Documents tagged
Spiritual Christmas 1232540203502222 1

1. It’sChristmas time! How do the British celebrateXmas ? 2. CHRISTMAS TRADITIONS Every year in December…

Entertainment & Humor Christmas

1. It’sChristmas time! How do the British celebrateXmas ? 2. CHRISTMAS TRADITIONS Every year in December…

Documents HELLO FROM RELETTE TO OUR PENFRIENDS !. Hello ! We would like to thank for your kind letters and the...

Slide 1 HELLO FROM RELETTE TO OUR PENFRIENDS ! Slide 2 Hello ! We would like to thank for your kind letters and the powerpoint about Halloween ! It was really funny ! We…

Documents It’s Christmas time! It’s Christmas time! How do the British celebrate Xmas?

Slide 1 It’s Christmas time! It’s Christmas time! How do the British celebrate Xmas? Slide 2 CHRISTMAS TRADITIONS Every year in December we celebrate the birthday of…

Documents [u] [u:] [ou] A cuckoo clock Says “tick-tock”. Who says “cuckoo” You know too!

[u] [u:] [ou] A cuckoo clock Says “tick-tock”. Who says “cuckoo” You know too! [ai] [ei] [ i:] One, two, three, four, five, Five fish like to drive. One fish told…

Documents Customs and traditions Xmas In Naples and Italy

Customs and traditions Xmas In Naples and Italy Christmas in Italy is rich in traditions which have, for the most part, a religious history. . The hearth of Naples during…

Documents Merry Christmas broo0ke,

Merry Christmas broo0ke, Merry Christmas broo0ke, And a happy new year! Dear Brooke, Merry x-mas ! What do you want for x-mas? What do you do at x-mas time ? Do you even…

Documents my sketchbooks 2006-2009

my sketchbooks 2006-2009 liz steel & borromini bear 6 beginnings I have always wanted to keep a regular sketchbook but never really got into it properly. In Dec 06, my…

Documents СЧИТАЛОЧКИ на английском языке

СЧИТАЛОЧКИ на английском языке One, two, three, four, five, I am flying in the sky. I am a toy airplane, My name starts with “A”! A cuckoo…

Documents November 09, 2012

NEW LOCATION in our community. Share your “random act of kindness” now through December 31 and win. We’re giving away $7,500 in prizes for you and a charity of your…