12 ways to instantly increase event sign ups [slide share]

Post on 21-Jun-2015






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12 Ways to Instantly Increase Event Sign-Ups

Consumers are accustomed to searching for products online and making purchases online. Your events shouldn’t be treated any differently.

Allow attendees to register and pay in one transaction online at their convenience.

Streamline Your Sign-Up Process by Going Online.

Communicate the Benefits in Your Event Description.

Remember everyone’s favorite radio station – WIIFM – What’s In It For Me.

Don’t just say “Sign up for Our Fitness Boot Camp”. Why should someone sign up? Will they make new friends? Shed some weight? Feel great? Let them know what’s in it for them.

Share Pictures and Videos.

Show people the value instead of just telling them about it. Tell a story through pictures and video of past events that show attendees having fun.

Set an Early-Bird Price with a Cut-Off Date.

Setting a savings incentive tied to an expiration date is a great way to generate early sign-ups.

Post Your Event Everywhere Repeatedly.

Don’t just post about your event once on Facebook. Post about it at least once a week on Facebook leading up to the event. And don’t limit your posts and marketing to one channel only. Post on all social networks, in online directories, on your website, in emails.

Event success depends largely on repeat impressions. Get the word out everywhere possible. Promote across all channels repeatedly.

Send emails to Past Attendees.

Your past attendees are likely to attend other events you hold. It’s a smart practice to let your past attendees know about your new upcoming events – and sending them an email is the most direct way to communicate.

Tools like Event Manager store your past attendee data and enable you to select on past attendees and send emails directly through the software.

Set a Seating Capacity.

Scarcity increases demand and compels people to take action now rather than waiting.

Put a limit on the number of seats available at your event and communicate the limited availability.

Add an Event Listing to Your Website.

Including your events on your website is a great way to show everyone – your members and website visitors – what’s going on at the facility.

Through tools like Member Solutions online event registration software, Event Manager, you can add a registration home page – or event listing page – to your website to showcase all your active and available events.

Set Up Promo Codes.

Setting up promotional savings codes and sending them to a select group of prospective attendees promotes exclusivity and will ultimately increase event sign-ups.

In tools like Event Manager, you can even set up activation and expiration dates for promo codes and set capacities to promo codes to further drive demand.

Offer a 2-for-1 Special.

Adding a 2-for-1 promotion or a “Buy one, get the second 50% off” adds value and encourages multiple sign-ups.

Consider a sibling and/or friend promotion. Chances are your attendee knows a person or two who would be interested in the event.

Offer a Free Gift.

Take a look at your inventory and see what you have that you could give away. Adding a free gift to the first x number of sign-ups sweetens the deal and will help drive early registrations.

Promote Your Event Offline.

It’s easy to loose sight of offline techniques in today’s largely digital world.

Don’t forget to post flyers about the event in your facility. Partner with local businesses that will inform their customers about your event. Mention the event before, during and after classes.

Fill Your Events Fast with Event Manager!

Event Manager online event registration software enables you to take your entire sign-up process online instantly. There’s no software to download. No merchant account needed. Use it for birthday parties, boot camps, seminars, tournaments … the possibilities are endless.

Book a Demo or Call 888.277.4409 to Learn More!

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