Documents tagged
Technology 11.on structural breaks and nonstationary fractional intergration in time series

1. European Journal of Business and Management www.iiste.orgISSN 2222-1905 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2839 (Online)Vol 4, No.5, 2012 On Structural Breaks and Nonstationary Fractional…

Technology Data Science Symposium @ NIST

1. A Blended Approach to Big Data Analytics Richard Heimann & Max WatsonData Tactics CorporationA Blended Approach to Data Science and Big Data Analytics:!The Blended…

Documents Skills and the labour market Research ideas Contributors: CEPII, CBS, University of Groningen, WIIW,...

Slide 1Skills and the labour market Research ideas Contributors: CEPII, CBS, University of Groningen, WIIW, WIFO, IVEI Slide 2 Potential research ideas capital-skill complementarity…

Documents Skills Shortages in the Greater Brisbane Labour Market 2012-2021 A report prepared for RDA Brisbane....

Slide 1Skills Shortages in the Greater Brisbane Labour Market 2012-2021 A report prepared for RDA Brisbane Presentation to Lord Mayors Economic Development Steering Committee…

Documents Cointegration and Error Correction Models. Introduction Assess the importance of stationary...

Slide 1Cointegration and Error Correction Models Slide 2 Introduction Assess the importance of stationary variables when running OLS regressions. Describe the Dickey-Fuller…

Documents The New Price Makers: An investigation into the impact of portfolio investment on coffee price...

Slide 1The New Price Makers: An investigation into the impact of portfolio investment on coffee price behaviour Susan Newman Challenges and Prospects for Commodity Markets…

Documents Time Series Analysis: Method and Substance Introductory Workshop on Time Series Analysis Sara...

Slide 1Time Series Analysis: Method and Substance Introductory Workshop on Time Series Analysis Sara McLaughlin Mitchell Department of Political Science University of Iowa…

Documents Final Report on the Change Point Problem posed by Mapleridge Capital Corporation Friday Dec 11 2009.

Slide 1Final Report on the Change Point Problem posed by Mapleridge Capital Corporation Friday Dec 11 2009 Slide 2 Group members Students/Postdocs: Bobby Pourziaei (York),…

Documents Filtering the data. Detrending Economic time series are a superposition of various phenomena If...

Slide 1Filtering the data Slide 2 Detrending Economic time series are a superposition of various phenomena If there exists a « business cycle », we need to insulate it…

News & Politics Inward workers' remittances and real exchange rates in South Asia, 1980 - 2011

1.INWARD WORKERS’ REMITTANCES AND REAL EXCHANGE RATES IN SOUTH ASIA,  1980‐2011Arjuna MohottalaMolonglo Theatre, Crawford School of Public Policy November 4, 20132.…