Documents tagged
Technology Helping the business make sense of Business Intelligence

1. John White 2.  3. The Challenge for IT 4. IT Commoditization Better understanding breeds greater repeatability Greater repeatability requires less skill…

Business Economic ents

1. “Man is a social animal” – Aristotle  Born, brought up and live until death in society  Performs economic activities to satisfy his unlimited needs with limited…

Technology Three Big Data Case Studies

1. THREE Big Data CASE STUDIES 2. Great use cases of Big Data Big Data Exploration Find, visualize, understand all big data to improve decision making Enhanced 3600 View…

Technology Economic environment

1. “Man is a social animal” – Aristotle  Born, brought up and live until death in society  Performs economic activities to satisfy his unlimited needs with limited…

Technology PKS Measuring Productivity of Knowledge Worker - draft solutions

1. Measuring Individual Productivity of Technologist Draft solutions Conceived–Developed by: PKS Management Consultants Bangalore 2. Index • Problem Statement • Scenarios…

Technology Unit 4 - BRM

1. Data Analysis & Report Writing 2. OUTLINE • Data Analysis: Coding, editing, and tabulation of data. Application of various types of Graphs and charts. • Introduction…

Documents Mdi compressed air car -new production concept 2010

1. Motor Development InternationalMDI CONCEPTMDI: 17 rue des Bains – 1212 LuxemburgTel. : 00 352 26 26 23 25CQFD is the French subsidiary of MDI 4ème avenue - 06510 Carros…

Technology Business Intelligence using PowerPivot

1. Business intelligence Ankit Kumar 2. “The goal is to turn data into information, and information into insight.” 3. Points to be discussed.. • What Is Business Intelligence?…

Technology Datawarehouse

1. i. Databases are developed on the IDEA that DATA is one of the critical materials of the Information Age ii. Information, which is created by data, becomes the bases for…

Technology The hottest non certified it skills for growth in 2014

1. CIO - The Hottest Non-Certified IT Skills for Growth in 2014 Architects, mobile developers and IT pros who are proficient in several flavors of big data and analytics…