Health & Medicine Mobile Medicine 20 [5 Cr3 1330 Paton]

1.Paton, C. et al.: Mobile Medicine 2.0 This slideshow, presented atMedicine 2.0’08 , Sept 4/5 th , 2008, in Toronto, was uploaded on behalf of the presenter by the Medicine…

Technology My Top Ten for PR Pubs

1. My Top TenBy Kenneth Wigley 2. Number 10I learned that there is a vast supply of publishing software available.The Adobe company produces several products including LiveCycle,Acrobat…

Education Social Media and its Role in Informal Learning (for Dummies)

1. David Wills 2. By end of session you will be able to: ◦ Define what is meant by informal learning ◦ Demonstrate an awareness of some of the most useful social networking…