Documents tagged
Business How to create your own teambuilding exercise

1. Free Powerpoint Templates Page 1 Free Powerpoint Templates How to create your own Teambuilding Exercise 2. Free Powerpoint Templates Page 2 Haven’t you found yourself…

Business Creating an active training

1. Creating anActive Training 2. When designing your training plan you must also keep in mind the objectives you wish tofulfill at the beginning of the session. Either ifit’s…

Business Dress to impress for a training

1. Dress to Impress For a Training 2. Delivering a training or holding a presentation is not all about the content but also on how you conduct yourself and how you dress…

Documents 10 Steps in Giving Effective Feedback

10 steps in giving effective Feedback Feedback is an effective tool to use in different context, highly useful in training activities, team buildings but also organizational…

Documents Dress to impress for a training

Dress to Impress For a Training Delivering a training or holding a presentation is not all about the content but also on how you conduct yourself and how you dress for the…

Documents 10 steps in giving effective Feedback

10 steps in giving effective Feedback Feedback is an effective tool to use in different context, highly useful in training activities, team buildings but also organizational…

Documents Company LOGO Technology Institute: Session 8 Tools for the Visual Learner, Part 1.

Objectives Participants will be introduced to 2 Google programs (Blogger & SketchUp) that can help visual learners. Participants will be able to set up their own Blogs…