Documents tagged
Documents PowerPoint Presentation

1. CGI Programming September 19, 2001 Abdulmalik S. Al-Gahmi 2. Overview of Course Objectives Of The Course Introduction to CGI Preparing CGI Programs To Work Calling CGI…

Documents zelig

Zelig: Everyone’s Statistical Software1 Kosuke Imai2 Gary King3 Version 3.4-5 March 13, 2009 Olivia Lau4 current version of this software is available at,…

Technology Introduction to php basics

1. Introduction to PHP 2. PHP PHP Hypertext Pre-processor ‚PHP is a server side scripting language‛ “Personal home page” 3. Generate HTML Get index.php 1 3 4 pass…

Documents AI - NN Lecture Notes Chapter 8 Feed-forward Networks.

Slide 1AI - NN Lecture Notes Chapter 8 Feed-forward Networks Slide 2 §8.1 Introduction To Classification The Classification Model X = [x x … x ] -- the input patterns…

Documents Query optimisation 1. 2 Example - hospital database 100 tuples 2500 tuples Doctors Patients.

Slide 1Query optimisation 1 Slide 2 2 Example - hospital database 100 tuples 2500 tuples Doctors Patients Slide 3 Query optimisation 3 Query Get the name of the doctors who…

Documents Seismic Studio Tutorial - Part 1 Project Construction from SEG-Y Data Boulder, Colorado USA May,...

Slide 1Seismic Studio Tutorial - Part 1 Project Construction from SEG-Y Data Boulder, Colorado USA May, 2004 Slide 2 Welcome to Renegade Geophysics Tutorial for Seismic Studio…

Documents SNMP Operations * * Mani Subramanian “Network Management: Principles and practice”,...

Slide 1SNMP Operations * * Mani Subramanian “Network Management: Principles and practice”, Addison-Wesley, 2000. Slide 2 GetRequest PDU  Sender includes the following…

Technology Entity framework 4.0

1.ADO. Net Entity Framework 4.0 2. Need of ORM tools EDM Creation  and Components of EDM Database First Approach Model First Approach Working with Linq to Entities Using…

Technology Ajax World2008 Eric Farrar

1. 10101010101010001010101101101010101011 It’s 11 p.m., Do you know where you queries are? Eric Farrar, Sybase iAnywhere 2. Outline What are ORMs and Active Records?…

Technology I scope timedependentvariables

1. CityGML - Time Dependent Variables Debbie Wilson – Snowflake Software Peter Parslow - Ordnance Survey Volker Kraut - MOSS 2. Overview • What is a time-dependent variable?…