1 Activity - MiPortal B/Septimo Grado... · 2020-03-24 · Seventh Grade - English Lesson 2: What does your father look like? 1 Activity Activity 2 Answer the following questions

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Seventh Grade - English

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Seventh Grade - English

Lesson 1: How is your family?


1 Activity

Listen to the following conversation carefully, and fill in the blanks with the missing words.

A: Hi. How are your 1.____________, Manuel? B: Hello, Elizabeth. They are fine. Thank you. How

about your 2.____________ ? A: They’re not bad. B: By the way, how is your older

3.____________ ? A: Oh! She is fine. She is in San Vicente with her family.

B: How many brothers and 4.____________ do you have, Elizabeth?

A: I have seven brothers and two sisters. B: Wow! You really have a large family.

A: Yeah. And my 5.____________ has seven sisters and five brothers

B: I can’t believe it!A: No kidding!

Answer the following questions.

1. How are Manuel’s children?


2. Where is Elizabeth’s older sister?


3. How are Elizabeth’s sons?


4. How many brothers and sisters does Elizabeth have?


5. How many sisters does Elizabeth’s mother have?


6. How is Elizabeth’s older sister?


7. Does Manuel has a big family?


8. Does Elizabeth has a small family?



Cuaderno7 ingles B.indd 9 22/09/2011 08:22:42 a.m.

English - Seventh Grade


2 Activity

Read the following conversation carefully.

A: Hello, Iris. How are you?

B: Hi, Victor. I’m fine. How about you?

A: I am very well and really excited.

B: Why? What’s up?

A: My older brother gets married next week in Houston, Texas.

B: Hurray for your brother! Are you going to Houston?

A: Of course. I am leaving next Friday. He’s getting married on Saturday evening.

B: Are you staying long?

A: Well, just two weeks, and then I have to get back to work.

B: Have a nice trip!

A: Thanks a lot. See you! Decide whether the following statements are true or false.

1. Iris is fine. True / False

2. Victor’s older brother will get married. True / False3. Victor is really sad that his brother will get

married. True / False4. Victor’s leaving Saturday evening. True / False5. Victor is only staying for two weeks. True / False

Fill in the correct member of the family. Follow the family tree (picture).

1. My father is 80 years old. His name is


2. My ______________ is 67. Her name is


3. I have a ______________. She is 39.

4. My ______________ is 43. He is married

with two ______________.

5. I have two ______________, too.

6. My ______________ is called

______________. She is 19 years old.

7. My ______________ is called Josue. He is


8. His ______________ is called

______________, just like my sister.

9. Do you know who I am? My name is





Gaby Andrea


Josue Mario




Cuaderno7 ingles B.indd 10 22/09/2011 08:22:43 a.m.

Seventh Grade - English

Lesson 2: What does your father look like?

1 Activity 2Activity

Answer the following questions with your own information.

1. Do you have any brothers or sisters?


2. Do you have any children? If yes, what are their

names and ages?


3. Do you live with your parents?


4. Do you look more like your mother or your father?


5. How many aunts and uncles do you have?


6. How many brothers and sisters do you have?


7. How many people are in your family?


8. What are your grandparents like?


9. What do your mother and father look like?


10. What do your parents do? What are their jobs?


Complete the following sentences with the possessive case of the nouns.

1. Mario has a laptop.

It’s ___________________________.

2. Our friends live in this apartment.

It’s ___________________________.

3. This meeting lasts two hours.

It’s ___________________________.

4. John has a sister, Jane.

Jane is _________________________.

5. This school is for boys only.

It’s ___________________________.


Write corresponding questions for each of the following answers.

1. _____________________________?

My father is tall and thin.

2. _____________________________?

My sister is beautiful and smart.

3. _____________________________?

My mother is patient and friendly.

4. _____________________________?

My brother is short, and he has black hair.

5. _____________________________?

I am a little fat and tall.

Cuaderno7 ingles B.indd 11 22/09/2011 08:22:44 a.m.

English - Seventh Grade

Lección 3: Where are you from originally?

1 Activity

Complete the following table by writing the correct country and nationality.


Read the following conversation carefully.

A: Anna! How are you?B: Richard? Richard! Hi. I’m fine thanks. How about you?A: I am on vacation with my husband.B: Are you married? Where do you live?A: I live in El Salvador. I married to a beautiful

Salvadoran woman. B: What about your father Mark? A: He is doing well. He is in Atlanta with my

older brother.B: That’s nice. A: How about you, Anna? What’s new?B: Nothing much. I’m married and I have two children,

but they are with their father now.A: Where are they?B: They are in Italy.A: Are they on vacation over there?B: Yes, they will spend one year there.A: I know most people in Italy do not speak English. B: That’s right. My daughters are learning Italian. A: Oh, Anna, it was nice seeing you again. Take care. B: You, too. Good bye.Answer the following questions according to the previous conversation.

1. Are Anna and Richard from El Salvador?


2. Where is Richard living now?


3. Where is Richard’s wife originally from?


4. Where are Anna’s daughters now?
























Country Nationality

Cuaderno7 ingles B.indd 12 22/09/2011 08:22:45 a.m.

Seventh Grade - English

Lección 4: What do you do for a living?

Fill in the blanks to the following sentences using the words given below.

1. A _________________ is a person who drives a bus.

2. A _________________ works in a school and teaches students.

3. A _________________ rescues people from burning buildings and helps put out fires.

4. A _________________ works in hospital and helps doctors.

5. A _________________ flies an airplane.

6. A _________________ works in a police station and maintains public security.

7. An _________________ works in a bank and keeps records of money.

8. A _________________ works in a hospital and treats patients.

Read the following conversation carefully.

A: Good evening. My name is Steven Campos.B: Good morning, Mr. Campos. I am Jenny Lopez.A: Nice to meet you, Ms. Lopez. I came for the

job interview.B: Nice meeting you, too, Mr. Campos. I’m the

supervisor of this company. Sit down, please, and let me ask you some questions.

A: Thank you. Sure, no problem.B: What’s your occupation, Mr. Campos?A: I am carpenter. B: And do you work now?A: Yes, I work at International Carpentry

Corporation here is in San Salvador.B: What do you do exactly in this company?A: I make cabinets for kitchens, and I do other things.

Answer the following questions according to the previous conversation.

1. What is Steven’s last name?


2. What’s Steven’s occupation?


3. What is Jenny’s occupation?


4. What is Jenny’s last name?


5. Where does Mr. Campos work?


police officer bus driver nurse teacher

firefighter accountant pilot doctor

1 Activity


Cuaderno7 ingles B.indd 13 22/09/2011 08:22:47 a.m.

English - Seventh Grade


Put the following words in the correct order to form complete sentences.

1. soccer/ he/ every/ day/ practices.


2. in/ a/ construction/ work/ company/ they.


3. live/ Costa Rica/ I/ in.


4. English/ she/ at/ work/ learns.


5. afternoons/ coffee/ in/ the/ you/ drink.


6. studio/ studies/ in/ her/ she.


7. cost/ $100/ they


8. to/ work/ Saturdays/ we/ go/ on.


Write Yes/No questions using each of the following verbs.

1. go_____________________________?

2. play____________________________?

3. have ___________________________?

4. travel ___________________________?

5. watch ___________________________?

6. eat ____________________________?

Answer the following questions with your own information.

1. What do you do?


2. Do you work on Saturdays?


3. Do your parents work?


4. Where does your brother work?


5. Does your sister study?


6. What do you do on Sundays mornings?


7. Who studies in your family?


8. Where does your sister work?


3 Activity 4Activity

5 Activity

Cuaderno7 ingles B.indd 14 22/09/2011 08:22:48 a.m.

Seventh Grade - English

Lesson 5: How old are you?

Complete the following table by writing the correct numbers.

one hundred five one hundred thirty-three

one hundred sixty one hundred fourteen

one hundred thirteen one hundred ninety-nine

one hundred one hundred sixteen

one hundred eighty-eight one hundred forty-four

one hundred seventy-nine one hundred eighteen

one hundred thirty two hundred

Answer the following questions with your own information.

1. How old are you?


2. How old is your sister?


3. How old are your brothers?


4. How old is your mother?


5. How old are your grandparents? _____________________________6. How old are your children?________________________________

7. How old is your father?________________________________

Write corresponding questions for each of the following answers.

1. _____________________________?

I was at work yesterday morning.

2. _____________________________?

My brothers were at the hospital last night.

3. _____________________________?

Yes, he was.

4. _____________________________?

No, they weren’t.

5. _____________________________?

Yes, it was.

6. _____________________________?

You weren’t in your house last Saturday.

7. _____________________________?

Yes, they were.

8. _____________________________?

My birthday was in July.

1 Activity

2 Activity 3Activity

Cuaderno7 ingles B.indd 15 22/09/2011 08:22:48 a.m.

English - Seventh Grade


Fill in the blanks with the correct form of words given in parentheses.

1. She ________________ (not work) eight

hours a day.

2. Who ________________ (study) in

your family?

3. We ________________ (know) her

very well.

4. What will you do if I ________________

(not work) in that company?

5. My father ________________ (enjoy) milk

for breakfast.

6. What ________________ they usually

________________(eat) for lunch?

7. What ________________ Eliseo

________________(do) ? He’s a carpenter.

8. My mother________________ (not visit)

her family in the USA.

9. The children ________________ (get up) at

6:30 every morning.

10. She________________ ( go) to the beach

in the winter.

11. In El Salvador, most people

________________ (not drink ) tea at noon.

12. My parents ________________ (not come)

to visit me.

13. The weather ________________ (get) very

hot in San Miguel and La Union in the summer.

14. She ________________ (not know) how to

fill out an application form.

Answer the following questions with your own information.

1. Where was your father born?


2. Where were you born?


3. Where were you yesterday afternoon?


4. Were your family together last night?


5. Were your parents at home on Saturday afternoon?


6. Was your best friend with you last weekend?


7. Why were you at home last Saturday morning?


8. Were we at school last week?_________________________________

4 Activity 5Activity

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