13 Habits of Highly Successful Salespeople

Post on 15-Apr-2017






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Habits of Highly

SuccessfulSales Pros

We’ve worked with thousands of sales professionals

and one mantra always holds true…

More Activity = More Sales

…but, what activities lead to more sales?

We’ve gathered the experts and identified 13 daily habits

of highly successful sales people.

#1 Balance Empathy With Drive

According to Harvard Business Review contributors Mayer and Greenberg, a good sales person is empathetic and has ego drive – a “need to conquer.”

Salespeople with empathy can put themselves in the buyer’s shoes. Yet, salespeople with ego drive are driven to close deals. The key is to balance both urges.

#2 Ask Great Questions

Great sales professionals ask questions to qualify leads andhelp prospects better understand their challenges and how to approach the decision process.

While salespeople gain value out of this process, so do their potential customers.

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#3 Listen More Than Talk

Adam Grant of The Wharton School found that the most successful salespeople are not fast-talking, gregarious extroverts.

Rather, they are ambiverts who are both introverts and extroverts. Successful sales pros are, “Assertive & enthusiastic enough to persuade and close, but at the same time, listen carefully to customers,” said Grant.

#4 Mirror The Conversation

According to Erika Andersen, founding partner of Proteus International, you should observe people first and then modify your behavior so it is similar to theirs.

Mirroring conversations makes your prospects feel more comfortable and more likely to buy from you.

#5 Zealously Adopt Technology

The best salespeople know they cannot afford to squander time.

So they use technology such as CRM systems to help them stay on top of tasks, be more efficient and manage their pipeline.

#6 Always Feed The Pipeline

In sales, there is a tendency to be short-term oriented and get wrapped up in the latest hot deal.

The best salespeople, however, have their eye on the future. They constantly feed their pipeline –networking and making new connections.

#7 Follow Up With Steely Persistence

Top salespeople nurture leads, making sure none leak out of the sales pipeline. They know that while about half of the leads captured fall into the “not ready yet” bucket, some will purchase in the future.

Leads are about twice as likely to become customers if a company representative stays in touch.

#8 Set Priorities Every Day

Jennifer Cohen, author of the article, “10 Morning Habits Successful People Swear By,” suggests reprioritizing your to-do list in the morning to tackle the task you least want to do first.

It alleviates the stress and the rest of the day flows more smoothly.

#9 Prepare, Prepare, Prepare

“Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity,” said Seneca, Roman philosopher.

Prepared sales professionals are more likely to win business because they are educated and credible, plus research helps you create a common language with your prospect, leading to lasting relationships.

#10 Avoid Multi-tasking

Harold Paschler’s study on multitasking found that it’s simply not possible.

Paschler showed that when faced with multiple tasks the brain capacity of a Harvard MBA plummets to that of an eight-year-old child’s.

#11 Defend Against Distractions

Each time you’re interrupted, it can take 5 to 25 minutes to get back into the groove. Jill Konrath found that diversions squander over two hours every day.

Turn off your email for a few minutes, close the door – do whatever it takes to focus on your client.

#12 Keep Commitments

Trust is a critical component to winning the sale and you want to build it, not break it.

If you say you are going to do it, then do it. If you want people to trust you, it’s that simple.

#13 Ask For Referrals

The best salespeople ask for referrals.

While satisfied customers are a fantastic source for new leads, so are new clients. They can open the doors to new networks.

Don’t try to implement all these habits at once.

Try one to two ideas at a time.

Over time your toolbox –and your sales – will grow.

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