08 Docket web.pdf · Beat the heat by strolling in for a cool ice cream novelty available in our ice cream freezer, or a cold drink to keep you cool in

Post on 15-Aug-2020






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August 2020

“Age is an issue of mind over

matter. If you don’t mind, it

doesn’t matter.” ~Mark


More inspiring quotes on

positive aging can be found at:



Lab services will continue for Dock Acres, Dock Gardens,

Villas, and residents of Dock Manor who have joined the

wellness center on Tuesdays and Thursdays by appointment

and held in Conference Room A.

In lieu of the wellness clinic hours, Maria Popp the wellness nurse

is still available to see residents by appointment Monday through

Friday 8:45-10:45 a.m. except for the 2nd and 4th Friday of the

month when she is available 1:30-3:30 p.m. Please call the wellness

nurse Maria Popp 215-368-4438 extension 44158 if you need an

appointment to see her. This is being done to adhere to social

distancing guidelines for our independent and assisted living residents.

To make an appointment with the following doctors: Please inform them that you will be seen at Dock Woods.

Dr. Arthur Donley,

Podiatrist Call 215-361-5769

Dr. Christine Kilczewski, Brigitte Harken, CRNP, Tri Valley Primary Care

Call 215-361-5010

Dr. Gwen Rosenthal, Optometrist Call 610-667-4123

Dr. David Flynn, Hearing and Associates

Call 215-855-4217


Beat the heat by strolling in for a cool ice cream novelty available in our ice cream freezer, or a cold drink

to keep you cool in those hot summer days. Garden flags, garden stones or stone planters, silk flowers and

candle rings are 50% off through August 14. Jewelry is 25% off, purses and ladies fashion 40% off.


Though the thrift shop is not open in Dock Manor, the shop is still stocked with lots of helpful housewares.

Please call Kathy Martin to make an appointment if you are in need of some of these items. The Nook (just

past the Acorn Shop) still has many interesting items for sale and there is much furniture available for sale

that might not have made the picture packet there, so feel free to call 215-368-4438 extension 44230 to


Thank you for supporting the Dock Woods Sharing Fund through the Dock’s Gifts & Treasures Shop.

Limited donations are still being accepted. Please contact Kathy Martin for more information.


Join us as we recognize and celebrate our Dock Woods seniors. The

holiday was established in 1988 as a day to recognize the wisdom,

leadership, and achievements of our senior citizens. Here are some

ways to celebrate the day: have a conversation and take the time to

listen to them reminisce about days gone by, start a family history

project, practice small random acts of kindness or create a family

photo album.

We want our seniors to know that they are not forgotten and that their

years of life experience is a gift to us all; passed along through the


Let’s celebrate National Senior Citizens Day not just on August 21st

but every day.


1) Read four (4) books this month.

2) Sign up for the Fitness Center or Pool two times each week.

3) Take a walk on the Dock Woods campus two times per week.

4) Call a friend and eat a take-out lunch from the Bistro (being

mindful of masks and social distancing of course).

5) Drink 8 cups of water a day to stay hydrated.

6) Every day wake up and recite ten times “THIS WILL BE A


7) In the morning and evening take 10 minutes to meditate.

YouTube is a great resource for mindfulness and meditation

videos to both wake you up and feel energized in the morning and

others that will help you relax, rest and sleep in the evening. Try

Morning Gratitude Guided Meditation, 10 Minute Morning

Spiritual Awakening Guided Meditation, Beautiful Night

Bedtime Prayer For Peaceful Relaxation Before You Sleep

(With Bible Reading)

8) Send Eileen something on your bucket list “WHAT HAVE YOU


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In an article posted by McNight’s Senior Living News, residents of American House Senior Living Communities “recently took part in the Getty Museum’s Social Media Challenge to liven up their quarantine situation. American House residents recreated works of art from famous artists including Norman Rockwell and Vincent van Gogh, sometimes adding a nod to current times to their photos with tablets and face masks.” We want to challenge OUR residents to be inspired and recreate a famous or not so famous work of art. Let us know who the artist was and the name of the piece you selected, snap a picture of yourself in the re-creation and submit it via email to If you need help with taking the picture please call her at 215-368-4438 extension 44121 and we will assist you. Submissions are due by August 21, 2020. Let your creative juices flow…we are anxious to see what you come up with. This will be fun to share with our Dock Woods family. The following are two examples of what another community came up with:

Now is the time to register for the fall semester for Living U. Course registration is open until Friday, August 7. Physics is Fun, the Art and Science of Translation, the 1717 Palatine Immigration to Pennsylvania, 21st Century Farming, Back to Basics Nutrition, and the Fabric of the Church in Eastern Pennsylvania are a few of the many exciting class offerings available to you in the coming months.

Living U is the lifelong learning institute of Living Branches. Classes this fall will take place on Zoom, with the possibility that a small amount of students can gather in a distanced manner in the auditorium. To learn more and to register, go to or call Maribeth Benner, Living U Coordinator at 215-368-4438 extension 44204.

This page has been removed to protect the privacy of our residents.

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Information about the 2020 Chicken at Souderton Mennonite Homes This year the Chicken BBQ and Gospel Music Fest that is typically held each year at Souderton Mennonite Homes will look a little different, but still provide plenty of opportunities for fun, food, and fellowship for residents at Living Branches. We will have a variety of activities on each campus throughout the week of August 17, culminating in a take-out BBQ chicken dinner for all residents and the Gospel Music Fest featuring the Gold City Quartet on Saturday, August 22. Look for more details coming soon to channel 2 and in your mailboxes. Please let any family members or guests who would typically attend know that this year the event will not be open to the public. We apologize, but feel our usual crowd of 2,000 attendees is just too large at this time. If you have questions, please feel free to contact Alex Metricarti at or 215-368-4438 extension 44206.

Online Auction for the Agape Fund

Join us later this month for the silent auction that we usually hold with the Chicken BBQ at Souderton Mennonite Homes. This year we are planning to raise monies for the Agape Fund through an online auction that will be live from Friday, August 7 at 8:00 a.m. through Sunday, August 16 at 8:00 p.m. at For more information, contact Dena Winner at 215-368-4438 extension 44304 or Rose Hackman at extension 44305.

Virtual Hymn Sing The Annual Paul and Stella Godshall Memorial Hymn Sing will not be held this year under the tent. Instead join us from home for a virtual hymn sing on Sunday, August 23 at 6:00 p.m. More details to come! Each year a special offering is taken at the hymn sing for the Agape Fund, which provides for residents who no longer have the ability to pay for the full cost of their care. We encourage you to still give to this important ministry. You can give online at or drop off a check made out to “Agape Fund” at the front desk. Please earmark your check “Agape Fund - Hymn Sing.” If you donate $100 or more, we will send you a complimentary CD of the Gaither Vocal Band: Hymns. For more information, contact Keith Heavener at 215-368-4438 extension 44115 or Rose Hackman at extension 44305.

Gospel Music Fest

The Gospel Music Fest, featuring the Gold City Quartet, will be held on Saturday, August 22. The group will perform live in the Summit View Auditorium at Souderton Mennonite Homes and the concert will be broadcast to each campus for residents to view in their homes. More details to come! Your donation of $100 to the Agape Fund will entitle you to a free CD of the quartet. You can give online at or drop off a check made out to “Agape Fund” at the front desk. Please earmark your check “Agape Fund-Gospel Music Fest.” For more information, contact Keith Heavener at 215-368-4439 extension 44115 or Rose Hackman at extension 44305.


Dining Services will continue to provide weekly menus for the Hearthside Bistro. Please remember that Wednesday evenings are Christopher’s Take-Out only. If you need other items, please order them with the lunch meal.

If you would like to dine in the Bistro, please call extension 52407 or 215-656-2407 and place your food order and let us know what time you’d like to come down. Dining services will return your call and confirm your food order and time.

Please remember that masks and social distancing are required. Seating is limited due to distance regulations so it is important to call and reserve a table.

Thank you for your understanding and patience as we re-open in the safest possible manner.


Will SARA work in a power outage? Yes

All resident SARA pendant\wrist devices have a battery.

All SARA repeaters are equipped with rechargeable batteries.

In the event of a power outage, the repeaters will work for up to 24 hours depending on how many SARA alerts are transmitted during the outage.

SARA servers are on battery backup as well as generator power .


Congratulations to the following employees who have been celebrating graduations this year!

High School: Carly Busfield

Kyle Grant Kylie Hutcheons

Peyton Lugo Jenna Nyce

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Since the Coronavirus arrived on our campuses, the Living Branches pastoral care team has branched out in our various roles. We have been recording worship services without a congregation gathered, which are watched several days later in people’s apartments. We have been delivering meals and sometimes feeding residents. We have folded laundry, made cards and phone calls, Skyped, took prayer walks and bike rides, waited on customers buying their groceries, called Bingo, served root beer floats, assembled care packages, filled out menus, prayed and laughed with people, sanitized Chat Boxes and watered plants. Ours is a holistic approach to ministry. Jesus didn’t just talk to people. He fed them and played with their children and taught them to become like these little ones and not to worry about what they would eat or wear. He met them where they were and addressed their needs.

I was on campus on Sundays—the day we pastors are usually at work. With the help of the dining services staff, I delivered bagged lunches to residents of the Acres and Villas. One Sunday afternoon as I handed over a parcel, I was asked by the grateful recipient, “Did you ever think you’d stoop this low?” I didn’t have time to answer her, but as I finished my route, I thought how I would have. “Of course. Didn’t Jesus model for his disciples what servant leadership looks like by kneeling before them at the table and washing their feet—the expected job of the lowliest servant in the household? Didn’t he tell them to go and do likewise?” As a pastor I have scrubbed floors, driven to doctors’ appointments, cleaned litter boxes, babysat, made repairs, and . . . washed feet. It is part of what we do to care for God’s people when they are hurting. It is part of what it means to follow Jesus, of whom Paul wrote in his letter to the church at Philippi:

In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus: Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage; rather, he made himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to death— even death on a cross! Stooping low is the posture prayer and service. I am blessed to be able to do so for those with whom I share this space. Pastor Donna

Now that “live” worship is resuming, Pastors Donna and Sandy would like to engage interested individuals in helping them to think about the many aspects of worship at Dock Woods—the order of service, the frequency of Communion, guest speakers, offering recipients, favorite hymns, adapting practices to the pandemic protocols, etc. Please join them for a first look at these worship matters in the DW Chapel from 9-10 a.m. on Monday, August 17.


Bistro: 215-368-4438, extension 44145

Dining Reservations: 215-565-2407 or extension 52407

Fitness & Aquatics: 215-565-0236 or extension 50236

Information Technology: 215-412-5511 or extension 25511

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