Documents tagged
Documents Pathways for the Provision of Bio- Energy in Sub-Saharan Africa: The COMPETE Project Charles B.L....

Slide 1Pathways for the Provision of Bio- Energy in Sub-Saharan Africa: The COMPETE Project Charles B.L. Jumbe, PhD University of Malawi, Bunda College, P.O. Box 219, Lilongwe…

Documents Rural Law Online. Objectives of Rural Law Online Offer accessible and relevant information on laws.....

Slide 1Rural Law Online Slide 2 Objectives of Rural Law Online Offer accessible and relevant information on laws impacting on rural communities and industry. Foster legal…

Business Stage Coach DRT Offering yellowtaxi

1.A new cost-effective modelfor demand responsive transport2. ContentsExecutive summary3Overview 4Demographics and economic issues 5Existing public transport provision5Legislative…

Technology Community Attractiveness for Newcomers pt.2

1.!"##$%&()*+,-&./%/00)1%2&-,"+0) 3"+)4/5-"#/+0)6""78%,+&")9,0):$%&-&;,7)!"%3/+/%-/< =&%>0"%?/;@/%):"++&0)…

Documents Complete Streets Sussex - Eric Snyder

1. Complete Streets Summit October 21, 2013 2. Stakeholder Meetings Key Findings• There is a general support for consideration of complete streets “where appropriate.”…

Education Expanded Programme on Immunization: Poverty & Social Impact Analysis

1. Expanded Programme on ImmunizationPoverty and Social Impact Analysis Dr. Vaqar Ahmed Sustainable Development Policy Institute1 2. Outline• Objectives• Situation Analysis•…

News & Politics Norfolk’s Rural Challenge

1. Norfolk’s Rural Challenge 2. Norfolk RCC’s role Community Support Rural Advocacy no-one is “seriously disadvantaged because of where they live.” Developing Solutions…

Design Anna Heringer-Her work in Bangladesh, Bamboo and Mud Structure

1. Rural Development Practices Structures in Rural Context, Rural/ Ingenious Practices By Saniya nalband Krimika parekh Dipika padte Shraddha panchal 2. Hand-Made School…

Business clts in a rural context (hannah fleetwood)

1. Overview • The idea is that a rural context might need a different approach to urban CLTs. • Britain is an urban nation – only 19% of people in England live in a…

Education Yatra Saar Invite

1. The Yatra is organised around 4 axes of experiential learning. Apart from therole model visits, the interactions among the diverse Yatri’s offers an importanttool of…