Documents tagged
Business WordCamp Phoenix 2012 Google Adwords PPC Keyword & Campaign Strategy

1.DRIVING CONVERSIONS WITH PAID SEARCHScott Yacko & Jonathan Kressaty WordCamp Phoenix 201212. WHAT IS PPC ADVERTISING?_ PPC stands for “Pay-Per-Click”_ PPC is an…

Self Improvement Web Content & SEO Writing by Janette Toral

1. Web Content / SEO Writing Janette Toral 2. Internet Search emerges as the toponline activity. Activities…

Education What is hub spot

1. HubSpotInbound Marketing Software 2. Inbound# Marketing&HubSpot 3. The way buyers discover &research products hasfundamentally changed44% of direct mail is never…

Art & Photos Social media & B2B

1. Why Social Media for B2BSocial media is a valuable tool for lead generation• B2B companies are finding that social media sites canbe useful for prospecting research…

Business Outrank Your Competition

1. OUTRANK YOURCOMPETITIONWill Hanke6:30-7:00 Networking7:00-9:00 Learn + Q&A 2. Thank You for Coming• Classes here every month• Always $10,…

Technology Top 10 steps to mobile recruiting...

1. Three Ages of the Web Today in the world of online, Mobile is the newrevolution.Looking back over the last 10 years, Web 1.0 was allabout online connectivity, and the…

Marketing Power Hour: 50 Actionable SEO Tips & Tricks

1. #C3NY1POWER HOUR:50 ACTIONABLE SEO TIPS & TRICKSPatrick Reinhart, Prime VisibilityMichael Tirone, R2IntegratedJoe Taylor, Conductor 2. #C3NY2DON’T TAKE YOURSELF…

Technology Interview lesson

1. Site 1Bi polar scoringNegative 1 2 3 4 5 Positive Using your map symbols sheet, add a maximum of 4 symbols that willimprove the site. Make sure you can explain why you…

Business Business intelligence and online marketing should intervene.

1. Business intelligence and online marketingshould intervene 2. In today’s world marketers need to takeevery opportunities they get 3. People don’t get value evenafter…

Design Spider Trainers project portfolio

1. Spider Trainers Portfolio of marketing, blog, and website projects 2. Spider Trainers uses multi-touchmarketing for maximum tractionWe use multiple touches toincrease…