1 Learning Styles : An Overview Adapted from Glover (August 2004) Presented by Dr. Douglas Gosse, Nipissing University.

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Learning Styles : An Overview

Adapted from Glover (August 2004)

Presented by Dr. Douglas Gosse, Nipissing University


The answer is a resounding NO!

Did you know that students retain:

10% of what they read

20% of what they hear

30% of what they see

50% of what they see and hear

70% of what they say

90% of what they say and do!!


John Dewey on Learning

“Genuine ignorance is profitable because it is likely to be accompanied by humility, curiosity, and open

mindedness; whereas ability to repeat catch-phrases, cant terms, familiar propositions, gives the conceit of

learning and coats the mind with varnish waterproof to new ideas.”



Multi-sensory approaches work well because of the way our brain is organized. When we learn,

information takes one path into our brain when we use our eyes, another when we use our ears, and yet

another when we use our hands. By using more than one sense, we bombard our brain with the new

information in multiple ways.

Thus, we learn better!!


Three Major Learning Styles By Glover (August, 2004)

Visual learners: seeing words, pictures, directions

Auditory Learners: listening to tapes, conversation, words with music

Kinesthetic & Tactile Learners:getting fully involved in role plays and field trips



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1. Visual learners:

Can make movies in their minds of information they are reading

Pay close attention to body language

Easily understand information presented in charts, pictures, or diagrams

Have a keen awareness of aesthetics

Can easily recall printed information

Good with visual symbols

Comfortable with books and graphics

May forget names, but remember faces

Prefer face-to-face meetings

Are distracted by untidiness or movement


Mind Map of a Visual Learnerhttp://www.globalclassroom.org/authors/wyatt.html


2. Auditory Learners

Learn best by hearing

Have strong oral communication skills

Accurately remember details from conversations

Can hear tones, rhythms, and notes of music

Tend to be talkers

Sound out words

Forget faces, but remember names and what you talked about

Prefer the telephone

Prefer verbal directions

Become distracted by sounds or noisesEnjoy rapping!


3. Kinesthetic or Tactile Learners

Learn best by doing

Were labeled as hyperactive

Are well coordinated

Able to disassemble and reassemble things

Ignore directions and figure it out as they go along

Jump right in and try activities

Prefer action stories and may not be keen readers

Write words down to see if they feel right

Gesture and use expressive movements

Learn best by using their hands

Enjoy role play!



What does this mean for teachers? For students??

What types of activities should teachers try to enhance student learning?

What tips can teachers give students?


Glover (August, 2004) provides suggestions

for the 3 types of learners that follow:


(a) Instructional Strategies for Visual Learners

Keep the study environment clutter free

Highlight and write as you study. Use different colors to select and organize

Always write down what you need to remember

Make class notes visual with drawings, spacing, symbols, etc.

Use charts and pictures to study

Recall information by visualizing text pages, notes, or study cards.

Make recall cues as visual as possible with capital letters, colors, and illustrations

When solving problems, draw or illustrate the problem and solution


(b) Instructional Strategies Auditory Learners

Recite aloud as you study

Attend all class lectures

Tape record lectures in addition to taking notes and play them in your car

Study in groups or with friends

Talk to yourself – describe diagrams or practice answering test questions out loud

Recite study cards into a tape recorder and play it back

Talk yourself through the steps of a problem

Recall information during exams by hearing yourself recite in your head


(c) Instructional Strategies for Kinesthetic Learners

Use as many of your senses as possible when you study

Move around when you study – put study cards on the floor and recite them as you move around the room

Study in small frequent chunks

Use a timer to set study periods. Start with short times and work up. Take a break when the timer sounds

Study with another kinesthetic person

When solving problems, move around and manipulate items to represent parts of the problem

When taking tests try to feel how you stored information by remembering what you physically did as you studied



Glover, D. (August 2004). Learning Styles : What Tutors Need to Know. Retrieved February 15, 2006, from http://www.brescia.edu/students/sss/learning_styles.ppt

Joong, P., Shalhorn, J. and Wasserman, A. (2000). Chapter 3: Teaching Styles: How You Teach is as Important as What You Teach. In Coping with the new curriculum (pp. 46-80). Toronto: Secondary School Teachers’ Federation, Educational Services Committee.

Villems, A.Learning Styles. Retrieved February 20, 2006, from http://www.ceenet.org/workshops/lectures2000/Anne_Villems/1

Yukhina, E.How Designers Think, Cognitive & Learning Styles. Retrieved February 16, 2006, from http://www.arch.usyd.edu.au/~john/DESC9099-CognitiveStyles.ppt

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