ast .and Ja~n", in 1,8,52, '1853, ,~D.d l..854,

jectlve Is to enc; IITag'e tlJ.e torljllng • - or non'COOlliJatant e,cUvity. ~1r, Johu AileD, 111 c,harge of the slloyted our frlepdJy Iptentlvns by taken out, WH! ruell'n Oa() leBB those tbtu Hrtle.

. .. an,d p~'eseTltlng .ot ~ . 01"4 -llb~a;I~~ to- lerman, ,PlI.vld Hall, and IllfIn of imiulltry; orfi· Museum, states that the b!JQkB tver.e Presenting II. letter from P!'!lBI!1.e~t this guILTllhin. cam,ps lmd stalionll here und'in oq.t- ].1.acKlnnbn. Its llond bluejackets, at desks on donated to·tbe college In the h.1I of FillmDre fOl" ¢e ;Emperor or Jk~.&n. "

me: I .~tr~llild nslty lylq.g p·os~s.· " ti!r D~~tosci1-, ., 4j..lty; .. eamen on lUI tlloug WJth aDother se.t of Alter & threat Qr force, the gu\l.rd . There ,was a Chi· Armed Farces Master Records. bert £toessel.. as tV';s, oil twlker~, frelgbters; boo!<l>. a.n.d "Were publlsb.ed by. the ~eet left alld the e~pedltlQn DrQ-

ized constraetilln ot a new chop sticks and. a. Inc .. yeg.udl; Its. chief function as CarJtqn' $.».rWe, t~ .nurses at :'\hore bases un!te.d States gQvernment at a CQst ceeded up the 'bay to the capl~l. 000 gov.:emmenl·Qwned pipe , I' how . !argely \I..dvlspry. It wl~~s to T'fylor .. it p,al' If~d nD ~v~pltal ships and numemus of $300,900. Soon atter tbe' "rlptlnJ; Wh.en tAllY finally landed, the 'T.I!~a8 to Sal~m,- It will oWI}er .. ba.d us~d It on to tbe Q.ttentlon or the public' and prQI1J.~e8· 9l olhel' J)eople and. fAdor" are neces· was underway. and abQut 1M copies ~'\n1er1can5 deU\on~tra.ted to the Jap-Eagtern- Seaboard gasoline with no intention o~ tbe yast jllterest tl:Jat there ill In sources. . ljllJ'Y; to • .organize a,n4 malatalo Our had been pu.blls~, an ol!(enslve anese Borne or -tbe lnveutlon.a of the

'Work will be:Slu sborfly ami Deck. Then came some; g-ood m)1sic a1]lOng the ~en of 9ur 4~14 ~/-O~lV,I>kl I;rowlng "'Two-Oceao" Navy. drawing sllO,lI'lng mixed bathing was iVestel'n world such as the !oCQmD-"!.. plett!1l by December 1. !\~h(wl ~ooks. dllted .1850. armed serVices. It seeks to persuade to J)J.:eBent ~n.~ ~l1mu"Y, ay 14te summer the training . round In. the boolm a.nd WIlS t'Q.ere- tlve, lele/p"llph, tbe clock ilod l'lBo 1J .8JT1411 World McGurl'ey·s. reader llnd musical orga)ll~atloP1;, IIcboa]s, or- be Soeut tQ ~r .f91<? jp. to\' ati'lcers Will I)B stepped after removed. HBuce theJ"e tire now some of thE> syslellJlI !;If weights and

Hewitt Lamer or Cobden :>.tat~d ' Closln:g my eyes, chestras, toun9atl9/lS and in,divlJi- Lawr~nc.e 1i",p.e~t has 91f~rEld pr.oduction I'ate of 1.()OO two eu!tlons' One wIth the plate measures I a letter to his pllrents that as see Grandfather crouched by u~ls to .ston.d ~ponlU)1 to, the PI e- other )Vh~,,}l will J(;.O to Icelin4 I a month ThiS complu ed (the original 100 copies, aDd the TeJhJ of CUltoms.

WSIl walkillg down the street fire tn an earuest endea;vor sentatlon of unit IiImules Qot re..cords tel Tos~ap'lol. i,las lnfOrltle.d the States I edition inclndlog aU the r~ In thlS lIolume Perry all\O teJl~ of whele in AustHllla, he met thelT Doutents Ne~t cain: 100 DISKS FOR A LIBRARY mIttel! • t'lP-t .!).is r,plBr. of a commissioned ollicer lnalolDg co{lie$ The COllies with s.Qme ot We strange Cjl!;tQms or th,e CoMen boy Everett faded Amerlcall ag au The IImt librnl'Y sbould conglst ot eaninl "Yill donate two I tbat never el"~eeded 12 the plate in them are now very Jap.a.nese which by thi9 Urne are other boy!! of that city close. I fouud It hlld b!!en at leas't 100 disks elthel In albantil Otlter IruhYiljual~ aJ)..d , an enormous incleDse scalce and the "Copy we have In tbe lilily famtUar 10 us Onc Utat he -Helbert' Basler and Bon used In S~altn. when Lincoln was or slpgles Elich unit will l)e ple. are fll-Byl" fQUn,d Ev~!O these new officers will be museum does. not this platt! @slleclaliy dlsU,ked was that of the Ordnance Plant to Begin De.ndldnte [Ol' president In 1860 seJjted to Ii camp 01 llta.tiDn suit stand rea!;ly to contllbute A (rom men In our own but ,~e are still velY fortu~ate tn nuuned women Upon their mar-P ti I J' Around the COrner I found the real ably lnsclibed lV1tl1 the nam~ of the In n Tex~s camp PBS otrered to give 11'110 enlisted In the hsnng such a .!lne collection li",,~e 01 Illoposal of marriage they

r,99pe "~ n "'~iIl I Jl.IcCOYG or the log ~abln days-spin. donol Artel the wal these Itblarles 1IIs tlblalY of :;eYerul bundred ree Na\ys VI plogJllm The three volumes are now Oil d}e Ihelr teeth with a vile black Mfj~1 olrnran h. ea~ e, 1 11-1, Ding wheels powder hOlns guns and can be transferred to such clYlIlan olds If ~cklng l,lnd shipping trQm A large percentage Who have en' dlsplllY jf! a case in the museum 6'uQstallce which in time eats away

Infd ql ce~ Pd ~I e 01 n~nc: s~na at riltes COl n planters and saddle ilags In!itltliltolJ.s as hospitals his hqme Ill. New York cnn Ile ar iistl:!u III Y·1 have chosen engineer· Howevel they wlll not be at the theu gu.I\Is, leDvlng a horrible tlr. ~a nl t ~~~h:r~ U:n~lI ;~~nd ~o (uil Next \\5S a displllY of earthem PO!- Tlle minimum at 100 lecord1; for ranged It can, the A F'!\,t R is ins 01 deck offlcel training but dlSIlOSll of Ihe student body until fect

f t ) t It I!. t t four months j.ery and clay JUg1I Boy 1lhen I a IlbralY seems adVIsahle You looking afte .. that chore mllllY of you hale nevel seen a com "orne syslem Is de-Vised wherelly a Allm makJng se'l"eral treatlee wUh ~:~;: l\W d l~he ~olOaOdlng constUute think 01 nU the COrD wlnskay !llat clI) t do m}£h III the Way or pro Armed Forces Master Rt!cords lmtllot shIll except In pictures Many recoH.I may be kept ot thell use thesE' people Perry and hJs eXlledJ tlle mlll~ loru!cucm When Qperll- mu,,! ha:e been commmed from one vhllng a modest enllection of fine Inc desplls Its Impos)pg title Is have aflked 11 tbey can choose the FU-St V(jlul'r'!e tlmr-.salled 101 New York ~toppilJ.g t1 t" t Pth hmt I!I expected to or thOse compositlQns wJth lesB I a group of volunt-l!ers warRing with tYDe of ship they ",ll eventually Tn !he tl.tst volume Com.lJl6dore off again .crt Chilla. e;n~o; 1l:lmo~~ ~llOQO As I round~d tbe corner I sav; T1Hlre III llO iJIII to presl'lntiog II. houJldless energies and limited MrVe on. Tht! NB.;ys ll.nSy,er Is tltat FellY glve~ n. detzHed de~rlPtlon Adam'a Report. ::;t P b ~I t y' tbe skeletou a a houee rat staring ltllgel Ilbrary at oue swoop It Is fundS It Is not tr.ylng to compete oll'lct!ts wtli be assigned where va Of tile expedltl.on oj tbe U (5. Navy Commander Adams sent bac~ ~:11;rr elite <I f o:tl~wberrle3 have me In th.!.!tv:e Here r tbQughl \O;as assumed IlOwevel, that the men In Wlth exlsUng orgalllzations It wo\tld cancles 1'l;'{ISl with the sllong possl to OP~II the porte: of Japanl t WI: a Japan ~ooo after to make tb.e

I ' hlc1a

d srr:m Cohde.n the last a good chance tOI people to really till:! camp3' will alld to the collection prefel to cooperate as far as pas iJllity or gHtillg on the type of ship elll rl~lllzatlon Commodote Pell"}" s filial arrallgement~ concernlllg the /een s ~pe S"et aCQullluted willi q rat since usu eltllel tluouSh thell own purcbsses sible Vrlt]1 grOUP!) mlplstellns to the Of their choice Offlcels rOI certaIn flagship was fhe COmblClltlOil sail \lade agreements He tcuud that Cew. wee seN Blshqp ally the fairer GeX" screamg madly 01 thl0ugh gUts ttom friends and welfare ot tile men in Hie armed I duty 'snch as In submarines !!team ship the 'Misslsslppi" the Japanese had Quickly taken tp

o; wlLb. Mrs Bish and Itlns tor tbe nearest table :; ,elatlves They are likely to leave servlC!!EI cbosen !10m among ,0lunteelE expedItion ploceeded to the ea the westerI' method,. of living liS d vt it In Mounds He the veil' mention of II. rodent a with the camp's ljbral'Y "What they The aim Is to obtalti 500 library The follov.lng 1l1atmlal oaels a IslandS and thelice to Cape much as they could ,n that short

;;;;Pb::IZ:d a th @ Sract that"alJ f(",~,rtr. :::::lS ev~~x!e~a~e k~;~dt~nl:~~: lecelve privately lhe~ cannot cart units ~r, ,at ,Teast,"lOI\. recoMs eaeh I ~::~fl :baql~t \~: ~a.r~')l~_lflghqng He then sallled to Hong lime They had I\la>;>aged the Io,CI) slLOuld be to"Yiard wlllnl~ records Into action overseas A!lT.~ more ,\tou'lf be gn.vy I ~.g ~ jf • where he was royally received. m04v.e. "ud. "\I.\tp. a slnall creW could R\lmmage for Rubber -_ ...... - ~~tea:~S::~t:l:nl~O::al1;:e s~th~e:~~:~ Tltls Is not a !,efteBte to collect Anythl~g !t;SS ~OUld be .deplorable ~:~~:t '1~,p~r a.::a~l~:e held Mnftll'en.ces with the hJsb han",le I\. hCeboat uut they could m.ot

All Southern illinois rilsldents upon tbe end ot a log seemingly aE".lleftO\eIS dl~cnrds snlvage, orlu you hll\e gOQd records with W:hIc?1 The Mosquito Fle<'!t. orflelals He tells nbout the food r.Haster the teieguph He tonnl.!. asked to look hlSh and low fOI any I tnbhY IIlu'>1!." The PI01)0551 looks you are willing to ]Jart Or If you iplotlucts the commerce tbe popula that tIle Japane"'e we,e more frleud

laln~{mh old ~rden hose lllhber ~, I played lJv the best musicians The tbe wllole Armed Forces Master I (e,,(UI es of \lIe land But since bls visit The otrkers of the ship v. ere old rubhel-old tlies old ,ubbel ~~l~l: a:, ~nr;o,at: ~~: :~:~~lgme ;~ to tile assembling of floe works I wish t~ buy a library In palt or in! dl~;:S O{o t::

1 n~:~~!lS:~il::s~~:t tah~ ILIOn aDiIDal life and the physlclll Iy and soclabll' 'thM 00 tbe formel

shoes iJllthlng cnp~ gloves Take It old haw ';\It.l besdy hlack eyes lecorciln/,:s JlIU~ be "'I'll goo(j sha!ll.' Reco](ls In(" is prepared wthtng patrol tOllledo hoats--cnllt-d PT nlam objl.'cUvl'" nas Japan he head- ('ordlal1y received ood wer" not tol 10 Yair nearost tilled station You tbat penetrate.d my \ery soul Slare(llThey shonld hI,> /Ible to;! stand up to and eagel to turnh,h auy advice Ol!boats 01 the r.losQulto Fleet Tbe eo rast lov;ed as before SOlne of thl' peo wlli b: Paid oue cent pel vouDd JOI ,tleacnetolltlly at me surveylnli: my hatd and I<'peated use Thats what guldauce you may need only motol plopelled Hss<,llI In the

l Arrlva) In Japan pie 5!l.ld that they were desJrous 01

enttle setnp and looked as if hel U S Navy cnJJed bl;)at1.' these spel'"(l dl nJ It Collect tllew Ill' June 3()th wonde,cd who' thought I WDS slel~ ale deslgne(\ fOl use III ll/,:hl 'Thl"lr 111 it very dE'lalied des~nll"" obtaining English books on me c pralst fer Tight L,~u ROunding the lost NUlle, I fOLlnd , I nlng attack~ !In lJattle fleets Dnd ron I tlon of IllS ald~al In J:;lI)Jl.u • jrhe .and scientific- su,.hJects Even some

JaUillS I-h~W:Qck fonnedy of Slid II h 1 I I Jall[lne~c stood In awe a.,<; t.!:.eY SDW of tll6 cOlnm\~slouH" ,.t Japan In

N U now "t th.e C.$ Navy WIlS ~~~e :lIoded ~y ~;:~ es Dnl , ;sQ~~ea~:Jleal;; bf:~t ~,:t~~~I:~~t~en:~~; thE> stE'amels approaeh'ITlg agolnM (Continued on Page 4)

home (Ill leave aItel the sln);:IJl-S Of I leturned (0 the man at the desk I MacAltnur left Corregldol". C<tJ)abl" the "IUd and tide' As the small --:;:;:::===::::::;:;::;::;:;;: !jls sulp. the U. S. S. i.exington. In and asked sulflclent questIons to! . of a speed oIIl. knot fOi' each or thou' I fieet al\vanced, a ~ouP of Japaneo;e ._ ,

Ule .buttle of the COI'al Sen. !fe Inak@ Iny Inspection complete. Abollt I npPI'oxlmnte 52 tons. these boats. in I gUard boats met t em. The guard I Dr J A Stoelzle kepi kllowledge or the ahl')'i:j sInk· rm'ly ~ea~s ago. lIE' tord me, !llr.' . f jandlubher lermlllolob'Y. can travel sllips pulled. up alongsIde and de- ••• Ing until o.lluO.uncement by the War Freneh had started the museum, butl miles pel' hour 'in smooth water JUn~ld('d all explanatlou tor the pres' OPTO~'rI.!-IST Department. Hancocli: said tlle men due to lnck of Interest the pl'oject i little boats average 7Q feet ill ente or the Aru~rlOOIn sblps. Gom- 206 W~~ 1'I~ln St. "Just floated uroun!} and had a good talled. FOLlr years ago. however,' I , draw less tball foUl- feel of lUonore Peny dId not appear. but Carbondale, Ill~ t

~Im~t HC1USll:ld iC~·e was no tew MI' Cagle t'evived It all.d today the l _ '.' • .... > ..... 1 .. enabllng .them to pas~ rigM II,jeutellaut Contee explained that we _ -TIl"

f be g V l,IP, museum on the third flOor of PAr-I ' ,fields, .nud tass theil' "rews , ................ , ....... U •• ,'~.~~ •• , ........... , ••. "," sa~~a~lI~s s~~~ epltapb to delcrlh.e !;nst~:' ~~obs~ra~:~u~s. PI::~~al~~ ~:: r-, ~ ~.v ?ptFi. '~ thatQ,::::s :n~.o~~~h:o:;:r ~:e~ . " - - ~ \" of the / tne Fau;th 01 July ot tpis )OeDI', an· whole campus. Wben he had fin191t'1 'rke past week or s.o ~ s~lvage c~mpa.l~ has been ,1"0 ~!ogress> like a peram\)ulatol'. For pl'otectlon, i: ~~. W'. n.oun.ced Fire Maranal H. Craig ?! ed I asked tn. n blgh. fl"Bshman) as every student who Itsten~ occa,sIOnAlly; I:p th!,! rad~Ql, Or these boats are equiJ))leti wlth heavy' -<: , k' SI)l·lngJi.e)Jl. So. ItIlnols. (!1t.I~ens ~,n voice.. "Now, \vhat's your name?"' I lightly through the newspaper knows. It bringfj to mind' ~ .".. , ee.

·.I!a;v.c .ouly sUP.8ryll!ed displays gi eu .. M .. ·. Allen of tile IIlstory depart· what ironkally the collectors of pre-waf day&-the people ~.ti ;, under permit n! local coulll!lls jp ment," he replied. Feeling that my '~" . , e BANANA

. hOfJt had been ¥el'y l;longenial, I I" t .. • • - , y ft clUes and cOUOlY boor/ls Th.e c.ete· f . searched fa-r rare stamps, valuable old gl~ss, tiny chma. ~s, etc. Ip) !

~:a\ll:it:! ~:lvs~t:rk~:~!~I~~;ISPI:~OI:~ the Lab. ~~I~~k~~l~f~h:c~~~~t:~dco~:i:~ pO;st~:r::;hf:~:Y~ITl) :~' _ SPLIT '" ... '. ot¥r devices (:ontl!-tnhl~ nQtlKappa Phi Ka.ppa, E.lects t.ers to the Faculty Gift Club and other a¢eJ;lCies :from t)1e fellows '~Tl .. Ca:l~" 2 0 C :~~.;~~:llc:;;::~~~h ~f ." ~l!.ln o! .ol.ficers ·!or·1942.'43 Year in the armed forces. at a~t o~:::~m~:IY "t~! cr~~n~;;~l::-:~;'I~v~s a- ~Id be. At ~be last -,-,,-ular meeting of throttle lj.Ila p~ae.d back the' , or tlestroyers are IIst(!d at 35

!!~ijn~LlgS::~!~le ~Qe;:ln~lf~;~e r~;:; "~::P;rare~'~I~:~:;;e:r:ll::~~ !!~tC;~ D1U,:~~V~n:·:~reOo~:~~~;!~~:!i The Vijrsity presents a sensation-

~~~:l. c~sac~e'a~~::;;~~ ;~:Ct! !~~c;l~se a!:~2-'~enS::~:1 Oil:~I~, ~~ees:1 $,ecoruis. Tbe old S~pI'r. .del!.t: J<elltJ.e.tb Mlcba.el; viCt! p)"esi.1 allel"OD, &Ply to find that t»e (Jr. a piece _of zlu(" In one sboe

~:I~O J~~~:~~:~~t~~~a:~l~~:~al'Y: amli

wel'a ~Rmftl~d t1~bt. I {b~p FLICKER fLASHES Later, at on oaUng at Crab 0 .. - One jnten~IIUng looking postma!'" ~:I~k l~~\~r::e~,;; ;~;;:~e

'. - chard lake, James Wilson. Charlll~ wos A)urook Field, Canal Zone. The l<I ma~ a TU/lder l,4h~ I

Dop Hope iS~ the screen ::,:s'ln~:lCa~:~ HII~~cn~h:n:r:~~~ ~.e~t writel' Of tbn ln~ter, Pvt. Elmo Ricci. yO:~ e:~:lt~ew Prfltge,;t""T,t ifE~.n:l~ ~V~~ I again In a new picture as Wacky lis Hq. & Hq. 5\1" 1)(h A. F. Base Com· \ r ... lIo, /J. .N'.' his .ot.h~rg, "My FnvOl'll~ rJlonde"' Is, mond. liJ.'e.d giJts Jrom ~e Fac- :~de~AAS =.e'al:~IJlI! 1~:eStl~ all 4bo~t a iJ~~utu!;l1 /3rJ\lah spy's ,.~urrler; ~be caps maJ?:e It a three_ ulty Girt Cl.ub_ He ,4escrlbed hla In the l' a':':.~-r '-=a~~'t : ieasl

~~C~e~~:r a :;~~It°tpJ:S~~O a;:c~:~~1 ;:~er::OJl~:eSI~.~ ~~~ a!~~~ tt~~ ~~~I.a~~;y ~,,~!~~l~t ~:r S~~:IS:il~~: fl'lgbteD~d . Th: tmtb Is'i tbat J

ofUct."ia Wltl10ut tbe aid or MI I sCale 15 Hope stl:!nl~the picture III I The cllm~te Is \O;arm but with ~ not llt\ve Urqe t,o be JliQ:!.tened H!?1?2 ~ ")2).Oy!-es \lQu14 )w.v"" heen ;b,ls lj.~ :w11.h tRe GFJl.tapo ngel)..t5 on, 01001 l)leeze trom the ocean whlc]:I ~!!7:~ (do ~~!lJ ~e,ttlng {t down '\1st ,Qnother 0lle o..r LPose 'IV' thrill' tt.e·tlatn-l~lt! "cting as the emuar- maKes It oomfoltahle nn<len~JRi! rs: 1 " ~C~:c-.. ~,,,"w,

;:~t ~r.;t~::~::: lu c~trr~l,e~ri~t O£ W~~I :;':~~:;Jl~l:!~~'r::!8=i\::~m::~::I~ FI~lt~\II~lel:t~e~afeo~:~n.~~k:~\~:ll;~~ I10r l;loa1,d W Y ,

1Iolle you get a plfjq.SQnU)' tl.otGiLls O~1! .I!~owa why QQ stands heRd ap,d halNalslng to the most Imnglnatlv.e !Jelf, 1JPI;))\

comcd)' th!lt tops anythlug be'e ever

j) shoulders nbove .a.1I the other Holl,. SCl:!nario ~Titel". This is Bob Dun- bot}:! t~ . ~ole.

~one.. wood cOUlerlIAJ;!s. Most or. tbe ra410 can's story: "W.ell, I did my be;t :~:.&" ib:~~ to~ tho M.op, J;:"t~rJl. elqwW! 8JlJl~lf Yf;!el.t-e ~'' Jokes ip the other day to klU nlys~If, but ae- Ille I:e:. . Jt,

~USj! .c~rJ"P.-"~ ~8 a :gJrty ~Q:b~ Y~ J1!.e ~yj.e!l: )lfQPe Jtuts s.0U)~ e,Xpl'CB' cOI'tl1ng to the Ba.ptlst the6i-y, '1 ~'as :~t· t~18 BI'IUsh spy. In hldlijg troD! the ISIOU inlo Ilis. '. gues!; It jllst wasn't my Ume. Ii . '.' . .perman Spl(!8 6~e )lic::ks ·up . Hope. a Hope's penguin Is--&n able 6ub~p. was /JYJng al.Qne Q~ a 4n1ty day. ~n ~h~~~~:t '. III • :vaudeville bam wltb a penguin BQt I tute fOL" Jerry {:;olonna -and MadeleiJ;1e coming iI~' for a landing over the g . ep .. f ~ .~who Is on his way \6 (.9F,~,lJ~l8!> f'?rl C~r~)j. l;l~ ~~ke Dotty La\Uoa~'a American AirUnea 1,1l,llldlng, and had ::~ laD(lI:gs.e~~.I~go-'w~a8 ... hlt,J'1lr. t. 'oa .. movIe: .She decl~eB .. to Pl .•. , .. ,.e· in. nIly mrp'e movl.e. aut It 1.s l;lUt the. ~l/.r9~t.le. W.hen I had a .' ,~.4 - .!fZ. ,t ~.1 )fr:¥" ~,/)P!! Aj..op.g W~!P .~r 7!J.~BF,":, HoP.s !~!U- '~lj..e!J thJs fi~J!.er-;rope ~p'~~en ~r?p from hitting a dowJl- l;lsre to. .:'i'i11~ -~" ,~ tbe' Gestapo. Tbtl)" are Itc~ue81l ot II ia"eee it. _ ... _,~ . D. H\ d~att l'lmmedrlltely pushed on full :. . . '

al, Il,f!W sundae t;eat, fit for a king 1

Cr~a:p1Y chocolate and vanilla ice

cream covered", by creamy marsh·

Other Tasle Delights mallow ... served on a sliced

On Our Menu, Too! b&:nana!

Page 5: The Egyptian, June 19, 1942 - COnnecting REpositories · 2017-04-21 · Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC June 1942 Daily Egyptian 1942 6-19-1942 The Egyptian, June

In a. one-sided contest ·the Spirits of '76 tramped over the DUQ-On Wednesday, June 17, the Carter's Ace¥ Ate5. Thursday, J'une 18. 13-0, 'Leading from the first the

Dunb~ar Aces behind the four-hit pitching .{If lIJick SJ>irits won \he i~itial game of the 8ul(i'mer se~sjon and handed

12 to- '4; . Whi}.J! the Ca~r'~ Aces were coUecting a total of < the Dunbars their third straight defeat. ~ h'its, two of them going for extra bases, the Dunbars found In the last haIr of the 1l.r13t cat.'---=::-'--'-_.,.,-__ _

selves able to collect only foul'- scattered singles. menace tG the "stllggle for tbe de- lea:ln:a9;~ (l:(l~!l:~e !:Ir~~r:r: Faculty The cart~I"s Aces' big Inning. was chArged wltD a PIiSSe} ball. structlon . of the fascist "IdeOlOgy'." A new courSe, "FQundations the Dunbar catcber had reo P bli i'

came In the fourth, as the)' JlIed UP Blythe StOTC!a For Dunbal"'8, qq1red about CommOdOrE'> Perry,sent Arthur·s rIlddress Ja> In tli!a ·dll.Y or of Engineering" wl1i be offered ' the [ourth hall, W~ICh Willi U eat ons .~ tOt~~ ~::II:g~Un~I~~dba~~~~I~~O~~: th:IY:::rt~CO~~ !~~I~I:gD~~~nr9 many messages of friendship Ilud reo cOTllP)l~ted alpbllobetlo 'ou'es, '1ul~e this summer on. the campus ~i:~:~d C:~~t~at::Il{o~~~~~! or! ttie nlll' [or tbe Carter's Aces base on balls of the day ott ~~m!~::.:s,:tJ!y c~~r~el~ ~~:m:; ~:~~e::~' B~;~u;3, u;~.~r~h;r~::: Southern IlIiDOi3 Nonnal Lente g;ounded out to Nes· Ed d V

,.wlth Il stne-Ie, Sa,mmy Carrut'hers duo \pItching o( Nick Milosevich, "name would live fokver In toe his· Ill. . . versity by the University and scored ao NesbItt loo~ed wllr . Miles. business man'

r.....,Uclltcd and Mitchell pulled up at second, taking third on tory of Japsn." , 1\ letter wblCh-seems to refute Iinois. exte?sion . service. anQther wild pitch. :~~:leorllls.!:e'U~~r:e~t ~~~~Sb:: t~~ seconi!', :Both ruuners later ad· enor, Ilnd coming borne The second "qiume gives the com' Eome or Arthu{'a fear~ coml:s trom structlon wIll begm about J.une Sco;>re Again. University Adrtllnlstriltllt" Quar1~rry, ;~t:~~tlM~~Ch:ll~t!:v~nn:o;:e~hl:d ~~: se;ohnetl ~1I.:~:~'Bbll.~II.:! vlete de~cr;r,tton ortbtbeOfi~b., alil~:I' Wade ~03r. In. conne<:tlon with 15 and will extend through a The Splrlts .. scored again In the The title Is "The ResponsibilIty of

Carruthel"S to secontl. The ralty runs In their hair ot ::I!d 1J!:lume e CoO;t~D: th: e::;rono: ;~;nl~In\v!:: ::;r ?~Itt~:u~,bhel::~ period of ten weeks of fulltime ~~~~~:h'S aStre~:nd:::UI~w:: b~~::~ BUI~lnes~, Management In a TCB{!· condnued I<s Trllece walked. Calu- Milosevich walked, leal charta drawn on the ;Journey sentl~entiu, I wa~t to say th In cl~ss'toom ~ork. Enrollment,.in Gardner and Hogan In lett ceDter ~;tl:l!elS h~::d S::j~~! ::~~:: :~ ~: feW singled, and MilosevIch 1l1so gled, nnd Stewart ll~!l.t a fly and, similar facts taken. trom the behalf ,01' at( of, the tellows n the· thIS co~rse J5 Qpen. to any hIgh and Glodlch pulled up at Ullrd .wlth administrative organlnt!on adopted walked.' Hende;sGn, :the Cartel"s center, which got away from sblp s lor:. armed ~ervlces: 'Wlth p ",pie like school graduate m Southern a triple. DGn ltlcCetlan, next UII by the faculty BOrne time ar:o. Thoa right fielder, got the last hit of the' for an error. as MJlol!evlch and Many of tbe cbaracttlristlcs of you tact{ hGme as bGOstefs G our Illinois who has had two years In the hatUn&' order, proved hlwself nan of the organization which l"e-

~~~=gt:l:d~e singled Berdyn Slewart !::ll~Oeat~~~ ~~~: ~: t::e;:~t, the Japanese customs ~al we Te~d e,Pirlts, we don't have to he prodded· Of m~thematics including al- & -hitter In fhe clute'fi... by 5endlng iate~ to business management WIlS

It;ne Dunbar5 had kevt the ga.rne In later as McDansld ~~dlnpl:~Uere:~~I~y ~::I~de:reln CI:::B~ ~: ::c~~~:u:O~~IC:~ Ii:a~l G:: gebra and geo~etry, and one ~r~~a ~ll~~~e to hring Gi()dlcn home orig-inally drawn up hy Mr. 1IIIIes ror

[J~e clo:;e as they moved. ull within to Blytbe. or we !Jiltall dlo.'; 'Some men CILlI.t year of physics. Copying [Tom the two' prevlou8 ~I:l~~:~!~e.e O( the Council or Ad·

three I'uns or Carter's at the entl In lhe last oe thc af1;th, seem 16 catch the spirit ;~f thl: quO- This' course, sponsored by ~he teams tbat have ddeated tile Duu' Jud!;on T ,. Landis o[ the ooctoiGgy

~!~:!e w!:s\I~:lr Ii O~oth; ~:u~~~o~~~ ;::tst~:(:~o G:tlt~!e [I:~t t~;o Carler's tatlon, ,~~ we v.;-!'o reaU"that this U. S, Dep8~ent of Educabon, bars, the. ,spldh also bflued around depa.Ttment wrote two Ilrtlcle!l lIUO. Cartel's Aces, but thllt wa~ Ilefore bItten (C II d! p 3) ;t~:n: ~;~I:l:~gh:u~rt~bIO~:a.l:; is de~jgned primarily to gi~e :~I:~gpr~~:dr~;tb:tatb~e-S-:U:~~s~!; lmhed m .MIiY of thll;! yeaI', Tbey

tho intern I last half of tile fourtb I The Dunbars scoled theIr final on. nue rom ass freetlOffi;!We are,'and wJiiiSlwaY!l he, ~echmcal trainin~ 'bJ m:D deslt·- tbe Spirits -When V~n U!nte gTound. ~~:to:~ ::t~l~~ ':,SOClaI,PS:ChOl:,ltC;; Jackson led off tbe Dunllllrs scor!ug I un In thl! seventh as Gardner hlm on his uarrow escape. hi:; ad more than willing to fight tor tbE'> mg to enter the mdu8tnai fields ed OUt to second to bet;lil the In. g r;, .appeanllg I In the filst half or the thIrd bYI gled took second as the ball drel;!s Is R W Duncan, V-5, USN R. flag or the Unltetl States and that of the war program. This course I nlng and Catlett. to end the Inolng ma/illzlne Social. FOl"Cc$, and a book singling, stealing second leachlng thlown wild past filEt, took AB, Lambl:lt Fieltl Robertson, Mo. tor Which it stsnds. will also be of special benefit to also grounded out. In the middle 01 ~:~l:~s ~~.~~m'::Pfl~~;~~g l:ndS"~i~~ ~~~~oO;etth;!I~a~~h:le:o:~~O~n~nJ:~ ~6t~a:~Edsc~a~is :~~u::O~:dc:t~h . Cadet J C .swol'l'ord, ACR Bldg-.j "I didn't begin thIs lettel· with tbe young men of draft age who tbe Inning. however, was contained Educiltlon, the (Itflelnl journal 0{ tbe

cros~ed the plate at Catcber Treece going horne. ~5~:, ~.:~e:t~~' ~~:~~':/'~I!e~::~~~!~duet\~~tlW;!~~H!~tl:~~~rt~~Cllll~~i:~:~: wish to e~ter the engineering :t:;~~~~~, °a(n t:~;:r,hl::d all w;~:; -:; Natl{m:lll~o~ncil [or the Social StUll.

lin9 this to say about It: "1 tblng InsIde me tbat made me !tay corps, or o!~er technic~l branch* whlcb uccounted tor 31'1: runs. ~:lirt!:nt SO: th:YCO~::b~!U~:tll::l"lIi~; to thank you very much [or It. this to yoU, However, I tlon't thlnk e~ ,of milItary set-,VIce. PI'O~ The, Spl~ita licored tb.rl:e timl:s In· An article entitled "Wattime 10.

Cat=bOndale-Harrisburg Priinary Association I will hel many bours or .there could ~e a more IloIlProvrlate [VISions have been made for tbe fourto anti tWice In tile f1Cttt tlstlou" by Ru~s(l!l M. Nolen. fonner. Coach Lines H Id T J 25 1 looklnlll" ~bTOU~h it. 11/\ reo tbnE'> to write such a letter to tbG~1: young men enrolling in the which broug:ht the tally to 13 ruu". !)" tlf ~conon1Jcs departmcnt Jlerc.

o s ea une my ~::~.:,o~·b:Sse O;\ll; COli::! who We are to protect." course who are subject to the GUID.4.:lI.TCE CLINIC "appe~red In the May 26 Il;~ue of New BUB Station· Pvt. L. s. Hun\er, 13th T. School , draft to be given deferment , Opinion and Comment, n weekly D.aily Schednles ~- 1 wish I were tbere now." Sqdn., Scott Field, m., wall a. recent d t 1 te th b PROGRAM bullet from the Dnivel'shy or 1111. To An Points The Sou til ern Primali" Un'\lc1"" Fears Fill,icl1;m, redplent of f>:Itts trom· tile Faculty or er. ? ~omp e e course e~ __ I •

Special Student Rates I ten J\-l>SGclatlo~ is havln(; n . I . ~t'g:~,atW:\~~~:e.!:O~IlI:::~1 Club. Lester tells them that Ile hilS fore Jomlng- t.he arm~d forces: {Continued tram Ilage 3) Lcnde!! Coc~+Um. student duector

. Try Our 1 Nishters' formal tea at, the I nils pel::nallent station). he met a raw morE'> weeks ot school, IIDd Under th? lnstruct~oD of 1\113S Each prebeotatlon wI!! be limited tG of the collese muse",]!. hal> au ,ut!. Modem Cafe Thuter on Jnne 2& at S l). Ill. n mbel. of 'The MacDowell CIUbl may become lin Instructor at the Charlotte Zlmmerschled and Dr. sevefrmlnutl::;. This wUl be II forum cle on "The LI",sl'd-a L'nlt !n Ele"

film Our Blrdll whlch was made br I ~tte:dlng: the Nat10nai Music Con.. end, ~r that tIme. Here's hOfllng O. B. Young, members of the S.[' and ",ill 1)e open to aU studeuts or tb,", I mentalY Sclene,,··, in the June bsue

PHONE 4G the oej)artruent I;mth:e ~~:~~~arten \·entloll. Arthur wrlte~: "The mostIYG;:o~ l~~:y~e~:tstettbe South, Her. I. N. U. Phy,si~s _ department, summer ses510n. I or ,~?e !s.~e "eweile~. f.~~~~~~~~~~~ ~'h~'~"~"~"~"~'rn~'~~~~=iI outst8ndlng ob~ervatJou I h,.ave made old Kingery wrltl!f the F\.cll1ty GUt and other -members of the col· 310-4:00-Statrlng of CBse 4-base- Mr Judsp~ ;' Landis has an srtl· i" since entel'lng the Service 16 tbe Club that thank3' to the letter ac. lege faculty, the students will meM of Ilhrary. ele, called ~~Il.t Is tbe Hapfllest

~r~ ~@@MffJ:(fJ 1"'}~ :~at~:~~~OI:':'o::~ aO~ro::t~:;:It:=~~ ~::p:::!ngel~:~~rd P::kll.~~ ~1:~Sl~~ ~:y ~ hours:f cl~ssroo:: ;~d th:;~ou:~~-:nd~~: t:ent:;ul;!:~: rr:~ :tel~oc~ol:1 ~!~:? S~:le~~~ J;:: 6al~~~~: " • " ", , of poll't:lcul consciO.U~lless vreVAlent had been 'fonderlng 11'011.1 wbom he ~ ora 'lr:y wor: ,e~dcdw~e~~ 6e the Seminar in Education 426. consists or B. report oi a most iDter· lii!l'i '\~\\.in the ranks. Thl~ 1 regard all dan., WIIS receiving the EGYPTIAN~ Hal'- time WI] be dlVI e Inw 1 Thur!day-June 25 estinr: piece N soclolot:icn.l research

. ='-- s-erous, In>l!,mll"b as it constitutes a old's s.ddrells Is: Pvt. Harold Kin. hours of phYSiCS; 9 hours of rne~ 8:30 a.m.--<Case !i--E~amrned by 011 ~Illcb Mr. Lan~ls has Ilcen en· uase for a po:ellt~al ;u:cls.t move· I!ery, ~37th Sch. Snd., Greenville A. chanical drawing; and 10 hours the I.J.R .. -I05 Parkinson, gar:E;' .

JJ Ill,; ~ (i' I ;.1 ;J ,1 ';' 1. i :l~~\ro! .. e b~le~~IWU·:kN·~~niCnaS~ ::i ~ISsBnslc Flying Seh., Gl"eeuvtlte, of mathema~ics, . . ba:~::nOt 3:f-;~::::;.S Gf Case 5- cO:~:~~SI~~~:rt~y ~~:b~aEtlo!:~ C~::~ movement of UIIIi nature. The Army . Anyone mtere3ted In thiS 10:50·11:40--I..l:cture lind. discus· H of Teachers of Mathematics to


1'aY One of ~a1gl'een's Delieiolls Double-Dip-


Itself should. I belleye, be cOllscious new engineering course may sion-Emotlonal P,·obloms 0(' rh .. coU('t:t material OD mrhtl·sen~ory a!d~

r:~~~~~~~~~ I NURSE HAMPTON MARRIES ~;i~~:g a~Pl~cha:io~ffi:!an~; t~~ ~:t;:~l ~~~~g:n:Y':~~~oc:~ ~::;:~ ~~e t:~gbt~esea:t~\;!T::~h~~a:~~s ~:~ COMFORTABLY COOL Mis!> Naollll---;:-mpton, school PreSIdent at S. I N U, or to ~~v~~~ldR~~:~t;:h.0r the Institutc (orl:::::~ ~11~~I~ ~:~:!!! ~l~l t~l: ::

VARS' ITY nurse, WkS lccentJy married to Ml Dr o. B Young, PhYSICS de~ ·Stafflogl;-All students In Eel 426 tutule

Kl:nnetb l'Ifanering dale. In at lea~t one or the -starlings. 1IIeoo· fl-om a long letter tG 1\I1l;!I Gibbons . . partment. S. 1 N U., Carbon- are e'l:pected to att-end and participate f The fotlowlDt; flalll.gfaflh k; co~l~d

THEATRE bers or ilie BUleau of Child Guidance by the chairman of the commIttee CARB.ON'DALE· ~upervi50rs EUld administrators Irom 1'>11"" E H C Hlldebrandt

Adm. Sun. llc.33c, Tax Incl, GENE TIERNEY and



RODCERS VIRGINIA McCOLLUM GETS ::Ill'Wb~:~u:, t~:~lll;~ll:~~~o~n~n~;s ;:ud te:~~rln~~~~1 ~::s:t~~ ~I~~u c(:~~!~ BErn RHODES AWARD calion whl) fini!. It pos~ble to come I vel"! _tlll"- work y~ bave done (or us

TH' . are likewise Invited to fliU tlclpaJe A, lu collecting ,~:tr.tu.~ for 1he fortb

'EATR:E :I:~ta:tten:dm~:: ::~ff~:~:r b/tZ~:; ::;!:~a~l:ssrb:?h:~u~hl~:~;:t t~:: CAIlBOII"AL. Vkglnlll l'Il¢Collum or Louisville permlllsion trom the dh'ectoj:" of the country will 'feel this sawe enthlls·

Continuous Saturday and Sunda:y, 2:30~11:00 P. M.

SUN.-MON., June 21·22


wns the reCipient thts yea~ Of tbe Bureau Of C.hild GuIdance, Jioom 105, Illsm from the material YOll have Betty Rhodes memorial scholarship Parkinson Labora.tory., contributed aDd from the Yearhook." award given by Alpba Delta chapter fl

~~lI~~taha:lgh~:te~P~~:\ ~~;s a:!~ G::'~~· I~~:::~; ~~~:~~:e:rm~:::: Ralph ~ol'toU ~eavcs tbls Friday age, Is maj1lring III Englbh and will basic ttlllnlng .and now travels on (or tbe COast Guards. Also. Verdle have minor:!; in French o[ commerce. In a tour man jl:eps. alld COli; and Scott}· Gill leU. Tuesday lor I News and Disney Cartoon

TUES,·WED., June .23-24

S d . ,JIMMY DURANTE and or un aes I PHIL SILVERS in


"Fo'(tr Mothers" News and N()velty

TUES.· WED., June Z&-24


Thl: Award, which Is II. stipend or !;1larGs Y1e ccasl, LIkes It well- Manhattan Beach. New York, where f.30.00, j,,; pillced annually wltll an good rood and a!V .. an on tbe go, theY w!ll receive threl: weeks train. outstanding: sophomore girl. on the Eyery t()urth day tbe Coaet Guard lng ali coast guard acting chief petty basIs of scholarship, leader!;hlfl, and1J6fantry _ 6tands guard like regular otrlcoCl"s with a gootl cila.uce for II.

What a l1iaf for only 15c

I THE A!lMY NOW" I Quiz Kids and Novelty

I THURS.·FRl:-·June 25·2.


"MY GAL SAL" News and Inf.o. Please

Adm. week days llc & 28c . 'till 6:00; llc-33c after 6:00

"Niagara Falls" SPOd8C~ MtlS:ical

THURS.·FRI. June c~~ . JOAN DAVIS ana )



plomlse 01 character. / Inrantry.i corrlm!l;slop.

I' , ~ :

Conserve Your "It's Ten Minutes Before Class Shoes " Time - Let's Go To


C b d· I . Tax ipcluded. ROY ROGERS and ar . on ae SATURDAY .• JUNE 27 GEO. "Gab!>l' HAYES in

Q . .


W . LIONEL ATWILL 8I1d "ROMA~.CE ON . . algreen .A·geney .iirHE.'DA,"1InE" Co"m.tlon 0' I •• tho, =d ollio, PATRIe KNOWLES in I, J" n'fx vital matorllll" means speeded

", Dr'ug ·StO<-". \ e- . "Strange CfaDse R " ~:~u:~::8ro:orth~~:~ ~!::~ :I~: II 'a 0 r. X w dO~-8 open"ht6:30 reJ;latrllllt MIlJOIIOY'" Sb.oo Shop. - . .~}\:' star:t;s ~.7!1)~

FO.R SALE OR TRADE'-Modern 14; room houoe, omi."l. for keeping stu­

dents. Located at 907 South Normal. Owner is will· ing .to~ trade for a farm o~ iI small houSe in town. "A' C dit" d"F Y C f t" ." Cartoon and Musical ~dm. ilc-22,.':·at iI?flmes. M-' 'Sh I U' on lOne or our om or , • ." Adm. Sat. ~ 'fax ·Inc!. . Tax Iil"luded",. ru'oney.s, oe "

.~hone 163 . " 310 s. lllino"! '. BUr .&~. ~~~gNDS Buy~:.r~g~~s 8lwp' 11 ...... ~'-ii.E.E.M •.• R ••. il.R.A.C.O.X ....... I~~~~~~~~='~'~' ~~I~ __________ ~ _____ ~ _____ t_· ____ --__ ·~II~