Documents tagged
Education What, Why, Who of OER and How Libraries can Lead

1. Open Sharing, Global Benefits The OpenCourseWare Consortium This presentation is licensed 2. Opening education: What, Who, Why? (and how libraries…

Documents List of File Formats

List of file formats This is an incomplete list, which may never be able to satisfy particular standards for completeness. You can help by expanding it withreliably sourced…

Documents Puppet At Twitter - Puppet Camp Silicon Valley

1. Puppet @Twitter Andrew Hamilton @ahamilton55 2. Who am I? 3. What we’ll cover 4. The Dev in DevOps 5. Version Control 6. Peer review of code 7. Review Board…

Business Supporting Entrepreneurial Communities in Appalachia

1. Erik R. PagesEntreWorks ConsultingAppalachian Funders Network March 28, 2012 2.  Rural Entrepreneurs: Slow and Steady◦ What is Impeding Growth? How can we help…

Technology Disk IO Benchmarking in shared multi-tenant environments

1. Disk IO Benchmarking in shared multi-tenant environments Rodrigo Campos [email protected] - @xinu 2. Agenda • Considerations about IO performance benchmarks • Some…

Technology Get Smart About Technical Debt

1. Notes accompany this presentation. Please select Notes Page view. These materials can be reproduced only with Gartner's official approval. Such approvals may be requested…

Economy & Finance Forex Income Engine Review

1. Forex Income Engine 2.0 Product Review or click here 2. How to identify a good trading method It must be a complete method , with setup…

Documents Systems Engineering for Systems of Systems Dr. Judith Dahmann The MITRE Corporation.

Slide 1Systems Engineering for Systems of Systems Dr. Judith Dahmann The MITRE Corporation Slide 2 SoS SE Challenge US DoD builds and fields large systems employed to support…

Documents All together in a safe couch Press briefing on the Mass transportation security demonstration...

Slide 1All together in a safe couch Press briefing on the Mass transportation security demonstration programme Prague May 2009 Dr E. Anders Eriksson, FOI DEMASST Coordinator…

Documents Are You In The Ball Park? 2013 Asset Management In Parks Seminar IPWEAvic.

Slide 1Are You In The Ball Park? 2013 Asset Management In Parks Seminar IPWEAvic Slide 2 What is Yardstick International benchmarking programme Australia, New Zealand, South…