08 Glazier Clinic Punt

Post on 17-Sep-2015






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Punt/Punt Block



    Glazier Clinic - Phoenix

  • Punt PhilosophyUnquestionably, this phase of the kicking game is the most valuable. For this reason, it is critical that our BEST football players are on this team. This team requires players with speed, toughness, smarts and the ability to STRAIN to get to the football. Tackling on this team is a must. Many games have changed because of blocked punts. This style of punt deters teams from rushing the Punter, because of this it is important that players on this team are able to get off blocks and get to the Returner.

  • Punt Team GoalsPerfect Snap (No Snap = No Kick)

    No Blocked Punts

    No Punts Returned Over 15 yards

    Net Punt of 38.0 yards

    No Penalties

  • Coaching AssignmentsPunt Team 1 Coach (Usually coaches a position on Punt Team)

    Battery (Snapper / Punter) 1 Coach

    Front Line 2 Coaches (1 Left Side / 1 Right Side)

    Shields 1 Coach

    Picture Team 1 Coach

  • Practice / Meeting TimeSpecial Teams accounts for 20% of the plays in a game, so logically Special Teams should get about 20 mins of practice time. Since Punt is the most important of the Special Teams it should be practiced more frequently. At UNLV, we practice Punt every day. Following the same 20% Rule, Special Teams should get 20% of meeting time. At UNLV, we get 10 20 mins of meeting time every day. Of that time, 5 10 min is designated for Punt team.

  • Weekly ScheduleSun. Off / Watch game film with the entire teamMon. All Players OffTues. Normal situations, review blocking assignments, introduce opp block scheme. 10 min Punt meetingWed. Specific Opp Block schemes, plus fakes. 8 min Punt meeting reviewing yesterdays practice.Thur. Down It Punt, Backed Up Punt, Fakes, Special Situations. 5 min Punt meeting reviewing anything that needs to be cleaned up.Fri. Nothing on the field. 10 min meeting reviewing Tips and Reminders, Depth Chart, film from yesterdays practice.Sat. Review Weekly Goals, Opp Scheme show 4-5 clips of opp on film.

  • PersonnelEnds (WR / DB) Fast guys that can get off blocks and get to the ball. Great awareness and Great Tacklers.

    Tackles (SAF / RB) Bigger guys with speed that can get off blocks and make tackles. Good in space.

    Guards (LB / RB) Tough, Big, Fast guys that can get off blocks and make tackles. Understand leverage and can tackle in space.

    Shields (OL/DL/TE) Big, Tough Fearless guys that will sell out for the team. Decent Speed. MS must be smart. LS more athletic, RS is a tough guy.

    Snapper Be able to get the ball back to the Punter. Needs to be able to run and tackle.

  • Alignment / ProtectionE, T, G: Max Splits By call. Min Splits 1 yd. Hat and Hands defender so that he goes outside of you and release to the ball.

    Shields: 7.5 yds from ball. LS and RS 6in outside Snappers foot. Get Big and post 2 gaps. Release to coverage.Punter: Heels at 14 yds. 2 step punt to the call and become a safety.

  • Coverage

  • Drills Coverage Lane Drill

    Net Drill

    3 Cone Drill

    Huddle / Alignment

    Shield Work


    Down It Drill

    Full Team Coverage

  • Punt Block / Return PhilosophyThe most important play in football former Montana Coach Don Read compiled a study over the last 25 years of games where a blocked punt occurred in college football. The results showed that the team, which blocked the punt, won 90% of the games. Our BEST PLAYERS will be on this unit!!!

    Philosophy The success of the punt block and punt return, depends on the exact execution of technique and responsibility by the involved individuals. This is a phase of football in which the defense has the immediate opportunity to SCORE! Our system will allow us to be extremely multiple in terms of the problems we cause our opponents, yet our own assignments will be simple to learn. As a result, we will devote our time to perfecting our punt rush and punt return techniques. This will put us in position to out-execute our opponents, since they will be forced to practice their responsibilities vs. our various looks. Go after every punt. We will take a very aggressive approach to this phase of the kicking game with the understanding that a blocked punt will be the decisive factor in the outcome of a game. Our aggressive approach will force teams to be in a protection mode; this will slow down their coverage. We have a well designed return scheme to compliment our punt block approach.

  • Philosophy cont.Punt Block

    The idea behind our block system is to maximize the variables that we present and do so from the same basic alignments. Our goal is to block punts and to pressure the punter. By pressuring the punter, we force poor kicks, which gains valuable field position. We will hurry the punter, thereby expanding our return capabilities.

  • Punt Returns

    Our returns will generally be run from the same looks as our punt rushes. This will automatically put the cover team in a defensive, protection orientated posture, which will enhance our returns. We will be a great return team for the following reasons:

    1) Our returner will be a great ball handler and decision makerOur returner will be a play maker with the ability to make the defender miss3) We will get great holdups at the LOS4) Our trail and midpoint techniques will be executed we and with tremendous effort5) We will be disciplined and therefore penalty free6) We will react properly to all Peter callsPhilosophy cont.

  • A. Understand our opponents system and the capability of their personnelB. Know their punter: Right or Left Footed, steps and delivery angleC. Know the block point and your angle or approachD. Know the get off timeE. Study the rhythm of the snapper and his tendenciesF. Crowd the LOS. Hand behind the ball, head behind the handG. E.M.O.L check on-sides alignment (Rebel Call)H. Run across the block point and take it off the footI. Do not go in the neutral zone.J. Get great takeoffs. See the ball for get off.Punt Block Coaching Points

  • Punt Return Coaching PointsI. Hold-up Returns: Time = YardsA. Sell the rush!B. When he blocks you base up and block himC. Cover him up leverage not primaryD. Block him where he wants to go

    II. After Release:A. Run a trail technique on hip of leverage sideB. If behind, run a MIDPOINT path between the cover man and returnerC. Focus on hip to see cover man come to balance

  • Punt Return Coaching PointsFit With Near Leverage Hand Across the Bow of Cover Man to a Blocking Position:A. Widen baseB. Hands inside BreastplateC. Hands above eyes (Bent Knees)D. Move feet to maintain position

    IV. Finish When Return Forces Cover Man Reaction:A. Block cover man past returner. Make him go over the topB. As ball goes past, if he tries to cross face to recover drive up field sholder across his faceC. Keep your butt between you and the returner

  • Punt Return Coaching PointsV. Run-By Technique:A. When midpoint is within 5 yards of returner (risk of blocking in the back) too late to fitB. Run-By near side of cover man (between returner and cover man)C. Show hands high (screen him)

  • Genral Alignment Crowd the LOS. Hand behind the ball, head behind hand#1 and #8 1 yard outside slot #2 and #7 Inside shade on the slot #3 and #6 Outside shade on the tackle #4 and #5 Shade the center

    Width Force man blocking you to come out of vertical set and create seams

    Get-Off Focus on white strips of football. Be aware of the snapper each week (hitch in the snap/head goes down/knees bend). Interior players (4/5) watch the snappers hands usually flex before snap.

    Block Point Normally at 9 yards from the ball

    Punt Block Techniques

  • Punt Block TechniquesReleases Arm Over: Used by interior players (4/5). Quick swim move using outside hand to collapse near arm of protector (center) and compact grab and pull techniques to get by your man.Low Drive: Used by the outside rushers. Speed off the LOS is critical and dropping your pad level below the protectors attempt to collision you. Rip your inside arm low (grab grass) and bend to the block spot.Up and Under: Normally used when we give a free rush. Width in your alignment and a great get-off is critical. Sell outside rush for 2 to 3 steps (depending on stance). Once protector gets depth and width plant outside foot and low drive outside arm through inside leg of your man.

  • Block Point / Technique Sprint to the block point, punch your hand nearest the punter, through, to the punters foot. Put your eyes and hand on the foot.

    Run by the Punter 4/5 run by the Punter to avoid a roughing call. Punch with your inside hand, do not cross the Punter.

    Scoop and Score If the ball is blocked and stays behind the LOS it is a live ball that can be advanced by either team. If the ball crosses the LOS it is to be treated like a punted ball. Peter call and get away from the ball. Always attempt to scoop the ball and pick it up to score when the ball is behind the LOS.Punt Block Techniques

  • Drills Front Fit and Release Leverage Drill Recovery Fit Release Trail Finish Cut Off Gunner 1 on 1 Punt Returners Punt Block Drill

  • Important DatesApril 18: UNLV Football Spring Game

    April May: Spring Recruiting Gary Bernardi / Vic Shealy in Arizona

    Mike Sanford Football Camp: June 8 12

    Mike Sanford Passing Tournament / Big Man Camp: June 14

    Mike Sanford Youth Camp: June 16 19

    For more information please call (702) 895-3400 or log on to www.unlvrebels.com

    Email: andy.larussa@unlv.edu or call (702) 895-3400

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