Documents tagged
Documents MODERNISM 4

MODERNISM 4 â THE AVANT-GARDE MODERNISM 4 Some definitions CEZANNE Romanticismâs not dead: just ask the Symbolists Edvard Munch, The Scream, 1893 What is the avant-garde?…

Documents Land art

Questioning the art object 5: Land art, Christo and Jeanne-Claude Land art Christo and Jeanne-Claude, Surrounded Islands, Biscayne Bay, Greater Miami, Florida, 1980-83 Christo…

Documents The Tone Scratcher

Running head Page | 1 The Tone-Scratcher Page | 32 The Tone-Scratcher: A guitar distortion box Dave Philpott Dr. Ali Setoodehnia ECPI University 8 December 2013 I pledge…

Documents Oceanside Marriott Submittal

springhill suites OCEANSIDE concept The Oceanside Springhill Suites provides guests with a fresh experience, exploring the connection point between form, place and the natural…

Documents Proposals for directions within photographic communication

Proposals for directions within photographic communication Proposals for directions within photographic communication Proposal 1 Working title: Panorama in nature What do…