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Documents Fichas y Ejercicios

PREPOSICIONES en expresiones de tiempo at six o’clock (hora) night Christmas the weekend in in in in in in in in 2007 (año) the morning the afternoon the evening December…

Documents Cuadernillo+de+pendientes+2º+ESO+2ª+parte

Vocabulary Extension Complete these sentences. Use on, in or at. Unit 8 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. My birthday is on October 31st. When were you born? 1991. Sally plays tennis…

Technology Adjectives

1. AdjectivesComparative&Superlativeform. 2. Tepic 2008Tepic1900Tepic now and then… 3. When we go shopping, for example, we often compare:products - That one is better…

Technology Comparatives Superlatives

1. Comparatives By Prof. Rinkerman 2. What is a “ c omparative form”? Com parativeform expresses the idea of ‘more’ fast -er My car is fast. But his car is faster.…

Documents Comparatives and Superlatives

Comparatives and Superlatives Teacher Tomás Adjecti ves Teacher Tomás Tall Short Happy Sad Empty Large Teacher Tomás Full Small Fast Slow Good Bad Clean Dirty New Old…

Education Degrees.of .comparison

1. DEGREES OF COMPARISON The Degrees of Comparison in English grammar are made with the Adjective and Adverb words to show how big or small, high or low, more or less, many…

Education Degrees.of .comparison

1. DEGREES OF COMPARISON The Degrees of Comparison in English grammar are made with the Adjective and Adverb words to show how big or small, high or low, more or less, many…

Documents Middle School Grammar Warm-Ups for the Year

Welcome!!! Directions: Write the following information on your index card. Name: Parent/Guardian Name: Phone/Cell phone: Birthday: Front Write your class schedule: (Include…

Education Adjectives And Adverbs

1. Using Adjectives and Adverbs Correctly 2. What are adjectives? Adjectives modify nouns or pronouns These words arealladjectives Ahotday Ahappycamper AsillytwitAbig ,bloodymess…

Education Comparatives ticactivity

1. Teacher Tomás 2. Teacher Tomás 3. Teacher Tomás Fast Slow Old Young 4. Teacher Tomás 5. Teacher Tomás Example: This man is taller than this woman I am happier than…