Documents Bijker There is Life After Constructivism

Do Not Despair: There Is Life after Constructivism Author(s): Wiebe E. Bijker Source: Science, Technology, & Human Values, Vol. 18, No. 1, Theme Issue: Technological…

Education Plagiarism workshop phys 362

1. + Citation Challenges 2. + Plagiarism  Taking words  Taking ideas Representing them as your own by not indicating your source 3. + Using quotes…

Technology Opening the ARK: Uncovering the socio-technical evolution of an archaeological database

Opening the ARK: Uncovering the socio-technical evolution of an archaeological database Jessica Ogden @jessogden L - P : Archaeology 31st March 2015 CAA 2015, Siena, Italy…

Documents Science Technology and Sustainability Workshop Rpt

1 Science, Technology, and Sustainability: Building a Research Agenda National Science Foundation Supported Workshop Sept. 8-9, 2008 Report Prepared by: Clark Miller Arizona…

Documents Manual de Historia Natural no Brasil

Sage Publications, Ltd. is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to Social Studies of Science. Review: Natural History in…

Documents Scott Kirsch - The Incredible Shrinking World - Technology and the Production of Space.pdf

Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 1995, volume 13, pages 529-555 The incredible shrinking world? Technology and the production of space Scott Ktrsch Department…

Documents Security, Disease, Commerce- Ideologies of Postcolonial Global Health_Nicholas B. King

Security, Disease, Commerce: Ideologies of Postcolonial Global Health Author(s): Nicholas B. King Source: Social Studies of Science, Vol. 32, No. 5/6 (Oct. - Dec., 2002),…

Documents pedrinho cheração saude

Neither Modernist Nor Postmodemist - A Third Way Mara Beller Abstract. In this paper I undertake an analysis of the heritage of Kuhn and Feyera- bend as compared with the…

Documents The Nature of Science, Technology and Society.pptx

The Nature of Science, Technology and Society (Scope and Limitations) The Nature of Science, Technology and Society (Scope and Limitations) Shaira Padillo Science, Technology…

Documents Social Studies of Science 2001 Solovey 171 206

ABSTRACT Project Camelot, a military-sponsored, social science study of revolution, was cancelled in 1965 amidst international and national discussion about the study’s…