Education Mathematicsfractions

MATHEMATICS YEAR 4 FRACTIONS NOTES (ADDING & SUBSTRACTING) FRACTION: HOW TO ADD?? When the denominators are the same… We have a rectangle that is cut into 4 pieces...…

Education Mathsfraction

MATHEMATICS YEAR 4 FRACTIONS NOTES (ADDING & SUBSTRACTING) FRACTION: HOW TO ADD?? When the denominators are the same… We have a rectangle that is cut into 4 pieces...…

Education Mathsfraction

MATHEMATICS YEAR 4 FRACTIONS NOTES (ADDING & SUBSTRACTING) FRACTION: HOW TO ADD?? When the denominators are the same… We have a rectangle that is cut into 4 pieces...…

Education Mathematicsfractions

MATHEMATICS YEAR 4 FRACTIONS NOTES (ADDING & SUBSTRACTING) FRACTION: HOW TO ADD?? When the denominators are the same… We have a rectangle that is cut into 4 pieces...…