Documents tagged
Career Editing in trailer

1. Editing in Trailer 2. Trailers• MAMA• Paranormal Activity 3•…

Documents Film trailer analysis the devil inside x

1. Trailer Analysis: The Devil Inside The film trailer for ‘The Devil Inside’ is a supernatural horror film which features elements of Possession within…

Spiritual Theories of Evolution

1. Tyler Crawley Adu Malladi Alex Naber Daniel StrevelTheories of Evolution An Effect on Literature and Culture 2. Tyler Crawley Adu Malladi Alex Naber Daniel StrevelTheories…

Education Summary of questionnaire results

1. S Summary of Questionnaire results 2. 1. What is your gender? The questionnaire shows that 12 out of the 14 people that answered the questionnaire were female. This was…

Entertainment & Humor Sub genres in Horror

1. The ultimate aim of horror movies is to play on an audiences fears and to create an undesirable emotional reaction, this is the main common feature within horror movies…

Education Evaluation - Q1

1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products? 2. Research • I conducted a lot of research before I started…

Art & Photos Media2014 film poster overview

1. FIILM POSTEROVERVIEW 2. The eight posters, shown on the previous page,have each been specifically designed topromote films of the supernatural subgenre. Bycomparatively…

Education Evaluation Question 2

How does your media product represent particular social groups? Evaluation Question 2 Rachel and Suzanne Moors Rachel is a protagonist in the supernatural horror film, ‘The…

Documents Sinister Film Trailer Analysis

Sinster â Film Trailer Sinister â Film Trailer Sinister was released in October 2012, it is a supernatural horror film about a family moving into a new home. The poster…

Education Horror sub genres

Horror - Sub-genres William Jones Subgenres Some of the main subgenres are: Slasher Psychological Supernatural Possession Gothic Sci-fi Comedy Slasher Slasher films are the…