Documents tagged
Travel Romania

1. Romania, Wonderful places 2. Romania countryside 3. Do you know that …. Bucharest is the capital of Romania Our flag is formed by three colors: red, yellow and blue.…

Travel Roumanie Beau Pays

1. Romania - countryside 2. Romania Wonderful places music:Gheorghe Zamfir Lonely Shepherd 3. Romaniaa country of wonderful places with palaces, castles, monuments of art…

Design Roumanie Beau Pays

1. Romania - countryside 2. Romania Wonderful places music:Gheorghe Zamfir Lonely Shepherd 3. Romaniaa country of wonderful places with palaces, castles, monuments of art…

Education Ilivehere

1. ILIVEHERE IN THELANDOF MONASTERIES 2. Land Monasteries 3. Crossroads 4. MonasteryHUMOR It was founded, the probability of XIV century the maker of Tulova Oana. The church…

Education Travelling valcea

1. TravellingVALCEA Hello, Kindergarten Teachers from Europa! Prof.Maria ŢUCA 2. The Museum MaldarestiThe Museum Maldaresti was held in a picturesque natural environment…

News & Politics Rotaract MUN 2013 - Global Model United Nations

1. 22-25 august 2013 R taRact Global Model United Nations newspaper 2. 2 Rotaract Global Model United Nations Newspaper Our first stop that served as an introduction to Mara-…

Education Aurel Vlaicu - Romanian Icarus above the Carpathians

1. Aurel Vlaicu – Romanian Icarus above the Carphatians 2.  In a sunny day of spring, the son of Dumitru and Ana Vlaicu from Bintini village, near Orastie, Hunedoara…

Documents Funderburk - Betrayal of America - Bush's Appeasement of Communist Dictators Betrays American...

"An expert on the subject of no-win diplomacy who served during part of the Reagan administration as our Ambassador to Romania, tells about the betrayal of America.…

Documents Free Public Performances Idf2010

1. Free public performances of International Dance Festival 2010 During 6th - 7th March 2010 Borealis Performing Group ThailandIT WAS TOMORROWchoreographed by Philippe Saint-PaulThis…

Business Experienta brandului intern_prezentare sustinuta de Ioana Mucenic in cadrul HR Business Forum

1. Experiența brandului intern Everything you can imagine is real. 24-25 septembrie 2. highly accurate dtp at pastel Luci 3. fresh minded creative director at pastel Paul…