Spiritual Colossian 3.1 17 (june 23,2013).signs that we are in christ

1. Colossians 3:1-17 NIV 1Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. 2 Set your minds…

Spiritual Xmas Merry Music x

1. Making Music in Your HeartsCol 3:14-17, Eph 5:15-21 2. What does a holidaysoundlike? 3. Christmas is a special holiday season filled with opportunities for singing the…

Spiritual RiseUpJesusYouAreTheWay

1. Breakthrough Touching the Heart of God It’s Time to Pray! Healing comes when the Church Prays, United Prayer. Acts 4:24 – Praying with one accord. Let the Walls Come…

Spiritual Rick Warren, Purpose Driven Life: Section 13

1. Wednesday 15 September 2010 2. Worship that Pleases GodWednesday 15 September 2010 3. God wantsallof you Wednesday 15 September 2010 4. Wednesday 15 September 2010 5.…

Spiritual Sermon - worship the father in spirit and truth

1. WORSHIP THE FATHER IN SPIRITAND IN TRUTH John 4: 23-24 2. INTRODUCTIONJohn 4:20-24 3. LEGITIMACY• John 4:20 “Our fathers worshiped on thismountain, but you Jews claim…

Spiritual 2011.7.10 the cross of christ part 4 (1)

1. The Cross of ChristTake Up Your Cross 2. Matthew 16:21 From that time on Jesus began to explain to his disciples that he must go to Jerusalem and suffer many things at…

Documents God and Money: a question of Worship Biblical Principles to Teach your Children Practical Issues.

Slide 1God and Money: a question of Worship Biblical Principles to Teach your Children Practical Issues Slide 2 Biblical Principles God alone is God. –He has set his love…

Documents y Our birth and our life Diet and exercise Privilege and responsibility Upward and outward Maturity....

Slide 1 Slide 2 Slide 3 y Our birth and our life Diet and exercise Privilege and responsibility Upward and outward Maturity and dependency A Fools Guide to Following Jesus…

Documents The Priesthood of Every Believer Elements of their rôle from the Old Testament.

Slide 1The Priesthood of Every Believer Elements of their rôle from the Old Testament Slide 2 Sacrifice Mediation – be in touch Teaching – to assist the people Purifying…

Documents I Will Praise You with All my Heart Before the gods I will sing praise unto You I will worship...

Slide 1 Slide 2 I Will Praise You with All my Heart Before the gods I will sing praise unto You I will worship toward you Holy Temple I will praise your Name for your loving-kindness…