آموزش طراحی وب سایت جلسه پانزدهم – بهینه سازی برای موتور جستجو

Post on 19-Jan-2016






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آموزش طراحی وب سایت جلسه پانزدهم – بهینه سازی برای موتور جستجو. تدریس طراحی وب برای اطلاعات بیشتر تماس بگیرید تاو شماره تماس: 09125773990 09371410986 پست الکترونیک : TargetLearning@gmail.com. Web Design Training SEO. Part 15 Author :Babak Tavatav BabakTavatav@Gmail.com. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


آموزش طراحی وب سایتجلسه پانزدهم – بهینه سازی برای موتور جستجو

تدریس طراحی وببرای اطالعات بیشتر تماس بگیرید

تاو09125773990شماره تماس:

09371410986 : پست الکترونیک


Web Design TrainingSEO

Part 15Author :Babak Tavatav



Search Engine Optimization


Search Engine Producers• Google• Yahoo!• Live Search (MSN)• Ask.com• Gigablast• WiseNut

Web Directories• Open Directory Project

(DMOZ)• Yahoo! Directory

Major Search Engines and Directories


Bruce Clay’s Search Engine Chart: http://www.bruceclay.com/searchenginechart.pdf


Basics of Search Friendly Design


• Keywords: Use text that targets your audience; and attracts search engines and links from other sites

• Navigation: Give users and crawlers easy access to content

• Design Elements: Make sure bells and whistles don’t undermine SEO efforts

• Page Rank: Develop a linking strategy to improve your site’s “popularity”

Basic SEO Concepts


Things Search Engines Like

• Text (Keyword)– Words and phrases that match what your target

audience types into search engines

• Site Navigation– Site navigation and URL structure that search

crawlers can easily follow

• Links to Your Site– How “popular” are you?


Robots Exclusion

• Robots.txt File– Place in server’s root directory– Two elements: User-agent, Disallow– Example:

User-agent: *Disallow: /cgi-bin/Disallow: /scripts/Disallow: /images/

• Meta-Tag Robots Exclusion<head><meta name=“robots” content=“no index,



Managing Page Content


Search engines place “weight” on terms according to where they are used

Keyword Prominence

Primary Text• Title tag• Body text• Anchor text• Text near the top of the page• Headings and Emphasized Text

Secondary Text Alt text Description tag Domain name and

URL elements


What About Metadata?

• Metadata is not a factor in most web search engines• Except for Title and META description tags, crawlers

ignore other META tags• Use metadata if important for your agency’s mission

or enterprise systems (e.g., CMS, site search engine)


Keywords in Text

• Choose one or two keywords or phases to optimize for each page

• Use language of your audience• Do not over use - avoid keyword stuffing• Keywords in links influence relevancy of the pages

your linking to– No “click here” links


Site Navigation


• Poor HTML coding• Image maps• Frames• JavaScript• Dynamic Pages• Flash

Problem Navigation Schemes


• Create a Site Map– HTML page on your site with text links

• Create a Sitemap– An XML file that lists your site’s URLs – Allows crawlers to analyzes information about your site’s

architecture to improve crawling– Google: http://www.google.com/webmasters/– Yahoo: http://siteexplorer.search.yahoo.com/– Site Maps Protocol: http://www.sitemaps.org/

Help Crawlers Navigate


Case Studies



Case Study: Business.gov

Term: Advertising Regulations• #6 on Google • #8 on Yahoo• #2 on MSN• #1 on USA.gov

Page created March ‘07 Submitted to crawlers, listed in DMOZ 0-78 inbound links


Case Study: Business.gov

• Text Component: page is well-optimized for “advertising” and “regulations”

• Link Component: All text links• Popularity Component: Inbound links are

using title submitted to DMOZ – “advertising” and “regulations”


Case Study: NOAA Fisheries

Term: Fisheries• #1 on USA.gov• #2 on MSN• #2 on Yahoo• #3 on Google

Term: Fish• Doesn’t show up on the

first page or subsequent pages



Case Study: NOAA Fisheries

• Text Component: page is well-optimized for “fisheries” but not “fish”

• Link Component: “pull-down” menu may be a problem for some crawlers. Add search friendly navigation (e.g., site map)

• Popularity Component: Lots of inbound links using “fisheries” (not “fish”) in anchor text

Rank Search EngineBased on U.S. searches

1.Google Search 67.90% 2.Yahoo Search 20.28% 3.Live Search 4.52% 4.Ask Search 4.17%

Hitwise - US Inet usage-April 26, 2008 - based on volume of searches ranked by volume of searches.

Who Is King?




Getting Ranked - Title Element

• 1. Title Element– Each page must have its own unique title tag– Should not exceed 65 characters– Title should contain 2-5 keywords– Use keywords early on-truncated– Title tag text is used in the hyperlink appearing on

SERPs– Include service or product name in title tag

The Correct Way Up - The SERP Ladder

Title Tag

Getting Ranked - Description Tag

• 2. Description Tag– Unique to each page– 15-25 words– Typically first 150 characters displayed– Up to 400 characters indexed– Use the same keywords in the title – Many search engines use this text to describe your

site after the hyperlink in SERPs. – Make it descriptive and compelling

The Correct Way Up - The SERP Ladder

Descriptive Tag

Getting Ranked - Keyword Tag

• 3. Keyword Tag– Some Search Engines still use this tag– No more than 10 keywords (5 is better)– Comma separated– Google does not use it

Getting Ranked - Heading Tag

• 4. Heading Tag– Guide the spiders and humans thru text– Use keywords and keep headings in order

(H1, H2, H3, etc.)– Can use CSS (cascading style sheets) to control


Getting Ranked - Heading Tag

Getting Ranked - Alt Tag

• 5. ALT Tag– Image tag– Must be descriptive – Must contain keywords– Must be appropriate to image– Important for Universal Search

Getting Ranked - Alt Tag

Getting Ranked - Links Are QUEEN

• 6. Links-ARE QUEEN– Anchor text is important– Use keywords in anchor text– Inbound links-Authoritative Sites– Blogs Rule (for now)-fresh content– Paid links can kill (not nice Google!)– Social Networking-Digg It– Reciprocal links can kill

Getting Ranked - Links Are QUEEN

• 6. Links– Anchor text is important for:

• Inbound links-use keywords• Internal links-content and navigation links

– Content keywords linked to internal pages » use full URL

– Navigation-use keywords were possible– Navigation-text links

» PLEASE NOT IMAGE LINKS» JAVASCRIPT OK IF EXTERNAL FILES » OR use text links in addition to site navigation

Getting Ranked - Links Are QUEEN

• 6. Internal Links

Getting Ranked - Content is KING

• 7. Body Text– CONTENT IS KING

• Quality is important• Keywords should be prominent in first 200 words• Distribute keywords throughout page• Text-contain Keywords in the title of the paragraph-use

H tags• Spiders looking for subject matter experts to deliver

relevant search results to users• Write for people first

Getting Ranked – Content is KING

• 7. Body Text– Build a theme-tell people and search engines what

your PAGE is about– At least 250-400 words for home page– 350-500 words for inner pages– Home page

• Feature most important products or services with LINKS to the product or service internal pages


top related