Review Stations: Calendar Fun With Words: Analogy-Limerick Vocabulary Station: Dictionary Skills Divergent Root Words English Dept. TermsForeign Words.

Post on 19-Jan-2016






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Review Stations: CalendarFun With Words: Analogy-Limerick

Vocabulary Station: Dictionary Skills Divergent Root WordsEnglish Dept. Terms Foreign WordsDenotation and Connotation AdverbVocabulary Assessment

Writing Strategies: Construction of Sentence5-Sentence Paragraph Combine SentencesShort Answer Bubble Sheet (Halloween) TBAEveryday Edit: Monday Tuesday Teacher Edit Guided Learning Activity

Reading Strategies Divergent PPT Comprehension Qs AnalyzeGenre Narrator / Point of View Symbolism Tone Verbal Irony ParadoxTheme Context Clues End Zone-To-End Zone

Microsoft® Translator

Estaciones de revisión:

Diversión con palabras : Analogía - Limerick Vocabulario de la estación: Habilidades de diccionario divergente Palabras de raíz Términos Inglés Dept. Palabras Exteriores Denotación y connotación

Estrategias de escritura : Construcción de Sentencia 5 Sentencia Párrafo

Respuesta corta Hoja de la burbuja (Halloween ) TBA Editar Todos los días : lunes martes Editar Maestro: Guiado Actividad de Aprendizaje

Estrategias de lectura divergente PPT Comprensión Qs analizar Género Narrador / Punto de vista

Simbolismo tono Ironía Verbal paradoja tema Claves de contexto End Zone- To- End Zone

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Week 8 English Semana 8 Inglés


Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

28Everyday EditGenre, Narrator, Point of View, Symbolism, DetailsConnotation / Denotationsarcastic tone, Context Clues, Verbal IronyWords Into Sentences

29Everyday Edit

30Everyday Edit

1 DEARVocabulary Assessment

3 DEWFirst Draft – Halloween StoryDivergent Comprehension Questions

5Everyday Edit Divergent Ch 11 – 15, predictionVocabulary, Tone, StrategyCompare/contrast, characterization, bullying, evidence in text,Words Into Sentences

6Everyday Edit

7 Vocabulary Skills

8 DEARVocabulary Assessment Peer-Edited

9 DEWPeer Edit Teacher EditDivergent Comprehension Questions

12Everyday Edit Divergent Ch 16-18Characterization, symbolism, idioms, “pack of dogs,” personification, alliteration, onomatopoeia, evidence in text Words Into Sentences

13Everyday Edit

14 Vocabulary Skills

15 DEARVocabulary Assessment Self-Edit

16 DEWSelf-EditDivergent Comprehension Questions

19Everyday EditDivergent Ch 19-22 Implication, stereotype, Theme, infer, personification, alliteration, onomatopoeia, evidence in text Words Into Sentences

20Everyday EditSend out invitations for “movie”

21 Vocabulary Skills

22 Vocabulary Assessment Teacher Edit DueDEWDivergent Comprehension Questions


End of first quarter

26Everyday Edit, Divergent Ch 23-25, foreshadow, allusions, verbal irony, paradox, oxymoron, vocabulary, tone strategy; Begin filmingWords Into Sentences

27Everyday Edit

28Vocabulary Skills

29 DEARVocabulary Assessment Divergent Comprehension Questions

30 DEWFilm Day 

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GenrePoint of View (POV) Personification Paradox Metaphor Simile Verbal IronyToneSymbolismThemeSub-ThemeParadoxtete a tete


a proposTableauquid pro quo

carte blanche

carpe diema la carte

bon appetitecliquea la modephon thermautospecPOV1st person2nd person3rd person

Tuesday Martes Review TermsDrop Everything And Read DivergentDejar todo y leerWork on/ Trabajo sobre: :

Wednesday miércoles Vocabulary/Dictionary Skills

Diccionario de vocabulario habilidadesWork on/ Trabajo sobre: Vocabulary/Dictionary Skills

Diccionario de vocabulario habilidades Thirty Minutes / treinta minutes

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ThursdayVocabulary Assessment

Evaluación de vocabulario5 minutes to study

5 minutos para el estudio 10 minutes assessmentEvaluación 10 minutos p Everything Write

twenty-five minutesGota Todo Comentario

veinticinco minutosPre-Writing is worth 50 points.

re - escritura es un valor de 50 puntos.

Continue to Work on Your Halloween or Dia de los Muertos Story

Seguir trabajando en su Halloween o Día de los Muertos Historia

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Brainstorm words to fit your main idea.

Make categories for your Words

Bubble it out

Pre-Writing Strategies

Who What Where When Why How Senses


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Bubble SheetReturn to Driver

Read it out loud to yourself and a peer. Check Pre-Writing (Brainstorm and Bubble out your story.) Scan for paragraphs (structure) Check:

Spelling How do I know if it is spelled correctly?

Capitals What needs to be capitalized? Are the capitals where they need to be? Are there capitals in the middle of the sentence? Do they need to be there?

Grammar Tense-Subject Verb Agreement – present, past, future;

Do the subjects and verbs agree? Am I using the correct form of the verb?

Word Choice Transitions-

Do you have transition? Is there a smooth flow between the paragraphs?

Proof: Read it from the bottom up. Do the sentences, alone, sound strong? Make the changes you agree with. Repeat if Necessary

Writing Strategy Steps for Teacher and content editing

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Put your bubbles into paragraphs Add the details Check the details in the book Did you add proof?

Ponga sus burbujas en párrafos añadir los detalles Compruebe los detalles ¿le agregue prueba?

Short Answer Construction

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Analogy: Pig is to piglet as duck is to _______________________. Bass is to fish as horse is to _______________________.

Limerick:  "That park bench--well I Just painted it, right where you're sittin.'"A painter, who lived in Great Britain,He said, with a sigh,Interrupted two girls with their knittin' SENTENCE COMBINATIONOn your paper combine the following sentences to make into one sentence.

The water picture was empty. I refilled it this morning. It was empty after lunch. Marcus went to football. Marcus caught the ball. Marcus made a touch-down. We walked on the beach. We collected seashells on the beach. We got sand between our toes on the beach.

Use quotation marks when words are used in a special sense, such as to indicate sarcasm or irony. Example: Her comment of “yeah, right” indicated her attitude toward my suggestion. Use single marks to enclose a quotation within a quotation. Example: The parent explained to the teacher, “My child told me, ‘Mother I don’t have any homework tonight.’”

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Personification? Paradox? Metaphor? Simile? Verbal Irony? Genre? Symbolism?

1. He is the black sheep of the family

2. Black is a symbol that represents evil or death.

3. He is as cunning as a fox.

4. Fiction

5. The dove is a symbol of peace.

6. The snow is a white blanket. 

7. She is tolerable but not handsome enough to tempt me8. A law student agrees to pay his teacher after (and only after) winning his first case.

The teacher then sues the student (who has not yet won a case) for payment.

9. The hospital was a refrigerator.

10. A red rose or the color red stands for love or romance.

11. The classroom was a zoo.

12. I will not marry yet; and, when I do, I swear it shall be Romeo, whom you know I hate, rather than Paris.

13. Biography

14. The wind whispered through dry grass.

15. If this sentence is true, then Santa Claus exists.

16. The water well was as dry as a bone.

17. The flowers danced in the gentle breeze.

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