Documents tagged
Engineering Process Validation & Verification (V&V) for Medical Devices

Six focus areas to drive a succesful process V&V. Presentation from the MedTeck UK 2014 Conference.

Internet Instagram statistics 2014

Презентация содержит основные статистические данные по сервису, советы по контентной стратегии…

Internet Feed Normalization with Ember Data 1.0

So you're working with a web service that doesn't play nice with Ember Data, that's okay! Using Ember Data 1.0.0-beta we will normalize ugly JSON feeds into…

Law Ten reasons why landlords need to have a written tenancy agreement

Its not actually necessary to have a written agreement to create a valid tenancy - so why should you have one? Here are ten reasons. Law is for properties in England &…

Leadership & Management Management: Team Meetings

The ability to manage meetings so that they are structured and productive is an essential skill of any good leader. Here are some key points to keep in mind when managing…

Marketing Public Relations 101 for Start-ups / Small Companies

How important is PR for your small company? how can you do it it in a cost effective manner? when do you hire an agency? how do you write a press release that resonates?…