Documents tagged
Technology Instrumenting Ruby on Rails With Traceview

1.   1  On  Building                :  Instrumen1ng  Ruby  with  TraceView  in  10  minutes      Peter  Lombardo  h$p://   h$p://…

Software What's Eating Ruby?

1. What’s Eating Ruby? The Future of Ruby the Language and the Community 2. Joshua Ballanco @manhattanmetric 3. Joshua Ballanco @manhattanmetric…

Technology Ruby on Rails 3.1: Let's bring the fun back into web programing

1. presentsRuby on Rails 3.1Let’s bring the fun back to web programming!Bozhidar Batsov Technical Lead 2. The problem 3. Many programmers arenot particularly happy 4. Its…

Technology Cleanliness is Next to Domain-Specificity

1. Cleanliness is Next to Domain-Specificity Ben Scofield Senior Developer Viget Labs 4 November 2007 © Copyright 2007 Viget Labs, LLC – 2. Part 1: Linguistics…

Technology PL/SQL unit testing with Ruby

1. PL/SQL Unit Testing with Ruby 2. Raimonds 3. What is good code? Test Correctfunctionality!Test Fast enoughperformance!Test after Maintainablechanges!…

Technology The War on ActionView with Russian Doll Caching

1. On Building:The War on ActionView with Russian Doll Caching Peter Lombardo http://blog.gameface.in 2. Peter Lombardo I’ve been a Rubyist and…

Technology Rails Girls Vilnius - lightning talk

1. Ruby Community Why it’s so awesome? Vidmantas Kabošis @ Rails Girls Vilnius, 2013-10-05 2. WELCOME! 3. Warm for beginners 4. Learning oriented 5. KISS 6. Open (Source)…

Data & Analytics Odin ruby week 1

1. Odin Ruby Study Group 2. Hello I am Brian I will be you guide @brianllamar ilikerobot[at]gmail 3. Extras Sign up for Odin G+ Community Sign up for Ruby Newbie Group -…

Technology Cutlivating Empathy

1. Cultivating Empathy beckstei Dajana: We wanted to give this talk because we both have worked in companies and communities where empathy was not a high priority and that…

Leadership & Management Cutlivating empathy

1. Cultivating Empathy beckstei Dajana: We wanted to give this talk because we both have worked in companies and communities where empathy was not a high priority and that…