Documents PRESENTED BY: Taher Hani Nagib- B02/54108/2012 Wasike Brian Munyole- B02/1653/2012.

Slide 1 PRESENTED BY: Taher Hani Nagib- B02/54108/2012 Wasike Brian Munyole- B02/1653/2012 Slide 2 A sample board is a tool that designers use to help them get an idea of…

Documents second chances!

S e c o n d Chances ! Th ink i ng of the past to build the future Fernández, Alicia//García,Joaquín proyectos arquitectónicos 6//Iván Capdevila December 2014//Alicante…

Documents second chances!

S e c o n d Chances ! Th ink i ng of the past to build the future Fernández, Alicia//García,Joaquín proyectos arquitectónicos 6//Iván Capdevila December 2014//Alicante…

Documents second chances!

S e c o n d Chances ! Th ink i ng of the past to build the future Fernández, Alicia//García,Joaquín proyectos arquitectónicos 6//Iván Capdevila December 2014//Alicante…


S e c o n d Chances ! Th ink i ng of the past to build the future Fernández, Alicia//García,Joaquín proyectos arquitectónicos 6//Iván Capdevila December 2014//Alicante…

Documents second chances!

S e c o n d Chances ! Th ink i ng of the past to build the future Fernández, Alicia//García,Joaquín proyectos arquitectónicos 6//Iván Capdevila December 2014//Alicante…

Documents Pathtracing In Practice

Pathtracing In Practice Pathtracing In Practice Advanced Computer Graphics 2014 Erik Sintorn 1 Overview Motivation and problem statement Light Transport Equation (aka The…