18th Fighter Bomber Wing Songbook

Post on 06-Apr-2018






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  • 8/2/2019 18th Fighter Bomber Wing Songbook



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  • 8/2/2019 18th Fighter Bomber Wing Songbook


    - FOR E W0 R D _

    This Song Book was the y.lroperty of the leth ..Pursuit Grouy.lof thePlre-'jvorld War IIperiod. It has been r'eproduc ed from the original inthe interest of our unit e81')ri.1 2 . corns which. in the paat , has rarelybeen equalled. 'I'he original Song Book was loaned to the 16th FighterBomber ~iinlS by I":ajor General Kenneth F .L3er;quist, Director of Operat ions,Headquarters US./IF who , as a Captain, was O)erations Officer of the 18thFur suit (later Fie;hter and 2i[hter Bomber) Group from June to February1941, and Comnande r- of the 44th Pursuit (later Fighter and Fighter Bomber),squadron from 27 February to 3 October 1941. Captain (now LieutenantGeneral, Retired) Roter M. Eamey, former Commander of Fifth Air Force,was Executive Officer of the 18th at that time.

    Other songs and poems at the rear of the book were accumulated fromvarious sources as repredenting a more recent era, and will, no dOUbt,be more readily recogniz.able to ainnen of the present. The addition isby no means all inclusive. Where there is no waLe to the pO

  • 8/2/2019 18th Fighter Bomber Wing Songbook


    -FOREWORD ..

    This compilation of Air Corps Songs is an attempt to fill along felt need. By searf,hing avdlable resources and throughcontributions of individuals, we have collected herein a numberof songs written during the World War No. land therenfter atdifferent times and under various circumstances.Manyof the ver-ses are well knovn, Others are not. The music formost of tho verses is not included but all render themselves adapt-able to some \-Je11 knownair. llppearing also are a number of songs ofothor services, well knownfor their melodies and usually renderedby all service "Barber Shop Quartets" at about 2.300 011 Saturdaynights.We are grateful to all contributors and express our aPJ?rociationto the Order of Daedalians (IISongs of the ArmyFlyors") and tothe authors of "Songs My Nothor Never Taught No", from which songbooks many of the versos ho r-e L n Here taken. The contributorslisted nrc not necessarily the authors of tho verses. To the un-knownauthor-s we thorefor express our indebtedness. He are mostappr-ocdnt.Lvo of the "pick and shovel" Hark of Lioutennnts P. Smithand G. L. vJertonhnckor, S/Sgt. J. H. Bnlstcr, and Corp. N. J. DoBoorin the preparation of this song book. It is hoped to improve it bycddd.ng ether songs. Any contr:i.butions contributing to this will begrr.tofully received.li.ir Corps tradition is prodfcabcd upon moeting gr-ave and difficultsituations with light hearts and high spirit; upon vio\-ling poss-ibilities of sudden death \-lith detachment and levity. It is atradition which carz-Le s us through trial and tribu1o.tion to ultim-ate successful accomplishment. That tradition is expressed in songsof the Air Corps. He hope that , by the compilo.tion of this groupof songs, we hDve contributed our little bit to the osprit do corpsand traditions of the ~\ir Corps.

    For tho Officers and Hon of the 18th Pursuit Group:K. N. WC'.lkcr,Najor, IiiI' Corps,C o mm anddng 20 Juno 191" ,0 .

    (Note: This book is not for sale and is not to bo sold)

  • 8/2/2019 18th Fighter Bomber Wing Songbook


    , , _ T ,t.B LE O F C O UT J1 lJ 'T3,c:30NG,S-

    Eighteenth Intercoptor Group-Ito A Long ~Jay to Hickam Fieldl BoysFrankie and JohnnieBombedLast Night,Twas Friday HornThe First PursuitI Have Taken the i;.ir Ls I Found ItMemoriesTho Instructor's LamentBeside tr~ Browory at St. MihiolThe Jolly PilotDon't Send MyBoy to RandolphThe Old PilotThe Ki-wi SongThe Bomber's SongMyWiled-eyed CadetThe Formation LenderStand to Y01JrGlasses Steady1 . Poor ilviator Lay Dying'Twa s L v!trm S umm er-! s NightOld 97Marine HymnFogs f"bove the ChannelOh , NowI Am. I: I(aydet toArmyAir Corps SongOld Soldiers Never DieBothor, 'I'ake DownYour Service FlagSing Hallelujah For ManeuversShanty at Old Kelly FieldLook at Tho Ecr s on HimlCome on and Join tho ldr CorpsEigh t Bucks a DayHi, Hi, Up She RisesIwant to Go HomoOVJr.Land and Over SeaThe Student's Song

    POEHS:_The Secret of the Airplaneiln idrman' s Hymnf. Thousand ThoughtsTho Last BouquetYea, VerilyCadet Lament

    f.RT ICLES :-HowTo Fly A JennyPrimary Training in Ch.icago

  • 8/2/2019 18th Fighter Bomber Wing Songbook


    .>~-~....... Il, i

    .from "Songs My Hother :ijcver Tnught He")It is a woll ~lown fact thct tllo Air $prvice (flying personnel,Ki-His and others) made a considerable hiti~Jith whv.tevcr ladies were prc- 1sont. Infantrymen- will say, "Nowondcr, tl}~ aviators weren't bothered by

    the wnr particularly. They had to sp~nd t~~ir time doing something. Withtho trick uni.f'orms, Once in front of the ~~lrService Headquar-ter-s at 4451 1 .venue Montc.igno, Paris, France, a group oft!Lmcricen Iwia tor s found them-selves saluting a General. Tho General wasj:a very \vell-knoHn American and.fam01Jsfor his hard-boiled mannor, He ge.vo,\he pilots one look. Theiruniforms near-Ly caused him heart-failure. '~"WhatArmydo you belong to? II he rOD.r~d."The United States Army, Sir," answer~d one informative youngSecond Lieutenant. ~"Well," continued the General, "I'll b God-damnedif you'd everknow it f'ronl tho uniforms you'ro wee.rin'.11 !In every community thore are a fow folks who know the "onl.y authenticversion" of "Frankie and Johnnie". l.void them! Undor certain conditions(particularly when crossed in an argument) they became violent. Tho 1I.rmyversions noted pelow lack quite a lot of the Rabelaisian verve_found intho original. For, according to tho "authentic" St. Louis ba.Llad, Frankiewas a simple lady of the streets, living in a "crib house Hith only twodoorsll, whognve all she earned to Johnnie, who in turn spent it on someof his other sweethearts, thereupon t\'lo-timing Frc..nkie. "He was her manand he done her wrong, II etc.1.s in the O[I.SC of most songs of tho oldon days, Frankie and Johnnie( \ o l ) are told) dates back to 1850; tho lyrics are of necessity quito'snd.Folks, it seems (in the olden days), wanted to knowabout the poor little

    dead baby, or the murdered lover, or the husbandless wife, or about thowrongs men do women,etc. In prnctictlly every version of IIFrankie andJohnnie" someone gets bumped off end in the; 45th verse, the nora L is broughtout, nDmely, "There ain't no good in men," Ico.use "he wcs her man and hedono her wrong."

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  • 8/2/2019 18th Fighter Bomber Wing Songbook


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  • 8/2/2019 18th Fighter Bomber Wing Songbook


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    C o n ' t f r o m P a g e . 1Frankie, h e f l e w i n h+D!~~~~Tw~s just a d a m n e d fly!h h b t ' l r s e ,~ s n t e m o v e r t o t h o A . ~ . F . ,' C n u s e t h e y d i d n ' t have n o t h i n w o r s eT h o s e p o o r d E ' m n e d f o o l s - t h e y d o n e ' e m w r o n g .H e i n i e s e . t u p i n h i s F o k k e r ,F o k k e r w a o b u i l t t o f l y .H e i n i e p u l l e d b e c k o n t h e j o y - s t i c k ,A n d s h e r e e r e d r i g h t u p in t h e s k y .T h o s e p o o r d 8 m n e d f o o l s - t h e y d o n e ' e m w r o n g .H e i n i e s l i d S o u t h o v e r C o n f l R n s ,S o m e n i c e easy m e a t t o . 's p y ,' T i l l w a y d o w n b e l o w h ~ s a w t h o D . H . ,A s l o w l y f l o p - f l o p p i n t ' b y .T h o s e p o o r d e m n e d f o o l $ _ t h e y d o n e ' e m w r o n g .H e i n i e n o s e d d o w n o n t h e D . H .H i s g u n s , t h e y w e n t t i ~ k , t i c k , tcck, .A n d t h o second b u r s t of h i s Spandau ,C a u g h t J o h n n i e squar-o ~ n t h o beck,T h o s e p o o r d e m n e d f o o l ~ - t h e y d o n e ' e m w r o n g .F r a n k i e , h e t u r n e d t o J o h n n i e ,J ' n d h e e n i d , " s h o o t L'la.:qll,B u t J o h n n i e w a s u p f't t h o P e a r l y G r t e s ,L - h o a r i n ' t h e t n a c l s t o o t " < ! > . , - - . , .T h o s e p o o r d a m n e d f o o l s - t , h G y 'd o r i c ' o m w r o n g .

    i l lil Ii i i , ;r , f) II tI ! t ,.-...l--:

  • 8/2/2019 18th Fighter Bomber Wing Songbook


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    .. ., . . . . .. " . . . .~'"c ~ ~ , - , .- .ilLO lfG H IY TO EICIG . f FlLDII

    (Tunc - IILo11gvlay to Tipporrryll)- .. . _ _

    .. _,._--. . ._.("lords by Lt. G. L. Wartenbf'.ker)

    It's r. long way to Hickrtl Field, Boc.y;It's a long way to go.It's a lone way down to the Bombers,To tho strr.ngcst pl.ece I know.There's no pursuit tricr e , ., mean at Hd.ckam]L11 Bombers on the linG.So Ho'll hrve to shelve OtT loops and our snnprolls'Till somo other t~nc.

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    (Tunc - "Drunk Las't Night") (From - "Song s Hy Hother Never Taught Nell)



    . . . . . .- - . _ - - _ . ,. ' - . . . ..

    "BOHB~D L1S'1I LJ;r:GHT"

    BombGd lest nightlBombed th3 night bef'or-o ,GOl1nC get bombed tonight,If we never get bombed no mere.'.]hen wo're bombed , we Ire c s set-r-ed rs ' . 0 con be ~O h , God doran the bombin' p.Lr no s froIa Germany.Thoy Iro over us,TheY'ro oval' us,One dug-out for tho four of us,Glory bo to God thsro or-e no ner-o of us,'Cruse ono of us could fill it ell alone

  • 8/2/2019 18th Fighter Bomber Wing Songbook


    (Tune - 'Twos Fridcy Horn") (Words by Lt. P. Smith)

    . '

    "'TWf.S F RID AY filO RN "

    'Twns Fridny morn, when we to'.::>koffIn the nidst of f. downmircge.Then the Ccptr~in spied SOi1G Hiclwm BonberdicrsLll pink and grey comcuf'Lago ,cnonus .

    Oh, tho B-18 t S may r onr-, nay roarFor very soon they'll bo no mo r e,'Cause W e pceshooter s nrc clil:'lbing to the sky,To dive on the BonbGrs down below, below, below _To cAve on tho Bombors down below.

  • 8/2/2019 18th Fighter Bomber Wing Songbook




    .,T HE l"I ::ST PU RSU IT

    (Tunc - "I 'n c Rcub1ing "';r8ckll) (Contributed by Cc.pt. n.M. Rnmey)When I wes but ,. little Lad ,HyMothar, she srid to no,"Listsn to l:1C, ny son, ny 1rd,L.ndyou will Gventuc.lly sec.Stny n1f:.y frO!'.} those Bonbrr-dmcrrt Groups,The Obsorvntion, too.Just strnp n P-1 on your---;Itt s the First Pursuit for you. a

    Nose down, wide out.Pull her up in c zoom.We'll got on your tni1;You'll fall down nne: go bcoralIlike ny WOIlencrooked ,And I'll tcko ny ,.,iskoy c.l.oar ,I'm 0. nonboz of the Fu'st Pursui t,l\nd 0. hell of a guy for bccr ,-

  • 8/2/2019 18th Fighter Bomber Wing Songbook


    \G)~_~- . ..---~-. '--:r:'~;\ : . . I H I , V E T A K E N 'rttl. ~f~!..J E .Q u . m ? _ ) 1 _ j: - (--..:;__ __ .......... _. '4~-"" , .... t:.._.

    (Tuno - Kipling's "The Lnc1iesu) (Contributoc:~ by M[LjorKenneth N. Wnlker)I have tnkon the yenrs [LSI hnVGfound thom;r hrvo looped cnd rolled in i:1ytime.r have hcd sonc grr.nd old cr-oas-ccuntr-i.cs ,1.nOneat of tho lot, thGY Hero fino.But tho end of it ell , . it vore sudden;Iwoke in c hosii,to..l'or-rejtJith tho eehoaor borrtMed tiIaeDoing 'virlg....ovcr s in the r.Ir-,Nowr hr.ve tnken ny fun whore I have found it.But now I must pay for i : 1Y fun .For the hours you spend in tho sky jazzingHust be padd for ono by ono ,The doctors rebuilt ny oxpr-casdonjHy wnlk is pDinful to soc; .So bo ltlcrncd by ny lot,\'Jhich I1':no'Wou will not,l~no 10['.1"ncbout flying fron no.

    . J ;\ .I ;

    . . . . . . . . .~~ 'f" ..... w._

    -- ..- --":---

    Tuno .,. " I Love You T r u l y - H ) (Hords by Lt. G.L. Hcrtenbokor)Over tho clouds, lads;Come , we will go..~~cho.vc tho spirt 'P iWe'll show the 1'00.S .10 will'rotwn,' ..nd only they can tell,Whic', went to HoovenAnd which went to Hol1.

    , " " . ' I " )/\j e J I, /"

  • 8/2/2019 18th Fighter Bomber Wing Songbook


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    THEINSTRUCTORS Li.MENT(Contributed by Mtlj~1 Konneth N. "Jc.1kcr)


    l1. \oIhonyou g1've her tho gun,Don~t try to zoom,For in thogrr'vGyr-rc1 beLev you

    There is plenty of roon.- - - - - - - CIlOIms:IdonItv ' C . q T " anyr10r,)fly1oc;Iwent to str.y ~n tho grou;{d. i). - - . . . . . . _,\ .-----\- j 2. \Jhon y::)u'ro close to tho ground,Don't try vorticrl eights,For they'll ship you oleyIn yellow pine crrctos.




    .J. 101hon0U gi Vo hin the; stickBe sur-e you' r o high JFor nosf of those ccdct sDon't know ground fran tho sky.

    I!\\~ . - - ~

    4. t~'henyou' ro up in tho r_ir,Frey he don't freeze tho stick,For SODeof the groundIs n:!ghty dean thick.5. Havo your ship inspected

    By n First C1ess Screo;O r you will vlJrr silver hr.ndl.csOn your fusc1cec.6. You'll hcc.r tho guyWho'll soy, without turning c. he.lr ,II\Jhy, ny friond ,"1've hed 10 .,~)OOour-s in the cdr 1 [I

    . _ _ . _ ~ _ . _ " , _ . _ _ " . _ . . .~ . . _ .. . . _ . . " . _ c .. ~ _ . ~ _ . _ ~ _--r~;:~~;- - 1 :- - ; r; ,,"1 f : : "

  • 8/2/2019 18th Fighter Bomber Wing Songbook




    k~.,B ES ID E T ID ~ B IE \~ 1 :R Y LT ST . H IH IEL

    "Oh, I':! goine to n better lend,They aouac thero ov::;ry night;VIhoro cocktru Ls :srm,[ on cr-cb-r-pp.LcLnd ever-yone str.ys tight.vIhorG bug .Lc a never b.Low r,t [ , 11 ,yJhore no' one \Jin

  • 8/2/2019 18th Fighter Bomber Wing Songbook


    In the sedona. vorso, the rofor-Quce nrdo to the c1ivo of the }'okkorsbrinss to r.lind the ,il'ln'bi1:tty of tl10 Nib,ports and other ships used byL.iliod fOl~eC$ toodt ... 1 i vo thoGcrbt:'.rl pinnes. Tho Nicuports often strippedtho drnvr.s o~f 'tho ontcr Ing ocl , , :~os of' t~

  • 8/2/2019 18th Fighter Bomber Wing Songbook


    \'!hen the lest long f1~ghtis Over,Lnd the hrppy If'ndin'~' s pr st ,Lnc1flY rltl:~letcr tells noTho.t the crr.ck-up's COi.10 rt lr,st,rIll ~ ' W i r l e her noso to the ceiling,;...nd I'll eive ny creto'tho gun.Ii 11 opo11.l'1Qrup, r.nd let her zoonF o r the airport nt the sun.,l...dtho ~t'Ol:'ct Godotlying non"all sni..Lc n t :,10 SOI't,:of slowi.e I store ny err.to 1 . ; 1 " ( the hmlP'r.rOn the field where f~:f..crs ISO.Thon I'll look upon His fnce,Tho Llnishty fl:yine a,qss,~Jhosc wingsprcpd filie tho hocvcnsFron Orion to the Crc;~s.

    ~' 'Above the trODors of ,the world,The b.Lack norcss of ~rooc1 r.nd hr';to,Yo u r winp;s o f silver (c.ro unfurled"ihare the clec.n \lind~ of Hcavon wnitTo beer you on, and-when tho nightDrnws cl080 rz-ound your lonely bcr-quo ,t, r.lillion str.rry carWIcs lightL shining prrth o.crogp the dr,rk,God grant your Ship Slfy ever goIn po aco thc.t you Jjr.y never reinL london strenf1 of Denth nnd wooUpon SOLlehcp'Lcas t .own or plnin.lo1nyfolks who hear your friendly r ocrLook up to bless the course you fly,l'{or over Loor-n to cringe beforeYo u r hostile shrdow in the sky.

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    1 l. T H O U S L N D T H O O G H T S(Contributed by Lt. N.vI. Horley)

    Tho ple.oo WCcsoine down in f'Innc s]Ipulled the; cord [lnd dropped,But sonothing happened to the fchute,For ny descent did nover stop.J~ thouso..nc1houghts rnn thri...ughuy headIJ.sIween to fnll.1d hed so urny scrrcpos with Deo..th;Wes this to end H. nil?I thoUGht of : : 111 ny childhood days,Lnd No.so kind and Si'lootIn those last fow p:'Jcious secundsEre Donth I Wo.sto nect.I thought of nll thoSGwor-tine c1r:ysHhcn Doath loft did choc,t;I thougrrt of 0.11 tho strugglesIn this life I'd tried to beet.I thoUGht of (wif

  • 8/2/2019 18th Fighter Bomber Wing Songbook



    "E IG H T ,;E N TH U 1T&G E PT O it G R ou pn(Hords by Lt. P. Sui th)

    1. Oh , '~hJ pilot of tho Goldon BugIs in his ccckpi t saf'c and snug.Is everything ell okcy-doko?No, there 13oc s to ccr th in snoko t. 9 l : L O B Q . S :~'.wny, nI-lcy, with swor-d nnd drun ,Horc tho;;'! conc , full of run,Looking f'o sonething to put on the bUI1,The Eightc~:mth Interceptor Group.

    2. Fl.Lcki.ngor-!S Q Medier.l nanvlho f'Ldd'Loa ar cund as nuch as he can,H o hrvQ t o c o u e h c n e l we hnvo te lingerWhiL, he pr-oben 1-lith Lndox finger.

    3'\ The 86th, thoy von t too ferIn getting thL,t newChevy car.Tho rost of usaz-o just the nr.aeo s ,But they aLl, cnn':iss our foot.4. HeLL tlOSC Hul.a :~nidons shy,Dcr k H.Hni:1.cn LO:'-310i.vlhon c.rr nirsh5.ps lio in "1I'ocks,Thoro 1:3 n)thidg like a li ttlo S0118'.5. Horo's to ell brss-h ..tt;::;d crrs

    VIho love to snok tlJOSC good cigcrs.They pj ck the p.Laco whcr-o wo shell dwoLl.,Lnd pick us nllhy l o t - LIKEHELL.

    . . . . .

  • 8/2/2019 18th Fighter Bomber Wing Songbook


    /!.'-.. ~~.,

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    I ,/~"

    Her-e is the Lir Corps vcr s.i on of the H~:rinc Hyncn _Contributed by Iiajor Kcnnc th Il. Hclkcr.Fr-on : th;_; fogs above tho channelTo tho top pcok of tho Vosgosv J c have f0Uc?;ht our country's bottlcs,We have shot doun [',11 our f'oos ,l.f th~, N~1v7.and -I\iiarine CClrpnEven Go.in to Hccvcnt s shores,They H i l l find the D . l 1 e ~ l s ,Sleepinc with the t.rny Flying Corps.

    o c t . J) E . /.) [ . /,/j.. . -

    ( f { ) ; : ;'--.t....

    / \d \\. < . )/ '"


  • 8/2/2019 18th Fighter Bomber Wing Songbook


    MtJU NE H YMN(Rop::..~int0dion 'I Songs hy Mother Nev,:;r Tnue;ht MeII)

    This is tho hY:1l1of tho UIS. IvI~ril1eCorps. _ as nuch c pert of thoirroguler oquip:1ont liS thv bC1onct. It typifies tho spirit of non such ['s thoone who got it in the belly - had scrcD4cd 0. hit in spite of hdriso'Lf _ endthen h e e } spent t h e . rest of t h o night cnd nost of tho noxt day, dry-nouthodand feverish under a W-ezing sun , trying to signc.l n conbct plltrol or Ilstretcher bcar-or-, When t~cy finnlly got hdn beck, his wor-ds wero, "1.n, I'lltell tho Scr'gonrrt thc.t, Wei td never 0' been crue:ht by thC:~lflo Il-bi ttcn goddan-cd stoIfJ troops if the rc!v!'.nc.; coul.d ' 'r.' kept up with us. GOd[\~.liehty,whet's 'the good ' a' conhct training if tho other people don't know the snnetricks you do?"Fr on t~ Hrlls of Montezunr.To t h o ~11Pr0S o f Tripoli'vlefight \;lur countries' bnttlosOn tho lend [mel on t h o sen.mat to .(il"{ht for rieht and frcodon~~l1do kChO our honor clean.He nrc pro~d to clein the titlocrUl1. :LWd Stt::tes Marinos.

    -" - . . . . . _

    I ,I If t ::_-;. 1;/-~\(~

  • 8/2/2019 18th Fighter Bomber Wing Songbook


    * 't ( . - - . ' I f . ~* ; , t.

    Tunc: "The "VJreckof Old Ninety-soven) (Horc:s by Lt. U.L. Hc.rkcr)IT1;ILS. \J:.R N SUHl1 ERS I iJIGHT

    'Twr.s n wr.rn sunncr a night, all tho strrs shone so brightL.nd tho South wind ccno rolling up the lino.Hith a nap in his hand of tho irip he had planned,RonberR cllllbed in his BT~9.I'hor-o was t: torr in his eye r.s he took to the sky,For his way he knowhe'd never find1.,ndtho though t of tho noise the. t he'd 1'0 IT fron tho boysHaunted his troublod winsaDO nindeOh] thr.t "Nino" hunnod a sane as ho flew her a.Long.:.nc1tho engine kept purring through her' stacks.Thon he whispered D . prayer w'~yltP th;Jro in tho [dr,Prcying he Id find sane rc,ilroad trncks.Thon he buzzed 001' 0. hill end his younGhcrcrt stood stillFor L.ustin wO.sshining i~ his f'acc ,N O v l ho WGS bound for Pavncc ; so it's easy to socTho.t sonohow he wrsn't in his p.Lace ,Ohl His young hcc.rt wes stone ets he picked up the phoneL.ndho.Ll.or ed for Rnndolph-by-the-8eD.."Sir, r can't find ny wc.y, think I'll ca.l.L it ['. day;Just get no bnck whero IbGlone."So they directed hi;'1hone fron tho course he had flown,L.ndho ended up by Lnndd.ng off the "Too".Nowhe 1 s getting the "bird", 'co.use in coso you o.in' t hoar-d,"Ronbor-g never found Pawnee."

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    "- TH E Ll.ST BO UQU ET..0 Gill Robb Hilson

    I Ivc flown 'on ell fron then to nowThe big ones end the s;10.11.r'va Leaped and zooood and di vcd r.nd spunLnc1clinboc1 '01:1 to 0 stnll.I Ivc flown Ien into the \vinc1end starn,Through thunc1erhenc1and rnin;Lnc1thrilled tho folks thc.t wr tchod :'10 rollHy wheols along their train.

    : : : ,\'

    L' vo chased th~ stccz-s acr-oss the rnnc;c,The goose fron off tho bny.I'Ve flovm between tho Princeton towers\;JhenHez-vcr -d CODO to plny.I Ivo clipped tho \'Tiros frO:-l public polos,Tho bloflsons fron thotrocs;l~nd scrz-cd ny bost friends hl11f to doathWith stunts fnr wor-se then those.

    '{r ,

    The rulos nnd codes nnd zones they fornAnd not for such ns I,Who, like the grant ,dId enGles , flingIvly chc.llonc;o to the sky,i. bold frOG spirit chtrging fierceI.bove the fpl10w Lend...L.nddonIt you like thoso nice vIllito f'Lowor-sI'n holding in ny hnnd?

    i :

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    -;.~: ; , ; : : ; ; . .._ . - - ~ .."- '\). - - - - - , _ /\ - - " - - : : - . : - - : : : - _ -

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    '.-..'. (.~.C. HOHsLct.ter )1.11 the cold 1loc,thor yougct in 'I'cxra is unusuc.L downthers, but ithas tr,rvcllcc'. 800 nilos f-ftor pas sLng those lrti tudes end is bogil1ninc: togot 1ur:::cc.1up by tho oxtcr tor , iJe Get it her-e frOD Cc.nrdi' vi[c Hi!.1.nosok nnd1h.sconsin, but it is kept frosh on Lee ell tho 1fr,ydown, You have boer itstid thet this is a difforent kind of c . cold up here fnd thr tyou don't fOGlit tho wny you do downSouth. Thnt is quito truo , Tho cold up hero is fixedso th['.t if you don't eot tho h j.nside of a house or c , set of fur-linedclothes on d fest, you fell nothing nt eLl, in D very short tine. Peoplekid thensc.Ivos e.bout different kinds of cold, but you ccn't Idcl c , thcr:-l(;,'_1otcrand you eant tkic1 tho hunan cpidornis when it cones in conte.ct \-lith tho sanothine thc.t depresses the thernono tor , The only thing tho.t nnkcs cold coldoris hunidity, and wohave hed thrt horo in such quantities thnt tho top oftho radio was fuzzy whonthc tcnpcra turo w[',saround zero. Ho hcvc ccrr-Lcd 011opera.tio~1s on sever-al, daye Whenthe tcnpcraturo varied botwoon 5 and 10 de-grees with the thcrnoue tor in tho sun on tho protected sL1e of the house.NowI will toll you of sane of tho cold \-Teether tr01.lblcs wo ho.ve hed.The cold cane ruthor grnc1unlly, as \-lehad 0 rri.LdFall. Occasionally sono ofthe students were face noske , nors for nppoer-nncoa then o.nythinG cLsc , Thoncone Jrnunry the coldest in tho history of tho \'JonthGr Bur-ocuhero. Thonccn tcnpcrrrtur-c for Jpnunry wc.s16.2 dogrces , and we put in 785 studorrt hour;in Jenuery with 30 students. :" 8 tho tonporc turc e;ot Lowcr , r bcgr.n to bo con-scious of : . lY fnco, and frequontly bccanc just cs )l,Iinod by it rcs other pooplecro , Finally 1iOput everything on nn.' even hic~ our racce in ncsks , but thocold vas still finding us end gettinc: coldor with ever vcvc , Uc could takeit down to ;:>lnost zero, but whon it got thc.t cold we hcd tho followingtrouble:Wocouldn't got n rise out of the oil 'tcnpcrrrtui-o gur.-.gos; theywouldn't even eat up to zcr-o, cn~l tunning the ongin;;; did no good. \JrightFiold could do nothine for us, so the Engineering Officer suw;estad that theonly hope vas to hold lie;htc:c_l_etcho s under the Guo.gos. This had to be dis-continued because "'C het to buy our- OH11 nrrtchc s, Scvor-o.l,of the enginescnught, cole: fnel started snccaf.ng when we tricd to stort then, then dovolopedchronic coughs which alHnys bothered then ( ( \ 1 1 c 1 us) on forced l[!nc1inE~s. O neplene's cough \.,rorkocldown Lrrto it's chest, and it had to be confined in theHangar' for fac.r of pncunonfa ,'\Ilhilo it novez- renlly got too cold for us (?), it did Got too cold 'forthe pInnas. On the coldest day we pushed n fow of then out, but they bCGcnvibrntine even boforo ..10 could got the no'tor-s s tc,r ted The fnbric bogcn togot [5ooso pL.lples ell over it and the p'lancs ehd.vcr-odso violently thnt therivots end fittil1Gs bcgr n to loosen. One plr.nc locked its 1/hoels, poked itsnose in the S110\vond r-ofuacd to go cny further. (For those desirinG' proof,send 25 cents for picture.)Wehad to quit brthing tho pl.onos for fc:::c they w.juld toko ner-o col.ds ,Thoy sooncd to respond bot tcr to n brisk r-ub-down\vith just a dash of VicksVo.porubadded to the go.soline. 1 .1 0 nrc v/ntchinr~ then cccrefully to sec thntnone of then pull' thdr wheels up under the ..linGS to keep then \10rr.1. Thestuclents seen to fcc.r this 0180, as they usue.Ll.y touch the vhoc.Ls to tho coldS1l0W a few tir.10Swhen landine beror:::; tru~tinc thou \vi th the full weicht oftho plnne.

  • 8/2/2019 18th Fighter Bomber Wing Songbook



    ' . One of tho studonts cane in one cny D . 1 1 c \ snic1 he noticed tho plrneturning bl.uo , and he. thought, naybc it vas gettil1::~ too cold. He showed hinthC't nLl, the other pl.r-ncs were blue aLso nne:he felt better about it.He have found a ,.ray to kcop the plnnos. flying on oLLbut tll..) colckstr.:orninGby borrowing t: schcno fron tho dictvtors. Tho Operations Officero.l1l1ouncosth" officio.l tcnpcrnturc ond suprosscs nIl evidcnce to tho COh-tray. All p.lr-nc s thc t refuse to cccop t the official tonpcro.t1l.1"oer-e subjectto ovcrhc.ul.Of course, not a.Ll, of our tr::ublcs have boon with the p.lnnos , Onostudent is ard.d to hove [3!'opodhis "my beck to tho fielcl in 0. blinding snowstern only to find thr..t the snov atcrn disOopperrod when he pushed up hisfrosty gOGgles. Ln Instructor is snid to have sent 0. student to soc theFlieht Surgeon beer-usc he thawed on the c outr-ol.a , Ho wcs tho first studentto thnw on tho OJ ntrolrJ in sovcra.l doys; so the instructor thouc;ht ho nightbe feverish. Lnothcr student up rcr t: chock ride wes n gc)oel-looking led

  • 8/2/2019 18th Fighter Bomber Wing Songbook


    :. rO O R ,:.VILTOI,L :'Y D YH iG. (Roprintvc1 froD "Songs Ny HothJr Nevel Tnught Nell). This is possibly one of the P'lurtlcst sonco in tho cntar-o :.ir Servicerepertoire. No.ny of tho Good b0Y~ 1{h~srne i'i beck in 1918 helped to fill

    up t.he pcescnger - list for ' l1-J.cCrcv\.,Yirc.:s r,t Lsscu.tun, Tours, Clcri.lont-FQj.~ro.nc1,Cc:,:;.:.:o.u,t. J'oin cnn FoCGic. Itt s rc.thor 0. raechcni.caL song, but ..~tells its ow n story qui tc 'voll. We:lieht r~,Y thnt it "r'.S C. prInc fc.vori toin the sprinc; of 1927 out on Lone lsl[1.nc.~ar-ound tho"honr:;rrs occupied by theships boloIlc:;irlJ to Ohrrabcr-LcLn , Byrd end LindhJrgh. Balth pilnt.s hnd'TJGch...'anies f'rtlg it jK . t: vrrioty of tunes, the dricinrl nc Lody boLng en olr: strn(~.by known is "Tho Trrpnulin Je.ckot".

    In the "Lnericrn S'mc:bcG", !vIr . Ccxl Scndbur-g rccorc'.s the Torpc.ulinJo.ck;t song , c.n~~~lso f sane -bout c. "hends onc", but modesty cOLlI-lollc']us torci'rr.in fron sil"lGing ebout it. However tho ic10c. of the sane be.Low cCrJOfroD"Wrc,pno in lay TQrpo.ulin Jacket" relthough " ' 0 did not stick to tho ori~inaltunc ,L . poo r - 0.vic.tor Icy clyine.:.t the end of c , bright sumner Is c1t'.y.His ccnrcdcs he.d.go.thorod r.bout, htmTo cr-rry his i'rncnents mmy.

    Tho nirplcnc "ICS piled on his wishbona,His Hotchkiss weGWX'C ' .ppcd 'round h is heed ;He wore ['. spcr kplue; on 00ch elbow,ITwre plc.in he w ou ld su ro 'L y be dcad ,He spit out n ViIvc rnd n [5[ skc t,

  • 8/2/2019 18th Fighter Bomber Wing Songbook


    Contributed by Hrjor K.N. \k~lcerMY \ULD-EYEDC:.DET(Myv I ild Ir ish Rose) TH E BClviB ER 'S SO NG. . . , > ' : ; i , . ~ ,f / - -\ V ,,"~i~~'} d o ~ c , c.ll of you,1 - : y w:}.ld1oycdccdot; , ,I . .- n O . drink r lovinc cupHe t1. init learned nothil1i jtot. ,~;

  • 8/2/2019 18th Fighter Bomber Wing Songbook


    . .." i(Rcpr trrtod fron "Songs })'1y-Mthc:i:' Nover Trueht l-iOIl)Tho Ki..w1 is sc'cl.d to be on ft.hicrn bird poss.3ssing l~rc;c, s,_;rvicorblowines, but "lith neither ability nor \lillincncss to fly. One r:ny c['.sily secthe npplicntion to non-flying officers in the :.ir Service ..

    The other i.>rrnch:.s of the scrvlco novel' understood \-Thythe nvirtorstook such 1011G larvas of cbsonco fnd so nrny uf thou. Thoy wondered why tl:.l.vi,tors c1idn't "got on \-lith tho lmr", pcrf'oru their L:ystcrios in tho uppernir, cer-n thoir rntions. True, we Get nor o Lor vcs then we deserve, but itwnsn't elwnys our fnult. It wes the woy of the blooein1 thine. You SOO,mtirtor nckos his war in short, hiC;hly concontr-c.tcd spurts end than standsabaf't , wniting for wenthor, spore pnr-ts , end 0ther neccsscry flyingprrnphorna.lio.Mrny of the pilots whonndc the wrr "lith the L.E ..F. strrt.:;J thcircoronouticrl CrrCOI'S as flying cr.dots. .~ndthat wrs an D.wfulbackgr-ound tolive down. l~s cr.dc't s woLeer-nod r.lnost everythinG well-disciplined avi.r tor-sshould not know, OnounnilJ..tcry thinG the ccdo t.s did wes to look upon theirOfficers rs Ki-wis. (Particulorly in the '.:>ogin11in13i'S this true of tho::..ir Service. ;.s tU:1.Cpes sed end Officers of hiGh r cnk "'01'0 tc.ught to fly,the Ki-wi situc.tion solved. itself.) They nc.dd .up this SOl1G cbout then,discreditinc; thct;l,to sey the lenst.This song should be sung in the r:"sp-berryinc Dermer - snoot.Ll.y, res'twcrc, viith c . t1incinG trer'.~ end as L1Uchof t: lisp rs possible.(We hcvo r-ccont.L;: been rc1vis0d by !vIr. Chez-Lea H. Bakcr , Jr. thc t theKi-wi is an Lustrc.licl1 1)ird, soncthing 1 ike the Lcgondrr-y 1lJ[1,hooird. Wenight sUGgest to Hr. Boker thntthis, of tel' 0.11 , is not 0. Bird Book.)

    Oh, we don't hc.vc to fight like the InfpntryShoot like .\rtillai."Ride J4kc tho Cc.vrlry;Oh, we don't have to fly OVerGC~Jrny.He nrc tho Ki-wi-wi.l . J o nrc the Ki-wi-wi. ./Oh, wo dont b hCVGto fieht like the Infcntry,/Shoot like Lrtillcry, /,../ //Ride like the Crvclry; . /. /./ , / /Oh , we don't hr-vc to fly over Ger~cn~\ -> '> / /' "11e":r~ th Kl. .\.~wi // / i\ .. / /i' c. V 0 ,\~7 / i . " , /

    \ .\. t/~, /// i , ' : / . / . / / /,"I' \~ ,/ r. ..,~ //' v i/ J !J .-.; '\.I'\.\~/lilr j I F , Iv.:' ./,C \~:-Ir Ill;':: iJ ..V)' ' ../ i /./ i; ..\ i"'\ . _... ./;/ ,. .,. iI~f! Ii/,c .~-_-----/fr. ~/ / _l/.;Ji j / / . \ " /~ _. ~,".' .._ '.... ....',,/ "I.. /"., /./ .,.\1.1 ._'._-'.,r/ \'. ./ ' '/ / .L, d:"~' ..-..::::;......:/. .' ,\..,) . '"" ~---::: .......' t:- '\ .

    '" '.~. I --;r _./ '/, ql' .., /,~I/> /. 1 \'-.. tr ... 'r'///t' \/ j _ < { . . .\. ./ -,

    .:~'\iI.:~\.';. . . . . . . ~-

    . . - . . . . . . . . .,'I\.i)


  • 8/2/2019 18th Fighter Bomber Wing Songbook


    (Tunc - "I'hc B['strrd KinG of Enelcnc1") (Horc~sby Lt. G.L. \/crknbckor)




    \ ,

    '_ ~""'._""_""'". .~.._.......,.__._...

    .---- . . . . . . . . . . . . .....-- .1

    T H E O L D P I L O T

    H e r s a total w r e c ki-Jith a broken neck.H e owes thnt to the tinaThct he :pullc(~ inster :.~of pushed"ThUc flyinr; a br-oken down BT-9.He's cot wooden legsPut to;jcth.::;r ,.,.ith pogs ,H e. still r nonbcr e the tiuQThr,t he pul.Lcd 1.nstcf'.t of pushedHhilc flyinG tb...: God d,1l1i10(~BT-9.Ono eyo is';10.S5;He IS eat lGc.c~n his beck.I I . : : ; visuo.lizcs tho tiDeThrt he pu.LLc;' j_nstc['(~ of pushedlIhen flyinG 0. second-hand BT..9.


    o r \ ,v

    He cat.s spar-k plu!;sFor his broc.kfe.at,Has n piston rine forLn.: [It supper tineH e . ;'lU iS ~l.own to dinoO n v r:lV Q stone by the


    bunch.L nc1 w e 0.11 1.VG h inFor nll his sin.Evon we rcnonbcr the tiDaThat ' ' ' ' 0 pu;L]';,;.clnstot.c~ of pushedHhilc flying the BT-9.

  • 8/2/2019 18th Fighter Bomber Wing Songbook


    , .(Roprintod fron IIS011f~Sy Moth;- NoVeI'Tought Ho")So fex as we can tell, this peen "If'S not sot to nusie (thcnk

    heaven}, It heel a ccnaf.Ior cb.l,o :rTOf,,"Ueith the i.uorienn pilots who flewwith the British.


    ,..,.-.~"'-.-. .' )


    --b r! -

    I cannot, do the olc~ thing~ nowTh[lt II vc boon used to do.I'u c.ll snrshcd up fron do:'.:1gstunts,Ln< so Dust keep fren vim."In ~oinc tnilspins noel' the ground,I lost ny nerve for sport,I :-::1 not Good for nnythil1(JO r ~ legl s n triflo short.In flyinr, upside clownone clayIturned tho "JI'ong dir'::;eti 011,So to tho hospi k.l I vir s:;Cl1t,For rcat nn:: .f'arcorl'nctton'ltFor flyin~ r.t hiGh nl ti tu(_~c1 1 y lifo is qui to un.lono ~Hy pressure .5.'~r:t is smashed and bent,i~nd I hcvo Losc n Lung ,Up in C ', tr-ee there ho.nc s .: w i,Ili:; ,1...n(:on the gr-ound a whoel~11hilo on the struts thore r e s t s nnThnt ho.s no power to fool.Iloft n wishbone in the IFc.rlS,'11" br-oke ny c - ,1 'La r boner... .....~. .I.,"v ..... c. - VLJ,"",The lIr-jor S1"1; ] th ..:;S'l? rn.~ svcro ,In pur-pLc rc{;;.:; he ~3C' ,L: ,"VIacr.nnof hcvc these shi~)! s.nashcd upl"In k1ndn:":jD:J'kou ey r . , i , : r l d\iSLl'.Nor oven sen} L rosa,I hnventt any sense of snell,l've 10$t uy only nose.Pl.or.so tell the fclks rt hone I In deed,._n:~ SUI 1 to then ny pcnsd onjL 1 1 ( 1 Y,)l' cadet a tckc heed tc this,Ln~ i'.:cutl no Lccr n pr-cvcnt.Lon ,

    "-'~-""I,!I-.---\,_ I I '

  • 8/2/2019 18th Fighter Bomber Wing Songbook


    "Y E!. VER ILY ! II(Contributed by Lt. P. S~ith)._ -- ... 1. :.s the tcJc phone oporrtor who :;ivoth the vr.roncmmbor-s ~ so is he l1hooxto11cth his exploits in tho eir.

    2. H'J shul.L enlr.rr;-e upon tho c1c.l1[~(;rt his cdvontur-os J but in l.ly slceveshell be hccr.; tho tinklinG of sil vca y Inuchtcr.3. Let not thy frnili1'.rity with o.irplnncs brcoe: contonpt., lest thou be-cone exceed ...nG ct"rcloss t.t r ti:1c whonCrcc.t crz-c is necessnry to. iflpywell-beinG.4. My- son, obey the lnl and observe prudence. Spin thou Dot Lower- then1,500 cubits nor stunt above thine )l.-In (ouicilo. For the hand of thoLav is hocvy; it r'cachc'th fer nnc1wii:o throuChout the Lr.nd ,5. Incur not tho 'Wrc.thof the .fli[;ht cormrn dcr' by brorJ:int_; the rules; for

    he who nako th richt hr nd circuits shnLl, 1)0 er-st into outer drr-kncaa ,6. Let not thy prov.oss in thonir per-suede th00 thet others C['1110tdo evenCosthou ..-locst; for he th.l:-.tehcwcth off in public p.lncos is [ ' .11 aborrlnr-,tion unto his fellow p,llots.7. Hor-c prniscworthy is he who cr n touch both tr.il-sldc1 r nd whee La to theoar-th c.t one tine then ho who Lcopc th ['::lc1 r-o.l.Leth unt.LL sene druse 1strroth in enczcncnt rt his c101'inc:.8. Ho who brcnko th en undcrcr-rrirc;o in t: forcc(~ lenc;in:'3nry, in tine, beforGiven, but ho who tv.xioth into cno'thcr p.Lanc ,..,ill be c.1iSIJis.;c1or-

    ever.9. BCl-lOrOhe nan who tc.kcth off without Lcold.ng behind hie, for there isno hen}.th in hin; v(;rlly, I sey 1L'1toY0U , his dcys G.~C; mmbcr-orl ,

    :10. Clevor Don bako tho roproofs of their instructor in tho sono Vliso, onolike unto cnothor , with witty jost end confossin;,; their dunbncas endreGrrc1ing thensclvcs llith hunor , Yet they try rr,_;cin,profitinG by hiswiso counsol end k1dnC offonso nt noucht thc.t hcs been snide11. Le a postGGo stnnp which lnckcth its (;luo, so ere tho wor-ds of ccutd.onto r fool; they sticl~ not, coinG in ono ocr end out the other, fa!'

    thero is ncthfng botvoen to stop then.12. Ny son, hocr-kcn unto uy tOD.chinCnnd f'orsako not the 101!8 of prudonco ,for tho reckless sholl not inhabf t tho ocr th for lone.13. Hea r - instl'uctLm end be wise, and refuse it net; thus 'Hilt thou flyscfely; length of days end 0. life of peace shaLl, be ['.(~dcd1L'1tothee.14. Ho who sittost on e hGt stovo shall junpost very quick.

  • 8/2/2019 18th Fighter Bomber Wing Songbook


    . .:lit0- 1.

    . 2~ . , , ' "

    HOHTOFLY. JEI~l~by S[ln StituosINSPECTION: It is best not to inspect this ship. If you do, you willnevor cot in it.CLINBIlTGNTOT Im COCKPIT: Do not ['ttonpt to enter the cockpit in theUSUQ1my. If you put your lloir-;ht on tho lower winG'pnncL, it "li11 fn11off, r-nd , besidos, your foot will , : : ; 0 thr:Juch the wine, pr-obr bl.y sprrinincyour ankle. Tho best way to cet into tho cqckpi t is to c1inb over thotail surfaces and crm'.!l up the turtle-dock. Be sure to brush tho squirrelend Gopher nosts out of tho sent , Tnke ecr not to cut your hr-nd on ther-onnorrts of the windshield.

    3. INSTRUHENTS:After hrvil1G crrcf'ul1y loworod yourself into tho sort nndcr.:Jped in vein for c . scf'oty bolt, take a Good look ct tho instrul.lcnts -both of thon. The one on the riGht is a t.achono'tcr , It doesn't wor-k ,Tho othor ono is an altinotor r.nd funtionod pcrfoct1y until 1918 vhontho hand cone off. Look ot then now, for nfter the Gl1Ginestrrts you con! tsoc then,4. ST:li.TINGTHBIvlOTC11.:ho switch is on tho richt. It Lsn! t connected.However, it [;ivas a sense of confidence to the nochanf,c who is pullingtho prop thrOUGhte hear tho switch click when you sny "switch off". Iffor sono z-cason tho ;.lotor docs ste.rt, don't cot out to pick up tho uncon-scious and b100dinC nochcnf,o, He deser-ved it.5. W:.ill-lIHGP: Don't warrl up tho not or , It "'ill only run o fow rrlrnrtcatmyYmy,end tho Longer' it is run on the gr-cund tho Lcss flying tino y ouhave. ~ftor the throttle is opened, do not e~)oso nny portion of yourperson beyond the cowlinG_ It is no fun to hrvo your fece slopped by nflyinG rocker nro or to be peppered by sanl1 bits of piston rinGS, vf'lves,etc., thnt are continun11y oonine out of whet lJ0rQ once cxhrust stccks ,6. THETLKI~;..OFF:The tc.ko..off is in direct dof'Lancc of all tho Laws ofnc.turo. If you hove a pnssenGcr, don't try it.7 . THEFLIGYIT; :~ftor you hevcnoys until you arc over thoside of the fusc1nGo. ThisenouGh to nnke e loft turn.

    dOCGc1hr CUChho trees, wincl.ni11s nnd chan-1nko, y u will soe a 1rrc;o hole in tho leftho10 is to r110w the stick to be l.lovoc1ferDon't try one to the richt.8. TIlE L:.NJ:[NG: The 1nndinG is node in accor-danco "'ith tho 10.'1,15f Grnvity.If the 1tnc1ine Ganr doesn't collapse on the first bounce, don't worry, itwill on the sccond, After you hove oxtricrtcd yourself fron the wrocknco

    end helped the spoctntors put out tho fire, lic;ht a cicrrettc and llith 0.nGnchc.1cnt shrUC, walk (don't run) disdninfully cwc.y.T H m SPORTSl-CNILOT.. 15 Horch 1935

  • 8/2/2019 18th Fighter Bomber Wing Songbook


    . . "OH NOH I : : . . ' n L E. .~YDET'l'EtI(Tunc - "The In1.'antryll)I W C ' . s lyh1C in th,:; ::;utkr1:..11covered up \d th 000:1: ' ,\-ii th protzels in uy lJhiskors;

    I kncv ny end vas nor-r ,Then cone tho glcri0us nrnyJ~nc1Sc.vcc~"(I) ' fron the hccr-so ,Now cvcryborly strnin c. ;ut and sine; tho second verse.

    CHORUS :Hnlleluynhl HnllcluynhlPut n nickel on the G . r t u : 1Tnko 0 .. qunrtcr on tho run.Hnlloluynhl HolleluynMPut t: nickol on the t,1rUl:1,:~ndyou'll be saved.

    G-L-O-R-Y I on S-~~-V-E-DH-l..P-P_Y to be F-R-E-EV-I-C-T-O-R-Y in the wnys of S-I-NGlory - Glory Hnlleluychl '1.'-.I;;'o.-lc-lo., L.non.Oh, now I on n Knydotto,

    I..=L car-nfn I h,),,1 'G o fly.H ~ r Glorious srtLvction

    Sheil lift nc to the sky.The ':".my is ny scvi.our-Fron the 8tr[d~;ht r'ndnru'rou iJC.Y.~~nc:tc.l~c it al.L f'l!D.3r.

  • 8/2/2019 18th Fighter Bomber Wing Songbook


    (Words by Clore Ccrroll) (Tunc - "O n Uisconsinll) tI. . . ~".:rr . .y 1.ir Corps, :..rw l.ir Corps, roll thcrl to the lineTurn then over J check the notor , hrvo then stnrt 011 tino Donit dolny there, taxi OK'.y th,;:rQ, wr.tch and folloti thru.Lot Is;o , boys, tho shi:)s ere 1"r:iil1i~, lift then to the blue.

    :.roy Lir Corps, !:.ruyLir Corps, roll than to the lino,Ja.zz tho NnV" . ; , J?f"SS tho :ow:hboyn, sonr cbovo thc.t kind.Ships [,l'0 hUlclnC, \-tires ere strunnit1l::, lift thO::lto tho blue.~'.xny{,irCorps, troy .'.ir Corps, shov \lhDt you can do.1:..11tOGother wewill W0vthcr days of 1.'o.inor shine,Then flwny, nen, pcvc tho vIC.y, non, for above the line.l:roy .tilr COI?s.t . " . r r . 1 Y l.ir Corps , hold your stvndr.r;::s true.Ceilincs hiCh, or low nnd starny, keep then cqninr~ thru.

    Old soldiers never die, never- die; novcr die.Old soldiers novel' die; thoy just ,fo.demJnY.Old so.ilors nove buy, never buy, novel' buy.Old sailors never buy; t.~ey just srd.L [,ll['.Y.Old pilots never fly, never fly, never fly.O l d pi.:..ots never fly; they just C:r['.\-1heir pay.

    Mother, tnko dmm your sorvice flOGYour son's in tho S.O.S.He's S. O . L., but Hhnt t . .11.ehell.He novel' suffered loss.H e D ny be thin, bu t t. . lJ .c .t's f 'r or.l C ;i l1 ,O r else Ini s s ny GU" ' : ss ;So, Mother, tv.ko downyour service fl[1.,'::;;Your sonls in the S. O . s .Hothcr, put out your [;olden s-Grl';Your son's Goine up in Q sop.The win~ D.rO weak, the ship 1s n freuk;She's cot C o riclmty prop,T h e t l o t o r ' s junk, t h o p i l o t ' s d r u n k ;HeIs sure to t.ako c, flop;So, gather, pu t out your colden strr;Your son's t;Oil~ up in the sop.

    (!{.eprinted f r om . the DaedaLkan Song Book)

  • 8/2/2019 18th Fighter Bomber Wing Songbook


    .,._ S I N G H A L L E L U J A H F O R l ' 1 A N E U V E R S.' . " S i n g h a l l e l u j r . h f o r m a n e u v e r s F o r m a n e u v e r s w e ' r e o n o u r w a y .N o w d o n ' t b e g r i e v i n g , ' c a u s e w e ' r e l e a v i n g ;W e ' l l b e b a c k t h e f i r s t o f M a y .G o o d t i m e s l i e b e f o r e u s , n o t t h a t y o u b o l " O u s ,B u t w o l i k e t o g e t a w a y .S i n g h a l l e l u j a h f o r m a n e u v e r s .F o r m a n e u v e r s w e ' r e o n O \U" w a y .

    I t ' s o n l y a s h a n t y a t o l d K o l l y F i o l d .T h e r o o f i s h a l f o f f , tho s k y i s r e v e a l e d .T h e n o i s e f r o m t h o p l a n e s ,I t w i l l d r i v e y o u i n s a n e ,A n d y o ~ n e i g h b o r s c o o k i n g y O ' l . 1 .m e l l v e r y p l a i n .T h e n n t s a n d t h e r o a c h e s , t h e y g i v e y o u n i g h t - r n 1 r e s ,A n d t h e r o a d s a r e a l l l i g h t e d b , 1 . e er o p lo n e f lo r e s,B u t I ' d a l w a y s g o b a c k t o t h a t o l d G . l . s h a c k ,M y s h a n t y a t o l d K e l l y F i e l d .I ' m o n l y a s t u d e n t i n t h e C G S ~ o h o o l ,A t t a c k , n o t d o f e n s e i s t h e g e n e r a l r u l e .W e h a v e h o r s e s t o r i d e .Dumb g e n e r a l s t o g u i d e ,T i l l y o u g o t s o s o r e , y o u ' r e f i t t o b e t i e d .T h o r o e r e r i v e r s t o c r o s s a n d f o r t s t o a t t a c k .I f l o v e r g e t t h r o u g h , I don!t w a n t t o c o m e back,' C a u s e they gave m e a n u gF o r t h e l i v e h u n t a n d d r a gA t t h e o l d C a n d G S s c h o o l .I ' m o n l y a s t u d e n t c t t h e t a c t i c a l s c h o o l .P r o p e r u s c o f t h o a i r p l a n e i s o u r g o n e r a l r u l e .T h e i n s t r u c t o r s , t h e y r a n t , c n d t h o s t u d e n t s , t h e y p a n t ,B u t o f o l d G e n e r a l A w o d o n ' t g o t t h o r i g h t s l a n t .A t t a c k , O b s e r v n t i o n o r t h e P u r s u i t , t o o ,S a y t h e r o ' s n o t n t h i n g t h r t t h o A i r F o r c e c a n ' t d o ,B u t i f y o u f i n i s h t h i s c o u r s e ,Y o u m u s t r i d e a n o l d h o r s eA t t h e A i r C o r p s T r c t i c : : JlS c h o o l .

    ( R e p r i n t o d f r o m t h e D e a d a l i n n S o n g B o o k )

  • 8/2/2019 18th Fighter Bomber Wing Songbook


    ... Words bySGt. Jrck W. :...ford

    Music byLt. L.ll HerrinGton I

    .. . . . LO OK /;.T TH E E: .ES 0:; H IN t( n O V l do you';c t thr t\l['.y?)1. Ihoard they 't-lcntedno to fiCht cs r~vi('tors bold;So I wont down, hold up !:lyhz.nd , and t.his is Hhet they told:"You'll (:0 to Kolly Field and Lccrn to nnv,icatc the sky, itvJbonI~;ot there, Iwc-sS.O.L., for this is hOHIfly:2. I've pooled c-oillion spuds since I've boen in this flyinC cenel' ve BYlUn.:_ : n pick and shovel, till my \olonrybeck is Lano ,I've ncvi;doc; lots of Ground, but not sn inch of sl::y,Lnd when I caked cbouf ao r onl.nncs, I hocr the sc.1.10 old cry:CHORUS :

    "Look c.t tho ocr-s 011 han , on hin;"Oh , how do you cet thr.t wny."That was tho .;rooti!l(; I rocoi vcd:.s I ner-chod in todry.First, they put nc into the ki tenon;K.P. wrs ny none.I \-Irote ny cirl thct Ivas a flio1',GooL But I Inc. wonderful linr."Look at tho cer-e on hin, en hin;"O h , how do you Get tho.t vJo.y?"Tho.t is the only bnttlc cryI hem" both nicht and dny,If linto ficht in this croo.t war,Lnc1end. the Ko.iser' s roi:..:n,They bettor tcko ny kottles and pnns,:"'ndeive no en C'.croplnno.

    (Roprinted fron tho Do.oc1o.1io.nSorr; Book)

  • 8/2/2019 18th Fighter Bomber Wing Songbook


    C QHE O N AND J 01 N Tl iE AIR OORPS.:.. ("[ords by Hadolienc Smith, E.H . DeFord, Roland>Birnn)... . Comeon and join the Air COl"1}SAndgot y o u r flying p~y.Youwon't havo to work at ell,But lonf around all dt'.y.While others toil end study herd,Andsoon g r o w old and blind,You tr'ko the; Idr without t, carc ,And nover, never mind.CHORUS : Nevermind, nevel~nd.C o m o on and join thO li.ir Corps,

    Lnd you will never m in d ..O u r pilots do a lot of stunts,Anddo them well, of courso,And if y o u t h i n k t h a t i s n ' t herd,Just t r y to loop a horae.But just whenyou're about to beAGonorc.l, you findYOurmotors cough, your wings falloff,But you will novor mindlYour'ro flying o'er the eccaa,And theu$ from where you sit, !You S03 your prop comoto a stop, .,._Your engino it has quit.Youcrnnot SWU11 thO ship won't float,Tho shore is miles behind.Oh , what a dish for the or-cbs end fish,But y o u wiU never mindl (')_

    (Roprinted fran tho Dncdalicn SongBook)_/J

    - .,...~' -


  • 8/2/2019 18th Fighter Bomber Wing Songbook


  • 8/2/2019 18th Fighter Bomber Wing Songbook


    "~ . . . .: O V " '. .. .. Rt :: . .N D : .I ID O V .G H . S : S I . .(Son,:; of the i.l.Llcricrn Air Force)Lyric by~~velyn 0 Q : : : Seversky Nusic by1:..lexo.m.:erP. do Sevcrsky

    . Rise and drink to o.vic.ti:m,Let us hold o u r elassGs hiGh,T o tho Glory of our nation,:I.nd the fiGhtinG non "rho fly.For whc,tevcr is the wer,ther,L ,n : l wherever wo nay be,We, urrl ted, fly tOGother,Ovor Land and over sea,Bonbcr , transport, airCrrtl"t fiGhter, (~Obscrvrtion and pur-sudt, ~._~.~.:~.Drink her c1o\1!'lo ':lory bri;;htcr, (. ~Join your,;l['.os.::s in saluto. (~;~~V-:'f-:"Yes, tG!::orr:'v pl.ancs or-e SOt'l'inC, \ ' - I , I { l Y . , .,/...-rl..nd thJ wind is blc\!inc freG, .Hines ar-e Si)I'Crtc.l rndcnc::inos r-oar-Lng , } ,.pl 'Over lend and over sca , ( , ~ ( l i f t l l !Cloer your r.;un~and c-;ct tho;-:! rondy, 1 \ p J ( I iCheck tho 1D nc1 an oo .Ch. b,nbrack'a#{J;h/\._

  • 8/2/2019 18th Fighter Bomber Wing Songbook


    Tho instructors ~ro very zealous,Trke idees frou ttl'lyQnc ollus,But on nap problcn test,They thing thci~~ r~o the best,Relocate Y0Ul' id@t'$ to tho sholluf.

    (TUnoT t I E S T t t D E l f r f s . S O N G(tir COP~~hQtid~i Seheal).. "I an a ,Gny Cnbrll(,)toH} .I no fi G a y stud~cn~y~ lt ho ug h I 'n not so celiontny.In tnkil".g this !coursoOn tho book of d horso;

    With horses thctroublos e r e plontc.y.

    Words byH~ S~ Hnnsell, JrK. If. \lo.1kcr

    NowIan n fo.ir pnvig.atorWith Gnononkc ch~rt or t-iorcr.tor.But Iwould Got thoreHith hours to SP?CIf ri ver-a and rn~1ror.ds were strc.irthtor.In infnntry IIvagrant crudi tion,Cnn attech or d e f e n d n position,But when to do which?Nowthoro is the- hi teh;Inovor hit the scnocl.' s solution'Let's all drink n toast to ~rtillory,They nlwaysp['~1:

  • 8/2/2019 18th Fighter Bomber Wing Songbook


    (Roprintoc~ fr(:r.l the Drec~rlinn SOl1~ Book)

    ,,'O L D 97(vIords by H. S. Hanso.Ll, Jr.)

    ... 1. There were ni.ne ty-scvon r,h~)lnn:.:.s iifl 'r .:5.nc up on tho apr-on,.":.ndthey c1ic~!ll have rOQr.101' nor'o Tho first ninety-six Vlcr:;)of now construction,But tho last uas r D.H. 4.2. She wns old and decrepit end tho f'uso1rc;c \-les rotten,Lnd tho lvines "Werewarped end bent,.',.ndshe 60.,:;"cd in the ni.ddl.o like c . CO'Yl in the pasturc ,1 . CO'YI thc.t'-~~rs quito content.3. She wc,s old ninety-seven, and she had c. fine record,But she hcdnt t boon flo"Wnthnt yoar,,:.nd she cr-ocked and croonod vhcn they sto.rtc..:l the oncino,For she knew that her tir.1C 'Ylnsnonr.4. L Second Lioutono.nt wnndcl"cd :i:nto the offico,

  • 8/2/2019 18th Fighter Bomber Wing Songbook


    S T : . N D TO Y O U R GL :~SSES

    We s ta nd ' nc nt h l : ' os ou nc li nr ;C ' c f t c r s ~T h e 'Wells around ore bl."rc;T h e y c c h o b n c k o u r l n U G h t e r ;S e e n s t h c t t h o d o r d n r c o l l t h o r e .CHORUS : S t e , n d t o y o u r c1rsscs s t e c d Y IT h i s w o r l d i s a w o r l d o f l i e s .H o r s t s n h c n l t h t o t h o clord n l r o r d y ,H u r r a h ' f o r t h o n e x t onn t o d i c .P e n i e d b y t h e l n n d thc.t b o r e u s ,Botrryod b y tho c n c a vo h o l d d c c r ,T h o g o o d havo a l l crODo b e f o r e u s ,~nd o n l y t h o d u l l ~ r o s t i l l hore.W e l o o p i n t h e p u r p l e t v T i l i c h t ,W o s p i n i n t h o s i l v e r d a w n .With n t r a i l o f s!.101:eb e h i n d u s .T o s h o w v l h o r e our conr'ndoe hevo gone.I n f lc . n il ' l GSpad c . n ( :C v . r 1 c lWith w i n G S o f w o o d a n d steol,For nor-bc L abnkcs w e Grnblc,W i t h c r r a s t h r t w o r o s t n c . k o d f o r t h e c a D l .

    ( R e p r i n t e d f r o n t h e D n i c l c l i n n S o n G B o o k )

  • 8/2/2019 18th Fighter Bomber Wing Songbook


    ' BY

    . . ' __,_' ,T O C :..D E TS vJH O F:U D :.T KELLY

    S/SGt Don S. Velliquottc, 19th Pur Sq(Int)'Twrs out on Kelly; Fiold nirc1ronoO no cold Decenbcr ~ay,Beside n crc.ekod-up D.H. 4I I . dying Kayd c t lay J \"Toll oy swoothoc.rt in Sen tl.ntonioHy tine on ocr-th has paaaed]I ' D coine to take another hop,:~l1dthr.t will be oy lnst.""Itil off for a better field," he snid,"Vlhoroovery thinG is briGht;Yuu con fly cny ['croplano;You can fly ell clay l : ' . 1 1 c 1 nir:ht."II::.t this field they will net cround no,~lthouGh Ihrvo not triod boforo,I will fly tho Spade an:' Nicup0rtsL.ndlayoff the D.II. 48.1 1liLt this fiGld they hnvo no flyin:; sChedules;They don1t tell YJU where to turn.The FliGht CODDondordoesn't CfreHow nuch Lirs you burn. IIUYDU er-n Chc.nc1oI1oon tho tc.ko-off,Fish-tr.il when you l['.n:.:,Stunt n I{oyst.:.noBonbor -If you only have tho sr.nc1.""You con roll [ ' . n c 1 spin ['_B-18,No 011.0 will over toll,~~nc1oll tho o . I C. of flyilTS,To send his rulos to hell."His eyelids droppod] his head f'oLl back,:.s he seid his lest 1"of1"oi11.Tho other Knyc1ct wiped his CiOCt';losLnc1took the [lir o.c;[\in.

  • 8/2/2019 18th Fighter Bomber Wing Songbook


    TH E SECP~TOF THE l.W r.:~ N E

    ..,(This peeo is Sir Rudynrc1Kipling's ItTheSecrot of the Hnch1nesllwith slight chcngcs in l- lOrdil ' lG to nckc it fit this book; not tonttonpt to Inpr-ovc on tho iltlt1stcr".J


    Weworo takon fror.l tho ore-bed and tho nino.Wewore neltod in tho turnr.co and tho pit Wewore crst end wroucht and hnnnorod to desiGn;Wewere cut and filed cnd toolo end Cc.U(;o~ to fit.Sone wl'tor, oil rnd C e s is rll we askJ~nda thousnndth of an inch to :'.;1e us plr;y,And if you will set us to our tnsk,Wewill servo you four nnd twenty hours a daylW e can fly and loop a n d roll and spin and stall;\1 0 ccn shoot nnd bonb end sprc.y nnd spy nnc~chnsc ;\..Jccan clinb and alide and buzz and jo.zz and haul;He cnn zoon and r-ocr cnc.1divo and SCrCr1D and race I

    But ronenber, ploGse, tho lrw by which wo live.\Jc rz-c not built to conprchond C '. lie.Vie can neither love, nor p;ty, nor fcrGi vo ,If you nnko n slip in handline us, you diolWe ar-e o'er'tor then the pe.::ples OJ:' tho kin;;sBe hunhl.o as Y::JUrise cbovc the sodlOur tcuch cr.n 01tor ['.11creeted thil1C;s;He ere oVcrything:m ear-th except r God]Th;)'ughour snoko nry hide the Hcnvons fron your eyes,It will vrnd.sh and the strrs \-1ill shi.nc ('.[;['.in,Boer-uscJ for al.L our power ~nd weicht end size,Wenrc n:)thilV,jner-o thr-n children of your brninl

  • 8/2/2019 18th Fighter Bomber Wing Songbook


    Tho following r.xo n fow ot' the songs and peens which survivedthe Korean Action. 1.11, as presented hero, nrc the property ofTechnicnl Scrcrcnnt lISc.ndy"Colton, t'omorly 'With the Office ofIni'ornntion ScrvicJs, 18th Ficrhtcr Booher Wing, Kor-co fran 1950to 1951, and nov a Stnft' Phobogrcphor-with the Pacific St.r. and.tripQ. in Tokyo. He aro reprinting then with his permission, o . n . . :it is expected ncstwill appenz - ner-o fc.r.rl.lirr to the pr)scnt "birc1-nenll of tho 18th.

    - - ..";'

  • 8/2/2019 18th Fighter Bomber Wing Songbook


    . ' -. ...n m ru : . Il. CK EL ON THE G R . : . S S. . . . . . . . . . - . . . _ - _ . _ - _ . . . ._ - - - . - _ . . . . ._ - ---..

    They sent no up to PYO r l B y a ng ,Tho brief soid sukoshi ock rck.But, by tho tine I got thoro,1 > 1 y wings ~orc holed with flak.My aircraft wont into 0 _ spin~Itw~d no longer fly.Hayday, Mdy::1cy, Mayday II a m too y o u n e to die.

    -~-~c;~~,v. -':)' " ,~ - 1 J ~1 t ' ~ L , ' ifL~.--' I(,( !

    I turned into tho f i n n l , . / .> ' ~ - Z . 1 ~ : ~ 1 ) JWith n window r.mkcrs breeze. : ( \Maydoy, Nayday I Mnyc1ny, -: IJSpin instructions, pl.ccso , / r=: (' 1! f r-~_ .......1,.._ ......J/\'f' . 1--( . ~ _ ......~ CHORUS: ~~t------.--'--~""-'-

    Hollelujn, Hnllelujo., /', T h r o V l 0. nickel on tho 'grass.Savc a figh tor pilot's __ Hallolujn, Hnllolujo,Throw a n i c k e l on the grassAnd you'll be saved;!L(~~;J }./, .._. ----_ . .- - - _ . - - _ .. .: - - - - - - - - - - -...-----~. ._-.- .. . . _ . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . - - -_____ ,.J'-.-.~ 1j'V).. 1 0 ' 1 ] , Get ourselves sono br-and nowwincs,L.ndback to orrth wo'll fly;.i~ndwe'll hount those lousykr-aut s ,Untilthc day thoy dio.nOh, wO're going to e bottor lend,l1 0 lllJc.z z there every night,L.ndth9 cocktf'ils crow on bushcs ,So everyone strys tight."Thoy'v.a torn up ell the crlcn(lors,Thoytvo~bustod ell the.; clocks,:~nd scotqh nn

  • 8/2/2019 18th Fighter Bomber Wing Songbook


    t;~l~.' ~,;l~ Y ( '' \ " ' / " 1 /? "Thcr'e , thoro isn't n single thing to do,Y t . _ . . . - - ' _ , - , But sit ar-oundt::nc1ing;

    J. I - : ->: ~(_. J~nc~n I l the crews C.1"'O voncn-V /"" \~"::::..n, Deeth, w h o r e is thy sting?I I


    j /

    flBESIDE . KORE.c '"Nt l :_T21l.F:.LL"

    Beside n K o r e a n waterfnll,O n e bright a n d sunny doy,Beside a shcttcred Scbre,~ yo une pursuitor I c y .His p r r a . c h u t c hung i'rOCl a nearby tree,H e w a . s not y e t quito d e a d ,S o l i s t e n t o t h o v e r y l a s t w o r d s ,Tho y o u n g pursuitor scid:"llr.l r:;oine to n bettor land,vlhere ev;.;rything is riGht;\ihoro \-lhiskey f'Lcvs fran tclogrnph palos,; . n d t h e r e ' s p c k o n c v : , : ; r yi g h t .

    "Oh, Dctith, where is thy s t i n g ?Oh, D C D . t h , wIler.) is t h y sting?T h G b e l l s of h o l 1 l l i l l r i n g d i n c - n - 1 i n e -For y o u b u t n o t for nola

  • 8/2/2019 18th Fighter Bomber Wing Songbook


    (COlrtinucc: on next PCGO)

    Tho following "lorld v Io l ' r r bcllae1 W e t s the conoon property ofB-1? crows of tho Eight ~i r FQrcc, and vns sung to the tUlle of it'sthen-pro sent Mtlo, ."Oo.soyJones".,

    Now, cone all you nirr.Km if you want to hoar,Tho story o f C\ b~~V0 n v i e t c y r .Cesey Jones 1:ms tho pilotts nono ,On 1 : ' . biG four cng,-nc, boys, he w on his fane.\ , ,1h011. they workc OCSOy up it ' \-ms black as sin.Opcrc.tiol1s told (Jhsoy thc.t the tn'got's Berlin.Casey could toll by tho lines en thv nap,That this wns connrt 0 0 his finel lap.CHORUS : Cc.soy Jonca , lines on th,:;;LlUp.Casey Jonos, his finnl lap.CC\soyJones, lines on tho uap-Yes, this wes 6011111" be his finnl Inp.Tho nejor sr.id, "Boys, thero' 11 be s o n o flak."Cnscy could toll by this that he ,\-lauld::' t be backjHo turned to his crew nnd this is \lhf't he said,"vIcIre gonna! nckc it to Bel"lin but vo t 11 all be dccd , IICnscy wrlkccl into tho cll ' ;}ring roou,Ho hollered for his clothinc with en m.,rt\U. boon,The sel';~ec.l1tknow 'oy the br.strrc1' s groD11s,That the nnn nt tho counter was Ocsoy Jonos ,CHORUS :

    Or.sey Janco, the nan at tho countcr ,Cnscy J 0110S, by his noans m'lc:gronns,Ocscy JOll0S, tho nell nt tho countcr-,Yes, tho non nt the counter lJC.S Casey Jones.Oascy tock off en 0.11he lc.n \,lCS snokc ,Ho acid, "I Ivc got t: present fOl' the H i : .: , ., "jj}VOLK.Thoy no.y get no but I1n her-e to tell,Thoro'll be c . lot of l'bzi8~1ovl11in holl. It

  • 8/2/2019 18th Fighter Bomber Wing Songbook



    The famed up O V e r Bunaher twenty-aieht.Cnsey could tcllthoy woro (!onno.' be leto.He oilled up tholccdcr over VHF ,Seid, ' 'VJo' d bettor htu~ry up or wet 1 1 aU b o 10ft. IICHORUS:

    Casey Jonos, wo'd botter hurry up.Ccsay Jonas, or we'll all bo loft.Cnsey Jonos, w e ' d bottor hurry u p -Yes, w e ' d b e t t ; . ; r hurry up or Helll 0 . 1 1 be loft.N o w Cosey w e s flyina in thGdi~~ond that day,H o snid, "For tho L U F T v J L F F E ; 1 ' 1 1 be on8Y prey.Thore's Gonne' be :c docQrntivn cooing to 1:10,But it'll be tho :Purple Henrl posthunously "He took n burst of flc.k bett.,ocn throe end f:lur.H o yollod, "Thnt's 0 . 1 1 , brother. Thoro nin't cny nora."Thoy couldn't bnil out so they rodo hor in.CHORUS:

    Co-soyJones, couldn't brd.L out.Crsoy Jonos, they rode hor in.Cnacy Janos, couldn't bailout-i'To, they cound ttbnil out so they rode her in.Firebc-ll lender collod to YeUQl.yLow.St::tid, "Soo thet a.wful sir;ht down there below? IIYo1low snid, "I'll botyou hr-Lf [1 . crownThat he 1 andcd on tb.. GUllner thl"t shot hir.1dmm."CHORUS:

    Co-sey Jones, lnndcd on the eU1nlcr.Oascy Jam s~ thc:t shot hin dovmlCesoy Jo nes ~ lC 11 (.:o ::'.(o n tho GtLlU'1Cr-Y08, he lo.nckd 011 the Gunner that shot hdm down.

    The boys "lore o.Hful sed thct evening in tho club.They seemed to think thot SOLD ana hcd flubbed their club.Tho colonel snid, "Thore'l1 be no nore of this-There's another crow waitinc nt the station in Diss."

  • 8/2/2019 18th Fighter Bomber Wing Songbook


    - - - . ...------.._,____ .,---.,'----- ~)_ .. _ _ .-


    "'l'II_:i se. O F ' i 'H 2 '! , S t . - J . 8 1 . i E ; f ITunc - ilUtr.hCnr-L"

    Hen vy bcnbcr ne l l e.Lso C[1L1C up with "Tho SeGr. 0::. ' tho Suede11,surr; to the cowboy ncLody of "U'tah Cf1rlH, 'which in the cusc ofpersonnel a't I\rc~cnE'~ir Br so will be of interest only to ccrtninselected personnel in fcrryin,':: supplies and in providil.'lg weakvoco.L coapoti ti vc cnt::::rtainncnt to tho aeccnpartlncnf of c . sr,:risonor Jcu's Hnrp, (Editor's Note: This Lsn o r,:flcctLn ncccsserilyupon other then fighter una ts usd.ng tho S[1: ' .10 club fe.oili tic s , )

    ' l < J o \,[01':':' goinc; on C nission:.nd the Swede lICS on myrieht,~Jhcnthe l:;['/.e1"i.1rt.~cc. stoep turn to the loft.O h , the Swcc.lc o rr,clc:.:;c:t over,Lnc1 he hold it in thero tiGht,Bu t he coulc1n't ho.Ld it there despi to his hof't ,Oh, the Jorrios they did bounce !1il:lt.e ho fall otf in [" skid.So Icut back ny fOLl.!'hrottLsTo eo beck ond help tho kid.It 'tms ,too late vhcn Igot there,Ho was going down in f'Lnno ILnd it's lucky thf't I didn't got thG srene.

    _ _ _ _ _ 'I ( ' J/.. ......__.j Oh, tho JcrriolJ they did bounce hill,l.nd I sny this h0rrtful1y,If you 'Hill fly your r.11.ssio113Younust cut coross your knco,?Jowyou nll hr vc hccr.: ny story,It's tho S e c r : ' . of tho S w e d e ,

    Lnd you!11 never make a stoop turn\ 1 1 1 1 : : 1 1 you're flying in tho Locd


  • 8/2/2019 18th Fighter Bomber Wing Songbook


    "Down in tho Vtlloy" l;1~S tho baea s for tho cxtJ.'e;,:elypc,)lmr.r "Down the Ruhr Valley" of Horld Hnr II, nne: evolvedinto the Kor-crn vor-sd.onof "K.-l4 Towor"" Both 0.1'0 short'and avoct, sny Ii ttlo, but appear to havo boon concocbcdfor fiGhter pilots signina off following the ronuGrin~ of"Good Night, Lcc1iesl1 ~{ith tho sano thow5ht in rri.nd , thisunofficinl pub1icetiol1 si]ns off with these tuo shorties,and 1;li8hosY-.JU pleasant Doloc.1ios. :

    "Da .m T H E RUHR VLLLEY"Down tho R1LV Vc.lley,Vc.lloy so low,SOT.10hcir-borl1e bpstttrc1,Snid vc oust [;0.FL.",:koves bie bonbcr-s,Fightors do, too, .?-51 boys,Whore nro you?\vrito no n lettor,Sand it to no,Scnd it in cero of,Stnlr{~ Luft Three.

    ilK-l4 T O W ' 3 R " c;: I.._ ! ;;/_ .. ;/.;:j\;':"/~~~

    ~/"~ ~.Cnll ouf your crush trucks, -- ~-\Your oot"t VIrgon, too, !~ \Cell out.tho chaplain, /\,~ .I'n fco11.ng so bfuo , (' _\. - . 1 " ~-.- I/~_

    \,~" " ~~.- - - _ .. _ - ~..

    K-ll} tower JI'rl coine in,North of the cirdrouc,:.uGoring ia.

    Tr..koheed, Junior Bircl.10nlThis talc of ronorso,

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