Documents Copyright©2004 South-Western 15 Monopoly. Copyright © 2004 South-Western What’s Important in...

Slide 1Copyright©2004 South-Western 15 Monopoly Slide 2 Copyright © 2004 South-Western What’s Important in Chapter 15 Sources of Monopolies (= Price Makers = Market Power)…

Documents Copyright©2004 South-Western 13 The Costs of Production.

Slide 1Copyright©2004 South-Western 13 The Costs of Production Slide 2 Copyright © 2004 South-Western/ What’s Important in Chapter 13 The Profit Equation: Profit = Total…

Documents Copyright © 2004 South-Western 15 Unemployment and Its Natural Rate.

Slide 1 Copyright © 2004 South-Western 15 Unemployment and Its Natural Rate Slide 2 Copyright © 2004 South-Western What’s Important in Chapter 15? Measuring Unemployment…