Лев Валкин — Программируем функционально

Post on 11-Jul-2015






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Learning FPLev Walkin@levwalkin


Founder, Chief Editor of a peer-reviewed «Practice of Functional Programming» journal http://fprog.ru/

CTO Echo, a venture backed companyhttp://aboutecho.com/

Proficient in N languages, M of them FP


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JavaScript, Clojure, Haskell, C, LAMP, RoR, OCaml, Python, Perl, Visual Basic, C++

What’s your reason to learn FP?

1.You already suspect that FP approach works best for your domain

2.You want to learn FP to expand your tool set

Mature options

Haskell (OCaml, F#)


Clojure (CL, Scheme)


Statically typed

Haskell, OCaml, F# — part of ML family

Utilize Hindley—Milner type inference

You might not even SEE any types

Types provide useful documentation

Statically typed


Very sophisticated type system

Type inference fails often (you have to annotate with types)

Lots of syntax sugar, lots of ways to do things

Type inference

-- Haskell program

main = print “Hello, world!”

(* OCaml program *)

let main = print_string “Hello, world!”

Explicit types

-- Haskell programmain :: IO ()main = print “Hello, world!”

(* OCaml program *)val main : unitlet main = print_string “Hello, world!”

Dynamically typed

LISP (type annotations are NOT static types)

Erlang (Dialyzer helps a bit)

Pure FP training

. . .requires pure language.

Haskell is the only viable option.

Purity in Haskell

Function have no side effects

All state changes are only through specially constructed monads (IO, ST)

Static types force isolation

Lazyness thrown in for a deeper fun

HaskellMedium-size syntax, relatively easy to learn, but...

Simple & interesting things are EASY

Yet, there are LOTS of abstractions and approaches to learn: Type classes, Monads, Arrows, parsing, pretty-printing.

This is why we chose Haskell, right?




Haskell, OCaml, F#

data Tree a =! Leaf a! | Node (Tree a) (Tree a)

type ‘a tree =! | Leaf of ‘a! | Node of ‘a tree * ‘a tree

type Tree<'a> = | Leaf of ‘a | Branch of ‘a Tree * ‘a Tree





Haskelldata Tree String =! Leaf String! | Node (Tree String) (Tree String)

strToLenTree :: Tree String ! Tree Int

strToLenTree (Leaf s) = Leaf (length s)strToLenTree (Node left right) =! ! ! Node (strToLenTree left)! ! ! ! ! (strToLenTree right)

Haskelldata Tree a =! Leaf a! | Node (Tree a) (Tree a)

mapTree :: (a ! b) ! Tree a ! Tree b

mapTree f (Leaf x) = Leaf (f x)mapTree f (Node left right) =! ! ! ! Node (mapTree f left)! ! ! ! ! ! (mapTree f right)

strToLenTree :: Tree String ! Tree IntstrToLenTree = mapTree length

Prototyping[~]> ghci tree.hs GHCi, version 7.0.4 :? for help[1 of 1] Compiling Main ( tree.hs, interpreted )Ok, modules loaded: Main.*Main> let tree = Node (Leaf "An") (Leaf "example")*Main> mapTree (\s -> length s) treeNode (Leaf 2) (Leaf 7)*Main> mapTree (\s -> filter Data.Char.isUpper s) treeNode (Leaf "A") (Leaf "")*Main> mapTree (filter Data.Char.isLower) treeNode (Leaf "n") (Leaf "example")

*Main> :t mapTreemapTree :: (a -> b) -> Tree a -> Tree b*Main> :t mapTree lengthmapTree length :: Tree [a] -> Tree Int

LISPClojure: immutability, persistent data structures, JVM

Scheme: very small language, suitable for teaching/learning

Common Lisp: it is a fat multiparadigm language and has everything (though parts may be rotten a bit)


Simple language

Telecom systems, 24/7, системы массового обслуживания (web?)

Hot code reload, deep introspection, embedded facilities for easier clustering


% Reverse a stringreverse(String) -> reverse2(String, []).

% Reverse with an accumulatorreverse2([ ], Acc) -> Acc;reverse2([Head | Tail], Acc) ->! reverse2(Tail, [Head | Acc]).


% Sends request to the [remote] system% and waits for the response backsend_and_wait(Pid, Message, Timeout) ->! Pid ! Message,! receive! ! Response -> {ok, Response}! after! ! Timeout -> {error, timeout}! end.


Clojure vs LISP*NEW language, with sound idioms

Immutable data structures are idiomatic

Fast pace of development

JVM may be a big bon for some

Learn it if you want sound, practical language

Scheme vs LISP*

Small, simple language (R5RS)

A basis for SICP — Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs

Learn SICP if you want to study Programming


Many complex ideas mixed in

No enforcement of a good style — you have to do it on your own

Learn it if you want unrestricted power


Haskell vs ML*

More sound type system

LOTS of language research happen on Haskell

Learn it if you want to learn FP

Learn it if it fits your domain well



Several mostly compatible syntaxes

You can always create a mutable variable or class field, though not idiomatic

Clearer semantics and computation model (straightforward translation to assembly)


F# vs ML*

Works under Microsoft .Net

F# on Mono is somewhat usable

Learn it if you want to tinker with FP on MS platform

Erlang vs *SMALL language, somewhat bigger OTP

Great support for concurrency (Actors), and parallelism

Hot code reload & run time introspection

OOP on the outside; FP on the inside

Learn it if you build 24/7 production system

Scala vs *

Big language, a functional C++ of sorts


Learn it if you want a great tool, not satisfied with Java, yet have no appreciation for true elegance (Clojure)

Learning FP

Haskell provides models and abstractions (read papers) — pure FP

Scheme teaches you Programming (read SICP)

Everything else is too practical

Practicing FP.Net → F#

JVM → Clojure (elegance and simplicity), Scala (less restrictions)

!{.Net|JVM} → OCaml (if you do not need libraries), Clojure, Haskell (if you have balls)

24/7 → Erlang

For individuals

You want flexible system which allows you to cut corners

Common Lisp



For teamsYou want to think about lifecycle, support, maintenance, group dynamics

OCaml (static typing provides some guarantees)

Erlang (simple and straightforward, designed to withstand errors, good for novices)


For teams

Scala gets increasingly popular because people do not appreciate elegance and sound restrictions

People will throw up in a few years working with accumulated Scala code

...like C++


Haskell resources

Мягкое введение в Haskell

Изучай Haskell во имя добра!


Clojure resources

1.Learn spoken English

2.Журнал Никиты Прокопова (tonsky@LJ) содержит ссылки и рекомендации


Erlang resources

1.Programming Erlang: Software for a Concurrent World


Shameless plug

Журнал «Практика функционального программирования»



Thank you!


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